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改革开放后,中国城乡收入差距呈现阶段性逐步扩大的趋势,但相关文献大多倾向于把改革开放前后的中国城乡收入差距问题放在相同的框架下进行分析,从而忽视了开放条件下"外部因素"的决定性作用。通过对中国城乡收入差距成因的因素分解发现,"外部因素"是影响中国城乡收入差距的主要因素。缩小中国城乡收入差距的政策途径不在于传统的收入政策,而在于开放条件下"外部因素"作用的途径和方向。  相似文献   

从ISM技术入手,在利用SPSS等软件的基础上,通过矩阵运算,测算行业收入差距基尼系数和泰尔指数,发现行业收入差距不断扩大。根据经济学和系统工程理论筛选影响差距的因素,构建ISM模型,得到行业收入差距成因的结构模型,通过T检验优化模型,依据ISM层次筛选法得到主要原因。综合分析得出结论,微观因素是行业收入差距产生和扩大的主要原因,经济体制改革是差距产生和扩大的重要体制环境。  相似文献   

中国城乡收入差距问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1997年-2008年中国内地31个省、直辖市、自治区的城乡收入数据研究表明,各地区的城乡收入差距仍继续扩大,但部分省份城乡收入差距出现先增加后下降的趋势,部分省份城乡收入差距则继续扩大。通过对城乡收入差距比和人均国民收入排名分析发现人均国民收入较高的省份城乡收入差距较小,反之城乡收入差距较大。通过借鉴市场化指数的方法构建城乡收入公平性指数的分析表明各地区城乡收入差距呈现区域性特点,东部地区城乡收入公平性远高于中西部地区。采用面板数据分析方法,分析表明投资、福利性财政支出、财政分权等因素可缩小城乡收入差距,金融发展、城市化及对外开放等因素则区域不同对城乡收入差距的影响不同。  相似文献   

要素积累、政府政策与我国城乡收入差距   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
形成城乡收入差距既有城乡要素积累差异的原因,又有政府政策的作用,本文综合考察了这两类因素对我国城乡收入差距的影响。基于1987 ̄2003年省级面板数据的估计结果显示,基础教育的普及对于改善城乡收入差距具有显著正面作用,而资金和高水平人力资本向城市集聚则会显著扩大城乡收入差距,这很大程度上是城乡要素积累差异作用的结果。另一方面,城市化明显地缩小了城乡收入差距,对外开放和政府参与经济活动程度的扩大则都拉大了城乡收入差距,财政支出的结构对城乡收入差距有一定的影响,这体现了政府政策的效应。另外,产业结构的升级扩大了城乡收入差距,而非国有化以及金融的发展对城乡收入差距的解释力较弱。  相似文献   

阎大颖 《当代财经》2007,(10):16-22
在中国经济转型过程中,城乡居民之间的收入差距呈现逐步扩大趋势.本文通过二元经济相关理论阐述了市场化进程对缩小城乡收入差距的积极作用,并通过实证分析发现,21世纪以来中国各地区内城乡居民之间的收入差距与本地区市场化程度确实呈显著的负相关关系.这意味着,市场经济运行机制对解决二元经济格局可以发挥重要的促进作用.最后,根据市场化程度对城乡收入差距的影响机制分析,提出了在市场化过程中如何尽快解决"三农"问题的若干政策建议.  相似文献   

