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中国大陆外方管理饭店人力资源管理现状及对策研究 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
本文通过抽样调查方式对中国大陆外方管理饭店(简称外管饭店)的人力资源管理现状、问题进行了分析。研究结果表明外管饭店与其它性质的饭店相比具有更大的自主权、裙带关系较少、重视员工培训和发展、更有效的激励系统以及良好的劳资关系等特征。国际饭店集团正在采取人才本土化战略,以获得更大竞争优势。外管饭店也面临着员工素质不高、人才流失、员工表现不理想、职业道德总体较低和中外员工文化差异等问题。作者认为人力资源管理的重点应该放在培训及激励员工两方面。 相似文献
经过20世纪80年代以来20多年的学术研究和实践,国外接待业人力资源管理已成为一个较成熟的研究领域.本文分战略性人力资源、招聘和选拔、流动、培训和开发、薪酬管理、绩效评估、工作设计与参与和管理者开发等8个主要研究议题,对国外接待业人力资源研究进展进行了较系统的评述.目前综述国外接待业人力资源研究进展的文献尚不多见,国内接待业人力资源研究尚不全面和深入,本文综述将为国内相关研究提供有益借鉴. 相似文献
ABSTRACTDrawing from social exchange theory, this study investigates how changes in human resource management practices influence and affect employee engagement in a hotel chain. Changes in human resource management practices were identified, and corresponding changes in the level of employee engagement were observed. One hundred forty-five employees from a hotel chain in the Philippines participated in a longitudinal study. Results show that improvements in human resource management practices, particularly in the areas of reward management and training and development, yielded positive and significant change in the level of employee engagement. Implications for human resource management, particularly in the hospitality and tourism context, are discussed. 相似文献
Yi Hsin Lin 《Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research》2013,18(12):1374-1388
Revenue management (RM), a common practice for the hotel industry, has been found to be very effective in generating extra revenue. However, prior studies have shown that the implementation of RM may potentially be in conflict with customer loyalty, the basis for long-term profitability. With a view to alleviating the impact of RM on customer loyalty, this study investigates the relationship between customer loyalty and RM knowledge level, and examines the moderating effect of the fairness perception for pricing based on a survey and the related statistical analyses. The findings suggest that hotel operators should facilitate the RM knowledge and the fairness perception of their customers so as to result in a potential win-win situation, in which profit-seeking hotels increase their revenue through better resource utilization, and heterogeneous customers benefit from more diversified services. 相似文献
《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2013,12(1):25-43
ABSTRACT In spite of the importance of performance appraisal for hotels to evaluate their employees, the existing hospitality literature largely covers studies in Western countries only. Prior studies have rarely investigated the issue of performance appraisal in the context of China, the world's largest potential market for generating tourists and receiving tourists. This paper reports on a study that used focus group interviews with employees in an upscale hotel in Hong Kong, a special administrative region in China, on their views of the appraisal system that has been used. Research findings reveal that the system could be further improved. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(4):99-116
Abstract The current research proposes a framework for the investigation and conceptualization of high performance work systems in the U.S. restaurant industry. The projected U.S. restaurant industry sales for 2006 are $511.1 billion according to the National Restaurant Association (National Restaurant Association, 2005). Because of its size and impact on the foodservice industry and the hospitality industry in general, improving the performance of the restaurant industry could help increase overall revenues and guest satisfaction in the foodservice and hospitality industry. By identifying a list of high performance work practices in the industry, a more in-depth exploration of these practices and then organizational policies can be aligned together to help improve overall performance in the U.S. restaurant industry. The current study provides theoretical background and support for the high performance work systems theory. 相似文献
两个著名旅游景区游程实录与管理评析 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
本文是作者从旅游产品执行角度对泰山、三孔两景区实际运行状况的考察心得。作者通过实地观察,对两景区目前在产品开发、产业合作以及服务管理等方面存在的主要问题和产生成因做了专题分析,并从规范发展模式与服务管理创新等方面入手对景区经营和管理工作提出了具体的改进意见。 相似文献
Deepakshi Jaiswal Rajib Lochan Dhar 《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2017,16(1):1-21
ABSTRACTThis study aims to offer a holistic model for human resource practices, affective commitment, job autonomy, and employee creativity. It examines the factors that create conditions for bringing forth creativity in employees. Data were collected from 440 employees drawn from 35 hotels using a structured self-administered questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study reveal that affective commitment was acted as a mediator between human resource practices and employee creativity while job autonomy was acting as a moderator between affective commitment and employee creativity. This article contributes to a better understanding of the effect of human resource practices on the commitment level of employees working in the hotel industry and provides evidence that commitment acts as a mediator between the factors of human resources practices and employee creativity. 相似文献
文章比较了酒店业与物管业在管理模式上的异同.文章认为,酒店业与物管业同属服务行业,两者在产品本质、服务内容、管理方法和文化特质上具有相通性,这为两个行业的战略联盟提供了内在基础.文章据此分析了两个行业的战略联盟形式,及其所带来的业态创新发展,并对联盟的运作提出了具体的管理措施. 相似文献
《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2013,12(1):3-18
ABSTRACT The tourism industry is one of the main sources of income to Hong Kong. If qualified employees provide better service, Hong Kong can potentially attract even more visitors. The training of new recruits and existing staff is therefore vital, but views on the value and the type of training vary amongst the stakeholders. This study of the views of hotel human resources managers revealed that they considered that people who were interested in developing their career in the hospitality industry must be prepared to start at the bottom. The hotel human resources managers strongly believe that employees must have a positive service-mind and commitment to the industry with a certain degree of working experience. Employers perceived these were important components to success for every member of staff, rather than having a good educational background. Such qualifications will raise the status of the hotel industry in general and enhance the status of the service providers as professionals. 相似文献
