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Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is providing commercial services that are accessible using mobile devices, typically a mobile phone. The main advantage of such services is their high availability, independent of physical location and time. Yet the move to create a wireless version of the Internet means a new set of problems. As with the existing fixed Internet, the biggest problem is security. Despite the fact that operators are announcing or rolling out Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP)-based information and transaction services, the platform has gaping security holes. Because security is the most important feature to the success of m-commerce, this paper studies the security concerns on wireless commercial Internet and presents the features and solutions of WAP to the security of electronic transactions. Most importantly, this paper intends to draw corporate executives' attention to the strong impact of WAP on m-commerce security and the associated benefits to their companies.  相似文献   

针对GSM数字移动通信系统在军事领域的广泛应用,本文在分析其无线信道传输机理及其无线信号特征的基础上,对军用GSM数字移动通信系统的对抗技术进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

移动电子商务互动营销模式应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
移动电子商务互动营销是指企业以移动终端设备为载体,依托移动通信网络,并结合传统互联网开展的互动营销活动,具有即时、直接、互动、个性化以及分众、定向、精准的特征和信息类别丰富、成本低廉、可以给受众更好的体验等优势,可以做到在需要的时间、需要的地点传递消费者需要的内容。移动电子商务互动营销的主要模式有移动二维码、短信网址、移动商圈、移动搜索及无线网站等,目前已在教育培训、旅游、农业、金融投资及出版发行行业得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

针对农产品物流安全的特点,围绕运输车辆、农产品腐烂等突发事故,集成Internet GIS、无线数据传输、无线通讯等信息化技术,构建了分布式应急决策支持系统(DDSS)。最后基于GPS/GIS/GSM(3G)技术,以车辆调度为例阐述了典型功能区的远程数据采集与决策管理实现。  相似文献   

根据海上测控任务数据和信息分布的特点,设计了海上测控任务数据中心的一体化管理平台。首先,平台设计采用基于无共享存储的高性能集群模式数据库架构,具备统一的计算与存储系统能力以及良好的动态可扩展性;其次,平台采用层次化设计,包括数据采集与处理、数据存储、数据管理和数据应用4层,实现统一的数据中心管理和应用。根据应用需求,重点设计了航天器遥测故障预警与诊断、测控设备远程监控与故障诊断、外测数据精度分析与数据挖掘等典型数据应用模块,实现数据核心价值。  相似文献   

为了提高我国海上搜救应急反应的调度、指挥能力,利用现代通信、计算机、计算机 电信合成(CTI)等技术,实现了海上遇险搜救综合通信系统。该系统采用程控调度交换和 无线电台适配的方案,使用无线电台适配器将无线通信转换为有线通信,再通过程控交换机 将各级海上搜救中各类卫星、语音电话、视频系统等异构终端综合互联,实现有线通信系统 与无线通信系统的无缝连接,从而为值班和搜救指挥人员提供专业、便捷的通信、操作手段 ,提高指挥判断的准确性和效率。  相似文献   

移动电子商务市场价值链分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰小毅 《中国市场》2008,(45):107-108
移动电子商务因其具有快捷方便、无所不在的特点,已经成为电子商务发展的新方向。无论是从产品的开发,还是从需求看,移动电子商务发展都显示了巨大的潜力。移动电子商务并非虚构,实际上它已经存在,并正在形成一个庞大的市场。这一产业变革是要打破阻碍发展的垄断封闭的传统产业链,再造和优化新的价值创造与运作的机制及模式,从而构建起面向未来、开放合作与共生共荣的新的价值生态体系。  相似文献   

无线蜂窝网络和无线局域网的融合能充分利用两者的互补能力,提供更加全面的无线服务。本文针对GPRS蜂窝网络和无线局域网现有融合技术中的不足,提出了一种新的基于移动IP技术的松耦合移动性管理方案,旨在减少切换时延、解决三角路由等问题,将有利于移动通信网络的升级和演进发展。  相似文献   


Mobile money is a mobile-phone-based financial tool that can transfer money safely and quickly across a wide geographical area. Mobile money has transformed the way businesses in Eastern sub-Saharan Africa operate. Nowadays, banks team up with mobile-money-service providers and pay interest on deposits and grant loans based on financial transactions in mobile-money accounts. In this paper, these recent developments are investigated in order to determine whether the adoption of mobile money by firms can actually help them mitigate the vexing problem of access to finance. To answer this question, the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys Program data set for the year 2013 is used, thus making the study applicable to the present time. The results obtained, after controlling for a large number of firm-level characteristics and using a newly introduced measure to identify access-to-finance status of the firms, indicate that firms which use mobile money are more likely to obtain loans or lines of credit. Further analysis shows that the firms that use mobile money are more productive than other firms in the region.  相似文献   


With advancements in mobile technologies, online food-delivery aggregators (OFA) have become an important distribution channel for restaurants. This study examines how the OFA applications affect diner’s cognitive and affective states and subsequent behavior by empirically testing a research model that incorporates antecedents of transaction reliability for restaurant order booking using a mobile application. Data collected from a survey of 458 respondents are analyzed using SEM. Drawing from SOR, CVT, and cue theory, the research established that product presentation and ease of use predict transaction reliability and are important mobile application attributes while choosing a particular OFA. The moderated mediation model extends the stimulus-organism-response framework and the consumer value theory. The findings demonstrate the moderating influence of gender, where the relationship is stronger for females. The study has a positivist approach with causalities satisfying the fundamental law of SOR theory. Higher media richness shall lead to a positive feeling about the product. A good presentation of the products on the mobile screen shall enhance the perception of product availability. The presence of abundant products makes it easy to search, thereby ease of searching the mobile screen. Mobile applications should be updated regularly to keep pace with the ever-changing mobile technologies.  相似文献   

