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作为企业的重要资源,民营企业家的社会资本对企业的成长起着至关重要的作用。本文将企业家社会资本分为微观、中观和宏观三个层次:微观层次主要指企业家基于先赋性的私人关系指向所获得的关系网络资源,包括企业家的血缘、亲缘、学缘等,具有非常高的私人性;中观层次涉及企业家所在的行业或地区网络整体的结构性特征及网络间的互动;作为一种制度环境来考虑,宏观层次的社会资本主要指企业家所在的国家或地区的社会资本信任。实证研究发现民营企业家的社会资本,对企业成长产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

我国投资基础设施的公共资本与私人资本的效率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对我国城市化进程对大量基础设施需求的资金"瓶颈"、资金效率和渠道,通过理论与实证方法研究了我国公共资本和私人资本投资基础设施的效率、结构和影响这些资本投入总量的内在机制.结论是:有效的基础设施投资效率,既需要政府公共投资,也需要市场化私人投资,两者的比重与效率为倒U型,其最佳融资比例结构约为1:2;相对公共资本,私人资本的逐利行为对基础设施投资有更高的产出效率;私人资本投入规模受居民消费水平、市场化程度和公共资本拉动的影响;公共资本投入的规模受地方政府治理水平、政府与市场的关系和经济发展水平的影响;采用市场机制并不意味着政府可以退出基础设施市场,"公"、"私"并存才能更好地取长补短.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic process through which public/private partnerships result in innovative business models and strategies associated with sustainable development. Using inductive theory building on twelve longitudinal case studies of companies operating in Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Egypt, I trace a comprehensive and cyclical three-phase, multilevel process by which private and public actors develop, leverage, and manage strategic partnerships through the cognitive adjustment of mental models, the development of close relationships, and the collaborative crafting of alternative approaches to operating that result in simultaneous social, ecological, and economic value creation.  相似文献   

面对出口贸易限制增多的压力,提升我国民营企业出口生存概率具有重要的现实意义。通过考察资本配置扭曲对我国民营企业出口生存时间和生存概率的影响效应、渠道和后果。结果发现:民营企业的出口市场进入率和退出率高于国有企业,民营企业在出口4年以后生存率大幅下降;资本配置扭曲程度越高则民营企业退出出口市场的概率越大、生存时间越短;从驱动因素来看,全要素生产率提升和资本密集度下降是资本配置扭曲降低民营企业出口生存率的重要渠道;异质性分析表明,资本配置扭曲提高对沿海城市、资本密集型以及2002年以后民营企业出口危险率的促进作用更大。  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a model of unethical behavior intentions, collected data from managers of the private (n = 208) and the public (n = 307) sectors in the Republic of Macedonia, and tested our model across these two sectors. Results suggested that for both sectors, unethical behavior intentions were not related to the love of money and corporate ethical values, whereas irritation was negatively related to life satisfaction. Moreover, corporate ethical values were related to life satisfaction for the private sector only, whereas the love of money and unethical behavior intentions were related to irritation for the public sector only. Managers in the private sector had higher corporate ethical values, lower unethical behavior intentions, lower irritation, and higher life satisfaction than those in the public sector. There was no difference in the love of money. There were more bad apples in the public sector (34.85%) than in the private sector (23.56%). The strongest factor of unethical behavior intentions in the private and the public sectors␣was theft and corruption, respectively. Finally, for the culture-free (etic) model, the love of money was positively related to irritation. Corporate ethical values had a positive “double-whammy” effect: reducing irritation and enhancing life satisfaction. Unethical behavior intentions were positively related to irritation (a mediator), which was negatively related to life satisfaction. Our theory provides new insights regarding doing business in the Republic of Macedonia.
Thomas Li-Ping Tang (Corresponding author)Email:


