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For option pricing models and heavy-tailed distributions, this study proposes a continuous-time stochastic volatility model based on an arithmetic Brownian motion: a one-parameter extension of the normal stochastic alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model. Using two generalized Bougerol's identities in the literature, the study shows that our model has a closed-form Monte Carlo simulation scheme and that the transition probability for one special case follows Johnson's distribution—a popular heavy-tailed distribution originally proposed without stochastic process. It is argued that the distribution serves as an analytically superior alternative to the normal SABR model because the two distributions are empirically similar.  相似文献   

This paper considers a portfolio problem with control on downside losses. Incorporating the worst-case portfolio outcome in the objective function, the optimal policy is equivalent to the hedging portfolio of a European option on a dynamic mutual fund that can be replicated by market primary assets. Applying the Black-Scholes formula, a closed-form solution is obtained when the utility function is HARA and asset prices follow a multivariate geometric Brownian motion. The analysis provides a useful method of converting an investment problem to an option pricing model.  相似文献   

We study the asymptotic behavior of distribution densities arising in stock price models with stochastic volatility. The main objects of our interest in the present paper are the density of time averages of a geometric Brownian motion and the density of the stock price process in the Hull–White model. We find explicit formulas for leading terms in asymptotic expansions of these densities and give error estimates. As an application of our results, sharp asymptotic formulas for the price of an Asian option are obtained.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to advocate the use of multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) as a relevant model in financial mathematics. mBm is an extension of fractional Brownian motion where the Hurst parameter is allowed to vary in time. This enables the possibility to accommodate for varying local regularity, and to decouple it from long‐range dependence properties. While we believe that mBm is potentially useful in a variety of applications in finance, we focus here on a multifractional stochastic volatility Hull & White model that is an extension of the model studied in Comte and Renault. Using the stochastic calculus with respect to mBm developed in Lebovits and Lévy Véhel, we solve the corresponding stochastic differential equations. Since the solutions are of course not explicit, we take advantage of recently developed numerical techniques, namely functional quantization‐based cubature methods, to get accurate approximations. This allows us to test the behavior of our model (as well as the one in Comte and Renault) with respect to its parameters, and in particular its ability to explain some features of the implied volatility surface. An advantage of our model is that it is able both to fit smiles at different maturities, and to take volatility persistence into account in a more precise way than Comte and Renault.  相似文献   

Using Bessel processes, one can solve several open problems involving the integral of an exponential of Brownian motion. This point will be illustrated with three examples. The first one is a formula for the Laplace transform of an Asian option which is "out of the money." The second example concerns volatility misspecification in portfolio insurance strategies, when the stochastic volatility is represented by the Hull and White model. The third one is the valuation of perpetuities or annuities under stochastic interest rates within the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross framework. Moreover, without using time changes or Bessel processes, but only simple probabilistic methods, we obtain further results about Asian options: the computation of the moments of all orders of an arithmetic average of geometric Brownian motion; the property that, in contrast with most of what has been written so far, the Asian option may be more expensive than the standard option (e.g., options on currencies or oil spreads); and a simple, closed-form expression of the Asian option price when the option is "in the money," thereby illuminating the impact on the Asian option price of the revealed underlying asset price as time goes by. This formula has an interesting resemblance with the Black-Scholes formula, even though the comparison cannot be carried too far.  相似文献   

A general Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process is obtained upon replacing the Brownian motion appearing in the defining stochastic differential equation with a general Lévy process. Certain properties of the Brownian ancestor are distribution-free and carry over to the general OU process. Explicit expressions are obtainable for expected values of a number of functionals of interest also in the general case. Special attention is paid here to gamma- and Poisson-driven OU processes. The Brownian, Poisson, and gamma versions of the OU process are compared in various respects; in particular, their aptitude to describe stochastic interest rates is discussed in view of some standard issues in financial and actuarial mathematics: prices of zero-coupon bonds, moments of present values, and probability distributions of present values of perpetuities. The problem of possible negative interest rates finds its resolution in the general setup by taking the driving Lévy process to be nondecreasing.  相似文献   

We present a pathwise approach to continuous-time finance based on causal functional calculus. Our framework does not rely on any probabilistic concept. We introduce a definition of continuous-time self-financing portfolios, which does not rely on any integration concept and show that the value of a self-financing portfolio belongs to a class of nonanticipative functionals, which are pathwise analogs of martingales. We show that if the set of market scenarios is generic in the sense of being stable under certain operations, such self-financing strategies do not give rise to arbitrage. We then consider the problem of hedging a path-dependent payoff across a generic set of scenarios. Applying the transition principle of Rufus Isaacs in differential games, we obtain a pathwise dynamic programming principle for the superhedging cost. We show that the superhedging cost is characterized as the solution of a path-dependent equation. For the Asian option, we obtain an explicit solution.  相似文献   

