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强化银行内部风险控制机制、有效防范外部欺诈风险事件始终是电子银行风险管理的首要工作,而加强电子银行制度传导和客户风险教育是实现风险管控的重要措施。本文从内部和外部两个方面,对电子银行面临的形势、现状、问题进行了分析,通过典型案例分析,揭示电子银行面临内、外部风险的严峻性和复杂性,并结合本机构实际,提出了强化电子银行制度传导和客户风险教育的对策和建议,以进一步保障电子银行业务健康发展。  相似文献   

本文基于对我国城市安全风险管理关键问题的分析,基于公共治理理论、系统化思维、实证研究的方法,探究城市安全风险公共治理新模式的建构。提出构建城市安全风险公共治理的多元化体制和市场化机制框架思路,与建立灾害损失补偿多元机制的具体路径;提出以建立健全城市安全风险评估机制、强化城市安全风险治理的科技支撑等手段,强化城市公共安全风险管控能力;以增强社会公众安全风险主体责任意识、健全完善城市安全管理和保险法制建设、将风险评估与保险结合等措施,增强城市安全风险治理的效率。对以政府主导、社会参与的现代城市安全风险公共治理模式的构建与实施,提出了一系列建议。  相似文献   

范立巍 《时代金融》2015,(8):178+182
随着国内外金融市场的发展,风险管控扮演越来越重要的角色,在实践工作中,需要逐步细化和强化风险管控各流程操作,来实现对金融市场从宏观到中观再到微观的全面管控。而这就需要构建一个更加完善的系统风险管控支持平台,并能适应金融市场现代化发展的新形势。本文旨在从风险管控平台的基本构建要求、功能实现等方面,探讨集中风险管控思路的构想策略。  相似文献   

苏小燕 《财会学习》2023,(14):158-160
内部控制是高校管理结构中的核心要素,而基于财务风险管控视角开展内部控制工作,能够起到保障高校资产安全、提高管理效率和效益、强化监督效果的重要作用。基于此,本文首先对高校内部控制体系建设的原则与目标进行阐述,然后再对高校财务风险进行分析,最后则在财务风险管控视角下进行内部控制策略分析,以此来为部分高校相关工作的开展提供助力。  相似文献   

鉴于高危行业安全生产事故频发,商业保险公司开展此类雇主责任保险时,有必要采取适度风险管控措施,以保证公司的正常经营。本文介绍了高危行业安全生产事故发生情况,分析了影响高危行业雇主责任保险承保风险的因素、经营中比较突出的问题,并就开展高危行业雇主责任保险承保风险管控提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

当前正处于全面建成小康社会的决胜期,社会各界都在为这一目标的实现而进行着不懈的努力,特别是国有企业,在维护社会稳定、促进经济发展的过程中发挥十分重要的作用。国有企业的良性发展很大程度上要依靠对自身财务风险的合理管控。现阶段,国有企业的财务风险控制仍然不够全面,包括对内部风险的不重视、外部监督力度不强等薄弱点。国有企业应当探寻出一条适合自身发展特色、强化财务风险管控的路径,确保国有企业健康稳定的发展。  相似文献   

鉴于高危行业安全生产事故频发.商业保险公司开展此类雇主责任保险时,有必要采取适度风险管控措施.以保证公司的正常经营.本文介绍了高危行业安全生产事故发生情况,分析了影响高危行业雇主责任保险承保风险的因素、经营中比较突出的问题,并就开展高危行业雇主责任保险承保风险管控提出了具体对策.  相似文献   

本文基于2013年6月兴业银行的流动性危机的案例,对兴业银行流动性风险的成因、流动性风险管控和管控的效果进行了一系列分析,从中获得银行管理流动性风险的一些思路和启示。  相似文献   

