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This paper examines the maquiladoras along the Mexican border with regards to the labor force participation of women in this sector. The paper found a significant relationship between the age of the maquiladoras and industry type and their tendency to employ women. Specifically, older firms tended to be more female labor intensive as were certain industries. There was no significant relationship between gender employment intensity and rates of turnovers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the effect of trade openness on the productivity of skilled and unskilled labor in a group of 36 developing countries using panel data and fixed effect approach. We have developed and utilized an empirical model that readily lends itself to testing the hypothesis posed. Our results support the hypothesis that trade openness has a positive and significant impact on labor productivity for both skilled and unskilled labor in the sample countries. We also observe that the beneficial effect of trade openness is relatively stronger for the skilled labor than the unskilled labor. We conclude that contrary to the claim made by Mayda and Rodrik (2001 Mayda, A. M. and Rodrik, D. 2001. “Why are some people (and countries) more protectionist than others? A cross country analysis”. Mimeo: Harvard University.  [Google Scholar]), skilled workers in developing countries may oppose protectionism. When adjusting for the purchasing power parity, the impact of trade openness on labor productivity, although positive and significant, is not as pronounced as it is for other definitions of openness.  相似文献   

As the aviation industries developed, so too did the recognition that there must be an effective regulatory framework to address issues related to the workers’ compensation and rehabilitation. All employees would like to work and return home safely from their workplace. Therefore, the efficient management of workplace injury and disease reduces the cost of aviation operations and improves flight safety. Workers’ compensation and injury management laws regulate a majority of rehabilitation and compensation issues, but achieving an injury-free workplace remains a major challenge for the regulators. This paper examines the clauses of the workers’ compensation and injury management laws of Western Australia related to workplace safety, compensation, and rehabilitations of the injured workers. It also discusses various provisions of common law under the relevant workers’ health injury management legislations.  相似文献   

孔德威 《商业研究》2006,(19):144-147
灵活化目前已成为西方国家劳动力市场改革的主要发展趋势。西方国家希望通过放弃凯恩斯主义的劳动就业宏观需求管理政策、减少政府和工会对劳动力市场的管制与干预,以及实行激活性劳动就业政策等措施来降低劳动力市场的刚性,提高就业率。从理论上来讲,劳动力市场灵活化改革的根源在于:凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵、刚性劳动力市场的低效率和全球化时代生产方式与就业模式的根本性变革。同时,劳动力市场的灵活化也被认为是降低失业率的一条有效途径,也是政府、资本和工会之间新的力量平衡下的一种选择。  相似文献   

文章把异于传统劳动力市场、在中国最典型的高技能劳动过剩与低技能劳动短缺现象称为中国式劳动力市场错配,认为全球分工体系中发展中国家与发达国家以产品贸易表现的就业互换是导致发展中国家劳动力市场出现错配的重要原因。采用企业层面微观数据进行的实证分析表明,企业销售额中用于出口的比重、出口到发达国家的比重越大,企业对技能员工的需求和雇佣就越少。此实证结果可能说明,中国式劳动力市场错配是由过度参与全球分工体系导致的,过度贸易自由化导致劳动力市场困境。但这并非简单意味减少企业国际贸易、拓展国内市场就可以有效增加技能员工需求、解决高校毕业生就业难问题,促进经济发展方式由供给推动向需求拉动转变,促使企业更多以消费者需求为导向才是治本之策。  相似文献   


Employees in an organization have the right to fair treatment in all matters of employment. While principles of democracy require equality among the citizens, there is also a need to provide equal employment opportunity (EEO) and to undo the effects of past discrimination in employment. This paper provides a three-nation comparison and analyzes the EEO provisions in United States, Nigeria, and India. It describes the main bases of discrimination and the efforts made by the three countries in redressing them. It explores the unresolved EEO issues in the three countries. The United States has a fairly comprehensive set of legislation to address the problems of discrimination. However, it lacks a national consensus on how to address the issue of past discrimination. Nigerian and Indian provisions for EEO address a relatively limited set of causes of discrimination only among their public sector of employment. These two countries are yet to develop a comprehensive set of legislation and enforcement mechanism to ensure EEO for all its citizens. Implications for other countries are discussed.  相似文献   

