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Decisions and behaviors are influenced by values. Because people today have differing values, it is necessary for organizations to foster common value systems within their organizations if decisions and behaviors are to be consistent with the objectives of the organizations. This consistency is only possible if the organizations' values are identified, people are hired who are willing and able to embrace the organizations' values, systems of operation support the value systems, and management and staff are trained to honor and follow the rules.  相似文献   

The potential for tension between tourists and residents due to tourist behaviour is rising. In such environment, understanding tourists’ ethical judgments of different scenarios is important. This study asks tourists and residents to ethically evaluate five different scenarios, using a multidimensional ethics scale and rate the likelihood they are to engage in these scenarios while at home and on vacation. An intercept survey of 1827 questionnaires were collected from Hong Kong residents, Mainland Chinese and Western tourists. Teleological ethical theories may justify actions that are deemed ethically inappropriate by deontology or ethics of justice. Western tourists are more likely to engage in unethical behaviour on holidays than at home. For Mainland Chinese visitors, the opposite is true.  相似文献   

产权边界、层次差异与旅游用地资源配置效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于交易费用的存在,任何权利的界定都是不充分的,部分权利因而被置于公共领域。残缺的权利如果未能赋予另一有行动能力和意愿的主体,其租金将在竞争中趋于消散,产生资源配置无效率。我国旅游用地制度造成了旅游相关主体的产权残缺,导致资源配置无效率,也影响人们之间的收入分配.  相似文献   

酒店销售模式是酒店销售哲学的外在反映,国内酒店的销售太多地依赖于销售人员个人的销售能力,这和国外销售工作依靠完整的销售系统差别巨大,本文分析了这不同的销售模式并提出策略性建议,对于指导国内酒店的销售工作具有现实的意义。  相似文献   

Tourism is dependent upon natural resources, many of which display the characteristics of Common Pool Resources (CPRs), where the exclusion of users is impractical and their exploitation by one person can reduce the benefit for another. Concern about the ‘over-use’of CPRs was expressed by Hardin (1968) in his seminal essay ‘Tragedy of the Commons’. In an overlooked part of his thesis he suggested a moral shift in human behaviour as the simplest way to avoid over-use. The post-Hardin period has seen the emergence of environmental ethics as a recognised field of applied ethics. Utilising this theoretical framework, the influence of an environmental ethic upon the behaviour of tourism stakeholders is analysed. It is suggested that although the presence of a conservation ethic is resulting in a move to resource conserving behaviour (RCB), there is a lack of recognition of the intrinsic value of nature. It is argued that this recognition may be necessary for the ultimate sustainability of CPRs and that the adoption of a conservation ethic may be the first step in an evolutionary development of an environmental ethic for the tourism market.  相似文献   

论旅游目的地营销误区与新策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王国新 《旅游学刊》2006,21(8):45-49
旅游目的地之间竞争的日益加剧,使营销成为目的地在竞争中胜出的有力武器,旅游市场营销也随之从以企业为主体的营销模式转变到以目的地营销为主体的时代.本文在考察国内外旅游目的地营销研究和实践的基础上,结合国内旅游目的地实际,分析我国目的地营销中存在的几大误区,并讨论了旅游目的地营销的新策略.  相似文献   

试论旅游资源所有权与经营权相分离   总被引:64,自引:4,他引:64  
钟勉 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):23-26
本文在对旅游资源所有权与经营权“相分离”从理论上作出界定,并指出“不可分离”的理论已磊大落后于改革与发展实践的基础上,对“分离”的必要性、可行性从理论和实践的结合上进行了分析论证,提出了“分离”是保护和开发并重并实现二者良性循环的有机结合点的观点,对实现“分离”必须同时建立起的监管运行机制作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive review of recent developments in hospitality ethics research articles published in major hospitality journals as well as in other fields in the period from 2006 to 2015. A total of 62 articles were analyzed and the results were presented with the discussion of research articles by journal and period, geographical locations of study, research method and data analysis, and research subject areas. Conclusions and implications for future research are offered.  相似文献   


While some hospitality and tourism management programs face the challenge of filling available seats, others are blessed with the problem of over-demand. When demand exceeds supply, schools must consider placing enrollment caps on their student intake, which of course leads to the issue on how best to administer such a cap. This paper explains and empirically evaluates the selection process employed by Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) to learn if their efforts were effective in identifying the ‘best’ student candidates. The findings should be of value to administrators of programs with, or considering, enrollment caps.  相似文献   


This study examined ethical business perceptions and practices in purchasing dealings between junior and senior managers in the U.S. restaurants. This study investigated the managerial style in the context of business ethics relative to employees’ loyalty, ethical working behavior, attitude, and decision‐making process of restaurant's food purchasing personnel. Additionally, organizational business ethics training for employees is a crucial component to enhance adherence to an ethical code of conduct. The findings revealed that the managers’ ethical purchasing perceptions and practices of their employees’ behaviors were not different in terms of gender, age, and years of experiences as a manager. Corporate ethical standards and managerial ethical practices can guide managers and employees as to how to behave when confronted with a dilemma with regard to ethics and personal interest. Consequently, the prime principle of management or purchasing personnel in terms of ethical dealings has tremendous impact on a firm's operational performance and employees’ morale.  相似文献   

