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Business on the Internet is experiencing rapid development. Numerous companies in the tourism industry are setting up sites on the “World Wide Web” in order to create virtual shopping, to promote their product lines and to offer a service or to make direct sales. However, the exploitation of this new communication medium works regardless of the consequences of such an evolution on consumer behavior, in particular during the phase of commercial research and negotiation. This article is an analysis of the balance of power between seller and consumer within the framework of Computer-Mediated Communication. The result of this commercial research will make it possible to assess the different degrees of influence on retailers that are competing within the framework of network communication. Recommendations regarding the development of direct sales on the Web will be made.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of cause-related marketing (CM: when the consumer is both a donor and a buyer) on the hotel industry. It suggests that based on the double-entry bookkeeping model in which consumers consider the benefits and costs of CM products, two kinds of strategic CM messages were proposed: “benefit-focused” and “cost-focused.” The findings consequently showed that, for hedonic consumption, consumers have a higher intent to recommend CM products when they receive benefit-focused messages as compared to cost-focused messages; however, the opposite was found for utilitarian consumption. Additionally, factors that motivate consumers to choose CM products were investigated. Specifically, with regard to intent to recommend CM products, the respective mediating effects of guilt and “warm glow” on the interaction between message focus and consumption value were examined. Consequently, warm glow, but not guilt, showed a significant mediation effect in this regard.  相似文献   


This article examines the challenges for Australian clubs in attracting and keeping the younger demographic. Using a case study approach written by a participant observer, and Waterman, Peters, and Phillips' Seven-S Framework, the issues and difficulties faced by one NSW coastal club are examined as they trialled two “youth market” specific products aimed at the under-18 segment. After less than 12 months, both products were cancelled and a decision was made by the board of directors to no longer target the “difficult” youth market. In examining the challenges faced by this club, it was found that the “troublesome youth” became a convenient scapegoat for the real contributors to the under-18's product failures. This article found that, while the initial strategy to target the youth market was sound, there was a lack of support from the other internal factors of structure, systems, skills, style, staff, and superordinate goals that contributed to the cancellation and thus failure of these youth-oriented products. It is useful to examine these failures from a strategic viewpoint as a means for other clubs to become more familiar with the pitfalls of targeting the youth market from the outset, instead of through the lens of hindsight.  相似文献   


Consumer satisfaction related to service quality during the vacation experience is of paramount importance to the travel and tourism industry. This study tests empirically the effects the number of nights spent on a vacation have on the levels of satisfaction recent travelers report for three service aspects of the travel destination: perceived satisfaction with tourism service providers; perceived “freedom from defects” of tourism services; and perceived reasonableness of the cost of tourism services. Differentiation in satisfaction scores between “short-term visitors” (i.e., those who stayed from one to six nights) and “long-term visitors” (i.e., those who stayed seven or more nights) were examined. Significant differences between the two groups of visitors were present for (1) perceived satisfaction with industry professionals delivering the service experience at the travel destination, (2) perceived satisfaction with “freedom from defects” of the actual services at the destination, and (3) perceived reasonableness of the cost of services at the travel destination. Suggestions for how tourism industry professionals can make use of this information are presented.  相似文献   


