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This paper examines issues involved in the definition, creation, and use of knowledge about the Chinese outbound market. It provides an initial view of the type of knowledge required by tourism managers in Australia, some suggestions about where this knowledge is available, or how it may be produced, and identifies issues in sharing that knowledge between tourism industry members and between academics and the industry.  相似文献   

Knowledge and its management are generally recognised as a strategic asset that provides organisations with a competitive edge. Prior research demonstrates that knowledge sharing (KS) is crucial because it helps organisations promote best practice, facilitate knowledge creation and enhance effectiveness. Although there is a growing realisation that KS is critical to knowledge creation and organisational performance, this is still an emerging area of inquiry whose key variables, relationships and implications for tourism organisations are not yet clear. In this paper, key concepts of knowledge, organisational knowledge, knowledge management (KM) and KS are reviewed. This paper would be of interest to readers who would like to understand more about how KM and KS can be applied to tourism.  相似文献   

基于入境旅游市场开发的台海两岸四地旅游合作途径   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李天元 《旅游学刊》2007,22(1):19-23
本文以有关统计和预测数字分析台湾海峡两岸四地旅游业在东北亚地区乃至在整个亚太旅游市场中的地位、四地旅游业主要客源市场的特点及其彼此互为客源市场的现状与潜力,指出这些方面对于两岸四地间建立和发展旅游合作的寓意,并基于目前的可能性,就两岸四地旅游业发展营销合作的现实途径提出个人见解.  相似文献   

福建省国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
黄秀娟 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):15-19
随着国际旅游业的发展,旅游竞争愈加激烈,旅游市场营销对一国或一地区国际旅游业的发展起着越来越重要的作用。而面对紧张的财政资金,如何利用有限的资金获得最大的营销效果,也是各国或各地区政府关心的问题。显然,准确的市场营销定位是旅游营销成功的必要前提。本文利用市场份额分析法对福建省的主要客源国在福建省入境旅游市场中外国人市场的地位以及发展潜力与这些国家在我国入境旅游市场中的地位及发展潜力进行了比较分析,由此将福建省的客源国分为4个类型:兴旺的市场、崛起的市场、成熟的市场和停滞的市场,据此提出了福建省未来市场营销的目标。  相似文献   

试析旅游规划中的客源市场分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
林璧属 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):54-56
客源市场分析应当成为旅游规划的首要因素.现有旅游规划质量不高的主要原因在于客源市场分析不深入、旅游消费行为研究欠深化、市场预测与客源目标市场定位不准确.只有强化旅游规划中的客源市场分析,加强旅游规划人才的培养与培育才是制作高质量旅游规划的根本途径.  相似文献   

Economic inequality in China has increased since China began its economic reforms in 1978. Economic activity has become increasingly more skewed towards China's coastal areas and overall regional economic inequality has increased with economic growth in China. The paper utilizes statistical data over two decades, and tracks the growing regional inequality in terms of economic and tourism development. It confirms the concern that along with phenomenal growth of inbound tourism to China, considerable regional inequality has arisen in tourism in China. There is significant spatial inequality in the distribution of inbound tourism in China and its economic characteristics. International tourism in China is heavily concentrated in the coastal areas. This paper attempts to identify trends in the regional concentration of international tourism in China from 1986 to 2004. Gini coefficients for major tourist indicators are applied to test the characteristics of tourism distribution.  相似文献   

The medical tourism industry is a fast growing global niche market that generated $20 billion in income for destinations around the world. This study suggests and tests a mechanism to assess the medical tourism providers’ perceptions about the tourists’ perceived important product attributes when selecting a medical tourism destination. The results indicate that the various medical tourism providers groups do not vary in their perceptions regarding 24 important attributes of the medical tourism product and that they all agree that tourists perceive the medical variables to be more important than the tourism related variables. Using the Korean market for data collection, the study’s additional contribution is providing insights for Korean government agencies, operators of medical tourism hospitals, policymakers, and marketers.  相似文献   

A focus on ‘tourism yield’ is an important aspect of business strategies to maintain and enhance destination competitiveness. Ideally the notion of ‘tourism yield’ should include tourism's environmental and social value to a destination in addition to economic value. This paper attempts to develop measures of economic and environmental yield. It first describes how measures of economic yield may be estimated and presents results for Australian inbound tourism. Environmental yield estimates are then developed for the same visitor markets. A hybrid approach is employed, combining input-output analysis with an onsite audit for tourist accommodation. The relevant environmental impacts include those on energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions and ecological footprint. The findings reveal that, for some inbound markets, simultaneous achievement of relatively high economic and environmental goals is not possible, and that economic-environmental tradeoffs may be necessary. The results have implications for all destinations which use notions of ‘tourism yield’ to inform their marketing strategies.  相似文献   

中国旅游规划的制度环境及其创新探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
李永文  李瑞 《旅游学刊》2002,17(3):26-30
本文从外部环境与内部环境两个方面认真分析了中国旅游规划发展中的各种制度性矛盾,预测了中国旅游制度环境的发展趋势。在以上分析和预测的基础上,从4个方面提出了中国旅游规划制度环境创新的建议。  相似文献   