饭店人才流动率高有多方面原因,其中一个重要原因是饭店企业的人才环境不尽如人意。本文对饭店人才发展的先决条件——人才环境进行了研究,根据ERG理论将饭店人才环境确定为基础环境、主导环境、驱动环境3项一级指标,利用德尔菲法确定了14项二级指标,并通过运用层次分析法,借助相关计算机统计软件,对测评指标的权重进行确定,构建了饭店人才环境评价指标体系。 相似文献
Antony Wong 《Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research》2018,23(8):780-791
This study examines the value of a hotel stay from the perspective of hotel customers and hotel service professionals. Respondents, including hotel customers and hotel service professionals, were asked the extent of their agreement or disagreement with statements related to four different value dimensions: functional value, emotional value, social value, and customer-perceived sacrifices. Results showed that there are significant differences between the hotel service professionals’ perceived value of the hotel stay and customers’ perceived value of the hotel stay. The differences are found in social value and customer-perceived sacrifices. 相似文献
《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2013,12(3):91-100
Abstract The strategic role of human resources function in China's hotel industry is more important than ever before. An increasing number of hotels begin to recognize its significance of such role in sustaining growth in the competitive hotel marketplace. This study focuses on the on-job training aspect of the human resources by first identifying the major problems faced by the industry. The underlying factors of the problems are then investigated; and possible solutions are recommended. The discussion is in the context of five stakeholders in the on-job training function of China's hotel industry. They include hotel employees, hotel management, government agencies, universities, and non-university training institutions. 相似文献
Derek Taylor 《International Journal of Hospitality Management》1983,2(2):61-68
The contribution of migrants to the British hotel industry is elucidated and discussed. Different cultural backgrounds amongst migrants encourage new approaches to the solution of hotel operating problems. The determination and innovative drive of migrants has had a number of beneficial effects. 相似文献
This exploratory study reviews the overall impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on China’s hotel industry. A COVID-19 management framework is proposed to address the anti-pandemic phases, principles, and strategies. This study also suggests that COVID-19 will significantly and permanently affect four major aspects of China’s hotel industry—multi-business and multi-channels, product design and investment preference, digital and intelligent transformation, and market reshuffle. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(1):69-85
Abstract This study investigates the effects of various dimensions on job satisfaction, using a sample of Turkish frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels as its setting. Results suggest that pay and supervision have significant positive effects on the job satisfaction of frontline employees, whereas the work itself and physical evidence do not have any significant relationship with job satisfaction. The implications of the results for hotel managers and public policy makers are discussed. 相似文献
作业成本法是一种以作业为基础的成本计算方法,它从根本上解决了传统成本法的缺陷,同时给企业成本管理和经营管理决策提供了很好的基础.本文通过对作业成本法的理论探讨和案例分析,阐明了作业成本法在酒店业的应用流程和方式,揭示了作业成本法对于提高酒店经营管理决策水平和竞争力具有重要的理论意义和现实意义. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(4):23-46
Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of self-efficacy on job performance, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment using data collected from employees in three-, four-, and five-star hotels in Northern Cyprus as its setting. The research hypotheses were tested using LISREL 8.30 through path analysis. The model test results demonstrated that self-efficacy is a significant determinant of job performance. This study, however, failed to find a significant positive association between self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Although not hypothesized, the results of the present study revealed that job performance mediates the impact of self-efficacy on job satisfaction. In addition, the results of the path analysis showed that self-efficacy is among the significant predictors of affective organizational commitment. The model test results provided empirical support for the rest of the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, the path-analytic findings indicated that job satisfaction exerts a significant positive influence on affective organizational commitment. The model test results also demonstrated that job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment are negatively associated with intention to leave. Discussion of the results, implications for hotel managers, and future research directions are presented in the study. 相似文献
国际酒店管理集团在我国发展策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以相关数据为基础,探讨国际酒店管理集团在中国的发展策略与其管理酒店所在地区的区域经济、区域属性和环境资源等因素的关联关系,分析他们区域布局的规律和未来的发展趋势,以期对国内酒店集团的发展提供借鉴. 相似文献
Dimitrios Hatjidis Andrew Parker 《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2018,17(3):340-359
This study examines whether the quality of an employee's relationships, within the context of the hotel industry, has an influence on their behavioral intention towards organizational change. The researchers suggest that the quality of relationships is an important element of an individual's social capital and can be evaluated using five key dimensions: the extent to which relationships are tangible, responsive and reliable, as well as the extent to which they offer empathy and assurance. Furthermore, this research examines whether organizational commitment and job satisfaction have an effect on the association between relationship quality and an individual's behavioral intention towards organizational change. The data collected from a sample of 100 hotel employees in Thessaloniki, Greece, show that relationship quality has a positive association with an individual's behavioral intention towards change. Additional results highlight the roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitment as mediating variables. Managerial implications relevant to the findings and pathways for further research are also discussed. 相似文献