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正确划分企业的会计责任和注册会计师及其会计师事务所的审计责任,对于保护注册会计师的合法权益,促使会计信息提供者依法履行职责,提高会计信息质量,维护国家正常经济秩序有着重要作用。本文对会计与审计责任作一初步分析。  相似文献   

长久以来,人们在舞弊责任主体的确认上,存在着很大的误区。对于会计舞弊行为,人们往往倾向于加重会计责任,而忽视审计责任。舞弊事实构成后,被审计单位负责人会受到严惩,而对长年审计该单位的会计师事务所的处罚却较少。人们不仅要问,这与会计师事务所和注册会计师没有规避审计风险有何关系?  相似文献   

今年是对会计师事务所执业质量直接检查试点工作的开年。为做好这项工作,我办领导明确指出,要转变思路,抓住重点,讲究方法,以审计责任为中心,做好对会计师事务所执业质量的检查工作。一、转变思路自1999年以来,财政部门开展会计信息质量检查,一直是先检查企业的会计责任,再检查会计师事务所的审计责任。检查的顺序是先查企业,再查事务所。对会计师事务所执业质量直接检查,目前没有规范的检查方法供参考,这就要求检查人员要与时俱进地进行探索,研究对注册会计师执业质量检查的重点、检查工作的切入点、检查工作的步骤。二、抓住重点在总结过去4年开展会计信息质量检查工作经验和归纳以往会计师事务所执业质量存在问题的基础上,明确了对会计师事务所执业质量检查的重点内容。1.一个中心——审计责任。以审计责任为中心,是做好检查工作的关键,是检  相似文献   

会计责任和审计责任是有着非常紧密联系的两个概念,受托经济责任关系是两者产生的共同前提;同时,会计责任与审计责任是注册会计师审计中两个不同的概念,它们对注册会计师和被审计单位的责任划分有着重要的影响,并且可能导致所承担的法律责任的变化。随着我国注册会计师事业的不断地发展与完善,如何科学合理的界定计责任和审计责任,对于优化会计核算,发展我国注册会计师事业,促进社会主义市场经济发展,都有着非常重要的意义。正是基于此背景,社会公众、审计、会计业界等还需明确审计责任与会计责任。本文试图通过对会计责任、审计责任的概念分析,对他们的相同点和不同点进行探讨,以更好的明确审计责任与会计责任。  相似文献   

论审计责任与会计责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史炼 《湖北财税》2003,(1):11-12
本认为审计责任与会计责任属于不同的责任范畴,不可相互取代,同时,两又相互联系,不可分割。正确认识和处理注册会计师审计责任和被审计单位的会计责任,借以启迪企业端正思想,做好会计责任范围内的本份工作,报表使用正确使用审计报告,客观评价审计质量。  相似文献   

修订的《会计法》第四条、第二十一条和第二十八条分别规定“单位负责人对本单位的会计工作和会计资料的真实性、完整性负责”;“单位负责人应当保证财务会计报告真实、完整”;“单位负责人应当保证会计机构、会计人员依法履行职责,不得授意、指使、强令会计机构、会计人员违法办理会计事项”。这些规定从根本上明确了单位负责人为本单位会计行为的责任主体。对此联想到当会计师事务所受托承办一些企业 (公司 )厂长 (经理 )离任责任审计业务时,如何把《会计法》所规定的上述条款,具体落到实处。即注册会计师和审计人员在编制审计计划和…  相似文献   

在注册会计师行业迅速发展和不断开放的今天,社会公众对注册会计师行业的期望越来越高,进一步理解和区分审计责任和会计责任的联系与区别,合理界定各自的责任范围,对维护注册会计师和企业各方的合法权益,充分发挥审计在现代经济管理中积极作用,促进我国经济持续、健康、稳定地发展有着重要的现实意义。[编者按]  相似文献   

本文以2016-2021年制造业数据为样本,分析企业社会责任信息披露强度对审计收费的影响,并进一步探讨会计信息透明度的中介效应及会计稳健性的调节作用。研究发现,企业社会责任信息披露强度会显著降低审计收费;同时企业信息披露强度通过会计信息透明度影响审计收费。进一步研究发现,会计稳健性在企业信息透明度对审计收费的影响中发挥调节作用。本文提出企业应积极承担社会责任并披露相关信息;审计师要保持职业怀疑,坚持质量导向原则;政府等监管层积极完善社会责任信息披露框架,激发企业进行信息披露的自主性等建议。  相似文献   

刘志祥 《会计师》2009,(5):80-81
<正>历史上,由于会计责任和审计责任两者界定不清,曾经引起一系列的诉讼案件,1931年阿尔特迈公司控告塔契会计师事务所未能查出借款企业虚构应收账款的欺诈行为,审计人员存在过失,要求其赔偿损失,这一案件反映了会计责任与审计责任界定不清所带来的隐患。不难看出,会计报表使用者发生经济损  相似文献   

一、注册会计师规避审计失败的逆向行为及其产生 尽管近几年非标意见比例在增加,但会计造假和审计失败案件并未因非标意见的增多而相应减少,甚至还有上升趋势.当然这与有关部门加强监督、加大对会计与审计舞弊真相的披露密切相关.但事实上,非标意见的增加并不能说明年报审计质量也相应提高.因为,当人们普遍将审计意见类型作为判断审计人员诚信度和审计质量好坏的标准时,为了自身的目的,审计报告人也许会巧妙地借助审计意见类型来消除公众对会计信息真实性的疑虑.对注册会计师来说,这种敷衍公众的行为不是没有可能的.毕竟,注册会计师与被审计企业除了审计与被审计关系外,双方之间商业关系依然客观存在.  相似文献   