旅游规划需要新理念--旅游规划三议   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):41-46
为了适应我国旅游业的发展,为了我国旅游规划工作能够沿着科学化、法制化、规范化的轨道前进,旅游规划的编制迫切需要理念的创新。本文从“新理念是发展的需要”、“进步带来的挑战”、“旅游概念是旅游规划的核心”三个层面,以层层推进的方式,着重阐述了应对挑战寻求突破的学术基础,并进而阐释了作者本人有关“概念性旅游规划”的创新性理论。  相似文献   

基于旅游流转移视角的云南入境旅游发展历程分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
云南旅游业自成功举办"世博会"以来取得了迅速的发展,但其入境游客市场中有46.69%是从长三角、京津冀、珠三角三大入境旅游发达区转移而来.但三大区域入境旅游流向云南扩散转移的发展历程各不相同,研究发现:京津冀是云南最大入境旅游中转地,但年际变动较大;长三角排名第二,其入境旅游流转移保持较快增长;珠三角向云南转移数量最少,且近些年不增反减.云南旅游在拓展三大入境旅游中转地客源市场方面还需要进一步努力.  相似文献   

中国旅游规划的市场研究历程(下)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许春晓 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):52-57
文章回顾了中国旅游规划工作中的市场研究的发展历程。划分出了中国旅游规划工作的起步与旅游市场的简单研究阶段(1980~1991年)、中国旅游规划工作的发展与旅游市场的探索研究阶段(1992~2000年)、中国旅游规划工作的成熟与旅游市场的系统研究阶段(2001年以后)三个基本阶段,以旅游规划研究国际先进水平为参照,评述了各阶段的发展水平。  相似文献   

This article presents an inductive citation analysis to examine diffusion patterns and knowledge networks in the economic, geographical/environmental, and socio-cultural domains of tourism research. Articles typical of these specializations were selected from the latest issues of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, and Tourism Management, to begin with the tracking of major sources of knowledge for research in a sub-domain. Citation data collection followed a theoretical sampling approach for a scrutiny of three “generations” of intellectual connections. Analyses and sorting of subjects and coauthorship networks were facilitated by ATLAS.ti. Diffusion patterns are visualized through “pointed and high” versus “thick and flat” tree diagrams for these subdomains. The study also describes knowledge networks typically embedded in the coauthorship patterns of the major sources. While the study lends to discussions on intellectual connections, this set of inductively derived results should be read in caution of the research design, the behavior of citation, and the perspectives of the authors.  相似文献   

This research adopts the system dynamics method from complex science to develop a model to address conflicts of development among interest groups in the context of cultural tourism. This study deploys various surveys at different cultural heritage sites and incorporates findings from a literature review of industrial development motives within the fields of economics, geography, sociology, and tourism. Consequently, this research identifies critical factors related to the evolution of the cultural tourism system. Based on these factors, we present a dynamic model including (1) 3 level variables, (2) 6 rate variables, and (3) 35 auxiliary variables. We discuss the three sub-systems of the derived model and the relationships among these sub-systems. The dynamic model suggests that cultural tourism managers should evaluate the benefits of cultural assets, protective investment ratios, crowding ratios, and resident tourism participation ratios as key leverage points in sustaining the development of cultural tourism.  相似文献   

本文以中国入境旅游发展成就与问题并存为大背景,在对浙江省入境旅游发展与人才供求现状分析基础上,提出了加强系统培训,提高入境旅游接待水平的对策,从政府、学校、企业、语言培训和培训模式等5 个方面进行了比较详尽的阐述,期望有助于提高浙江省入境旅游接待质量,发展入境旅游事业。  相似文献   


Knowledge sharing and quality assurance in hospitality and tourism is a very broad topic to cover. This paper focuses mainly on the role of higher education in transferring knowledge into practice. Knowledge can be defined as “an understanding of something and the ability to use that understanding through study and experience.”1  相似文献   

中国旅游规划的市场研究历程(上)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
文章回顾了中国旅游规划工作中的市场研究的发展历程,划分出了中国旅游规划工作的起步与旅游市场的简单研究阶段(1980-1991年)、中国旅游规划工作的发展与旅游市场的探索研究阶段(1992-2000年)、中国旅游规划工作的成熟与旅游市场的系统研究阶段(2001年以后)三个基本阶段,以旅游规划研究国际先进水平为参照,评述了各阶段的发展水平。  相似文献   

文章通过对《旅游学刊》2000~2010年1373篇文章的共5205频次的关键词进行归并、排序、分组,提取出了162个核心关键词和8个基因词,以反映国内旅游研究的关注重点与研究进展,揭示旅游现象与本质之间的互动与交融。同时,基于关键词的分析,为旅游研究知识体系的解析提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   

从感性规划向数字规划进军   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吴承照 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):57-60
本文针对我国旅游规划存在的现实问题,提出数字规划的发展构想.论文认为过去20年的发展历程,我国旅游规划在很大程度上属于感性规划,其最大特点是缺少独立的技术手段和独立的理论基础.数字规划是建立在现代信息技术基础上的规划,以数字和图纸为语言,阐述旅游分析与规划思想,使规划具有一种尺度感.数字规划的核心是建立以市场研究为基础的旅游参数、旅游指标体系和策划体系.  相似文献   

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