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Hospitality and tourism management programmes are widely available in Hong Kong. At present, there is no official publication on the history and development of higher education in hospitality and tourism management in Hong Kong. This paper aims to review the history and current status of hospitality and tourism higher education in Hong Kong, focusing on the programmes offered at sub-degree, degree, and post-graduate degree levels, and to explore future directions for its development.  相似文献   

温艳玲 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):29-34
图们江区域是东北亚的地理中心,是东北亚区域经济的潜在交会点,图位江区域开发是东北亚六国国际经济合和的关键。本文具体分析了环图位江区域中、韩、朝三国的旅游合作现状,旅游带动和促进了跨国区域经济的发展,旅游合作不仅给图位区域经济带来了新的增长点,并创造了许多间接收益,大大地促进了图位江区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

关于旅游教育与旅游业发展的适应性问题   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文通过对我国旅游教育 2 0多年发展历程的观察 ,阐述了旅游教育与旅游发展的适应性问题 ,以期引起人们更深入的思考。一是论述了为什么要深入研究旅游教育与旅游业发展相适应的重要性 ;二是从分析旅游教育的应用性特点入手 ,围绕旅游院校布局、旅游教育教学的各环节 (专业教学计划、教学大纲和教材、师资、实践教学、教学管理 )等 ,论述了旅游教育与旅游业发展相适应的问题 ;最后强调了加强旅游基础理论研究对于构建旅游理论体系 ,促进旅游教育水平提高的重要作用。  相似文献   


This paper explores the past, present, and future directions of tourism education in Canada, from its origins in the late 1960s until today. The study reviews the development of tourism education over four decades, with a particular focus on developments in Ontario. The influence of tourism organizations, and the impact of legislation on tourism and hospitality education in developing future industry leaders capable of sustaining and growing Canada's tourism industry are discussed. The paper also reflects on the current status of tourism education in Canada, the lack of government support for tourism research initiatives, and the loss of research talent to overseas universities. The research discovered a paucity of past historical documentation of tourism education in Canada and this paper is perhaps the first concerted effort to chronicle the 40-year cumulative history of formal tourism education in Canada.  相似文献   

基于旅游产业化的一种动态教育模式安排   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过对近几年来我国旅游教育与旅游产业发展的状态比较 ,在抽样调查和实证数据分析的基础上 ,指出旅游教育与旅游产业发展过程中存在的一种均衡与非均衡状态 ,并提出了一种旅游教育与旅游产业协调发展的动态教育模式。  相似文献   


This paper first reviews the origins and development of tourism higher education in China, then elaborates on its present hierarchy of programs, regional distribution and mechanisms for operating schools. Based on an investigation, the paper also discusses the educational objectives, program setup, curriculum design, textbooks and reference materials. It summarizes the problems and challenges China's higher education studies in tourism are facing, and in conclusion, it explores development trends and offers suggestions for its future.  相似文献   

世界旅游教育巡礼   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文从政府、教育研究机构及企业的角度对世界旅游教育现状进行了总体梳理 ,同时分别对世界旅游组织及美国和瑞士的旅游教育特点进行了典型分析。  相似文献   

中国旅游教育研究综述   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
随着旅游业的发展 ,中国旅游教育蓬勃兴起 ,成为旅游业发展的重要支撑。本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。提出了今后需要进一步研究的有关旅游教育的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

从旅游学的研究角度看旅游高等教育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在高等教育改革的背景下 ,职业教育和专业教育的关系被进一步关注 ,而旅游行业本身的特点 ,对旅游高等教育提出了更多要求。本文着重从旅游学的研究角度 ,包括理论方面和研究现状 ,尤其是旅游学的基础理论、学科分支和学科成熟度等方面作了分析 ,提出对旅游学研究的把握是旅游高等教育安排中要深入考量的因素  相似文献   


The binary system of tourism and hospitality higher education in Taiwan divides into academic higher education and technical/vocational(institute/university of technology, five-year junior college and two-year junior college). The development of tourism and hospitality higher education in Taiwan is closely related to the growth in the domestic tourist market and the social development of the country. The earliest tourism education began in 1965. This long process of development has given Taiwanese tourism and hospitality education a multifaceted outlook and is generally divided into three periods: the origination period (1946–1968), the growth period (1969–1991), and the competition and adjustment period (1990–present). Over the past years, tourism and hospitality higher education in Taiwan has witnessed rapid growth in numbers, increasing diversification in program names, and with junior colleges and institutes of technology transforming themselves into universities of technology. Current tourism and hospitality programs are boosting global competitiveness for the future hospitality market in Taiwan, with careful positioning clear goals, curriculum planning, integrating hospitality/tourism curriculum, alliances and collaboration, and strengthening tourism and hospitality research.  相似文献   

旅游人才培养与高等旅游教育的职业化发展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
旅游业的飞速发展及国际旅游业竞争的加剧 ,对从业人员提出了更高的要求 ,越来越多的国家和企业认识到2 1世纪旅游业的竞争 ,实际上就是旅游人才的竞争。本文首先从旅游人才市场的供需错位现象入手 ,分析目前我国高等旅游教育中存在的不足 ,认为职业化导向应是高等旅游教育发展的方向之一 ,并提出了相应的发展思路与对策  相似文献   