诚实信用是我们社会所需要的,对于券商来说,忠于客户不仅需要诚实信用,而且应该是一种责任,是一种信托责任。请看  相似文献   

随着工行成功上市,工行在变革中实现了历史性的飞跃,从根本上改变了经营和竞争态势,使全行的经营管理、业务发展、经营模式和管理方式发生了根本变化,对新时期如何做好党建工作,提出了新的要求,特别是对基层行如何做好党建工作,确保全行经营管理的顺利进行,提出了新的挑战和考验。  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that some socially responsible corporate actions benefit shareholders while others do not. We study differences in policy toward corporate social responsibility (CSR) between family and non-family firms, using environmental performance as the proxy for CSR. We show that family firms are more responsible to shareholders than non-family firms in making environmental investments. When shareholder interests and societal interests coincide, i.e., when it comes to alleviating environmental concerns that have potential to harm society and elevate the firm's risk exposure, family firms do at least as well as non-family firms in protecting shareholder interests. However, when shareholder and societal interests diverge, i.e., when it comes to making environmental investments that might benefit society but do not benefit shareholders, family firms protect shareholder interests by undertaking a significantly lower level of such investments than non-family firms. Our findings suggest that lack of diversification by controlling families creates strong incentives for them to act in the financial interest of all shareholders, which more than overcomes any noneconomic benefits families may derive from engaging in social causes that do not benefit non-controlling shareholders.  相似文献   

This study examines whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) committees associate with the external assurance of CSR reports. Specifically, we consider the presence and effectiveness of CSR committees. Using a sample of Australian firms over the period 2004–2016, we show the mere presence of a CSR committee is not related to the external assurance of CSR. However, CSR committee effectiveness is positively related. In addition, firms with higher CSR committee effectiveness are more likely to seek external assurance provided by the Big4 accountancy firms and acquire financial audit and CSR assurance services from the same provider. Taken together, CSR committee effectiveness plays an active role in CSR assurance services. Our results are particularly relevant to those with interests in understanding the demand and choice of external CSR assurance services, as well as the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on these services.  相似文献   

If employers want to move employees beyond superficial acceptance of benefit changes, organizations need to increase the focus on how they manage the change process and support employee decision making. This article describes how employers can help workers understand changes and, through effective change management and communication, successfully navigate in an evolving benefits world. Using recent survey research about large employer and employee attitudes, the authors demonstrate tangible proof that these efforts pay off, both in financial and cultural terms.  相似文献   

Zadek S 《Harvard business review》2004,82(12):125-32, 150
Nike's tagline,"Just do it," is an inspirational call to action for the millions who wear the company's athletic gear. But in terms of corporate responsibility, Nike didn't always follow its own advice. In the 1990s, protesters railed against sweatshop conditions at some of its overseas suppliers and made Nike the global poster child for corporate ethical fecklessness. The intense pressure that activists exerted on the athletic apparel giant forced it to take a long, hard look at corporate responsibility--sooner than it might have otherwise. In this article, Simon Zadek, CEO of the UK-based institute AccountAbility, describes the bumpy route Nike has traveled to get to a better ethical place, one that cultivates and champions responsible business practices. Organizations learn in unique ways, Zadek contends, but they inevitably pass through five stages of corporate responsibility, from defensive ("It's not our fault") to compliance ("We'll do only what we have to") to managerial ("It's the business") to strategic ("It gives us a competitive edge") and, finally, to civil ("We need to make sure everybody does it"). He details Nike's arduous trek through these stages-from the company's initial defensive stance, when accusations about working conditions arose, all the way to its engagement today in the international debate about business's role in society and in public policy. As he outlines this evolution, Zadek offers valuable insights to executives grappling with the challenge of managing responsible business practices. Beyond just getting their own houses in order, the author argues, companies need to stay abreast of the public's evolving ideas about corporate roles and responsibilities. Organizations that do both will engage in what he calls"civil learning".  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of cross-listing and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a sample of 10,815 firm-year observations from 54 countries over the period 2002–2011, we find that cross-listed firms have better CSR performance than non–cross-listed domestic firms. This result is robust to endogeneity and different types of cross-listing. We also find that CSR increases (decreases) significantly after cross-listing in (delisting from) U.S. markets. The positive impact of cross-listing on CSR performance is stronger for firms from countries with weaker institutions, lower country-level sustainability, and higher liability of foreignness, and for firms operating in industries with high litigation risk. Finally, we find that cross-listed firms with better CSR performance exhibit higher valuations.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm behavior to misclassify core expenses as special items in the income statement to inflate core earnings (i.e., classification shifting). We find that firms with good CSR performance (high-CSR firms) are less likely to engage in classification shifting than firms with poor CSR performance (low-CSR firms). We also find that high-CSR firms engage in less classification shifting even when they have greater incentives to meet earnings benchmarks. Overall, our results are consistent with the notion that socially responsible firms behave ethically in financial reporting.  相似文献   

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