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什么是问题管理在企业经营管理活动中,永远都会存在问题;每一个特定时期都有其特定的问题;现有的问题解决了,新的问题又出现。企业管理本质上就是问题管理。问题管理就是运用持续不断地提出问题、进而循序渐进解决问题的一种管理模式。问题管理的核心在于解决问题。从现实通向完美之路是用问题铺就的;每解决一个问题,离完美就近了一步。问题本身不是问题,真正的问题是对待问题的态度和做法。问题是企业和员工成长的机遇。问题管理就是把问题当作企业和员工不断完善自我的路标,当作有针对性地提高企业竞争力的助压器。企业成长之路,实质上就…  相似文献   

分析了某电厂300MW机组汽动给水泵检修存在问题,总结了电动挂闸不稳定和超速试验过程,分析了水机油泵连锁问题及低压进汽调门不严问题,提出了解决相关问题的处理措施。  相似文献   

贫困问题既是经济问题,也是社会、文化和精神现象,而农村反贫困问题既是我国经济发展中的重点问题,也是难点问题,是关系到我国社会和谐度和新农村建设成败的关键。文章从人力资本的视角分析了贫困的本质,论述了人力资本在反贫困中的作用机理,阐释了我国农村人力资本投资的现状,进而提出了基于人力资本视角的农村反贫困政策。  相似文献   

随着大气污染问题的日益严峻,政府和相关机构均加大了整治力度。大气污染问题严重阻碍了生态环境的质量,并将严重影响经济社会的持续发展。文章针对目前环境工程中大气污染问题进行了简要分析,并提出了相应的处理方法。  相似文献   

随着汽车保有量的不断增长带来的强劲油品需求,导致加油站数量不断攀升。现阶段,因油站本身安全问题、运营管理问题,引发的安全问题层出不穷。文章主要分析并指出了加油站安全管理中的突出问题,在建设中提出了相应的改进措施和对策。  相似文献   

浅析现阶段我国食品安全问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
民以食为天,食以安为先。然而现阶段我国食品安全问题比较严重,已经严重影响到了人民群众的健康和生命安全乃至我国经济的发展。本文概述了食品安全的内涵,分析了现阶段我国食品安全存在的主要问题,旨在通过对该问题的研究说明此问题的严重性和紧迫性,从而引起社会各界的广泛关注和思考,促进该问题的逐步解决。  相似文献   

李敏 《山东纺织经济》2011,(12):9-10,16
我国服装企业主要以中小型企业为主,服装企业对我国经济的增长、促进就业、增加税收、创造外汇以及对国有经济战略性调整等方面做出了贡献。但是,目前存在融资难尤其是上市融资难的问题。本文首先对我国服装企业进行了概述,介绍了服装企业普遍的融资方式。然后,指出了服装企业上市融资面临的问题。最后,根据所提出的问题叙述了这些问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

随着我国建筑施工建设规模的不断扩大,在建筑施工工程中,越来越广泛地应用到了预应力技术,然而随之出现的质量问题也日益增多,产生这些问题的原因是多种多样的。本文首先阐述了预应力在建筑施工工程中的应用,然后总结了建筑施工中预应力技术在工程应用中出现的问题,最后探讨和阐述了改善这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

气候变化问题已演变为事关国家经济安全和社会发展的国际政治和经济问题。关于绿色和低碳发展,盯号有了,方向也有了,但是具体怎么做?气候问题的谈判愈演愈烈,哥本哈根大会未完成预期使命,坎昆大会的争论喋喋不休,争论的本质是能源问题,争论的背后是资金和市场之争,也是利益之争。气候变化问题不仅是科学问题,已演变为事关国家经济安全和社会发展的国际政治和经济问题。  相似文献   

文章概述了当前服装市场的现状,总结了中老年服装设计中艺术要素方面存在的问题,并分析了形成该问题的原因。文章分析认为艺术要素存在的问题直接影响了中老年服装自身的质量,并从款式、色彩和面料等方面提出具体的解决方案。  相似文献   

Airline fleet composition and deregulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Airline responses to deregulation have been analyzed using a variety of models. This paper presents and empirically tests a model of airline behavior which explicitly treats hub-and-spoke route structures which emerged after deregulation. The change to hub-and-spoke route structure implies an alteration of airline fleet use and acquisition of aircraft after deregulation. The empirical section of this paper investigates the nature of these changes using a data panel for airlines from 1970 to 1989. The changes observed in airline fleet use and composition indicate that the primary distortion of regulation on aircraft was inhibiting their use over efficient networks.This paper has benefited from the suggestions of Kenneth Boyer, Bruce Allen, Charles Ballard, and Stephen Martin at MSU, my colleagues Djeto Assane and Bernard Malamud at UNLV, and an anonymous referee. Any errors remaining are my own.  相似文献   

