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Stronger demand for medium- to long-haul air transport is the main driver of the tourism industry's increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, causing the current development of global tourism to be environmentally unsustainable. Efficiency improvements and biofuel usage are unlikely to maintain pace with the projected growth in transport volume. Therefore, curbing the growing demand for air transport has been suggested as another option for the sustainable development of tourism. However, the political and industry discourse concerning the restriction of air transport tends to label such a restriction as unethical, as such limits would impair the development that tourism brings to poor countries. This paper investigates the possible impacts of air travel restrictions on the least developed countries (LDCs) and non-LDCs by examining global tourism. The impacts on LDCs are found to be ‘neutral’ on average, with both losses and gains in tourist arrivals. The extent of any losses does not appear to be beyond the scope of possible economic compensation.  相似文献   

This paper launches the Curated Collection of Annals of Tourism Research on air transport and tourism. Starting with a structured and historical review of the literature, the paper then discusses an analytical framework based on microeconomics and economic geography tools to highlight the implications of air transport accessibility for tourism development. Moreover, the paper examines the airline – airport – tourism destination authority systemic relationship. By highlighting key features of each stakeholder, a total of 10,554 related intra- and inter-stakeholder possible relationships are identified. A thorough understanding of these relationships may prove of added value to address conflicts, capitalize on synergies and rejuvenate air transport and tourism in the post COVID-19 business environment to the benefit of all involved stakeholders.  相似文献   

The future growth of world tourism is inextricably linked to the growth of the air transport industry. Trends in the industry will thus have an important bearing on tourism development strategies. This article reviews the past, present and likely future of the regulation of the air transport industry.  相似文献   

While a substantial part of the population in Europe seems well informed about the phenomenon of climate change, uncertainty seems to prevail in terms of its seriousness, its consequences for society and action that needs to be taken in order to prevent ‘dangerous interference with the climate system’. Many people seem to believe that there is no scientific consensus about climate change and that individual behavioural change is irrelevant in the face of uncertainty. Such a ‘psychology of denial’ seems particularly strong in the context of air travel, the fastest growing transport sector. This paper seeks to understand this phenomenon by analysing the discourses surrounding air travel. Four major industry discourses are identified: air travel is energy efficient and accounts only for marginal emissions of CO2; air travel is economically and socially too important to be restricted; fuel use is constantly minimized and new technology will solve the problem, and air travel is treated unfairly in comparison to other means of transport. The validity of these claims is evaluated based on data and material presented in the scientific literature. Results show that there are substantial gaps between the discourses and the reality of aviation's environmental performance, which might partially explain the controversial understanding of air travel and its environmental consequences among the public.  相似文献   

The air transport industry is currently facing new challenges in virtually every aspect of its daily operations. As the trade association and parliament of the world's scheduled international and domestic airlines, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is adapting to meet the needs of its 144 members and of the aviation market place. Dr Günter Eser, Director General of IATA, discusses the impact of the changes in relation to deregulation and liberalization; national anti-trust and competition laws; the automation revolution; and IATA's involvement in helping airlines of developing nations to become self-sufficient and to play their full part in the overall pattern of international air transport. Dr Eser describes IATA's role in technical matters; the relationship with travel agents; and the vital topic of security. He concludes that adaptability and versatility are the keynotes of IATA's changing role in the future.  相似文献   

This paper develops and explains an input–output model to quantify the carbon footprint linked to residents' and visitors' tourist consumption in the Spanish economy between 1995 and 2007, thus offering a rare longitudinal review of a national carbon footprint. Two measures are calculated: a domestic one similar to the producer responsibility criterion and a total measure that includes imported intermediate and final goods, similar to the consumer responsibility measure. The important role of tourism in Spain explains why its domestic carbon footprint represented 10.6% of total CO2 emissions in 2007. Visiting tourists represented 47% of this figure, households 36%, business tourism represented 14% and public administration expenditures 3%. By industry, transport (26%) was positioned as the highest emitter in 2007, with hotels and restaurants the second (21%) (benefitting indirectly from energy and environmental efficiency improvements over the period). The Spanish reliance on imported oil products and the growing importance of foreign-based air services has caused the total carbon footprint of tourism to increase by more than 100%. Therefore, climate change mitigation plans must include imports, and action must take place through the whole global production chain and in the transport sector, particularly air transport. Future mitigation policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Unlike income or relative prices, air transport attributes and tourism demand on a given route can be endogenous. Using instrumental variables, this study attempted to account for the circular causality in estimating the effect of direct air service on tourism demand. Although we found evidence of endogeneity, the nature of the circular causation is context-specific; while direct air service can be regarded as an exogenous variable in one direction, it can have an endogenous relationship on the other. Findings emphasise the need to explicate information about the network nature of transportation and its endogenous relations with tourism.  相似文献   