This study examined the ways in which hospitality leaders in Australia seek to influence others in the workplace. One hundred and thirty three hotel managers participated in this study, of which 91 provided answers to all questions. The results indicate that the prevailing leadership styles in Australia are a blend of Machiavellian and Bureaucratic styles and that variance in this choice correlates with the age of the respondent. That is, older managers are less inclined to use a utilitarian or rule-based ethical decision-making style, and more inclined to embrace a social contract or personalistic ethic approach.  相似文献   

都市旅游研究:多维透视与发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘住  樊小兰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(1):26-29
都市旅游的发展是与时俱进的.本文运用多学科、跨学科的方法论判明其发展的态势,剖析其多维的特质,探讨其模式的转化,并提出深度开发的对策,以冀用科学的发展观来把握未来都市旅游发展的脉搏.  相似文献   

The article illuminates one of the central ethical questions concerning tourist photography: the ways in which tourists photograph local people in tourist destinations. In line with the previous research on tourist photography, the study suggests that tourists’ experiences of responsible behaviour become continuously re-defined and negotiated in relations with others. Through a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of tourists’ accounts, the study focusses on the role of the face in photography; that is, how encountering the face of the other interrupts the photographer and calls for heightened responsibility and reflection. Drawing on the Levinasian idea of ethics as being-for-the-other, the article visualizes relational ethics that do not originate from the tourist’s gaze, but from the face of the other.  相似文献   


Experiential learning approaches such as role-play have been found to be valuable methods of bridging the divide between academic knowledge and practical skills, a problem often cited in tourism and hospitality management education. Such approaches have been found to contribute towards deeper learning by enhancing students' interest, motivation, participation, knowledge and skill development. This paper reports on the implementation of an experiential learning approach designed to encourage and facilitate deeper learning approaches, with the contributing aims of providing students with a more interesting learning experience and a broader set of skills for future employment.  相似文献   

关于旅游业可持续发展的环境伦理学思考   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
黄震方 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):68-71
通过对传统旅游的重新审视,作者分析了旅游业可持续发展的环境伦理学内涵,提出了加强旅游环境伦理建设的基本对策,应加强旅游环境伦理教育,优化环境道路目标,健全环境道德规范,完善旅游环保制度,加强旅游环境道德控制,并大力开发生态型绿色旅游产品。  相似文献   

过往旅游感知研究多停留在实证研究层面——以管理学、社会学、统计学的视角居多,而实证之后对其从制度伦理等哲学角度的反思鲜有涉及。实际上,研究旅游只在管理学或社会学层面的思考是远远不够的,许多问题还涉及目前旅游学界未给予足够关注的制度伦理。文章拟从另一视角来验证旅游发展带来制度伦理方面的诉求。通过比较两个地理位置相当、人口社会学特征相似的古村落——广东开平自力村和马降龙村的旅游影响感知及态度,发现由于旅游发展程度的不同,居民对开放社会的制度伦理诉求存在一定的差异;得出旅游发展程度越高,居民呈现出对公民社会的伦理诉求越强烈,即居民对村里的公共事务的参与意识越强,对分配公正的诉求、公共利益的关注越明显等制度伦理特征。  相似文献   


Feminists have long acknowledged that gendered divisions in access to spaces of leisure, and how women and men physically take up that space, reproduce gender inequality. This article will explore how karate practitioners participate in the space of mixed-sex karate practice and how such uses of space de/construct gendered embodiments and a gender hierarchy. Data presented are drawn from nine months of ethnographic emersion within three karate clubs and 15 photo-elicitation interviews with karate participants from the three clubs. The findings of this paper suggest that whilst women often occupied spaces of expertise within the karate hall, gendered distinctions in uses of space emerged in the more subtle ways in which women and men used their voice, responded to the tacit and smelt dilemmas of sweat, and moved their bodies across physical space. This research highlights both the potential of physical leisure practice to ‘undo’ conventional gendered embodiments that particularly restrict women’s intentionality in the world, and the power of spatially attuned research to illuminate the minute ways in which unequal gender relations are naturalised, legitimised and done.  相似文献   

This study determined how perceptions of an ethical employment context and location of employment (U.S. vs. Mexico) were related to ethical decision-making. Using a questionnaire, information was collected from individuals working for hospitality organizations in the United States and Mexico. The results indicated that a stronger perceived ethical employment context was associated with increased perceptions that an ethical issue was important. In addition, being employed in Mexico and stronger ethical issue importance were associated with an increased ethical judgment. A stronger ethical judgment was also associated with an increased ethical intention. Managerial implications, limitations, and research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

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