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近年来,创意设计产业蓬勃发展,逐渐成为风险投资青睐的新兴领域。然而,创意 设计产业是典型的高风险投资行业,为了控制风险获取高收益,综合评价项目对于风险投资 者而言尤为重要。针对国内外缺少该领域研究的现状,本文简要分析了创意设计产业风险投 资项目的特点,并结合层次化分析法(AHP)构造了一套风险投资评价指标体系,对于指导 风险投资者进行投资决策具有实用价值和指导意义  相似文献   

基于多层次模糊评价法的企业投资项目选择模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随逐渐成熟的风险资本市场,对风险项目特别是中小企业风险项目的投资受到风险投资者越来越多的关注.为解决对中小企业风险投资过程中出现的信息不对称问题,在借鉴国内外企业信用评级技术和方法的基础上,结合我国中小企业自身特点,重新设计中小企业风险度量指标体系并采用多层次模糊综合评价方法,构建了在可接受风险范围内的最优风险投资项目模型.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会副委员长、风险投资研究专家成思危认为 ,根据现有国情 ,我国发展风险投资事业可采取三步走战略 :风险投资公司—风险投资基金—二板市场。成思危说 ,采取三步走战略符合我国国情。第一步 ,建立风险投资公司 ,为国内外投资者评估并推荐风险投资项目 ,并受投资者的委托对项目进行管理。第二步战略 ,我国目前正在拟订产业投资基金管理办法 ,风险投资基金作为产业投资基金的特殊形式 ,应有专门的管理办法。第三步是建立二板市场 ,为风险投资提供出路。成思危强调 ,缺乏真正意义上的风险投资家 ,将是我国风险投资事业成功与否的关…  相似文献   

风险投资的组合管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、风险投资管理的一般原则风险投资主体除了严格审慎地决策外 ,一般还要遵循一些投资原则。1 组合原则。风险投资通常采用组合投资的形式 ,即风险投资者不是把资金全部投入到一个项目上 ,而是把资金分散到不同项目上。这样 ,一个项目的损失可以通过另外项目的成功来弥补 ,从而在不同项目之间实现了风险的分担。在项目的选择过程中 ,也应考虑不同项目所处的不同阶段 ,投资者应尽量避免所选项目都处在种子期 ,否则 ,对于投资公司的风险过大 ,风险投资公司的管理者在评审投资计划书时应当把好的投资案加入到组合中来。这样可以使风险投资公司…  相似文献   

净现值法的修正及其在风险投资项目评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言  净现值法是项目评价普遍采用的基本方法 ,但由于风险投资与传统投资有较大的不同 ,在进行风险投资项目评价时 ,不能简单地采用这一方法。  风险投资是风险投资者将资金投入创建时间不长 ,但成长很快 ,并具有较大发展潜力的成长型企业 ,以期获得高效投资收益。它是一种新型的投资模式 ,与传统的投资模式有较大的不同 ,从项目评价的角度看 ,它与传统投资的不同之处在于 :(1 )项目早期净现金流或收益为负值 ,而后期的收益可能很高。 (2 )投资者投资的主要目的并不是为了获得经营利润 ,其主要目的是在项目经营一段时间后 ,通过股…  相似文献   

席卷世界的金融危机再一次证明了资金是中小企业生存和经营的至关重要的条件,而在中小企业经营的困难中,融资难是最为突出和难以解决的问题.科技孵化器中设立风险投资或创业投资是一项满足入孵者最主要需求的高端服务.本文在总结我国科技孵化器经营状况的基础上,论述了科技孵化器中设立风险投资的必要性;风险投资的设立机构、资金额度、投资方式;风险投资的特性与投资原则、风险投资的决策程序;风险投资管理机构及其职责、孵化器参与企业经营、风险投资资金投资主要领域;风险投资资金的风险及风险管理,包括投资方向、投资项目选择、项目可行性分析、分步投资计划、投资资金和项目的监管等;风险投资的盈利与退出方式.这对于我国风险投资与科技孵化器有效地结合,为创业者提供资金支持具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

在风险投资项目中,不确定性对风险项目投资评价、决策起到了决定性的作用。运用实物期权原理分析了不确定性对风险投资项目评价和决策的影响,通过风险中性概率方法将这些影响予以定量化,并进一步对实际投资行为作出解释。  相似文献   