研究典型国家(地区)农村劳动力流动的制度变革经验及启示,对于中国农村劳动力转移问题具有重要的现实意义。发达国家代表英国、美国、法国和日本,及发展中国家代表中国台湾地区、韩国和印度、巴西农村劳动力流动的制度变革经验启示我们:要确立以就业为中心的发展战略;选择适合本地区的土地占有模式;尽早改革现行的住房制度,将进城农民工纳入廉租房制度保障范围;高度重视劳动力流动与教育问题;实行大城市导向、大中小城市合理布局、兼业型的全方位、多层次农村劳动力流动转移体系;发挥政府在制度变革中的重要作用。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the impact of fiscal and regulatory measures, at various levels of government, on the establishment of new businesses. We are interested in finding out whether, and to what extent, the existing rules and regulations (in particular the fiscal and regulatory frameworks) have impeded the entry of new firms in the early stages of transition. We are also interested in comparing the impact of such impediments amongst countries in different stages of transition. The paper is based on a survey of nearly 400 newly set up (de novo) firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Albania and Lithuania, all established in the 1992-94 period. We concentrate on four specific areas of regulation: registration and licensing of new businesses, rules governing the purchase or lease of commercial real estate, labour and employment laws, and the fiscal rules (taxes and contributions) to which new enterprises are subjected.  相似文献   

在社会法理念的影响下,我国劳动合同的期限处于由固定期限向无固定期限的演变过程中.但在新自由主义广泛流行的背景下,市场经济国家特别是发达国家又开始强调市场自由,建立在无固定期限劳动合同基础上的劳动雇佣制度正在悄悄发生变革.劳动合同期限制度的制定实施只有向劳动者倾斜,侧重保护处于弱势劳动者的合法权益,在倾斜中调整和平衡雇佣双方的关系,才是变革时代劳动关系和谐发展的最终出路.  相似文献   

劳动合同是农民工最重要的劳动权益之一。从是否签订劳动合同和合同年限等两个方面考察了农民工的劳动合同状况及其影响因素。通过江苏省的调研数据,农民工劳动合同的签订率仅为44.2%,劳动合同的年限普遍较短。Probit和负二项回归模型的结果显示:受教育程度、持有技能证书、对相关劳动法律的了解程度与农民工签订劳动合同以及合同年限之间均存在着显著的正相关关系;第一代农民工的合同年限明显长于新生代农民工;从事建筑业以及在民营、个体单位就业的农民工,签订劳动合同的可能性将显著下降,合同年限也显著缩短。提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

In analyzing the many stereotypes surrounding Arab Middle Eastern women’s employment issues, this article focuses on women’s labor participation and their career development in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. We first unpack the stereotypes by demonstrating the progress of women’s labor participation in the region. We then uncover the critical challenges of a high female unemployment rate during GCC countries’ economic transformation in the non-oil sectors. We discuss the factors contributing to low women’s labor participation and the difficulty of career advancement for women, including (1) norms and traditions; (2) job opportunities and workplace discrimination; and (3) role models, mentors, and networking. Finally, we provide recommendations on how to improve women’s labor participation by involving the public and private sectors, deploying technology, and engaging in multilevel mindset change.  相似文献   

当前,我国劳务派遣制度存在诸多问题,并集中表现在三个方面:一是用工单位滥用劳务派遣制度现象严重,二是劳务派遣企业管理不规范,三是被派遣劳动者的利益难以保障。文章提出,为进一步完善我国劳务派遣制度,应参考国外劳务派遣制度发展经验,结合我国基本国情与劳务派遣制度在我国的发展现状及存在问题,从劳动者、企业、政府三个方面着手进行改进:一要提高被派遣劳动者的文化素质和技能水平;二要加强对劳务派遣企业的规范化管理;三要完善劳务派遣制度法制建设。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of changes in the number of business owners on three measures of economic performance, viz. employment growth, GDP growth and labor productivity growth. Particular attention is devoted to the lag structure. The analysis is performed at the country level for 21 OECD countries. Our results confirm earlier evidence on three stages in the impact of entry on economic performance: an initial direct positive effect, followed by a negative effect due to exiting capacities and finally a stage of positive supply-side effects. The net effect is positive for employment and GDP growth. Changes in the number of business owners have no effect on labor productivity.   相似文献   


