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黄晶 《华商》2013,(6):46-47
6月5日,华商在线改版座谈会在长沙举行,30多家在长沙的异地商会秘书欢聚一堂,为华商在线改版建言献策。据悉,《华商》杂志,整合全球商会资源、为商界提供权威资讯的华商在线官网将于7月全新亮相。  相似文献   

兰田  雨佳 《广告大观》2007,(6S):96-97
2006年开始,北京电视台动作频频,从改版到活动,引起了业内及各大媒体的关注,北京台也显示出“王者归来”的气势。那么目前改版的进展如何?效果如何?在2007年及更长远的时间内,北京台的发展方向是什么?为此,记者采访了北京台相关领导。  相似文献   

秦曦 《国际广告》2009,(9):108-111
央视改版了!这恐怕是最近圈里圈外最火的话题之一。央视为什么要改版?改版背后的战略是什么?改版对整个电视行业将会产生什么影响?从看热闹的观众、网友,到看门道的媒体圈、广告界,种种猜测表明,央视的这次“变脸”已经牵动了各方的心。  相似文献   

何晓春 《浙商》2010,(3):58-59
在后危机时代,如何调整中国经经济结构,引导产业升级?新能源、高科技、低碳等行业能否成为引领中国经济增长的新引擎?  相似文献   

2007年5月18日,在内蒙古卫视与其独家广告代理上海开麦拉传媒的共同努力下,内蒙古卫视全频道升级改版正式启动。这也是内蒙古卫视与开麦拉传媒合作3年半来的第三次改版。  相似文献   

改版对央视招标段的广告价值会有什么影响?对2005年的招标结果会有什么影响,改版后,2005年招标段标的物的设置会有什么变化?我们采访了中央电视台广经中心副主任兼广告部主任郭振玺。  相似文献   

2010年,河南电视台法制频道在原有栏目的基础上进行了升级改版,于1月1日以焕然一新的面貌展现在观众面前。改版半年来,收视率迭创新高.广告经营形势喜人,一举突破了近年来的发展瓶颈,进入快速上升通道。  相似文献   

熊莉 《成功营销》2010,(2):20-20
去年9月,雅虎投入了1亿美元广告费用,计划在全球十几个国家推广以“It’s Y!ou”为主题的宣传活动。与此同时,雅虎对自己的首页也进行了改版,除了升级mail和messenger,改版后的页面还整合了Twitter和Facebook等第三方软件。  相似文献   

龚艳 《浙商》2009,(2):50-51
天津的发展正从蜕变走向升级,以航空航天、石油化工为主导的产业正引领天津走向“北方经济中心”。处于转型升级十字路口的浙商该如何利用这个契机呢?  相似文献   

这次CCTV-1的革命陛改版,中央电视台参考了央视市场研究公司的数据与建议,媒介研究总监袁方博士起到了一定的推动作用,他如何看待这次改版,对改版后的效果预期如何?  相似文献   

Do customers increase or decrease their spending in response to the introduction of an informational website? To answer this question, this study considers the effects of the introduction and use of an informational website by a large national retailer on offline customer buying behavior. More specifically, we study a website's effects on the number of shopping trips and the amount spent per category per shopping trip. The model is calibrated through the estimation of a Poisson model (shopping trips) and a type-II tobit model (the amount spent per category per shopping trip), with effect parameters that vary across customers. For the focal retailer, an informational website creates more bad than good news; most website visitors engage in fewer shopping trips and spend less in all product categories. The authors also compare the characteristics of shoppers who exhibit negative website effects with those few shoppers who show positive effects and thus derive key implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

基于ASP.NET的电子商务网站的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用电子商务网站,顾客可以在网站上自行完成订购,企业核实顾客下的订单无误后,送货上门,完成交易。实现电子商务网站采用B/S核式,利用微软最新的Web开发技术ASP.NET,调用后台数据库中的数据,实现B2C的交易方式。  相似文献   

This study outlines some of the important positive outcomes of enhancing e-retailing services through adding experiential benefits. It investigates how provision of experiential values by an online store improves involvement of customers in the e-retailer's website. This paper also looks at the impacts of experiential values on the recently developed construct of perceived e-retailer's assistive intent and investigates whether this variable contributes to the enhancement of website involvement. Collecting data from 431 North American students through a survey on actual shopping experiences supports the overall model and the majority of the hypotheses. Findings confirm that esthetics, service excellence, and customer return on investment are effective experiential values in terms of improving e-retailer's assistive image and enhancing customers' involvement in the website.  相似文献   