赵跃利 《生产力研究》2012,(5):35-36,60,261
文章运用主成分分析方法对1980—2007年间中国城乡收入差距影响因素作了实证分析。研究结果表明,经济的发展,二元化的经济、管理、政策因素是城乡差距产生及扩大的主要原因。从量度城乡收入差距的指标来看,城乡差距的存在有一定的客观性,由于引起城乡收入差距的部分条件天然地存在差别,因此,城乡收入差距不能完全消除,只能付诸行动缩小差距并将其控制在一个限度内,文章对此提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章通过引入城乡居民收入差距影响因素,对传统的LA/AIDS模型进行了拓展,以分析中国城乡收入差距对中国城乡居民消费结构的影响机理,并通过对此拓展模型进行数理推导,解决估计中关键变量数据难以获得的难题。文章随后利用2001-2011年中国省级面板数据,结合混合回归模型和SUR模型的估计方法,分别对中国城市居民和农村居民的消费结构进行了影响因素分析,实证结果验证了中国城乡收入差距对中国城乡居民的消费结构具有显著的影响。文章进一步通过弹性分析,揭示了中国城乡收入差距对中国城乡居民消费差距的内在作用机理,并结合空间分析方法,找出了未来应加强控制中国城乡收入差距以有效降低中国城乡居民消费差距的地区,并据此为政府扩大消费需求和优化城乡居民消费结构给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文采用2000年到2018年期间的30个省份(除中国港澳台地区、西藏自治区)的面板数据,利用双重差分(DID)方法估计了2007年工业用地市场化政策对缩小城乡收入差距的效应。主要得到三个方面的结论:(1)工业用地市场化政策显著缩小了城乡收入差距,运用工具变量克服内生性问题和进行一系列稳健性检验后,结论仍然成立。这说明,土地市场化改革对于城乡收入分配有重要影响。(2)探究了工业用地市场化改革对城乡收入差距的影响机制,发现该政策可以通过带动产业结构升级、加强市场化程度和助推人口城镇化,从而缓解城乡收入差距扩大。(3)异质性分析表明,初始建设用地资源禀赋越高、初始土地财政依赖度越强的地区都会显著对政策效果起到负向作用;采用系统聚类算法划分区域,发现在经济发达地区、欠发达地区中,政策与地区交互项对城乡收入差距的影响分别不显著、显著为负。  相似文献   

城乡收入差距是中国社会经济发展中存在的最突出矛盾之一。在文献回顾的基础上,通过理论解释和实证检验对中国城乡收入差距的影响因素进行研究。理论分析认为,国家层面城市偏向的发展政策、地方层面经济增长至上的单向思维、体制层面的"中心—边缘"二元格局,是城乡收入差距形成的内在机理;Panel Data实证模型估计结果进一步表明,城乡收入差距受到来自经济发展、政策偏向、金融发展、经济干预以及其他控制性因素的多维影响,其中,城镇化建设、经济开放度、人力资本培育度、农业经济发展程度以及第三产业的发展有助于总体上缩小城乡收入差距,而科教文卫和公共服务的城市偏向、金融发展规模以及非国有化则都扩大了城乡收入差距。为此,城乡差距问题的消解,应立足于"乡村本位"的价值思考,通过加强农村职业教育、推动城镇化建设、建立城乡"包容性政策体系"等举措,真正达成城市与乡村社会的衔接。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,中国的决策者提出了“允许一部分人,一部分地区通过诚实劳动、合法经营先富起来,最终实现共同富裕”的政策。这一政策克服了收入分配上的平均主义,加强了激励机制,促进了经济的持续快速发展和人民生活水平的普遍提高。但是随着人们收入水平的提高,居民收入极大的差距,而且这种差距仍在继续扩大。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts of Indonesia's recent income tax reforms on key macroeconomic variables, as well as the impacts on poverty and income distribution. It was found that the reductions in personal income tax and corporate income tax increase economic growth under a balanced budget assumption. The policy reforms also lead to a small reduction in the incidence of poverty. However, the policies also lead to an increase in income inequality because the tax cut is more beneficial to households in the highest income categories. It is recommended that future tax cuts should target the urban and rural poor.  相似文献   

There are concerns that the unprecedented economic boom which Ireland experienced in the second half of the 1990s has raised only some living standards and has widened income gaps. This paper analyzes Ireland's income distribution in comparative perspective, to understand how Ireland's distribution changed and how it compares to other rich countries. We begin with OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) data to compare Ireland's degree of well-being and inequality with other advanced countries. We also look in some detail at alternative sources of Irish income and their implications for the trends in income inequality in Ireland from 1994 to 2000. For instance, we examine the top of the distribution using data from the administration of the income tax system. We conclude that the spectacular economic growth in the past decade has seen the gap in average income between Ireland and the richer OECD countries narrow dramatically. However, this growth has not greatly affected the Irish ranking in terms of income inequality. Ireland remains an outlier among rich European nations in its high degree of income inequality, though still falling well short of the level seen in the United States. In the end, we find that Ireland's new-found prosperity provides a "social dividend," and choices about how it is used will fundamentally affect whether the current high level of income inequality persists into the future.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to verify if income inequality impedes the growth rates in OECD countries in the period of 1990–2014 and to reveal whether the choice of the income inequality measure determines the sign and the strength of the estimated relationship. We use system GMM to estimate parameters of a dynamic panel growth model. The research indicates that income inequality negatively affects economic growth. We also find evidence that various measures of inequality bring the different scale of consequences for economic growth, with measures that give more weight to the middle part of the distribution being the weakest predictor of GDP growth. Simultaneously, we present the test of weak instruments, which helps to explain these differences.  相似文献   