This paper considers the effects of trade liberalization on child labor that arises out of subsistence needs. It argues that favorable income effects are most likely to reduce the need for child labor in the South, even when export goods have a necessity character. However, in very poor economies, aggregate hours of child labor can also increase as a result of more open trade. Although the poorest families are the ones who benefit the most from trade in a Heckscher – Ohlin setting, their income gains might not be high enough to make them withdraw their children from work, while adverse income effects can raise the incidence of child labor among the less poor. The paper provides empirical support for the argument by finding that in a country panel, increases in trade openness are associated with significantly smaller reductions in child labor among the poorest food exporters than among food exporters on average.  相似文献   

李慧 《商业研究》2012,(5):200-205
从比较视域本文考察英美法系、大陆法系主要国家及地区的违约精神损害赔偿制度,当今世界许多国家及地区均在不同程度上认可违约精神损害赔偿,尽管立法有宽严,但判例突破已成为一种不可扭转的强大趋势。英美法以不断出现的司法判例为动因,以"合同性质"、"合同目的"、"可预见性"及"明显后果"等为限制条件,把握违约精神损害赔偿的尺度,再到逐步扩大在司法实践中的运用,使之类型化,从而明确违约精神损害赔偿的适用范围。大陆法主要是通过扩大法条解释、变通救济理念予以救济,或通过增设法律条文进行规定,满足现实对违约精神损害赔偿的需求,这些均可作为我国构建违约精神损害赔偿制度的现实基础。  相似文献   


This paper examines the effects of government regulation on the technology transfer process. Technology transfer is an important component of an economic development effort in communities, states, and nations. Understanding the process used to transfer technology is needed to promote policies that develop an effective infrastructure to encourage technology transfer. This paper uses qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine managerial perceptions of the effects of government policies on the technology transfer process. The impacts of tax policies, environmental regulations, health and safety regulations, labor regulations, international trade regulations, and the differences in regulations between countries are studied. Items used to measure the success of technology transfer are proposed.  相似文献   


The ongoing controversy about sweatshop labor has mainly focused on economic, on the one, and ethical aspects, on the other side. While proponents of sweatshop labor have argued that low wages would attract foreign investments, would create new workplace opportunities and thus improve economic welfare in less-developed countries, opponents of sweatshop labor argue that such treatment of laborers would violate their dignity, and they prompt western buyers to stop this kind of exploitation. However, the arguments in this debate are not new. As we will show, they can be traced back to the early “sweatshop” debate between social reformers and classical liberals in the 19th century. Interestingly, the 19th century debate identified sweatshop labor not as an industrial system but as a social phenomenon which becomes more likely when several social preconditions are fulfilled. It will be shown that the social preconditions identified in this debate determine working conditions till today and can be used to identify industries were sweatshop labor is more likely than in others—even in western countries.


知识经济时代,信息就是财富。雇员跳槽中带来的商业信息转移,会给原来的企业带来重大的商业损失。而劳动合同法使得员工跳槽的成本进一步降低。西方企业的成功实践告诉我们,中国企业在这一背景下,需要善用《劳动合同法》中的竞业限制条款,保护企业的商业秘密,维护市场公平竞争的秩序。  相似文献   

There is a growing literature that attempts to define the substantive rights of employees in the workplace, a.k.a. the duties of employers toward their employees. Following Nozick, this article argues that — so long as there is a competitive labor market — to set up a class of moral rights in the workplace invades workers' rights to freely choose the terms and conditions of employment they judge best. Ian Maitland is associate professor of business, government and society at the University of Minnesota. He is author of The Causes of Industrial Disordoer (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983) and articles in the Journal of Politics, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Strategy, British Journal of Industrial Relations, California Management Review and elsewhere. In 1988 he ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Congress.  相似文献   


Although a voluminous literature exists on the prevalence of the informal economy, few studies evaluate unregistered employment and none its prevalence and distribution across the service industries. This paper fills that gap. Reporting a 2015 European Working Conditions Survey based on 43,850 face-to-face interviews, the finding is that 7% (1 in 14) of service industry employees have no written contract of employment across the 35 European countries surveyed, although this varies from 34% in Cyprus to 1% in Sweden. A logistic regression analysis at the European level reveals significant associations between the propensity to work with no contract and various individual-, household- and firm-related characteristics, with unregistered employment more prevalent among women, younger people, those with fewer years in education, migrants, those living in households unable to make ends meet, those working in smaller businesses, and the hospitality and household service sectors. The theoretical and policy implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

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