Tourism has begun to be acknowledged as being a significant contributor to the increase in environmental externalities, especially to climate ch ange. Various studies have started to estimate and compute the role of the different tourism sectors that contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These estimations have been made from a sectorial perspective, assessing the contribution of air transport, accommodation or other tourism-related economic sectors. In contrast with this and in order to evaluate the impact of tourism on air pollution from a joint perspective, this paper explores the relationship between daily concentrations of PM10 and the number of tourists in Mallorca (Spain). The results show that the daily stock of tourists is not only a significant predictor of air pollution concentration levels but also a variable whose inclusion improves the standard specification of urban air pollution models that have the common feature of using weather conditions as main explanatory variables. Furthermore, by using a Generalized Additive Model in its semi-parametric form it is shown that a 1% increase in tourist numbers can be related to up to a 0.45% increase in PM10 concentration levels.  相似文献   

A well-designed mission statement is essential for formulating, implementing, and evaluating business strategy. Yet the role of the mission statement in the strategic management of business firms has not been sufficiently highlighted in the research literature. It is not surprising that minimal attention has been paid to the role of mission statements in the strategic management of tourism and hospitality organisations. This paper attempts to remedy this apparent neglect. It focuses on the international airline industry by selecting 50 mission statements from corporate websites.1 The mission statements are then analysed to determine the extent to which they conform to commonly accepted views of the ‘ideal’ mission statement. Variations from the stated ‘ideal’ are highlighted and discussed. Conclusions are drawn regarding the role of mission statements in the strategic management of tourism and hospitality organisations.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(2):160-163
This article emphasizes the importance of transport to the tourism industry and in particular the part played by air transport in international travel. Air travel accounts for 60%–70% of all international journeys to and from the UK. The inclusive tours (IT) sector - largely developed in the UK and FR Germany - represents an increasing proportion of UK airline passengers. Larger aircraft are being brought into use by UK airlines to cope with increasing demand. The increasing tendency to long-haul travel favours the scheduled airlines but charter services can cater for small traffic flows and thus benefit new destinations.  相似文献   

Transport infrastructure and tourism development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper investigates the significance of transport infrastructure as a factor in destination development, showing it to be part of the classical demand for international tourism functions. An application involving the island of Mauritius is presented, whereby total tourist arrivals are modeled. The findings show that tourists from Europe/America and Asia are particularly sensitive to the island’s transport infrastructure. Those from Europe/America are also sensitive to its nontransport infrastructure. Both types of infrastructure, as well as income of tourists, distance, and relative prices are important ingredients in their own respect in the tourism demand equation. Mauritius is an expanding destination, with the European and American markets being most promising.  相似文献   

Stansfield, Charles A. Jr. “Atlantic City and the Resort Cycle: Background to the Legalization of Gambling”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 238–251. Legalization of casino gambling in Atlantic City was politically feasible only following widespread voter recognition of the old resort's economic and social plight. The success of a statewide referendum was attributed to the concept that only a radical change in Atlantic City's crowd-attracting formula would be successful as it had become obsolescent as a resort partly due to changes in transport technology and recreation geography. There is an apparent cycle in the development, expansion, shift in socio-economic base of patronage, and decline of resorts; Atalantic City's century and a quarter existence is used as a case study of this resort cycle.  相似文献   

This article discusses the extent to which prospective tourists' concerns about airport stops and flights on small airplanes inhibit air travel to tourist destinations, drawing on data from telephone surveys conducted in the Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas area. Respondents were queried about the extent to which one airport stop, two airport stops, and one airport stop followed by a flight on a small, propeller-powered airplane, respectively, would deter them from flying to a destination 1096 miles (1764 km) away. Findings suggest that marketers of similar destinations in similarly distant markets that are accessible by air only after two airport stops risk having their promotional appeals ignored by roughly half those who would prefer to reach such destinations by air. Moreover, those most concerned about such flight schedules were more likely than other respondents to have high incomes and to use the Internet to obtain vacation or travel information.  相似文献   

国外大众旅游对海滨环境影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海滨旅游自19世纪开始兴起,兴起之初仅限于旅游地所在国家范围内,而从1950年到21世纪初,滚装渡船与廉价航空运输的引入,导致国际海滨旅游以指数化的方式增长.海滨旅游的发展促进了旅游地的经济发展与社会进步,同时也对旅游地的海滨环境造成了严重的,甚至是不可逆的影响.在广泛查阅相关文献的基础上,本文从6个方面对大众旅游对海滨环境的影响进行了述评:旅游的自我毁灭理论、基础设施的修建导致生境破碎化、游轮引致严重的生态损害、踩踏降低潮间带生物多样性、海滩清洁降低沙质海岸生物多样性和生态旅游的负面影响.  相似文献   

The reported empirical study assessed anticipated reactions to foreign visitors in an area being considered for a tourism development program. Although a generally high level of acceptance was predicted by the residents, over 11% of the 846 respondents anticipated negative reactions within their residential community. Analysis of the possible relationships between twelve demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and their expectations concerning host community acceptance of tourists from foreign countries disclosed only one statistically significant relationship. Survey participants who reported living in urban areas assessed the community's probable reaction to foreign travellers most positively, while a movement away from urban centers was associated with more negative expectations.  相似文献   

