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服务类专业的课程改革,应根据岗位所面向的服务人群与业务种类重构课程体系。在培养职业岗位核心技能的基础上,特别要突出人际沟通与开拓创新的能力要求。广州番禺职业技术学院国际商务专业以项目课程为主体高职课程模式,通过三维互渗+四级递进课程体系、三级平台+四轮驱动教学模式、三相结合+四化引领教育理念,初步实现了具有良好沟通能力的创新型商务人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

高职国际商务专业课程体系开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,高职国际商务专业学科本位思想的课程模式尚存,不能适应高等职业教育发展的需要。本文从理论与实践角度探讨了突出高等职业教育本质特征的国际商务专业课程体系开发模式、开发原则与开发方法。  相似文献   

邹彦 《价值工程》2010,29(11):149-149
本文首先对3G业务未来发展趋势进行分析,并对3G业务平台的具体建设细节进行研究,结合国外建设的成功经验,提出自己的一些见解。  相似文献   


Corruption is widely accepted in the popular press as a problem for economic development and in conducting international business. Yet, it remains somewhat under-researched, particularly in an academic setting. This article describes corruption in the context of international business. It presents a critical evaluation of the conceptual and methodological issues associated with corruption. In doing so, it portrays the inherent complexities in studying this topic. The paper ends with recommendations for addressing the main concerns.  相似文献   

张义  王鑫  王凤芝 《价值工程》2013,(21):272-273
本文借鉴国内外各高校双语教学模式的实践,着重分析了选择适用恰当的国际商法双语教学模式的原则和方法。  相似文献   

国际商战中的[竞争情报]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在垃圾堆里乱翻的不只是无家可归者,那些装模作样的公司也在撕碎垃圾袋,搜寻竞争对手的商业秘密.在当今社会,信息成为芸芸众生尤其是商家孜孜以求的金饽饽.而以商业信息为对象的竞争情报,对企业保持竞争优势已举足轻重.企业在竞争中如果缺乏竞争情报将处于被动境地.  相似文献   

国际经济景气分析研究进展综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、国际经济景气研究现状 1961年10月美国商务部正式将NBER(the National Bureau of Economic Research)经济周期波动监测系统的输出信息在其刊物《商情摘要》(Business Conditions Digest,缩写为BCD)上发表。从此,宏观经济监测系统从民间研究走向了政府机构实际应用的阶段。  相似文献   


With the rapid economic growth of the East Asian countries, there has been an increasing interest in the education and skill development strategies used in the region. One of the critical features of Singapore's human resource development strategy is the emphasis on regionalization and internationalization of the academic curriculum. The trend of this internationalization may be attributable to three major factors: Singapore government's regionalization policy, distance learning programs offered by foreign universities, and the overseas assignment of Singaporean managers as expatriates. This paper presents an overview of the internationalization of the business curriculum at the graduate and undergraduate level in Singapore, particularly at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The Nanyang Business School, although a young institution, is rapidly moving towards the internationalization process in various areas. At present its student body is drawn from more than 20 countries. About a third of its business faculty come from about 19 countries. At the undergraduate level, students are encouraged to study foreign languages, and required to take the international business course irrespective of their functional specialization. In addition, most functional areas of specialization offer at least one international course as an elective choice. Some of the students also complete their required professional attachment abroad. At the graduate level, the unique feature of it's MBA program is the compulsory International Business Study Mission. The newly introduced MBA specialization in International Business adds another dimension. The school is now focusing on extensive research efforts in the area of regional-ization and globalization of business through its several research centers. The paper also identifies a few concerns such as the rapid changes in the pedagogy due to the overall systemic changes in the curriculum from the traditional British education model and the availability of suitable case studies.  相似文献   