中国邮轮旅游产业:研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
孙晓东  冯学钢 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):101-112
邮轮产业已经成为现代旅游业中发展最为迅猛的行业,近几年达到8%左右的增长速度,被视为“漂浮在黄金水道上的黄金产业”.然而,邮轮业并没有引起学术界的足够关注,研究成果还非常有限.近年来国际邮轮市场的倾斜,使得中国邮轮旅游业发展势头强劲,已成为中国经济增长的新方式和新领域.文章基于国内现有的文献资料,对中国邮轮旅游产业的研究问题和研究成果进行了综述.首先介绍了世界邮轮业的概况和中国邮轮业的发展现状;其次从宏观审视和微观分析的角度讨论了中国学者对邮轮旅游业的研究成果;最后针对中国邮轮产业的问题,从产业集聚视角、利益相关者视角和消费者视角提出了未来值得研究的方向.  相似文献   


Cooperative educational partnerships in Australia are innovative education partnerships where universities join with a business or industry association in a working relationship. The partners share resources to develop and provide undergraduate award-bearing professional development education courses for employees and association members. The aim of this research is to investigate the nature of outcomes that encourages tourism and hospitality organisations to encourage professional development education for their employees and members.

This research used a qualitative approach to understand and analyse five cooperative education partnerships operating in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia. The outcomes emerging for tourism and hospitality organisations include encouraging confidence and loyalty in employees and a strengthening industry commitment to further education. The university saw professional development education provided through cooperative education partnerships as becoming part of their core education activity. Communication difficulties between different organisation cultures appear to be a barrier to overcome.  相似文献   

江林  李祉辉 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):9-14
中韩两国历史源远流长,文化相似,地理相邻,两国人民世代交往不断。由于特定时期的政治原因,两国一度中断了联系。但自1992年中韩建交以来,两国之间的经济、文化交流日益频繁。中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。本论文旨在通过对中国公民赴韩国出境游市场的现状进行分析,提出当前韩国游市场存在的问题,并从政府旅游部门、旅游企业及韩方相关机构角度提出相关对策建议,以利于促进中国公民赴韩出境游市场的持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a central Florida study of hospitality and tourism management practitioners. It reports the findings of practitioner perceptions of desired knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It further demonstrates the overall impressions of practitioners concerning levels of preparation for entry-level positions in the industry. Finally, the authors present conclusions and suggestions for central Florida collaborative initiatives aimed at improving the preparation of individuals from secondary and tertiary institutions for successful entry into hospitality and tourism industry employment.  相似文献   

Characteristics of a Medical Tourism Industry: The Case of South Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the process involved in developing a medical tourism industry in South Korea as a case country, one of the fastest growing countries with strong potential in the medical tourism industry. It analyzed 252 articles on medical tourism posted on the websites of the Korean Tourism Organization and the Korean International Medical Association. Both sources are highly representative portal websites for medical tourism in the country. The article aims to enhance understanding of medical tourism as a new growth industry while identifying its key developmental characteristics and makes valuable suggestions for the industry that can be reflected to other countries. The study contributes theoretically and practically by examining the unique and updated characteristics and process of positioning of this recently emerging field in the global tourism industry.  相似文献   

湖北省旅游教育人才培养的现状与对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着旅游业的发展 ,湖北省旅游教育规模不断扩大 ,但是旅游教育相对滞后 ,且人才缺口仍然很大 ,尤其是缺乏高素质、务实型和创新型人才。本文结合湖北省旅游人才培养的现状 ,分析了旅游教育滞后的原因 ,并提出了相应发展对策。  相似文献   


Using the Internet in the teaching and learning environment assists tourism students in achieving two criteria increasingly being expected by employers. These are an understanding of the applications of the Internet to the industry, and a set of operational Internet skills.

In this paper the benefits and challenges of integrating the Internet into the teaching and learning environment are discussed. In addition, the results of a small-scale survey of tourism academics are reported.  相似文献   

基于人才资源需求的旅游教育分层培养模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在社会调查和实证数据比较的基础上,剖析了近年来旅游业人才资源现状和旅游院校人才培养现状,指出了总量平衡———宏观协调和单体失衡———微观失调的人才资源矛盾,提出应重新调整人才培养结构,根据产业发展对人才资源的需要,分层次进行个性化的培养模式设计,提高人才培养效益。  相似文献   

Adopting Aaker's brand personality scale, this study aimed to determine South Korea's medical tourism destination personality. Based on a survey of US consumers, the results indicate that South Korea's medical tourism destination personality comprised three dimensions: sincerity, competence, and ruggedness. Furthermore, sincerity and competence positively influenced consumers' willingness to travel to South Korea for medical care. This study also found that personal values, in particular excitement, self-respect, sense of belonging, and being well respected, were significant positive predictors of South Korea's medical tourism destination personality. Marketing implications of the findings are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered. This study serves as a starting point for further research on medical tourism destination brand personality.  相似文献   

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