风险投资 ,目前对于大多数人来说 ,也许还是个比较陌生的名词。但对于那些站在思想、经济和科技发展前沿的人们而言 ,却是一个梦绕魂牵的不尽话题 :风险投资作为高新技术产业化发展的重要“孵化器” ,对于一个国家、一个地区的经济发展 ,其意义自然是非同小可 ,可以说 ,没有风险投资 ,高新技术产业就难成大器 ,一方面 ,高新技术的开发往往需要巨额的先期投资 ,另一方面 ,对高新技术开发的投资所面临的高市场风险和高技术风险又是一般投资者所难以承受的 ,所以 ,如果不搞风险投资 ,基础科学研究和高技术开发就上不去 ,科技成果就不能得到合理…  相似文献   

如果说知识经济阶段高科技产业是经济增长的主导力量,风险投资则是高科技产业的发动机,它对促进高科技产业的发展起着举足轻重的作用。风险投资Venture Capital又称风险资本,是指把资金投向蕴藏着失败危险的高科技项目及其产品开发领域,以期在促进高新技术成果商品化过程中获得收益的一种投资行为,投资对象是未上市的以高新技术为基础的新兴中小企业,因而这类投资既要承担高风险又要谋求高回报。 风险投资起源于二战后的美国,80年代开始,在各国高科技竞争的推动下得以迅猛发展。美国的风险投资发展速度最快,规…  相似文献   

风险投资循环中的风险控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
风险投资是一种包括项目选择、投资、运作和退出的一个完成的循环过程,从前一个项目中退出的资金又会被投入到下一个项目中去,从而开始一轮新的循环.本文首先分析了风险投资循环过程,并对我国风险投资循环中的风险因素进行了分析和讨论,最后针对风险投资循环中的四个主要阶段分别研究了相应的风险控制策略和措施.  相似文献   

Yong Li  Tailan Chi 《战略管理杂志》2013,34(11):1351-1366
When does a venture capital firm withdraw from an investment project prior to its completion? This study offers a real options view on this decision by examining the contingent effects of portfolio configuration. We explore how project withdrawal can be influenced by two distinct dimensions of portfolio configuration, portfolio focus in a strategic domain and portfolio diversity across multiple domains. The empirical analysis shows that while portfolio focus weakens the negative effect of industry‐level uncertainty on a venture capitalist's propensity to withdraw from a project, portfolio diversity strengthens the effect of uncertainty. This study informs current research on the boundary of real options theory and sheds light on the behavior of venture capitalists in financing entrepreneurship. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine the spatial location of different actors in the entrepreneurial support network for high-technology start-up firms. The actors included in this study are lead venture capitalists, independent members of the board of directors, investment bankers, and law firms. Using data based on 44 semiconductor initial public offerings, the geographical location of these newly public firms and the actors in their support network is mapped, and the spatial relationships between these firms and their network are examined. It was found that the geographical proximity between these actors and the firms they support varied significantly, with a firm's legal counsel being the most proximate, followed by investment bankers, venture capitalists, and independent directors.  相似文献   

The success of technology transfer depends in part on new technology‐based firms (NTBFs) accessing venture capital (VC). Yet, little is known about venture capitalists' selection processes in this context. We examine the heterogeneity in the selection behaviour of VCs using a unique hand‐collected dataset comprising 68 European early‐stage high‐tech VC investors. We follow an inductive research design and use a conjoint analysis to decompose the investment decisions of VC investors. We identify three different clusters of VC investors: those who focus on technology (technology investors), those who focus on finance (financial investors) and those who focus on human capital (people investors). Technology investors attach more importance to the appropriability of the technology and contact with the entrepreneur than the other groups of VCs. For people investors, the human factors such as leadership capacities of the entrepreneur and the quality of the team are most important. Financial investors make their investment decision based on a limited set of factors such as ROI, growth and team completeness. Our results have important implications for NTBFs, venture capitalists and universities involved in technology transfer through spin‐off companies.  相似文献   