本文基于服务利润链理论,对于以客户为中心的服务型外贸企业的价值链构成进行分析,并从三个层面探讨了服务型外贸企业的服务效能问题,进而以天津为例,建立了服务型外贸企业服务效能评价指标体系,以期对服务型外贸企业提高自身的服务效能提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess whether the inclusion of improved estimates of the future in corporate annual financial statements has brought about greater international comparability. It is argued that including more relevant information in financial reporting enables users to estimate earnings that are more able to reflect current economic conditions and up-to-date expectations of the future and thus recognize news in a more timely manner. To reflect the underlying economics of integrating financial markets, earnings expectations must be not only more timely but also more comparable. Thus, in examining the increasingly widespread adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), this study considers both the timeliness and the comparability of earnings expectations in the European Union, before and after the mandatory IFRS implementation. The empirical findings support the view that users' earnings estimates have indeed become more timely in recognizing market news and significantly more comparable.  相似文献   


Mercosur is the latest common market in Latin America with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay as its full members, along with Bolivia and Chile as associate members. Mercosur is an acronym for Mercado Comun Del Sur meaning the Southern Cone Common Market. Mercosur, with its original four member nations, has a total population of 200 million and a combined GDP of $1,000 billion (Fidler 1997, Pilling 1997). If Mercosur were a single country, this would make it the world's fourth most populous nation with the seventh largest economy.

Since the Treaty of Mercosur, also known as the Asuncion Treaty, the four full members have made tremendous strides towards achieving most of their objectives within the specified time periods. However, the agreement which called for the full implementation of a customs union by January 1, 1995, has not been fully realized. This has given rise to some concern among foreign investors about the practicality, and the attractiveness of the proposed Customs Union. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the general business environment of the four Mercosur-member nations through an examination of the agreement itself, followed by a brief investment risk assessment using a country risk assessment model, and conclude with some implications for prospective investors. The analysis is limited to the economies of the four full member nations mainly because of two reasons: (1) the study focuses on issues concerning this group's transition to a customs union and eventually to a common market, and (2) there are continuing negotiations with countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela for their accession into Mercosur as associate members. Therefore, the term Mercosur Nations in this paper refers to the four nations who are full members of Mercosur.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of international business teaching within an undermduate business curriculum through the use of multidimensional scaling methodolom. One indicant of a student's understaedina of the international business lexicon is higher retention of the connotative and denotative meanings of key terminology and concepts that are unique to the discipline. This study measures undergraduate business students' ability to assimilate knowledge and concepts related to he intemational business lexicon: Shuctural Global Dimensions and Functional Global Dimensions. Sophomore and senior international business students' understanding of the international business lexicon is compared and contrasted. The results suggest that senior students understand the Functional Dimensions of international business better than the Structural Global Dimensions. This could be attributed Lo their exposure to and predilection towards the functional areas of business. The seniors' inability to correctly identify the Structural Global Dimensions could be attributed to their greater exposure to the functional areas or their lower exposure to broaer globh and environmental issues and concerns.  相似文献   

周侃 《价值工程》2012,31(28):165-166
目前世界全球化进程在不断进行,全球化最主要的是经济全球化。想要提高商务英语的能力,那么在商务英语的听、说、写这三个方面的基本功需要得到强化,即使这三个方面的基本功已经得到强化,想要学好商务英语还需要有扎实的国际贸易知识作支撑,与此同时文化知识在商务环境中的应用还需要特别注意。  相似文献   

贾英华 《价值工程》2015,34(9):272-273
本文针对现阶段国际煤炭市场情况进行了深入的分析,以期为煤炭货车销售企业的改革和转型提供一定的导向性作用。  相似文献   

石荣海 《价值工程》2012,31(18):276-277
21世纪的到来,人类世纪步入了一个新时期,科技的发展及网络技术的广泛使用,使国家与国家之间的交流变得更加密切和便捷,随着中国加入WTO,中国与世界之间的交流也变得更加密切,在这一背景下,商务英语本身所起的作用和价值就更加明显。通过商务英语,营销人员不仅可以获取各类国际信息,同时还有利于人们宣传自己的产品,应该说商务英语在国际营销中起到的作用是巨大的。本文本文通过分析商务英语的内涵和特点,重点讨论了商务英语在国际营销中的重要作用。  相似文献   

任惠斌  鞠宁 《价值工程》2011,30(22):191-192
通过对国际贸易规则教学目的的论述,分析了国际贸易规则教学中存在的问题,提出了应采取的正确的教学思路和方法,指出了对学生规则实际运用能力的培养是教学的终极目的。  相似文献   

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