黄霞 《会计师》2023,(16):137-139
以电子高新技术企业为例,探讨中小微电子高新技术企业在涉税风险管控方面存在的问题。首先概述了中小微电子高新技术企业的涉税风险和涉税风险管控的意义。其次,引入实际案例分析电子高新技术企业在增值税、企业所得税以及关税和进口增值税方面的涉税风险,提出相应的风险管控措施。最后,对案例进行总结,提出中小微电子高新技术企业涉税风险管控的建议。  相似文献   

随着设计服务行业的发展壮大,市政工程设计院的各项工作流程也日益复杂多样化。当然也包含市政工程设计院的财务管理工作,而财务风险的管控很大程度上决定了一个单位财务管理水平的高低,也最终会影响整个单位总体的经济效益。为了扭转市政工程设计院偏重于实践设计而忽略财务风险的把握和管控不平衡的现象,本文将围绕当前市政工程设计院面临的财务风险以及财务风险管控的意义、难点、问题,建立并完善市政工程设计院财务风险管控的策略,以期为促进市政工程设计院的长久和健康均衡发展提供参考。  相似文献   

人民银行押运工作肩负着国家发行基金调拨的重任,是央行履行货币发行和流通职能的基础和保障,其安全性至关重要。本文从汽车押运工作安全管理的角度,重点分析了汽车押运交通事故风险、自然灾害风险、暴力犯罪风险和内部管理风险,并有针对性的提出风险防范措施,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

The risk contributor is usually regarded as responsible for risk mitigation and accident compensation, especially when the risk is due to the operation of a commercial company. The culpability of risk has resulted in several approaches to safety management. Risk management based on quantitative risk analysis (QRA) emerged in the defence and nuclear industry during and after Second World War and is by now introduced in almost every industry with high-risk potential. During this period, risk analysis and management as a profession has evolved considerably. Technical failures and operator errors used to be considered as the prime causes of accidents in the early days of risk analysis. Based on investigations of major accidents in the latter half of the last century, poor safety culture and mismanagement were introduced as possible additional causes of major accidents. Human error in decision-making is, however, rarely quantified and thus not included in QRA. Knowledge from the experimental analysis of behaviour is absent in practical or operational risk management. This paper advocates an approach to risk management where the decision part of the chain of events is explicitly included. The behavioural perspective introduced implies that the application of experimentally based behaviour science and QRA both should be pursued, mainly because QRA is a strong, and probably the best, defence against decision errors. In an operational situation, management must do trade-offs between objectives where safety is but one of several considerations. When the risk is not quantified, safety loses out to other more easily quantified objectives of a company. The fatal decision error that led to the Challenger accident is used as an example.  相似文献   

在财政恶化、少子老龄化、家庭看护功能弱化及雇佣的非正式化背景下,为建设能够提供高质高效服务的社会养老保障体制,基于连续性照护为目标的社区居家服务的照护理念,日本政府提出了以构建"地域综合照护体系"为政策理念的社会养老保障制度改革。通过对社会保障制度相关法律的改革,使构筑"地域综合照护体系"政策理念得以制度化。目前,各地方政府及公共团体在日本厚生劳动省的推动下依据《护理保险法》及本地特点,正在从充实强化护理保险服务、强化与医疗的合作、推进护理预防、确保生活支援服务、完善居住环境等方面推进"区域综合照护体系"的构筑。  相似文献   

Safety behaviour is one of the main determinants of job-related accidents. Few studies have focused on safety behaviour of emergency responders. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of psychosocial predictors on safety behaviour, taking into consideration a sample of Italian emergency responders operating on the highways (N?=?203). Results showed that adherence to safety procedures, reporting accident risk and use of individual protection devices were predicted by risk perception and safety climate. The attitude of priorities of rescue operations vs. safety predicted reporting accident risk. The conceptual and practical implications that emerged are discussed.  相似文献   