It is more than a decade since hyped stories about the impact of Internet Technology in the tourism industry have caused much of a stir in the minds of academics, practitioners and public policy makers, among others. Most of the discourses figured throughout around the theme painted pictures of a myriad shades and hues of the days to come. Internet-based marketing and e-commerce are two major, interrelated areas of development impacting the sector. The former reduces information asymmetry between tourists and ultimate service providers in destinations. The latter was predicted to eliminate intermediaries who are either information brokers or those guaranteeing services at the destination. This is true all the more in an environment where tourism is a global industry (with some part of the value chain in the country of origin of the tourist and the remaining in the countries that are destinations) and extremely dependent on information and communication industries. Today, the consumer has more information to make decisions and to access sellers globally, with almost real-time market information providing him with new quality service and experience. With this fundamental power shift of producers to consumers, the way in which marketers think needs to adapt (Corfu, Laranja & Costa, 2003). This paper is focused on the case-study “Solares de Portugal” and basically aims to find out: (1) the importance given by the manor house owners to specific features of travel-related websites' design and their global evaluation of the “Solares de Portugal” website; (2) the perceptions of Internet users on the before mentioned features' website effectiveness as well as their global evaluation of the “Solares de Portugal” website; (3) the correspondence between the two perspectives. The study has provided conclusive evidence about the relevance of efficient website services, as well as other practically employable findings. Thus, it seems reasonable to conclude that society is becoming more familiar with technology, in particular with the PCs and the Internet. This means that the travel industry has now the opportunity to deploy the Web in a more accurate, agile and innovative way. The tourist experience begins with its planning and anticipation stage (Liebman Parrinello, 1993) in the context of which the Internet may provide new quality experiences. From the perspective of the demand side, this may lead to new opportunities of improving the quality of operations and services through the Internet. However, further research will be necessary to dig deeper into those business implications.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to identify and select quality dimensions for high category hotels in Neuquén and Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina.

The research starts with a battery of 28-quality indicators that was obtained from in-depth interviews with hotel managers, and guest surveys carried out in both locations.

Through a structured interview by filling cards, the research team finds out the dimensionality that groups the hotel service quality items. Multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis are used to explore the items grouping pattern and to define resulting quality dimensions. An empirical content validated scale for the construct “perceived service quality in hotels” is attained. Its three dimensions are “Physical support and hotel general services quality,” “Room quality” and “Employee service quality.”  相似文献   


This article begins with a brief explanation of personal experiences on plantation tours. It follows with an empirical examination of tourist brochures from over 100 plantations and a textual analysis of their data. A frequency count of keywords is created, serving to highlight that “slavery,” “slaves” and “slave cabins” occur less often than such expressions as “owners,” “landscapes” and “furnishings.” Reasons for this imbalance are sought. More specifically, the investigation asks why plantation owners and their operations under-emphasize slavery and what this situation means for the contemporary tourist. In so doing, the inquiry attempts to answer the question as to whether or not such mar-ginalization of slavery is a legitimate concern now and in the future.  相似文献   


The primary objective of this article is to highlight the importance of consumer perceptions in strategic airline alliance settings. Previous research on strategic alliances, both in the service and manufacturing sector, has mainly focused on issues relating to the organization. Consumer perceptions have generally been ignored-in view of the pivotal role of the consumer in service settings a surprising neglect. The paper focuses on the airline industry, an industry with a high service element, to illustrate how positive results eventuating for partners in a strategic alliance may cover slow shifts in consumer attitudes, and behavior. If not carefully monitored, these shifts may adversely affect performance measures of individual alliance partners in the long-term.  相似文献   


Quality is a price determinant in most products. However, establishment of a quality evaluation for the consumer is not an easy proposition. In the hospitality industry, fortunately, room quality evaluation and price information are readily available for consumers from published consumer guides. The Mobil Travel Guide is one of the more popular sources of hotel information available to consumers. The Mobil Travel Guide awards “stars” based on the level of quality their investigators deem appropriate. To investigate the relationship between quality and price in the hospitality industry, this study analyzes hotel managements' pricing behavior before and after a quality rating change by the Mobil Travel Guide. Data is gleaned from the Guide in several provinces and states in Canada and the United States from the relatively stable economic growth period of 1991 through 1999. The results reveal that hotel organizations raised prices before gaining a “star” and lowered prices before losing a “star.” The study concludes with a discussion of the implications of this pricing pattern.  相似文献   