This paper specifies cooperative strategies for the availability service of repairable aircraft components and finds out which factors contribute to the emergence of a particular cooperative strategy. The strategies ad hoc cooperation, cooperative pooling and commercial pooling were specified and compared to the alternative of acting alone, i.e. solo strategy. A simulation model based on fair assumptions of the cost structure was constructed and the cooperative strategies were tested in a game theoretic setting both from the viewpoint of total efficiency and from the perspective of each participant. Despite the explicit focus on aircraft components, the findings should be relevant to any industry using a closed-loop maintenance process with repairable spare parts.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with possible technical processes for collecting and refining knowledge and expertise within the Research and Development and Production and Support functions in the aircraft industry. It is also concerned with processes for facilitating the use of stored knowledge and expertise in providing for example continuity of good practice. Features of humans as processors of information, which will influence the collection and use of relevant knowledge and experience, are considered. The feasibility of 'solving' information processing problems with currently available techniques and hardware and software products is assessed. Indications are given of the kinds of developments that seem to be needed in the context of aircraft design and other activities considered in this paper. Human privacy considerations are identified as a possible problem and are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Cost escalation on aircraft projects is a frequent source of controversy. This paper presents a framework for analysing such escalation and assesses the contribution of technical advance, duration and the pressure of demand.  相似文献   

Network Structure and Airline Scheduling   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper provides a simple analysis of the effects of network structure on the scheduling, traffic, and aircraft size choices of a monopoly airline. The analysis shows that switching to a hub-and-spoke network leads to increases in both flight frequency and aircraft size, while stimulating local traffic in and out of the hub. In addition, HS networks are shown to be preferred by the airline when travel demand is low, when flights are expensive to operate, and when passengers place a high value on flight frequency but are not excessively inconvenienced by the extra travel time required for a connecting trip. The welfare analysis shows that the flight frequency, traffic volumes, and aircraft size chosen by the monopolist are all inefficiently low under both network types. Moreover, in the most plausible case, the monopolist's network choice exhibits an inefficient bias toward the HS network, apparently reflecting an excessive desire to economize on the number of flights.  相似文献   

Brian Shaw 《R&D Management》1996,26(3):255-265
This paper examines and explains the nature of networking in the Russian aerospace industry under the centrally administered innovation system and the impact on the network of the changes that have arisen post-perestroika. The context, pre-August 1991, was a centrally administered innovation system with the dominance of the military in resource allocation in a 'shortage' economy.
The network was made up of the ministry of defence, design bureaux, manufacturing plants, research institutes, specialist universities and testing centres and the Aircraft Certification Authority. The focal actor was the aircraft design bureaux.
The role and relationships between the actors concerned with aircraft design, development, manufacturing and marketing are determined by the activities that they perform in the seven stage innovation process, the resources available and the strategies that they adopt.
Post-perestroika the need for new customers, international certification, western collaboration, and the presence of supply chain disruption and the funding crisis are reshaping the network. The new actors, post-perestroika, include new customers, financiers, the Department of Aviation Industry, International Certification Authorities, the ICAO and 'nearest and furthest abroad' subcontractors. A major change has been the linking together of the design bureaux, aircraft manufacturing, engine and avionics plants, subcontractors, financial institutions and aircraft export agencies into joint stock Complexes, or Financial Industrial Groups (FIGS).  相似文献   

Jackson and Kaserman (1991) model diffusion of an innovation an investment decision where the time of adoption is motivated by cost-minimization. This paper tests this model, using the adoption by American major airlines of jet aircraft embodying high bypass turbojet engine technology.The results support the Jackson-Kaserman model. The effect of aircraft age has the appropriate and significant sign. Likewise, average stage length measuring relative variable cost performance of the old and new technology is appropriately signed.  相似文献   

本文提出制造业企业应用模块化方法进行战略性知识管理的概念和主要类别。特别针对航空机制造业企业分析模块化方法的适用形式和局限性。飞机制造是介于集成方式和分解方式之间的复杂产品制造体系 ,模块化知识管理有战略意义 ,但也有局限性。研究指出 ,模块化方法仅适用于允许“适度失控”的产品 ,对飞机及发动机等“禁止失控”的复杂产品类型 ,系统集成商会拥有相对高的技术和知识优势 ,而模块制造商的创新空间很小。表现在我国参与飞机转包生产的企业对国外企业的依赖程度高 ;根据实际调查和本文的分析 ,我国企业可以通过通用模块制造技术向专用模块制造技术的过渡 ,逐渐实现有自己知识产权的黑箱型技术资源  相似文献   

We examine the impact of governance mode and governance fit on performance in make‐or‐ally decisions. We argue that while horizontal collaboration and autonomous governance have direct and countervailing performance implications, the alignment of make‐or‐ally choices with the focal firm's resource endowment and the activity's resource requirements leads to better performance. Data on the aircraft industry show that relative to aircraft developed autonomously, collaborative aircraft exhibit greater sales but require longer time‐to‐market. However, governance fit increases unit sales and reduces time‐to‐market. We contribute to the alliance and economic organization literatures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The working environment of the modern aircraft and the conditions in which airline cabin crews operate are issues which have been largely ignored in the industrial relations literature. This article considers recent trends in airline industrial relations and argues that the aircraft cabin is host to a number of hazards which pose serious threats to the health and safety of those who work in it.  相似文献   

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