The main objective of this paper is to explore the perceptions which Ghanaian managers have of the purposes which budgets serve in organizations. The paper draws upon previous research concerning the link between budgets and decision-making in the developing world. The findings of these studies suggest that budgets are minimally used and inadequately understood. The data employed in this paper is of a qualitative nature drawn from four large-scale organizations by way of discussions, semi-structured interviews plus documentary evidence. The paradox of the findings is that whilst most managers perceived the major roles of budgets to be planning and control, in fact, budgets are largely ignored. Among the reasons stated for this include the high inflation in the country, lack of money in the organizations, managers' lack of adequate accounting knowledge, and untimely and inappropriate presentation of budget variance reports. The paper concludes with some consideration of the ways in which

the budget can be a more effective management tool.  相似文献   


The divide between the private and public sector is one of the underlying assumptions of economic policy making, political debates and economic reforms; so much so, that we take for granted its predictions from a theoretical as well as empirical point of view. This paper is an attempt to confront these predictions with Ecuadorian data using a wide range of statistical and econometric techniques. Its findings challenge conventional wisdom: the private sector is not necessarily more profitable and efficient than its public counterpart; both sectors have more behavioural commonalities than dissimilarities; the macro-economic impulse responses to both sectors dismiss the rationale for privatisation. Its conclusion calls for the deconstruction of welfare economics and management theory to capture non-paretian or second best environments.

RESUMEN. Una de las suposiciones subyacentes de la formación de la política económica, así como de los debates políticos y las reformas económicas yace en la separación entre el sector público y privado. A tal punto, que damos por sentado sus pronósticos tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como del empírico. Este estudio representa una tentativa de colocar frente a frente estos pronósticos con los datos ecuatorianos, utilizando una vasta gama de técnicas estadísticas y econométricas. Los hallazgos representan un desafío a la sabiduría convencional: el sector privado no es, necesariamente, más rentable y eficiente que su contraparte, el sector público; ambos sectores tienen más comunalidades comportamentales que diferencias; las respuestas a los impulsos macro-económicos para ambos sectores descartan las razones en pro de la privatización. Su conclusión aboga a favor de la deconstrucción de las economías asistecialistas y la teoría de la gestión usada para capturar entornos no paretianos o vengan en segundo lugar.

RESUMO. O divisor de águas entre o setor público e o privado é um dos pressupostos fundamentais das decis[otilde]es de política econômica, dos debates políticos e das reformas econômicas; tanto é que aceitamos seus prognósticos tanto do ponto de vista teórico quanto empírico. Este trabalho tenta confrontar tais previs[otilde]es com base em dados do Equador, utilizando uma vasta gama de técnicas estatísticas e econométricas. As descobertas desafiam o conhecimento convencional: o setor privado não é necessariamente mais lucrativo e eficiente do que o seu correspondente público; ambos os setores possuem mais semelhanças comportamentais do que diferenças; as reaç[otilde]es ao estímulo macro- econômico em ambos os setores descartam os fundamentos da privatização. A sua conclusão requer a desconstrução da economia do bem-estar e da teoria de administração para capturar os ambientes não-paretianos ou os melhores da segunda classe.  相似文献   

河北省民营企业发展中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放后,河北民营企业从无到有,不断发展壮大,逐渐成长为促进社会生产力发展和河北经济发展的重要力量,为河北经济发展注入了新的活力。但比起一些发达省份还存在较大差距,所以必须分析河北民营企业发展的现状、特点,以及存在的主要问题,才能就进一步发展提出相应对策。  相似文献   

食品安全是食品贸易中的焦点问题,受到发达国家官方标准和私营标准的共同关注。文章从官方标准和私营标准的内涵出发,阐述了二者的发展趋势及相互关系,分析了用于约束官方标准的SPS协议的主要原则及私营标准与SPS协议的冲突之处。研究发现,发达国家食品安全的官方标准和私营标准均越来越严格,私营标准比官方标准更为广泛和严格,私营标准尚不受SPS协议约束,且在科学依据、透明度、等效性等方面违背了SPS协议的原则。  相似文献   

在民营中小企业发展过程中,融资问题一直是其面临的主要问题。民营中小企业的融资渠道狭窄,既有金融市场环境、金融制度设计的问题,也有其自身素质问题。拓宽民营中小企业融资渠道的有效途径主要有:改革和完善相关的金融制度,按照单元制银行组织形式积极发展中小型商业银行;建立创业板市场和场外股权交易市场,为风险投资运作创造宽松的金融环境;对非正式金融行为采取较宽容的政策,利用、引导、逐步规范。  相似文献   

国有银行有力地支持了国家经济的增长,但是国家垄断性的金融制度也为此付出了巨大控制成本,导致银行信贷资金配置效率低下。民间金融可以作为金融市场化以后农村地区和中小企业融资的主要渠道。要正确引导、规范和利用民间金融,为民间借贷构筑一个合法的流动平台,规范、约束和保证民间借贷行为,解决国有银行垄断及金融结构的畸形问题,以降低我国金融体系的整体风险。  相似文献   

