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全球背景下跨文化管理的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当今世界正朝着政治多极化、经济全球化和文化多元化的方向发展。同时,企业发展也进入了全球化发展的崭新阶段,跨国经营与企业的国际化发展已成为势不可挡的热潮。在跨国经营中,企业的经营环境不再是单一稳定的本土化经营环境,而是不同地域、不同文化主体和不同文化背景的环境。跨国发展给企业带来了良好的发展前景和机遇,但同时也带来了前所未有的巨大挑战,那就是如何有效地进行跨文化管理。本文分析了全球背景下跨文化管理的特点和作用,试图给跨国经营提供一些启示。 相似文献
Barry A. Friedman 《Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal》2007,19(3):157-171
Globalization influences organizations that compete for customers with high expectations for performance, quality, and cost.
Globalization also exerts pressure on the Human Resource Management (HRM) function to adapt to changing organizational needs
and add greater value. This paper first reviews global trends, HRM roles, and the implications of globalization and culture
for HRM. Using Ulrich’s (Human resource champions: The new agenda for adding value and delivering results. Boston: Harvard
Business School Press, 1997) HRM model and Hofstede’s (Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and
organizations across nations (2nd edition). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2001, Academy of Management Executive 7:81–94, 1993,
Organizational Dynamics 9:42–63, 1980) model of national cultural differences, it is argued that knowledge of global business
trends, cultural sensitivity, business knowledge, understanding local employment practices, technical skills, and innovation
are increasingly important, especially in Multinational Corporations (MNC).
The author presented an earlier version of this article at The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) conference,
New York, New York, October 6, 2006. 相似文献
温德成 《世界标准化与质量管理》2001,(7):15-17
分析了经济全球化形势下我国企业质量管理存在的主要问题,从质量战略、质量管理制度、质量控制方法、质量小组活动和质量管理体系等方面对我国企业的质量管理创新进行了探讨。 相似文献
应对全球化、信息化挑战的质量经营 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国著名质量管理专家、全面质量管理的创始人A·V·费根堡姆先生曾说过:“质量是一种道德规范,把追求卓越视为光荣。”海尔是把这一道德规范发挥到极至而光荣无比的企业,形成了自己独特而卓越的质量文化。 相似文献
处于"全面建设小康社会"与二十年战略机遇期的重要时刻,高校学生教育管理工作面临国际政治格局变化、经济全球化和物质生活丰富等挑战,特别需要厘清当前存在着内容远离生活、人文教育严重不足,教育目标单面化等诸多问题,采用创新理念与方法的手段,探索与时代相辉映的管理现实路径。 相似文献
探寻企业进行国际经营的理论,占主导地位的就是企业的渐进式发展,即“渐进论”。代表人物为约汉森和瓦德协姆·保罗,该理论认为,从国内经营到国外经营是一个从被动到主动,从量变到质变的长期演变过程,而不是一朝一夕、一蹴而就的突然飞跃。他们的经营方式通常是纯国内经营—通过中间商间接出口—企业白行直接出口—设立海外销售分部一设立海外分公司跨国生产。 相似文献
伴随着国民经济的快速发展,全球经济一体化高速发展达到了前所未有的顶峰。在当前经济全球化发展形式环境下,IT企业也出现了新型的管理模式。过去的一段时间里面,苹果公司在全球市场上的占有率达到了五分之二的份额。在紧张有序的扩张过程中,由于苹果公司有了相当数量的"苹果粉"从而使得销售渠道基本稳定,并且也催生出了基于这个销售渠道的新管理模式。而我国企业的管理模式还是陈旧的,基本不变的,产品在升级换代后并没有得到根本上的改观,同时生产成本的严重浪费,导致了利润率普遍不高,很难成为跨国际的大公司,大企业。 相似文献
中国企业的品牌国际化之路 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
当今世界,全球经济一体化的趋势在不断加强,世界范围的竞争格局和模式也正在不断发生着变化,品牌国际化已是一种大趋势。纵观世界500强跨国公司的成长经历,他们都有一个非常相似的品牌国际化战略。中国企业要想在新的竞争形势下继续生存和发展。 相似文献
PriscllaM. Regan 《American journal of economics and sociology》1993,52(3):257-274
A bstract . The Council of Europe is currently considering a directive that would harmonize data protection laws throughout the European Community. If approved, this directive would affect exchanges of personal information between European countries and the United States. This article argues that the proposed Data Protection Directive will lead to a strengthening of American privacy laws. This will occur not as a simple reaction to a perceived economic threat, but because a number of social, economic and political changes in the privacy environment in the United States converge at this time. The European Directive presents an opportunity for policy change to occur, but will not be the cause of the change. 相似文献
朱锫基总理在九届人大四次会议上所作的<关于国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要的报告>中提出,要"适应经济全球化趋势,实施‘走出去'战略",无疑是一项具有远见的战略决策.在新世纪里,中国经济要进一步"做强做大",要"冲出亚洲,走向世界",在经济全球化中占有重要的"一席之地",就有赖于更多的中国企业"走出去". 相似文献
李青 《数量经济技术经济研究》2002,19(1):113-116