Although some studies have been done on supplementary services in the service industry, very little has been explicitly done in the travel and tourism industry. This paper focuses on adding value to core services in the travel and tourism industry, which Lovelock (1996) referred to as “supplementary services.” Supplementary services can be used as differentiation points in a highly competitive industry such as tourism. Some researchers have developed models in an effort to demonstrate how supplementary services can enhance the core services. Shostack (1977) and Lovelock (1996) have developed models specifically designed for the service industry. This research is based on Lovelock's (1996) “Flower of Service” model, focussing on the “Hospitality: Taking Care of the Customer” cluster. This paper contends that supplementary services add value to core services, which gives firms competitive advantage over their competition. In the dynamic and challenging environment of the travel and tourism industry, operators need to differentiate themselves in order to be successful and continue to offer superior performance. One of the strategies to differentiate from the competition is to enhance the core services with supplementary services. A major Midwestern City was selected to test Lovelock's model. Two conventions held in mid-February were chosen for this study. Attendees of the first convention were provided specially trained greeters at selected key locations. The second convention that was held the following week did not have any greeters. Attendees of both the conventions were asked to complete a one page pre-tested questionnaire. They were to rate the host-city on several criteria including overall satisfaction, meeting their expectations, and satisfaction with the hospitality and non-hospitality services. Obtained findings suggest that attendees who were exposed to greeters rated the host-city more favorably in overall impression, and quality of hospitality services, and non-hospitality services, while the convention attendees that were not exposed rated the host-city less favorably. Based on the results from this study, firms in the travel and tourism industry, especially the convention centers, may want to consider providing their customers with supplementary services such as greeters as a differentiation strategy.  相似文献   


Trust is a key factor in the establishment of long-term relationships between travel agents and their customers. Prior research across service industries has documented that both “person-related” (e.g., empathy, politeness, and customer/service representative similarity) and “offer-related” (e.g., customization, competence, reliability, and promptness) service representative characteristics have an impact upon trust. However, the relative importance of these characteristics, and in some cases the direction of their relationships with trust has varied across studies. In this paper, we posit a contingency model of trust, suggesting that within the travel agency industry, the effects of the above variables on trust will be moderated by length of customer/service provider relationship. Our model is tested in a business-to-business context by means of a mail survey involving 487 small business owners. The small business owners provided data about their relationships with their travel industry service providers (i.e., agents). Our results demonstrate how corporate travel agencies can work toward the establishment of trust with their clients under varying market conditions.  相似文献   


Travel and tourism arranged at the “last minute” has become a growing trend among consumers today. Responding to this trend, more and more travel/tourism firms are offering services catering to consumers seeking last-minute travel and tourism opportunities. Yet, clearly, not all last-minute travellers are alike. Variability in last-minute consumer characteristics such as motivations, lifestyles, and benefits sought suggests opportunities for astute marketers and revenue managers to collaborate in further segmenting the last-minute market and developing more effective marketing and revenue management strategies to potentially increase the firms' revenues, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Toward this end, this article evaluates and discusses marketing strategies, marketing mix elements, and segmentation approaches that may be most appropriate for more effective marketing and revenue management in the last-minute travel and tourism market.  相似文献   

This study examines how tourist personal value networks are constructed, and examines whether the structure of such networks differs if experience or consumption of tourism products or services influences the importance of these personal values. Through laddering and implication matrix, the abstraction score of each value can be computed and its position within the value structure identified for constructing a personal values network. By comparing the structure of the personal values network before and after traveling experience, the researchers found that tourists may hold identical values but assign them different degrees of importance, changing the value network structure. Thus, marketers targeting before-the-trip tourists should emphasize that their products or services meet tourist desires for “imaginative” and “an exciting life” and can help tourists achieve a feeling of “freedom.” If marketers targeting tourists who have just come back from a trip, they should emphasize the “cheerful” feelings of the trip and project an image of “happiness” and “freedom” to attract tourists and satisfy their desire for “inner harmony.” This finding not only provides marketers with information regarding tourist cognitions, but also helps marketers to effectively formulate marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the strategic implications of service attributes of wedding banquet halls by developing a “competitive service quality and risk early warning (CSQ-REW) model” based on the service gap, competitive quality gap and failure mode and effects analysis. There are eight strategy patterns in the CSQ-REW model. This study uses two major wedding banquet halls in Taiwan as the cases to verify the CSQ-REW model. For Wedding Banquet Hall A (i.e. the benchmarking company), most service attributes of the “venue styles and layouts” and “dining delivery” factors are competitive advantages with a lower risk of service failure. Most service attributes of the “reassurance” factor are false advantages with a higher risk of service failure. This study expects that the strategic implications of service attributes of the wedding banquet halls can be evaluated and identified more specifically and effectively using the CSQ-REW model to improve the service quality.  相似文献   