中国经济增长与收入差距关系的经验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济增长与收入差距的关系是一个古老而又充满活力的问题。研究发现,尽管全国总量时序数据的Granger因果关系检验表明,中国的经济增长与收入差距不存在任何方向的因果关系,但以各省GDP增长率和城乡收入比为观测点的面板数据检验结果显示:不论是在短期还是在长期,收入差距的扩大都是引起经济增长的Granger原因;经济增长在短期会引起收入差距的扩大,但从长期看,有助于收入差距的缩小。  相似文献   

It is well known that U.S. income inequality began to increase in the 1970s and increased sharply in the 1980s. Yet, what is less well known is that this upward trend was not uniform across states. Some states experienced almost no increase in family income inequality, while other states experienced dramatic increases. We use the variation in state trends to examine factors that may underlie shifts in U.S. income inequality. Among numerous factors, we include variables that allow us to examine the role that state and local economic development policy may play. Also, in examining state income inequality differences that could not be explained by economic factors, we explore the possibility that cultural and social norm factors affect state income inequality.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the long-run effect of growth volatility on income inequality using a comprehensive panel of annual U.S. state-level data during the 1945 to 2004 period. Using the pooled mean group (PMG) estimator, we find evidence supporting the hypothesis that larger growth volatility positively and significantly associates with higher income inequality. Our key finding is robust to alternative lag structures, conditioning variables, inequality measures, volatility indicators, time periods, and panel estimators. Our key finding does change for asymmetric effects, where larger growth volatility positively and significantly associates with higher income inequality only for positive economic growth. The volatility effect proves positive, but insignificant, for negative economic growth.  相似文献   

本文从有效需求角度入手,探究中国经济转型期经济增长与收入分配不平等之间的关系,并运用中国1978-2005年间28个省市的面板数据,通过面板数据单位根检验、协整检验与误差修正模型,对中国经济增长与收入分配不平等、有效需求、劳动力、投资、教育以及收入分配不平等和有效需求交互影响之间的长期关系和短期关系进行了研究。结果显示,中国经济转型期经济增长与收入分配不平等、有效需求具有长期的均衡关系,收入分配不平等通过有效需求机制阻碍了经济增长,且在短期内效果也非常显著。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the relation between growth and income inequality in the US during the post-war years (1953–2008). We show that the income of the top income groups is more sensitive to growth, defined broadly as current growth and changes in expectations of future growth, compared to the income of the lower income groups. We provide evidence that this increased sensitivity arises for two reasons: (a) the top income groups receive a large portion of their income from wealth, which is more sensitive to growth than labor income and (b) the top income groups receive a large portion of their labor income in the form of pay-for-performance (equity compensation), which is also sensitive to growth. Consequently, we conclude that growth and income inequality are positively associated.  相似文献   

There are several theories describing the effect of income inequality on economic growth. These theories usually predict that there exists some optimal, steady-state growth path between inequality and development. This study uses a new measure of income distribution and panel data cointegration methods to test for the existence of such a steady-state equilibrium relation. It is shown that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the variables, and that this relationship is negative in developed economies.  相似文献   

The literature on inequality has generally focused on the analysis of annual per capita income. This paper adopts a different approach by considering the life-cycle dimension of inequality and convergence between economies from 1960 to 2000. We analyze the present value of the set of incomes individuals obtain throughout their whole life (permanent income). On the basis of this approach, various simulations are made to determine the effect on inequality in permanent income of variables such as survival rates and the long-run growth rates in current income. The results indicate that survival rates are an important source of inequality. Inequality in permanent income is about one third higher than in current income. The implication of this finding is that if the whole life-cycle dimension is not considered, the level of inequality among economies is being underestimated.  相似文献   

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