This study explores tourists’ contribution to air pollution through an analysis of tropospheric ozone levels. Although the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is beneficial, preventing damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the Earth's surface, ozone in the lower atmosphere, known as tropospheric ozone, can damage plant species, both natural materials and manufactured goods, and can damage lung tissues in humans. Additionally, ozone in the upper troposphere exerts a considerable impact on global warming. Using the case study of Mallorca (Spain) – an isolated, intensive tourist destination in the Mediterranean – a daily indicator of tourist numbers is used in order to capture direct and induced pressure on the environment. Models based on daily data are estimated using meteorological, daily tourist numbers and other significant variables, showing how rising tourism activity in Mallorca is associated with rising daily concentrations of tropospheric ozone, created by transport, air conditioning and other activities. The estimated models make different simulations possible, showing the consequences of increasing tourism numbers during different seasons. The concluding section shows the potential to develop the models used here for other destinations.  相似文献   

吴普 《旅游学刊》2014,(8):110-116
离岸岛屿目的地旅游交通能耗与排放的测算能更加清晰地反映旅游交通、乘飞机旅行造成的环境影响。国内现有的旅游业能耗与排放的测算几乎都使用的是国外5年甚至10年前的经验参数。文章采用自下而上法,最大限度地使用符合我国实际的各种交通方式能耗及排放强度的关键参数,并通过大量的实地调研,细化旅游交通组织,较为准确地测算了我国第二大岛海南岛首府海口市2011年旅游交通的能源消耗与CO2排放量。结果表明,2011年海口市旅游交通能耗为27.40PJ(皮焦,1皮焦等于1015焦),占当年全市总能耗的22.10%;旅游交通CO2排放总量为2.06Mt(兆吨,1兆吨等于106吨)。对于离岸岛屿旅游目的地而言,无烟产业的定论被打破,旅游业正在或已经成为海口市重点用能产业。离岸岛屿目的地旅游业为应对气候变化和节能减排,应设法延长游客的停留天数、减少进出往返的飞行次数;并在充分研究论证的基础上,适时考虑开征设立航空排放税、旅游环境税或生态补偿基金等。鉴于旅游交通等旅游能耗统计基础薄弱,建议组建专业化的旅游能源统计机构,切实加强旅游能耗统计管理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine international tourism development in Mongolia in the last decade and analyze international tourists’ satisfaction of their travel experience with tourist attractions, facilities, services and prices. This study identified the demographic characteristics of international tourists from four regions: Europe, the US, Japan and other Asia/Pacific countries by surveying a sample of 530 visitors by air travel. Satisfaction level of international tourists from these four different regions were analyzed and compared to find regional similarities and differences. Recommendations were made for the Mongolian tourism authority to target efficiently its international tourism markets and improve tourism services in Mongolia.  相似文献   

Conferences and meetings are a prerequisite in the modern global economy and can contribute substantially to national income and foreign exchange earnings. This study assesses the economic contribution of the international association conference market to Ireland and highlights key sectors that demonstrate strong multiplier effects. Primary conference expenditure estimates are combined with sector multipliers to determine direct, indirect and induced effects across a range of monetary aggregates in Ireland in 2007. Total direct conference spending of €131.1 million generated €235.8 million in output, €45.4 million in income, €101.6 million in value added, €52.0 million in imports and €9.3 million in product taxes. Key conference sectors are highlighted including hotels and restaurants, renting services of machinery and equipment, air transport and retail shopping. Findings also indicate the varying nature of derived economic effects over discrete time periods, particularly in the post conference period. Overall, the results demonstrate that the conference market contributed substantially to economic aggregates in Ireland in 2007.  相似文献   

Trip destinations, gateways and itineraries: the example of Hong Kong   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Trip itinerary data present analytical problems because of the great diversity of routes that travelers follow and the varying significance of destinations along those routes. Most of the models that have been proposed to deal with this complexity have focused either on the total number of travelers from one country to another, or on the overall pattern of entire trips. An alternative and complementary approach is to examine the relative location of a destination within the larger itinerary pattern. Depending on their location within the overall trip itinerary, places can exhibit characteristics of one or more destination types: Single Destination, Gateway Destination, Egress Destination, Touring Destination, or Hub Destination. Data collected on international air travelers to Hong Kong exhibited the first four of these five patterns. Taiwan and Singapore residents primarily used Hong Kong as a Single Destination for short break shopping holidays and for business. US and Australian residents were the most likely to use Hong Kong as a trip Gateway and as a Touring Destination, especially as the Gateway for a trip to China, but Hong Kong also served as a Gateway for trips to destinations in East and Southeast Asia and, for US residents, to Australia. Residents of China were more likely to use Hong Kong as a trip Egress Destination than were others. Hong Kong has traditionally considered itself primarily as a ‘gateway to China’ and an ‘Asian travel hub’. Hong Kong, and other destinations, could benefit from being more aware of their role as an Egress Destination and of their relationships with destinations that travelers visit before and after their arrival.  相似文献   

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