This study profiles the strategic marketing activities of small tourism businesses, by examining the extent to which they engage in specified practices which may be broadly described as “strategic.” It was found that city-based enterprises are more strategic in their emphasis than their rural counterparts, and that larger small businesses are more strategic than smaller small businesses. Businesses which engage in product packaging appear to be more strategic than those which do not. Possible explanations for the relatively low incidence of strategic marketing amongst small tourism business generally are a lack of managerial expertise and the absence of staff to whom tasks may be delegated.  相似文献   

The “Superhost” badge is that Airbnb entitles the host provides good services. This study verifies Airbnb’s “Superhost” mechanism by applying text mining technologies, combined with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and K-Means, to the entire dataset of tourists’ online reviews of Hangzhou city, China. Six kinds of hosts’ good services are identified, including “Three Meals or Night Snacks,” “Fruits, Drinks or Snacks,” “Travel Guides,” “Free Shuttle or Helping with Luggage,” “Chats,” and “Replies or Communications.” The study reveals the minority of “Superhosts” are mentioned of providing the majority of six kinds of good services, which means “Superhosts” do deserve the badge.  相似文献   

This study attempts to integrate the Kano model and importance-performance analysis to explore critical interpretation service elements. This study compares the experiences of Mainland China and Taiwan visitors at a museum and their perceptions of interpretation service quality. The critical elements perceived by Mainland China visitors are “There is easy access to interpretation facilities” and “Interpreters provide services when visitors need them.” The critical elements identified for visitors from Taiwan are “There is easy access to interpretation facilities,” “Interpreters offer services at the right time,” and “What interpreters say is interesting and motivates visitors to learn more.”  相似文献   


The intense competitiveness of the global tourism industry increasingly demands the most effective possible marketing for individual destinations. The strategic management literature suggests that competitive advantage can be gained through capitalizing on a destination's unique attributes. In marketing terms, this translates as “competitive positioning.” To what extent do the individual destinations of the Caribbean seek to competitively position themselves as unique attractions among their many competitors? This paper returns to the concept of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) as a practical and straightforward framework for analyzing distinctiveness in tourism marketing. An exploratory analysis of web-based marketing in the Caribbean suggests widespread failure of destinations to market themselves in terms of unique competitive positioning. The analysis also reveals several exemplary models of the USP concept in tourism marketing, suggesting opportunities for greater regional cooperation through stronger individual destination identities.  相似文献   


Using 185 completed surveys from hotel customers in Tianjin, China, the authors conducted a multiple regression analysis of the effects of information collection, participation in service design and standard build-up, interaction with employees, and “word of mouth” communication with hotel customers. It was found that these four dimensions of customer participation had a direct relationship with service quality.  相似文献   


Little empirical research has been conducted in the field of Convention Services Management within the hotel sector. The purpose of this paper is to report on a study that sought to investigate the role and function of the convention services department and the convention services manager in four and five star hotels in Sydney.

It identifies the role of convention services and convention services management within this sector of the hotel industry. From a convenience sample of four and five star hotels within Sydney City District, data was obtained through face-to-face taped interviews supported by the use of a semi-structured questionnaire. Analysis of the data reveals a trend towards increasingly shorter lead times for conference bookings, an eclectic mix of personnel assuming the responsibility of the convention service department. The study confirmed, from those interviewed, that convention services management within these organisations remains firmly entrenched in the traditional structures; hierarchical with clearly segregated divisions by occupational specialisation.  相似文献   

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