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股票型基金资产配置集中度与投资绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文修正了Simone Brands et al(2004)研究中采用的股票配置和行业配置集中度指标,并采用两阶段回归方法,首先基于日数据回归得到基金不同季度收益,然后应用非平衡paneldata模型对30只样本基金季度超额收益与资产配置集中度数据进行研究。研究结果显示,股票选择上的资产配置集中度给基金带来了超额收益,而行业资产配置过度集中给基金带来了损失大于收益,且较大的资产规模并没有给基金带来过高的收益。  相似文献   

经过近8年的发展,QDII基金不仅在产品多样化布局方面已然成型,为投资者分散单一市场风险、实现资产配置的国际化和多元化提供了有力支撑,而且伴随投资经验的不断积累,其投资管理能力也在不断提升,为投资者带来了丰厚的回报:2012年以来持续实现正收益,进入2014年更有超过9成的QDII实现了正收益,简单平均正收益高达5.58%,超越同期国内基金整体水平。  相似文献   

2006年10月,第一只基金QDII华安国际配置以外汇私募方式发行,并未在基金市场激起多大涟漪.直到2007年9~10月南方、华夏、上投摩根等以人民币募集的QDII陆续推出,南方QDII以300亿元规模成功募集,基金QDII才真正进入大众投资视野.  相似文献   

QDII“开门红”看好新兴市场 进入2012年,受益于海外市场特别是新兴市场回暖,“出海”淘金的QDII基金全线飘红。数据显示,截至2月9日,今年以来51只QDII基金均取得正收益,且平均涨幅高达9.7%。在实现两位数收益的26只QDII基金中,有17只投资于新兴市场。基金业内专家提示,新兴市场配置价值正在显现,投资者可考虑在投资组合中适当加入相关QDII产品。  相似文献   

"全球化"QDII能够分散境内投资风险,但投资者不能将配置区域分散程度与配置效果简单划等号。作为一类工具型产品,QDII基金通过进行全球化资产配置帮助国内投资者分散境内股市系统性风险,是其最重要的作用之一。目前,国内以"全球化配置"为投资主题的QDII基金共有十一只。其中FOF型(即Fund of Funds,专门投资于其他证券投资基金的基金)有五只,分别为南方全球精  相似文献   

QDII基金是近年来国内商业银行发行量较大的一类产品,其收益状况是投资者关注的焦点。收益率与投资时机高度相关QDII基金与其投资标的(海外基金)具有一一对应的关系,海外基金的涨跌意味着对应的QDII基金收益的变化。对于投资者而言,其投资于QDII基金所获得的收益与其入市时间具有更高的相关性。QDII基金均为开放式产品,没有固定的投资期限,投资者可以在任意时点进行申购,  相似文献   

<正>■港外汇基金资产增300亿港元香港金融管理局日前公布,截至今年4月30日,香港外汇基金总资产达12534亿港元,较3月底增加300亿港元;期间外币资产增加151亿港元,港元资产增加149亿港元。外币资产增加,主要是因为外币投资的估值收益以及来自外币资产的利息及股息收入;港元资产增加,主要是因为外汇基金持有的港股的估值收益、来自财政储备的存款以及获认购而未交收的外汇基金票据及债券增加。  相似文献   

QDII背景下基金管理公司产品设计趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭慧  雷雯  孙静 《证券市场导报》2008,(8):23-27,35
本文针对QDII基金产品现状及未来设计趋势进行了分析。QDII基金产品与投资于国内证券市场的基金相比,明显有效地分散了投资风险,投资地域主要集中于香港市场;同时,投资标的多样化格局尚未形成,这在一定程度上影响7QDII基金天然优势的发挥。以上述研究为基础,对比台湾地区境外基金产品的结构与需求现状,文章提出了我国QDII产品在挖掘产品线深度与扩张产品线广度方面的策略与思路,即:对包括产品类型和投资区域在内的现有产品线加以细化;对产品投资理念和投资策略进行多元化创新,发展绝对收益型产品,拓展另类资产投资。  相似文献   

今年以来,海外股市走强带动QDII基金业绩提升.从投资策略上说,主动和被动管理代表着不同的投资理念,具有不同的风险收益特征,在不同市场表现也有较大差异.目前基金管理人海外投资经验不足、人才缺乏,在这种情况下,直接跟踪指数是一个很好的突破口,在降低投研难度和投研成本的同时,可分享海外股市的平均收益,也便于投资者在不同的市场中进行资产配置.  相似文献   

牛小 《证券导刊》2011,(3):21-21
QDII基金的初衷在于全球化分散投资,全球化投资有助于分散单一市场投资风险,提高投资组合的风险调整收益。2010年在所有的基金品种中,QDII基金成为大赢家.其中次新QDII表现最好。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the investment behavior of pension funds in developed and emerging market countries. First, it analyzes the main determinants of the emerging market asset allocation of pension funds in developed countries. Second, it assesses how pension funds in emerging markets have contributed to the development of local securities markets. Third, it analyzes the determinants of pension funds' investment performance. The paper concludes with a discussion of why the emerging market asset allocation of pension funds in developed countries is likely to increase and what the challenges faced by pension funds in emerging markets are.  相似文献   