In this paper we detail the nature of market-oriented institutional upheaval and its implications for business groups in Korea during the late 1990s. Employing case study methodology we identify four projects that were nurtured under corporate venture programs in response to this upheaval: two internal incubating projects and two new venture investment projects. We analyze these cases employing the concepts of resource fit and organizational misfit. Based upon these in-depth case analyses we generate a conceptual framework that managers can rely on for the choice of organizing mode of corporate venture projects. We conclude by discussing managerial implications and future research directions.  相似文献   

This paper is a theory development to Amit, Brander, and Zott (1998, Journal of Business Venturing, 13: 441-466) on the nature of venture capital firms. In their paper, the authors argue that venture capital firms exist because they fill a market niche by developing the ability to overcome extreme information asymmetry embedded in high-risk entrepreneurial firms. However, this theory encounters difficulties in explaining a variety of organizational and behavioral divides among venture capitalists in different contexts and over time. In this paper, we apply the institution-based view to reveal the nature of venture capital. We argue that it is the venture capitalists’ capability to capture economic rents from the institutional environment that distinguish them from other financial intermediaries. We show the connection of our perspective with the conventional view as well as the usefulness of this theory in explaining the development of the venture capital industry in China.  相似文献   

本文收集了2014年发生的风险投资交易事件信息,采用配对设计,运用Relogit回归来研究技术邻近和本地风险投资参与对风险投资地理邻近的调节作用。实证研究发现,技术邻近和本地风险投资均显著减弱地理距离对风险投资交易达成的反向影响。随着地理距离的增大,风险投资交易达成的可能性减小,风险投资机构与创业企业之间的技术邻近、联合投资事件中本地风险投资的参与均有助于缓解地理距离给投资交易达成带来的不利影响。研究结论对期望获得远距离风险投资的创业企业和风险投资不发达地区的地方政府均有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs in East Asia have achieved notable success in a number of traditional, slow growth industries. This success has been ascribed to distinctive aspects of Chinese business culture that favor alacrity, adaptability, networking, and close control of firm operations. Recently, some have suggested that the same characteristics that have promoted these firms' success in slower growth sectors may hinder firm success in faster growth sectors of the economy. To explore this proposition, we conducted in-depth interviews with forty-one entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and government officials all working with fast growth entrepreneurial firms in East Asia. The results suggest that, in general, Overseas Chinese entrepreneurial firms also follow many of the traditional business practices associated with Overseas Chinese firms. Most venture capitalists and government officials in the sample expressed concern that these practices are hindering the building of firms that can be taken public and experience the high growth consistent with vibrant entrepreneurial firms. The results also showed that the Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs sampled are aware that some of these characteristics may be creating constraints to faster growth and, at the behest of venture capitalists and government officials, are sometimes making the changes thought necessary to create faster growth firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of compensation of corporate personnel on their investment in new technologies. We focus on a specific corporate activity, namely corporate venture capital (CVC), describing minority equity investment by established‐firms in entrepreneurial ventures. The setting offers an opportunity to compare corporate investors to investment experts, the independent venture capitalists (IVCs). On average, we observe a performance gap between corporate investors and their independent counterparts. Interestingly, the performance gap is sensitive to CVCs' compensation scheme: it is the largest when CVC personnel are awarded performance pay. Not only do we study the association between incentives and performance but we also document a direct relationship between incentives and the actions managers undertake. For example, we observe disparity between the number of participants in venture capital syndicates that involve a corporate investor, and those that consist solely of IVCs. The disparity shrinks substantially, however, for a subset of CVCs that compensate their personnel using performance pay. We find a parallel pattern when analyzing the relationship between compensation and another investment practice, staging of investment. To conclude, the paper investigates the three elements of the principal‐agent framework, thus providing direct evidence that compensation schemes (incentives) shape investment practices (managerial action), and ultimately investors' outcome (performance). Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

电力工业市场化改革使电力企业成为市场主体和竞争实体,并为投资者提供了多种投资项目选择。在这种新的市场环境下,为了获得更多利润或降低项目风险,有必要对建设项目进行研究,指导投资者合理分配在各个项目的投资。从投资组合角度出发,以降低风险、保证投资成本的回收为目标,建立了求解最低风险、最大收益的多目标数学模型,利用投资学中马柯维茨模型对投资者的投资组合策略进行了初步探讨,在保证最低风险的情况下,使项目投资的期望收益最大,所得结论对投资者确定不同项目中的投资比例具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

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