Proper hazard identification (HAZID) in safety reports has become progressively more difficult to achieve. Several major accidents in Europe in recent years, such as Buncefield and Toulouse, were not even considered by their site ‘Seveso-II’ Safety Case. One of the reasons is that available HAZID methodologies take no notice of apparently least likely events. Nonidentified scenarios thus constitute a latent risk, whose management is extremely complex and open ended. For this reason, the EC project iNTeg-Risk, in one of its tasks, aimed to investigate the issue of atypical scenarios and explain how they could have been identified. This study wants to describe the approach used and its immediate results, paving the way towards a new method for the identification of atypical accident scenarios. An in-depth accident analysis of some of these accidents was performed, in order to outline general features of plants in which they occurred, their causes, consequences, and lessons learned. This analysis followed a precise common scheme, which allowed a systematic approach to the problem by the experts involved. Based on the findings, failures connected to risk management and risk appraisal were identified. Three main basic issues in risk appraisal were identified: the low perception of emerging risks related to atypical accident scenarios, the lack of knowledge about related events, such as early warnings, and the incapability of current techniques in leading analysts to the identification of atypical scenarios.  相似文献   

依据中国家庭金融调查数据,运用Probit模型和Tobit模型,考量社会养老保险“多轨制”对家庭股票市场参与的影响。结果显示:社会养老保险“多轨制”通过缓解收入风险、健康风险与风险厌恶程度等,影响家庭股票市场参与;家庭净资产水平和信任水平异质性,影响家庭股票市场参与差异。其中,参加企职保或机关事业单位养老保险促进家庭股票市场参与显著,参加城乡居保影响不显著。鉴于此,应进一步整合社会养老保险“多轨制”,提高城乡居保的养老保障水平,充分发挥社会养老保险对家庭股票市场参与的促进作用。  相似文献   

We analyze the emergence of systemic risk in a network model of interconnected bank balance sheets. The model incorporates multiple sources of systemic risk, including size of financial institutions, direct exposure from interbank lendings, and asset fire sales. We suggest a new macroprudential risk management approach building on a system wide value at risk (SVaR). Under the SVaR metric, the contribution of individual banks to systemic risk is well defined and can be approximated by a Shapley value-type measure. We show that, in a SVaR regime, a fair systemic risk charge which is proportional to a bank's individual contribution to systemic risk diverges from the optimal macroprudential capitalization of the banks from a planner's perspective. The results have implications for the design of macroprudential capital surcharges.  相似文献   

A review of the management of industrial safety on the basis of international agreements and institutions is presented. Focus is given to risks related to the chemical process industry. First, the key technical elements of the process to assess and manage industrial risks are described together with the related key legislative principles. Various techniques exist for the assessment of risk of industrial operations, and for the assessment of hazards to the environment and mankind. These techniques share common areas, e.g., with regard to data collection and interpretation, that offer the possibility of synergetic approaches via international agreements and institutions. In addition to technical risk assessment, cultural factors will need to be taken into account when addressing the topic of acceptable risk in any given social context. Next, various examples of current risk management frameworks in a multi‐ and bilateral context are given. Eventually, as a concrete example of an industrial risk management framework, the European Union's legislation to control major accident hazards, the Seveso II Directive, is discussed. An outlook on future actions concludes the paper.  相似文献   

An inductive reasoning approach is employed to develop a prototype hybrid decision support tool whose main objective is to build probabilistic causal models representing the safety risk involved in aviation accidents. In this context, 15 aircraft accidents representative of five major accident types are selected to build an initial seed for the case‐base of the prototype tool. Consequently, within each individual accident model, main clusters of causal factors are identified for inclusion in the initial seed, thereby improving, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the case‐base of the prototype tool. A new methodology developed specifically for indexing aviation accidents into databases is used for indexing the initial seed into the case‐base of the tool. The resulting product is a highly customized conversational decision support tool that provides solution possibilities in the form of probabilistic causal models of accident scenarios retrieved and ranked according to their similarity to the current accident that the intended user investigates.  相似文献   

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