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“暮春三月,江南草长”,但是江北的青岛也早已春意盎然。在点点嫩绿中,上海大众的GOL轿车试车活动也在青岛的海滨悄然拉开了帷幕。在热情奔放的桑巴王国驰骋了20多年的GOL轿车,在历经三代发展创新后,如今融会了上海大众卓越的技术保障、精湛的现代工艺和国际质量保证体系,洋溢着质朴传统、果敢刚毅、独立自信、充满活力的气息迅捷闯入了国内的家庭经济型轿车市场。  相似文献   

你是否感觉生活越来越像个圈?上班、下班,周而复始?时间越来越多地和电脑度过,手机渐渐成了随身闹钟?太多的规律压力,太少的激情惊喜?渴望一种力量让心跳加速,需要一种能量令激情重新燃烧!近日,上海大众以运动精神为理念,全新推出GOL旋风,旨在激燃每颗压抑太久的心,并带来运动新概念:运动精神属于每时每刻!  相似文献   

很久以前曾经读到过这样一则故事,说的是有一个远离大都市的穷乡僻壤的地方,那里的自然风光美不胜收,居住在高楼林立的现代化城市中的人们闻之纷纷前往观光。随着游客蜂拥而至,当地人摆脱了贫穷,收入日益增加。他们想.如果把条件改善就会吸引更多的观光游客,于是大兴土木,修筑道路,建造楼堂。然而,令其始料未及的是,随着当地条件越来越改善,越来越现代化,越来越接近于大都市,游客却日渐稀少。他们也许怎么也想不通,条件好了游客们却不来了。  相似文献   


明英 《国际市场》2004,(2):13-13
都说中国加入世贸组织后,关税下调,对进口汽车将产生直接的影响,而进口成本下调,则汽车价格下降也是必然。同时,国产汽车价格也将面临极大的挑战。  相似文献   

2003年对于中国汽车工业而言,有着太多的含义,2003年,年轻的中国汽车工业走过了50年的风雨历程,2003年,国内外汽车厂商纷纷加大力度,中国汽车市场竞争呈现白热化,2003年1月份到现在,20余款新车型缤纷上市,消费者有了更多的选择余地。据悉,在今年剩下的几个月里仍将会有10余款新车型下线或上市,而北京现代即将推出的1.6L 、1.8L 排量的轿车Elantra(原中文译我为“伊兰特”),无疑是最值得期待的车型之一,甚至有  相似文献   

轿车能否进入家庭的问题.近年来争论不休.但有一点是大家认同的,那就是中国的基本型家用轿车(即占轿车市场销售量前三位的,销售总量约占50%的轿车车型)售价应在10万元左右。经预测分析,当购买力系数(轿车价格与家庭年收入之比)为15时.仅北京、上海广州三城市.分别从2004年、2003年2002年开始.有138万户、253万户和68万户家庭希望购买,并且具备购买这种轿车的能力。然而,这只是从理论上推断。轿车不同于其它高档消费品.日常的使用费用较高.这些家庭购买了轿车后能不能养得起呢?  相似文献   

洞房花烛夜,当新郎兴奋地揭开新娘的盖头时,羞答答的新娘正低头看着地上,忽然间掩口而笑,用手指地:“看,看,老鼠在吃你们家的大米。”  相似文献   

<正> "要想推动世界的人,首先要推动自己。"这句话出自希腊哲学家苏格拉底。这也是范现国的人生信条。41岁的范现国以其胆识、气魄和智慧,拼搏十几年,创建了一家名扬天下的食品集团——河北华龙集团。在这十几年里,写满了范现国在风云际会的商海里一篇又一篇的传奇,而在范现国的眼睛里,更多的却是一种平和与自信。现在,他正带领着他的华龙集团向"世界面王"的目标迈进。最  相似文献   

This article explores the ways that French teenage girls use fashion discourse to construct their evolving identity from their recently left childhood to their future as fully grown women. Verbatim texts of 14 phenomenological discussions concerning clothing, accessories, make‐up and fashion are interpreted using the concepts of bricolage (Lévi‐Strauss), tactics (Certeau) and narrative identity (Ric?ur). The findings resonate with Thompson and Haytko’s portrayal of a dialogical relationship between consumers and a system of countervailing fashion meanings and with Murray’s exposition of a dialectical and discursive tension between sign‐experimentation and sign‐domination. But beyond this we elucidate the process by which teenagers also acquire, from personal social milieu, skills and tactics through which they toy with preconstrained sartorial symbolism to construct the plot line of their own lives which, in turn, reflects their past, defines their present self and presages their future.  相似文献   