针对海水检测周期长、范围小的特点,提出了使用无线传感器网络的海水指标实时在线检测方案。研究了精确检测的方法与算法,探讨了无线传感器网络节能路由协议。系统综合运用无线传感器智能信息处理技术、远程GPRS无线数据通信技术以及基于Internet显示平台的监测点管理查询技术,将功能相同或不同的传感器构成智能化传感器网络,从而全面提升了系统的自动化与监测水平。模拟实验结果表明系统具有良好的海水定量检测能力。  相似文献   

为促进无线视频监控领域新技术的开发和应用,立足解决工程实际问题,提出了一种利用简 单可靠用户数据报协议(SRUDP)的3G无线网络视频监控系统的新型设计方案。系统可以对H 264视频流进行分层 模式的高效编码、压缩纠错和实时传输控制,并重新封装用户数据报协议(UDP)、SRUDP和IP 报头。系统采用滑 动窗口机制和重传机制来进行消息的收发同步和流量控制,可以实现任意用户终端对任意监 控点的有效监控。系统视频QoS的控制方式运用迭代算法,发送端可以根据反馈信息通过编 码器进行自适应调整速率,并参考SRUDP缓存进行参数修改,实现鲁棒控制。仿真实验表明 ,在3G网络环境下,基于SRUDP的视频应用在降低视频时延和包丢失率、减少网络拥塞、提 高传输速率和改善视频质量等方面具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

为解决目前水情监测系统中存在通信距离受限、功耗大、成本高、无法泛组网的问题,提出了一种基于LoRa(Long Range)扩频技术的水情监测与预警系统。通过采用新型的LoRa无线扩频技术,使用无线传感器网络自适应占空比协议优化网络性能与功耗,并结合当前流行的微控芯片、传感器与阿里云物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)平台,构建了一套覆盖范围广、低功耗、低成本、组网灵活简单、能远距离通信、抗干扰能力强的水情远程监测与预警系统。系统设计完成后,在长江水域重庆段对系统进行了测试,验证了系统设计的可行性、组网通信的有效性以及远距离传输数据的特性,为水文水情数据的自动化远程监测提供了一种新的技术方案。  相似文献   

Mobile marketing refers to the two- or multi-way communication and promotion of an offer between a firm and its customers using a mobile medium, device, or technology. We present the conceptual underpinnings of mobile marketing and a synthesis of the relevant literature. We identify and discuss four key issues: drivers of mobile device/service adoption, the influence of mobile marketing on customer decision-making, formulation of a mobile marketing strategy, and mobile marketing in the global context. We outline research directions related to these issues and conclude by delineating the managerial implications of mobile marketing insights.  相似文献   

针对现有远程抄表系统的不足,结合计算机及通信领域的最新科技成果,提出了一种基于LoRa(Long Range)和GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)相结合的网络化远程抄表系统。其无线智能燃气表终端采用超低功耗微处理器MSP430进行智能化设计,完成气表数据采集与处理;采用LoRa技术进行测控组网;集中器和管理中心通过GPRS无线通信网络实现数据的远程交互。最后,给出了抄表系统的可靠性解决方案。实验结果表明,该系统比传统的远程抄表系统能耗低,且更快捷、可靠、方便,可广泛应用于无线远程抄表领域。  相似文献   

为了保证灾难现场搜救人员的自身安全,提出一种基于单片机和ZigBee技术的搜救人员特征信息无线传输新技术。着重了介绍了无线传输单元的设计原理、硬件组成以及实现方法。同时,提出了改善ZigBee传输距离的方法,使得传输距离大于100 m,速率达到50 kbit/s,可以较好地满足现场应用要求。  相似文献   

基于消费者接受理论的移动商务成功因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来中外移动商务呈现快速发展势态,以手机为终端的无线接入用户迅猛增加。B2C移动商务的成功主要取决于消费者的接受和使用。为此,从消费者接受问题的相关理论出发,结合B2C移动商务的消费者接受模型,研究B2C移动商务的成功影响因素,并从操作层面上提出相关成功因素的具体内涵。  相似文献   

Mobile technologies are increasingly adopted by information intensive organizations such as public police corporations to support the tasks of its employees, for information management and innovation. However, because police organizations are government organizations, technology decisions are largely made by managers and politicians with budget being a key factor. Therefore, whether the technologies adopted are suitable for police tasks, and if they enhance performance, is generally not assessed. The aim of this research is to establish if mobile technologies support police tasks, and if Tablet PCs especially are suitable for specialist police tasks of the Criminal Investigators and Sexual Offence and Child Abuse Units. Guided by an interpretive paradigm and the theory of task technology fit, this research explores the use of Tablet PCs by the two police units for improved performance. Because information is critical for police tasks, data collected via focus groups establishes the impact of these technologies on case investigations, information management, and the performance of these units with the use of Tablet PCs. The contribution this study makes to mobile information systems is that if technology dimensions are suitable for information based tasks, the outcome is virtualization of processes through which improved performance is achieved due to reduced costs, transparency, teamwork, and quick and informed decisions. The findings of this research can be used by police organizations, as well as by other organizations, for effective implementation of mobile technologies.  相似文献   

手机对于营销最大的价值,在于无可比拟的精准度及即时互动性,手机营销已成为营销专家们不容忽略的话题。以酒店行业为依托,在研究手机营销意义的基础上,分析了手机营销在酒店行业中的阶段性运用,并探讨手机营销的新模式。  相似文献   

本文就日本利用本国多用途民用遥感卫星和借助别国力量获取卫星图像信息为其军事服务,直至建立日本独立的军事侦察卫星系统这一发展天基情报侦察系统的策略进行了评述。同时,对日本天基情报侦察系统装备情况及其可能达到的水平也作了简略的阐述。  相似文献   

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