全球化带来了城市经济社会的深刻变化。促成了新的城市形态即世界城市或全球城市的形成,城市的空间集中倾向更加明显,少数城市在全球经济文化发展中的控制力日益突出,在发展中国家特别是亚太地区也出现了一系列世界城市,与此相应,关于世界城市的学术研究也取得出 新的进展,这些都将对于中国世界城市的研究和发展产生理论及实践的影响。 相似文献
立足于高等学校开展民族团结教育的重要意义,深入探究在多元文化背景下当前高校开展民族团结教育的现状,分析在当前形势下高校民族团结教育存在的主要问题。在此基础上,寻求开展与加强民族团结教育的有效途径与方法,为高校有效开展民族团结教育提出合理建议。 相似文献
Rebecca Neumann Jill Holman James Alm 《The North American Journal of Economics and Finance》2009,20(2):193-211
Globalization is thought to reduce the ability of governments to collect taxes. If labor and capital can move between jurisdictions, then attempts to tax these factors will lead to a “vanishing taxpayer” as factors flee from high- to low-tax regions. More broadly, globalization suggests that there will be some convergence in tax rates across countries. This paper questions this view by examining the impact of globalization on taxation using a two-country, two-factor, two-good model. In particular, we ask how globalization, measured by increased international factor mobility, affects the ability of governments to tax factors. Our quantitative analysis indicates that, while increased mobility reduces revenues to some extent, governments still retain significant ability to collect taxes. 相似文献
在当今多元文化背景下,大学生价值观体系的构建越来越受到重视。当代大学生中存在着诸如不重视思想政治理论的培养、片面追求物质利益、社会责任感淡薄、盲目媚外等错误的价值倾向,这些倾向的产生是由于西方价值观、学校价值观教育、互联网兴起等诸多因素导致的,要解决这一问题,就要从原因入手提出合理化建议。 相似文献
This paper analyzes the impact of globalization on the Welfare State (WS). Some argue that globalization poses a serious threat to WS and therefore questions its sustainability. On the other hand, some others suggest that WS has to expand more as economies are integrating. After reviewing different hypothesis on the relationship between globalization and WS, we empirically examine the relationship by using 32 countries covering 1980 through 2010. According to the estimation results, there is no direct linkage between globalization and the WS. However the reaction of the WS against globalization is found to vary dramatically depending on welfare regimes. We find evidence in favor of compensation hypothesis in Social Democrat, Conservative and Mediterranean Welfare State regimes, whereas efficiency effect is in place in liberal Welfare States. 相似文献
在全球化中创造魅力质量 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
简介 任何国家的经济增长都会刺激消费,拉动内需,这时就需要扩大生产能力以满足国内需求.因此,大量国外资金和其他资源被引入国内,但这可能带来金融危机甚至导致货币贬值.1997年包括泰国在内的亚洲金融危机就是一个典型的案例. 相似文献
面对经济全球化的挑战——中国企业文化建设的思考之一 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
江泽民同志在中央思想政治工作会议上说:"世界正在向多极化发展,经济全球化进程也正在加快,世界科学技术的进步更是日新月异.在这种情况下,多种思潮相互交错、相互激荡.这必然会对我国的思想领域,对我们的干部群众的思想意识产生影响,这种影响有积极的一面,也有消极的一面."经济全球化是当今世界不可逆转的历史潮流,世界各国都不同程度地受其冲击.对于我国企业来讲,既有积极的作用,也有消极的影响. 相似文献
The paper uses long-run GDP data for developed countries drawn from Maddison [Maddison, A. (2003). The world economy—Historical statistics. Paris: OECD Development Centre] to generate deviation cycles for the period from 1870 to 2001. The cyclical deviates are examined for their bilateral cross-correlation values in three separate periods, those of the first globalization wave (1870–1914), the period of the “bloc economy” (1915–1959) and for the period of the second globalization (1960–2001). Cluster analysis is applied and the McNemar test is used to test for the relative coherence of alternative groupings of countries in the three periods. The bloc economy period emerges as one that features some well-defined sub-global clusters, where the second globalization period does not, the first globalization period lying between the two in this respect. The second globalization period shows a generally higher level of cross-correlations and a lower variance than the other two periods. The features uncovered suggest that the second globalization period is indeed one that comprises a more inclusive world economy than ever before. 相似文献