In recent years Australians have been given increased responsibility in making investment strategy decisions for their superannuation contributions. The investment choices superannuation funds typically offer include ready-made options with a strategic asset allocation or a "do-it-yourself option where the members choose their own asset allocation. This paper examines a sample of choices by members of a large industry fund which allows members any combination of six ready-made pools and eight asset classes. About one-quarter of these decisions involve choices which suggest a possibly naïve view of diversification unless members are conscious of resulting asset allocations.  相似文献   

We examine the asset allocation decisions of members of three large Australian retirement savings funds. Superannuation Guarantee legislation in 1992 made Australian employees compulsory investors by requiring employers to contribute a fixed proportion of earnings to a superannuation fund on behalf of employees. A majority of these employees can choose an investment strategy for these contributions. We examine how actual investment strategy and asset allocation choices of members change with age in view of the conventional wisdom that individuals allocate less to risky assets as they age and investments theory which provides conflicting advice on the issue.  相似文献   

Greek public pension funds can invest up to 23% into risky assets and are not allowed to invest outside Greece. This paper seeks to investigate the costs of investment constraints on pension fund portfolios. In particular we try to quantify the losses that portfolios suffer due to under-diversification and sub-optimal asset allocation. We find that the high concentration of Greek equity portfolios imposes a substantial return and utility loss which is further increased when the lack of international diversification is taken into account. Restricting the weight of equities to 23% of the total portfolio, leads to sub-optimal asset allocation that costs as much as 2% (3%) per annum compared to a balanced domestic (global) benchmark.  相似文献   

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have been increasing in numbers and in the global reach of their investment activities. At the same time, they seem to experience the adverse consequences of the financial crisis differently than other financial intermediaries. This paper assesses whether and how a retirement-financing purpose has affected their investment strategies since the global financial crisis, as opposed to the strategies of other public pension entities that do not operate as SWFs. We construct a sample of 12 sovereign pension reserve funds (SPRFs) and social security reserve funds (SSRFs) and analyze the effects of size, operational model, country development, the fund's experience, and quality of disclosures on strategic asset allocation for the period 2007–2014. We also investigate the relevance of “home bias.” Our results show that SPRFs invest more aggressively than SSRFs, but are less exposed to domestic investments. We do not find major shifts in asset allocation induced by the financial crisis, except for a recent decrease of home-country exposures.  相似文献   

This paper employs daily fund and index data, the classical Treynor and Mazuy timing model, and two multi-factor extensions to measure the market timing ability of global asset allocation funds. These funds differ from traditional global or international funds in that they face fewer investment constraints and are known to actively shift funds across a wide variety of asset classes. When using the classical Treynor and Mazuy timing models, I find evidence of poor market timing ability. However, this evidence disappears when timing ability is examined using two multi-factor models. The results from Treynor and Mazuy are spurious since both multi-factor extensions do a much better job in explaining the variation in average fund returns.  相似文献   

类承曜  李志洋 《投资研究》2011,(12):112-121
本文回顾了Sharpe(1992)的资产因子回归模型,并用于分析我国的封闭式基金的投资风格。研究发现,样本基金中实际投资风格偏离了宣称的投资风格,同一个基金投资风格前后不一致,而且样本基金存在着投资风格趋同的现象。而且通过动态的视角,说明了该模型被忽略的价值。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了保本基金的三种投资策略,并在此基础上对我国目前发行的五只保本基金的投资策略及资产配置原则进行了描述并作出评价.本文从理论上对各基金投资策略的有效性进行论证后,又通过数据对其保本效果进行了检验.利用图形与数据,比较了其价值增长线的有效性,基金净值变化的波动性,股票仓位变动的合理性,并通过各项指标,借助主成分分析法,对各基金在一定风险下的收益进行了比较.  相似文献   

陈胜蓝  李璟 《金融研究》2021,492(6):170-188
基金网络在金融市场的信息流动中发挥着重要作用。本文利用基金共同持股关系构建了一个有效的基金网络数据集,以中国资本市场股票型基金2005-2018年季度数据为研究样本,考察基金网络是否以及如何影响投资绩效。结果表明,基金在基金网络中越处于网络中心地位,基金的投资绩效越高。使用基金家族网络作为工具变量缓解内生性偏误后,基金网络仍然对投资绩效具有显著的正向影响。进一步地,本文考察了基金网络影响投资绩效的渠道,结果表明,基金网络主要通过提高基金的选股技能、资产配置技能和管理技能影响投资绩效。最后,本文考察了基金网络对基金市场份额的影响,研究发现基金网络会显著提高基金的市场份额,对基金在市场上的占有率有积极的正向影响。  相似文献   

In Belgium, financial and industrial groupings play a crucial role in the accumulation and allocation of capital in the economy. In this paper, it is hypothesized that Belgian firms for which investment is partly financed on an internal capital market, will not be subject to financing constraints to the same extent as firms which have to borrow from banks. Moreover, it is hypothesized that firms belonging to a group, transfer internal surpluses of funds to other group members by investing in financial assets. An empirical analysis confirms the first hypothesis, but rejects the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

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