随着生态旅游在我国的迅猛发展,众多民营企业逐步进入效益良好的生态旅游项目投资领域,为我国西部生态旅游开发创造了发展契机。通过分析我国民营企业投资西部生态旅游项目的优势、劣势、面临的机遇和竞争威胁,指出我国民营企业的投资方向和投资策略,以期科学指导民营企业的投资行为,促使西部生态旅游业得到可持续发展。  相似文献   

别晓竹  侯光明 《商业研究》2006,(10):159-163
“贸工技”是民营企业的重要发展路径,企业价值创造能力由组分能力、结构能力和动态能力三维构成。民营企业的“贸工技”路径分为初始、代理、贸工和贸工技四个阶段,在四阶段塑造的组织管理过程中,价值创造能力始终围绕阶段目标构建,通过组分能力、结构能力和动态能力的迁移,依次突破方向瓶颈、生产瓶颈和研发瓶颈,使企业避免由于发展循环减慢而进入衰退期,以短期竞争优势的不断更新获得持续发展。  相似文献   

民营上市公司的治理机制及治理效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对民营上市公司常用的治理机制及治理效应的分析,我们发现:民营上市公司的各种治理机制无论对净资产收益率还是财务综合绩效,都没有太大的解释力,但对托宾Q值却具有极强的解释能力。即使是就托宾Q值而言,股东会议、独立董事规模、两职设置、高管人员薪酬等内部治理机制也没有发挥显著的作用,内部治理机制中的第一大股东具有特别重要的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,政治关联这一概念正在被民营企业广泛重视,并分别产生了直接参与型、物质刺激型、引导政策型和积极沟通型等若干类型。作为民营企业,选择任何一种类型都是有利无害的,关键是应当结合企业自身状况、发展战略以及行业特点和所在地区特点选择适当的政治关联类型,力求做到成本最小、收益最大。通过运用相关性分析和回归分析,进一步表明,直接参与型可促进企业会计盈余上升;物质刺激型可扩大企业会计盈余;引导政策型和积极沟通型能提高企业会计盈余。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会.是党中央从中国特色社会主义的本质属性出发做出的一项重大战略决策。民营企业和其他企业一样是重要的社会细胞,在构建社会主义和谐社会中发挥了重要的作用。在分析了构建和谐社会对民营企业要求的基础上.提出了民营企业在构建和谐社会中的作用及措施。  相似文献   

浙江民营企业近30年来的发展堪称奇迹,论其背后的原因,1956-1978年间的"地下经济"值得关注.它在极为特殊的困难环境里,保存了浙江民间的工商文明传统,传承了市场交换的观念与行为,滋养着浙江民间"自主谋生"、"自立创新"的精神,并在实践中成就了相应的市场网络体系和物质基础.1979年后,"地下经济"积蓄的能量集中喷发,利用计划经济向市场经济转型时期商品短缺的时机,抢占市场份额,取得经济腾飞的先发优势.从另一方面看,"地下经济"时代形成的某些心态和习惯,也在民营企业的发展道路上留下一些阴影:经营上的短期行为、蔑视规则、投机钻营、企业社会责任意识发育滞后、信用意识淡漠等等,直至21世纪初才出现好转.这一点,至今尚未引起人们的充分重视.  相似文献   

试论我国私营外贸企业的现状与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着外贸体制改革的深入,外贸准入门槛越来越低,涌现出了大批的私营外贸企业,并具有很强的竞争力。但是私营外贸企业依然存在着不少问题,只有在产品、服务、信誉上有所创新和提高,制定长期发展的战略措施,加强内部管理,留住外贸人才,才能更快更持续地发展。  相似文献   

我国公募基金与阳光私募基金的发展从20世纪80年代末至今得到了长足的发展。主要采用TM模型和HM模型对基金经理的选股能力和择时能力进行了对比分析,总体来看,私募基金经理的投资能力优于公募基金经理。当用成功概率法进行辅助性验证的时候,发现两种激励模式下基金经理对市场方向的预测和判断基本相当,公募基金经理还略胜一筹。分析结果,我国基金行业基金经理的投资能力不具备显著的差异,投资业绩的差异关键在于对仓位的控制以及策略的灵活性。  相似文献   

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