编者按:本刊在2002年第十一期发表了本刊记者周爱高署名的"起步就与世界同步"一文后,陆续接到数篇置疑文章.观点迥然不同,为了能正确引导汽车消费市场,本着公平、公正、公开的原则,本刊本期编发了其中一篇,作者文责自负.  相似文献   

The importance of names has been demonstrated for decision making related to individuals as well as companies. While previous researchers have focused on traits such as the fluency of names, we present three studies that focus on the role of the “hard e” or [ē] sound in relation to helping behavior. Because pronunciation of the [ē] sound requires a facial movement that mimics a smile particularly when the sound occurs at the end of a name, our research complements previous findings generated by the theory of embodied cognition in which biting on a pencil or chopstick evoked behavioral and mood changes. Study 1 finds that participants are more likely to help someone whose name ends with the [ē] sound while study 2 utilizes a broader set of contrasting sounds and finds a basic preference for the [ē] sound that is specific to women. Study 3 shows that women are significantly more likely to recall addressing their parents as Mommy or Daddy when soliciting help rather than Mom or Dad. Our findings complement previous research concerning motherese and highlight a phonetic cue for prosocial behavior that appears to offer insights for marketing and management. Just as the current studies are important in understanding interpersonal interactions, the findings have direct relevance for marketing campaigns that focus on consumer engagement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative effectiveness of forming implementation intentions (i.e., making specific plans regarding how to go about achieving a goal) for increasing goal attainment under regulatory fit vs. nonfit. We discuss and empirically test the proposition that regulatory nonfit increases the effectiveness of implementation intentions. Extant research contrasts goals of differing difficulty (e.g., buying a textbook vs. finding an apartment) in order to test the relative effectiveness of implementation intentions. In contrast, the present study focuses on identifying the change in implementation intention effectiveness for the same goal (i.e., collecting and turning in receipts for a reward) under conditions of fit vs. nonfit. We empirically demonstrate that when faced with the same goal, people who experience regulatory nonfit perceive the task to be more difficult to complete than people who experience regulatory fit. In turn, when the task is perceived as being more difficult, implementation intentions prove more effective to enhance goal attainment. Our study provides insight into the interaction between regulatory fit and implementation intentions and subsequent effects on goal attainment.  相似文献   

2001年1月11日至13日,中国船舶重工集团公司第二次工作会议在北京召开.国防科工委、中央政策研究室、中央纪律检查委员会、中央组织部、中央企业工委、财政部、总装备部、海军装备部等单位的领导同志出席了开幕式.黄平涛总经理做了题为《认清新形势,开创新局面,为全面提高集团公司市场竞争力而奋斗》的工作报告.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(4):481-492
The use of big data to help explain fluctuations in the broader economy and key business performance indicators is now so commonplace that in some instances it has even begun to rival more traditional measures. Big data sources can very often provide advantages when compared with these more traditional data sources, but with these advantages also come potential pitfalls. We lay out a checklist called SMALL that we have developed in order to help interested parties as they navigate the big data minefield. Based on a set of five questions, the SMALL checklist should help users of big data draw justifiable conclusions and avoid making mistakes in matters of interpretation. To demonstrate, we provide several case studies that demonstrate the subtle nuances of several of these new big data sets and show how the problems they face often closely relate to age-old concerns that more traditional data sources are also forced to tackle.  相似文献   

<正> 目前,市场机制已深入到我国经济生活的各个方面,在此前提下,行业的发展水平主要取决于产品的市场竞争力和行业自身的活力。粮机行业作为粮食产业链中的重要组成部分,它的良好发展对粮食产业结构的调整、粮食经济效益的提高、农民收入的增加等都有着极为重要的  相似文献   

Despite recent economic reforms in the Soviet Union, significant problems remain for prospective Western venture participants, like restrictions on the use of hard currency and unanswered questions about venture dissolution. Study the obstacles–as well as the opportunities–before you leap.  相似文献   

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