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任惠斌  鞠宁 《价值工程》2011,30(22):191-192
通过对国际贸易规则教学目的的论述,分析了国际贸易规则教学中存在的问题,提出了应采取的正确的教学思路和方法,指出了对学生规则实际运用能力的培养是教学的终极目的。  相似文献   

张义  王鑫  王凤芝 《价值工程》2013,(21):272-273
本文借鉴国内外各高校双语教学模式的实践,着重分析了选择适用恰当的国际商法双语教学模式的原则和方法。  相似文献   

现代国际机场已经由20世纪的公共交通枢纽演变成21世纪的战略商业基础设施。在这个过程中,机场吸引了城市中心几乎所有的传统商业活动。这也使它们由最初的"城市机场"转变成城市经济版图的自有品牌——航空城。在成为全球商业支柱和投资热点之后,一些枢纽机场也让它们所在的城市获得绝对的区域经济竞争优势。国际机场对面向全球的、对时间敏感的企业尤其重要——这些企业对高管、客户以及货物快速、高效的长途运输更加依赖。它们对寻求多元化经济,扩大出口,吸引投资,吸引高消费游客的许多城市和地区至关重要。亚洲和中东各国政府都明白这一点,正在积极建设机场、扩大机场规模并使其现代化,同时提供独特的乘客体验、奢侈品购买和服务,并通过建设独特的航站楼来提升国家形象。中国在机场新建、扩建及现代化方面已处于世界领先地位,并且正在充分利用这些投资以增强其企业竞争力,促进经济发展并满足其日益增长的航空需求。我们需要探讨的主要问题是:剖析航空驱动区域竞争力提升和经济发展的"第五轮冲击波"理论;剖析当今门户机场的航空商业模式;论证私有部门的操作原则是如何更有效地被引入管理机场的商业功能;提供机场对区域经济影响的一些具体案例;讨论亚洲和中东地区如何发展其航空中心来招揽未来全球业务;评估中国机场建设热潮的财务可行性及其相对优点。  相似文献   

本文结合区域优势、相关政策文献以及专业发展现状,论述了国际航运类管理专业实验室建设的迫切性、必要性;在经过充分调研,得到国家专项资金资助的前提下,对实训室进行具体的规划,拟建成以业务流程为主线,仿真工作室为运营环境,软件系统与信息系统一体化平台为驱动的业务模拟综合实训室。  相似文献   

想要在境外经商获得成功,需要的不仅仅是钱那么简单。当全世界的人们谈论起中国公司进入世界各地进行跨国经营并取得成功时,这个基本事实往往被掩盖。联想成功并购IBM个人电脑业务,海尔竞购美泰,中信悬而未决地与贝尔斯登的战略联盟——这些都表明了中国资金充裕的现状和进行海外投资的强烈愿望。  相似文献   

结合国际贸易商务协同环境的基本情况,分析商务协同机制的特点,并在此基础上研究国际贸易业务执行模式现状和商务协同环境下业务执行模式的特点.  相似文献   

张阁  陈广山  王媛 《物流技术》2011,(11):227-229
结合国际贸易商务协同环境的基本情况,分析商务协同机制的特点,并在此基础上研究国际贸易业务执行模式现状和商务协同环境下业务执行模式的特点。  相似文献   

尹晶  丁春玲  田芯 《价值工程》2011,30(30):215-216
案例教学在培养学生创新思维方式、提高处理问题的能力、锻炼沟通能力和增强学习的积极性与主动性等方面具有优势。本文以北京化工大学北方学院为例,分析了案例教学在三本学生商科类教学中开展的可能性与必要性、目前案例教学的现状、存在的问题及解决对策。  相似文献   


Mercosur is the latest common market in Latin America with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay as its full members, along with Bolivia and Chile as associate members. Mercosur is an acronym for Mercado Comun Del Sur meaning the Southern Cone Common Market. Mercosur, with its original four member nations, has a total population of 200 million and a combined GDP of $1,000 billion (Fidler 1997, Pilling 1997). If Mercosur were a single country, this would make it the world's fourth most populous nation with the seventh largest economy.

Since the Treaty of Mercosur, also known as the Asuncion Treaty, the four full members have made tremendous strides towards achieving most of their objectives within the specified time periods. However, the agreement which called for the full implementation of a customs union by January 1, 1995, has not been fully realized. This has given rise to some concern among foreign investors about the practicality, and the attractiveness of the proposed Customs Union. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the general business environment of the four Mercosur-member nations through an examination of the agreement itself, followed by a brief investment risk assessment using a country risk assessment model, and conclude with some implications for prospective investors. The analysis is limited to the economies of the four full member nations mainly because of two reasons: (1) the study focuses on issues concerning this group's transition to a customs union and eventually to a common market, and (2) there are continuing negotiations with countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela for their accession into Mercosur as associate members. Therefore, the term Mercosur Nations in this paper refers to the four nations who are full members of Mercosur.  相似文献   


While there is a widespread understanding among academicians and practitioners alike that corporate branding is one of the most critical objectives of a successful marketing strategy, the majority of the studies in this area have focused on the western multinationals. This paper empirically examines the degree of congruence between consumer brand image and the retailers' corporate image in the retail industry using an Asian sample.  相似文献   

abstract    In this essay, I discuss the implications of the debate over offshoring for our collective understanding of international business and management theories. I review several core theories in international business expansion and management strategy to assess which elements of these theories may need to be re-specified in light of the offshoring phenomenon and which aspects remain relevant. I then present normative implications and recommendations for public policy and corporate strategy, drawing from emerging insights regarding the global responsibilities of corporations. I suggest that international labour and environmental standards and corporate codes of conduct could mitigate some of the most intense concerns raised about offshoring but conclude that offshoring is likely to present challenges to societies, corporations, and stakeholders for many decades.  相似文献   

This article describes how Prudential—in a dramatically changed marketplace—engaged its 55,000 employees as partners in transforming the company's many disparate businesses into one integrated company. Using a combination of large‐and small‐scale meetings, follow‐up actions at the work unit level, and sophisticated performance enhancement processes, OPX (One Prudential Exchange) is helping transform Prudential from a staid insurance company to a modern financial services powerhouse. OPX has introduced the One Prudential vision to the company's 55,000 employees in nearly 300 large‐scale meetings in 12 cities, and has institutionalized problem resolution and breakthrough dialogue processes in over 3,500 follow‐up work unit meetings. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

新创企业国际化作为国际化经营中的新现象,伴随着创业型经济的兴起和经济全球化的深入发展日趋频繁和普遍,成为近年来国际商务理论研究的新兴领域和理论热点。本文在简要介绍新创企业国际化理论兴起与发展的基础上,围绕国际化动因、过程与战略选择以及国际化对新创企业成长和绩效的影响三个方面对新创企业国际化理论进行分析梳理和评述,以期为国内相关问题的研究提供一个清晰的研究脉络,并为我国企业国际化经营实践提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

国际商战中的[竞争情报]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在垃圾堆里乱翻的不只是无家可归者,那些装模作样的公司也在撕碎垃圾袋,搜寻竞争对手的商业秘密.在当今社会,信息成为芸芸众生尤其是商家孜孜以求的金饽饽.而以商业信息为对象的竞争情报,对企业保持竞争优势已举足轻重.企业在竞争中如果缺乏竞争情报将处于被动境地.  相似文献   

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