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改革开放以来,我国一直坚持出口导向的对外贸易发展战略,这一战略对于中国经济的腾飞起到了至关重要的作用。但是,在全球金融危机的冲击之下,这一战略暴露出了自身的弊病。在金融危机后,无论是国际经济环境,还是国内现实压力,都迫使我国转变一贯的出口导向战略,实施内外兼顾的竞争性协调战略,以促进我国对外贸易更好地发展。  相似文献   

This research examines the comparative effects of production manager and worker turnover in service and manufacturing settings. We suggest that, due to the centrality of human action in services and the ability of manufacturers to insulate the technical core, service and manufacturing companies are differentially dependent on and impacted by the loss of production manager and worker knowledge. The results from a survey of 150 service and manufacturing firms provide partial support for this notion and show that turnover impacts these organizations differently. More specifically, we find that: (1) the negative impact of production worker turnover on firm performance is greater in service settings than in manufacturing settings; and (2) the negative impact of production worker turnover on firm performance is greater than the impact of production manager turnover in service firms. In addition, our findings show that organizational capital moderates the turnover–performance relationship for production workers in service firms.  相似文献   

Proselytizing at work occurs when an employee tries to convince coworkers to change their religions. This presents an interesting set of legal issues, because some employees feel that proselytizing is a requirement of their religion. Therefore, they could perceive a prohibition on proselytizing at work as a discriminatory act against members of their religion. On the other hand, other employees may be offended by attempts to change their religious practices. These employees could perceive workplace proselytizing as religious harassment. Therefore, American employers have to adopt religious harassment policies that are much more complex than their sexual harassment policies. In this paper, we outline the components of a legally compliant religious harassment policy which balances the competing rights of proselytizers and their intended targets.  相似文献   


The share of transnational corporations' (TNCs) foreign investment in the global investment has increased over the years. In this context, the international activities of transnational service corporations (TSCs) have become an important topic of discussion for international managers, governments, researchers, and academics. An even greater expansion has taken place in the case of management consulting services. The core subject of this study are entry strategies and FDI motives observed among transnational management-consulting firms (TMCFs) from the United States, Europe and Asia operating in Thailand. A management interview approach was the major tool for data collection in this study. Eighteen foreign TMCFs operating in Thailand were the main source of primary research data, which were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicate that TMCFs prefer full-ownership participation as an entry mode into the Thai market. As to their FDI motives, the most important one identified is to exploit the existing market opportunities in host countries. Other important motives include: market expansion, exploitation of competitive advantage, and following the client's international involvement.  相似文献   

美国物流六十年及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王宪 《物流技术》2012,(3):230-232
回顾了物流在美国的发展和研究状况,从历史和学术研究史的角度看,对深入认识物流的本质和未来发展趋势都有着重要的作用。同时,美国物流的发展史对我国的物流发展也有着积极的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对一家IT公司的组织文化的实证研究,探讨了新兴中小型高科技服务企业的组织文化特点和发展趋势。文章首先对组织文化的概念和测评模型进行了回顾,接着介绍了实证研究中采用的文化测评工具及被研究对象的概况,最后文章对研究结果加以阐述、分析和讨论,并在此基础上提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

徐景彩  陈亮 《价值工程》2011,30(20):180-181
本文通过实地考察和访谈,对陕西省西安医学院16所实习医院学生的实习情况进行走访和调查,发现学校在对学生临床实习过程中的管理存在制度不健全,与实习医院行政管理关系松散,医学生实习心理较为复杂等问题。通过总结归纳,对比分析,提出了临床教学实习活动有效管理对策。  相似文献   

County-level data representing a broad range of socioeconomic variables were obtained for the 190 counties in five western States-California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. A factor analysis of these variables produced eight orthogonal factors: (1) Urbanism, (2) Poverty vs affluence, (3) County tax revenues and services, relative to population, (4) Proportion of aged population, (5) Social stability vs instability, (6) New housing development vs cattle ranching, (7) Crop farming, welfare and unemployment, and (8) Small business activity vs level of federal employment. Several ways of examining scores on these factors were explored and demonstrated: distributions of scores on individual factors across counties were displayed graphically; individual county profiles, comprised of scores on all eight factors, were produced and examined; and groups of counties with similar profiles (representing county “types”) were identified through cluster analysis, and their average profiles and geographic distributions displayed and discussed. Groupings of clusters which were similar in some respects and varied in others were also presented. The utility of these methods for planning activities which may involve individual counties and/or groups of counties is discussed.  相似文献   

研究了美国《复苏与再投资法案》关于铁路投资监管的规定中,在铁路投资监管的主体、监管的形式和内容等方面值得借鉴之处,分析总结出中国经济刺激政策实施过程中对铁路投资监管的相应不足之处,结合我国的有关法律和实际情况,提出完善我国铁路投资监管的法律建议,即:在主体方面,应该进一步明确新增中央投资协调小组的职能、权力和运行机制,增加全国人大及其常委会作为铁路投资日常监管的主体,完善媒体和公众监督;在形式和内容方面,在事前监管和事中监管方面予以完善,并且增加新增中央投资协调小组的建议权。  相似文献   


Configuration or profile of commitments, a person-centered approach, is one of the approaches that have gained a foothold in the commitment research. The importance of this approach to commitment research is the identification of groups that share similarities on a set of commitment constructs. However, profile research on bonds (attachments) to the union is rare. The purpose of this study was to investigate the typology of union profiles based on the ideological and instrumental bonds and to determine if different national settings will lead to discernible patterns of union profiles in the different contexts. The study also seeks to validate the emerged profiles by their association patterns with culture, economic and citizenship behaviors in the union. A field investigation of unionized employees in multiple unions revealed a four-cluster solution in both US and Ghana settings. Profiles explained meaningful variation in psychological collectivism and citizenship in both settings. However, profile differences were only observed for economic dependency for the Ghana sample but not that of the U.S. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study integrates the resource-based view of the firm, the resource dependence model, institutionalism theory and the cybernetic system model into a framework to investigate the determinants of international human resource (IHR) control at the subsidiary level. The effects of competitive strategies and the mediating effects of inter-organizational interdependencies on three different dimensions of IHR control (input, behaviour and output) were studied by using a sample of 101 Taiwanese subsidiaries operating in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Four notable associations were found: (1) a robust direct relationship between the adoption of a low-cost strategy and two dimensions of IHR control (behaviour and output) was testified; (2) an indirect effect of a low-cost strategy on IHR input control through dependence on the parent's resources was found; (3) the direct relationship between local differentiation strategy and IHR input control could not be testified because a positive mediating effect of dependence on local resources counteracted the negative mediating effect of dependence on parents resources; (4) the direct effects of dependence on local resources on the IHR input control and dependence on parent's resources on IHR input control and behavioural control were testified.  相似文献   

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