We consider a two-country economy under the nonarbitrage assumption and where volatilities are stochastic. Assuming the existence of state variables, we show that, under some mild volatility assumptions, the model is actually fully specified. In particular, both term structure dynamics and the exchange rate process can be given endogeneously under the risk-neutral probability. We then derive the exact dependence of the zero-coupon bonds and the exchange rate on the underlying state variables. As a result, some closed-form solutions can be proposed for the derivative assets as futures and options written on foreign zero-coupon bonds.  相似文献   

This study proposes the use of a simplified jump process, namely the Bernoulli jump process, to develop approximate basket option valuation formulas. The proposed model is based on a more realistic stochastic process—relative to the standard geometric Brownian motion—without introducing additional intractability. Typical approximations, necessary for the development of the closed form formulas, are validated on the basis of a Monte Carlo experiment. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:819–837, 2007  相似文献   

Based on a rough path foundation, we develop a model-free approach to stochastic portfolio theory (SPT). Our approach allows to handle significantly more general portfolios compared to previous model-free approaches based on Föllmer integration. Without the assumption of any underlying probabilistic model, we prove a pathwise formula for the relative wealth process, which reduces in the special case of functionally generated portfolios to a pathwise version of the so-called master formula of classical SPT. We show that the appropriately scaled asymptotic growth rate of a far reaching generalization of Cover's universal portfolio based on controlled paths coincides with that of the best retrospectively chosen portfolio within this class. We provide several novel results concerning rough integration, and highlight the advantages of the rough path approach by showing that (nonfunctionally generated) log-optimal portfolios in an ergodic Itô diffusion setting have the same asymptotic growth rate as Cover's universal portfolio and the best retrospectively chosen one.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the financial valuation of a firm and its shares of stock with general financing policies in a partial equilibrium framework. the model assumes a time-dependent discount rate and a general stochastic environment in a discrete-time setting. the fundamental valuation approach under the assumption of risk neutrality is used to obtain the time path of share price, the number of outstanding shares, and the value of the firm. These are shown to be the unique conditional expectations of certain stochastic processes. A broad class of firms for which the solution formula yields finite-valued solutions is characterized. the results are extended to the non-risk-neutral case. A regularity condition, which is both necessary and sufficient for the share price to equal the capitalization of future dividends accruing to the share, is obtained. As a mathematical aside, it is shown in the appendix that in the absence of this condition, the so-called stream of dividends approach is meaningless in the sense that it does not yield any financial valuation.  相似文献   

Buy‐low and sell‐high investment strategies are a recurrent theme in the considerations of many investors. In this paper, we consider an investor who aims at maximizing the expected discounted cash‐flow that can be generated by sequentially buying and selling one share of a given asset at fixed transaction costs. We model the underlying asset price by means of a general one‐dimensional Itô diffusion X , we solve the resulting stochastic control problem in a closed analytic form, and we completely characterize the optimal strategy. In particular, we show that, if 0 is a natural boundary point of X , e.g., if X is a geometric Brownian motion, then it is never optimal to sequentially buy and sell. On the other hand, we prove that, if 0 is an entrance point of X , e.g., if X is a mean‐reverting constant elasticity of variance (CEV) process, then it may be optimal to sequentially buy and sell, depending on the problem data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the concept of conic martingales. This class refers to stochastic processes that have the martingale property but that evolve within given (possibly time‐dependent) boundaries. We first review some results about the martingale property of solution to driftless stochastic differential equations. We then provide a simple way to construct and handle such processes. Specific attention is paid to martingales in [0, 1]. One of these martingales proves to be analytically tractable. It is shown that up to shifting and rescaling constants, it is the only martingale (with the trivial constant, Brownian motion, and geometric Brownian motion) having a separable diffusion coefficient and that can be obtained via a time‐homogeneous mapping of Gaussian diffusions. The approach is exemplified by modeling stochastic conditional survival probabilities in the univariate and bivariate cases.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that fixed‐income markets exhibit unspanned stochastic volatility (USV), that is, that one cannot fully hedge volatility risk solely using a portfolio of bonds. While Collin‐Dufresne and Goldstein (2002, Journal of Finance, 57, 1685–1730) showed that no two‐factor Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model can exhibit USV, it has been unknown to date whether CIR models with more than two factors can exhibit USV or not. We formally review USV and relate it to bond market incompleteness. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a multifactor CIR model to exhibit USV. We then construct a class of three‐factor CIR models that exhibit USV. This answers in the affirmative the above previously open question. We also show that multifactor CIR models with diagonal drift matrix cannot exhibit USV.  相似文献   