随着上网人数的不断增长和互联网应用的迅速发展,互联网为众多企业带来获取与发布信息的机会。网络营销现已成为企业常用的营销方式之一,而在众多网络营销工具中,企业网站是最基本、最重要的一个,没有它,网络营销的很多方法将无用武之地,企业的网络营销的整体效果也会大打折扣。本文针对现阶段企业网站的现状,提出了如何利用企业网站展开网络营销。  相似文献   

This study used Loiacono’s WebQualTM scale to compare 278 US and 347 Korean Internet users in terms of their perceptions of retail website quality. The results of the study suggested that the dimensionality of website quality was not consistent across the two samples. This study also examined which dimensions of website quality influenced shoppers’ satisfaction with the site and purchase intention. The findings indicated that the relationship between website quality dimensions and the two dependent variables varied between the two groups.  相似文献   

The globalization process together with the extraordinary growth in the use of Internet offer firms new growth opportunities. Retail firms are using a multichannel approach, involving the Internet, in their internationalization strategies. Website traffic as measured by unique users and online awareness is among the measures for assessing the success of the online channel. There is little evidence, however, linking website traffic and the characteristics of the retail multichannel internationalization process. In order to fill this gap, this paper analyses the factors explaining the retailer's international website traffic. Website traffic data for a sample of European fashion apparel retailers are modelled as dependent on characteristics of the organization and of its physical and virtual internationalization strategy. Following the results of several linear regression models, we infer the complementarity of online and offline channels in the international operation, as well as the contribution of social networks as traffic generators.  相似文献   

The capability of website quality management to drive tourism customer e-loyalty is the key factor to achieve superior performance of destination marketing organization (DMO) website operations. The quality management approaches that revolve around website design quality and online relationship quality have drawn intensive attention from e-loyalty researchers in recent years. Thorough empirical investigation, however, still lacks in incorporating the integrative impact generated by the two approaches into DMO website quality management. The current study introduces and validates a theoretical framework based on such impact. As the research result reveals, six facets predict tourism customer e-loyalty directly: informational usefulness, navigational effectiveness, aesthetic appeal, entertainment, social presence, and self-concept congruity embedded in the functional, emotional, and symbolic dimensions of website design quality. Online relationship quality, comprised of relationship satisfaction and relationship trust, plays a partial mediator role in amplifying the e-loyalty driving effect of website design quality in the DMO website context.  相似文献   

本文从中央媒体头部效应明显、科技类行业媒体积极探索和高影响力平台渠道较少三方面分析了我国科技创新国际传播能力现状。在此基础上,从受众和访问量分析、栏目设置、内容产品质量和访问体验四个方面分析总结了中国科协英文网国际传播能力现状。进而从提高汉英新闻编审能力、做好主体本位表达、引领全国学会英文网站发展和推出“中国科学家”品牌栏目四个方面对已有成功经验进行总结凝练并确定下阶段着力提升的重点之处。基于以上分析,为提升中国科协英文网国际传播能力、助推中国科协英文网长足发展和让世界了解并理解中国科技群团等目标给出建议。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the creation of a family identity as a central communication objective in business storytelling. We contribute to the field of business website marketing by identifying, through textual analysis of US winery website narratives, how businesses communicate family brand identities. Results show that three claims that are critical for family brand identities—character, temporal continuity, and distinctiveness—do appear in the website texts. Our study provides beginning evidence that family identity does not require family ownership alone but can be built upon complementary narrative elements and tactics, including kinship references and heritage storytelling. Both content and linguistic style of narratives are useful in conveying a family brand identity to an external public for website design. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of retail brand trust, off‐line patronage, clothing involvement, and website quality on online apparel shopping intention for young female US consumers. Data for this study were collected from 200 young female consumers who completed an online survey. Participants were asked to select one of three pre‐determined apparel retail brands that they have either had experience with or were familiar with. Respondents were then asked to keep their selected retailer in mind when completing the questionnaire and were also asked to briefly visit the retailer's website shopping for a shirt or blouse. Factor, correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to test our hypotheses. Retail brand trust, off‐line patronage, clothing involvement and two factors of website quality (usability and information quality, visual appeal and image) were found to significantly influence online apparel shopping intention. Off‐line patronage was the strongest predictor of online shopping intention. Implications for multi‐channel apparel retailers were discussed based on these findings.  相似文献   

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