We introduce an explicitly solvable multiscale stochastic volatility model that generalizes the Heston model. The model describes the dynamics of an asset price and of its two stochastic variances using a system of three Ito stochastic differential equations. The two stochastic variances vary on two distinct time scales and can be regarded as auxiliary variables introduced to model the dynamics of the asset price. Under some assumptions, the transition probability density function of the stochastic process solution of the model is represented as a one‐dimensional integral of an explicitly known integrand. In this sense the model is explicitly solvable. We consider the risk‐neutral measure associated with the proposed multiscale stochastic volatility model and derive formulae to price European vanilla options (call and put) in the multiscale stochastic volatility model considered. We use the thus‐obtained option price formulae to study the calibration problem, that is to study the values of the model parameters, the correlation coefficients of the Wiener processes defining the model, and the initial stochastic variances implied by the “observed” option prices using both synthetic and real data. In the analysis of real data, we use the S&P 500 index and to the prices of the corresponding options in the year 2005. The web site http://www.econ.univpm.it/recchioni/finance/w7 contains some auxiliary material including some animations that helps the understanding of this article. A more general reference to the work of the authors and their coauthors in mathematical finance is the web site http://www.econ.univpm.it/recchioni/finance . © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:862–893, 2009  相似文献   

It is well known from the work of Schönbucher that the marginal laws of a loss process can be matched by a unit increasing time inhomogeneous Markov process, whose deterministic jump intensity is called local intensity. The stochastic local intensity (SLI) models such as the one proposed by Arnsdorf and Halperin allow to get a stochastic jump intensity while keeping the same marginal laws. These models involve a nonlinear stochastic differential equation (SDE) with jumps. The first contribution of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of such processes. This is made by means of an interacting particle system, whose convergence rate toward the nonlinear SDE is analyzed. Second, this approach provides a powerful way to compute pathwise expectations with the SLI model: we show that the computational cost is roughly the same as a crude Monte Carlo algorithm for standard SDEs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the excursions of Bessel and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) processes with dimensions . We obtain densities for the last passage times and meanders of the processes. Using these results, we prove a variation of the Azéma martingale for the Bessel and CIR processes based on excursion theory. Furthermore, we study their Parisian excursions, and generalize previous results on the Parisian stopping time of Brownian motion to that of the Bessel and CIR processes. We obtain explicit formulas and asymptotic results for the densities of the Parisian stopping times, and develop exact simulation algorithms to sample the Parisian stopping times of Bessel and CIR processes. We introduce a new type of bond, the zero‐coupon Parisian bond. The buyer of such a bond is betting against zero interest rates, while the seller is effectively hedging against a period where interest rates fluctuate around 0. Using our results, we propose two methods for pricing these bonds and provide numerical examples.  相似文献   

Arbitrage with Fractional Brownian Motion   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Fractional Brownian motion has been suggested as a model for the movement of log share prices which would allow long–range dependence between returns on different days. While this is true, it also allows arbitrage opportunities, which we demonstrate both indirectly and by constructing such an arbitrage. Nonetheless, it is possible by looking at a process similar to the fractional Brownian motion to model long–range dependence of returns while avoiding arbitrage.  相似文献   

We are concerned with a classic portfolio optimization problem where the admissible strategies must dominate a floor process on every intermediate date (American guarantee). We transform the problem into a martingale, whose aim is to dominate an obstacle, or equivalently its Snell envelope. The optimization is performed with respect to the concave stochastic ordering on the terminal value, so that we do not impose any explicit specification of the agent's utility function. A key tool is the representation of the supermartingale obstacle in terms of a running supremum process. This is illustrated within the paper by an explicit example based on the geometric Brownian motion.  相似文献   

The analytical tractability of affine (short rate) models, such as the Vasi?ek and the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) models, has made them a popular choice for modeling the dynamics of interest rates. However, in order to properly account for the dynamics of real data, these models must exhibit time‐dependent or even stochastic parameters. This breaks their tractability, and modeling and simulating become an arduous task. We introduce a new class of Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) models that both fit the dynamics of real market data and remain tractable. We call these models consistent recalibration (CRC) models. CRC models appear as limits of concatenations of forward rate increments, each belonging to a Hull–White extended affine factor model with possibly different parameters. That is, we construct HJM models from “tangent” affine models. We develop a theory for continuous path versions of such models and discuss their numerical implementations within the Vasi?ek and CIR frameworks.  相似文献   

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