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Supermarkets have established a visible presence in Shanghai with some 1,000 stores and an estimated 5 per cent of market share. Local chains dominate the sector but well-known international retailers are very active. Studies indicate that a large proportion of consumers regularly shop in supermarkets but they use them 'selectively', mostly for packaged and processed foods, and continue to purchase fresh food in traditional outlets. The author uses a variety of data types and a number of research methods to analyse supermarkets' penetration into Shanghai. A background discussion of the food retail system in Shanghai highlights the traditional formats, the local and foreign supermarket chains, and the independent supermarkets. The data from a consumer shopping behaviour study is then used to assess supermarkets' penetration. Supermarkets' fast penetration into Shanghai is surprising given the findings of earlier studies, which identified the existence of serious limitations on the format's penetration into less developed countries (LDCs). Consequently, the focus in the second part of the paper is on explaining the reasons for the success of supermarkets. The impact of the factors identified in the earlier studies as constraining supermarkets' advance were evaluated and it was found that in Shanghai three of these factors (consumers, traditional retailers and government) did not cause serious problems for supermarkets. Only the supply-side conditions negatively affected their operations. The Shanghai example highlights the need to update our thinking regarding the LDCs' food retail modernization process in a number of directions. First local supermarket chains, not foreign ones, drive the process. Second, supply-side factors, not the demand-side ones that were emphasized in earlier studies, pose the major difficulties. Third, this analysis affirms the importance of the 'selective' adoption phenomenon where LDC consumers who regularly shop in supermarkets continue to purchase fresh food in traditional outlets. The implications of this analysis for food retail modernization theory and for practice are discussed and the prospects for further development of the supermarket sector in Shanghai are assessed.  相似文献   

上市公司财务失败预警研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜兰英  王海波 《商业研究》2006,(11):187-190
财务失败是指公司无力支付到期债务的经济事项。只要公司存在就会有财务风险,当财务风险积聚到一定程度时,如果不能及时采取化解措施或采取的措施不力,公司就会陷入财务失败的困境。国内外学者对有关财务失败预警进行了相关研究,这些统计模型具有不可克服的缺陷,因此在建立上市公司财务失败预警模型时应注意一些相关问题。  相似文献   

黑龙江省人口外流,人才流失现象的症结在于"三偏",即产业结构偏重,民营经济偏弱,创新人才偏少。黑龙江省委提出"要使民营经济占到黑龙江整个经济的2/3的目标。要服务好民营经济发展,让企业家去留人才,他们最知道需要哪些人才"。持续优化黑龙江省营商环境、实现高质量发展,切实打造亲商、安商、富商的最优环境,充分激活市场主体活力,推动黑龙江全面振兴全方位发展,让黑龙江成为广大民营企业投资兴业的沃土。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial (i.e. business ownership) experience may enable some entrepreneurs to temper their comparative optimism in subsequent ventures. The nature of entrepreneurial experience can shape how entrepreneurs adapt. Using data from a representative survey of 576 entrepreneurs in Great Britain, we find that experience with business failure was associated with entrepreneurs who are less likely to report comparative optimism. Portfolio entrepreneurs are less likely to report comparative optimism following failure; however, sequential (also known as serial) entrepreneurs who have experienced failure do not appear to adjust their comparative optimism. Conclusions and implications for entrepreneurs and stakeholders are discussed.  相似文献   

如何看待我国民营上市公司EVA与MVA的反差问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张磊 《商业研究》2004,(4):107-109
通过对2001年EVA与MVA反差最大的20家民营企业的统计数据进行了相关分析与因子分析,提出使用第一主成分作为投机炒作的度量,弟二主成分反映了股本与业绩的背离程度,并对2001年EVA与MVA反差最大的20家企业进行分析并排序。  相似文献   

民营上市公司的治理机制及治理效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对民营上市公司常用的治理机制及治理效应的分析,我们发现:民营上市公司的各种治理机制无论对净资产收益率还是财务综合绩效,都没有太大的解释力,但对托宾Q值却具有极强的解释能力。即使是就托宾Q值而言,股东会议、独立董事规模、两职设置、高管人员薪酬等内部治理机制也没有发挥显著的作用,内部治理机制中的第一大股东具有特别重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对2004年浙江省民营企业(以下简称民营企业)出口数据的统计分析,归纳了浙江省民营企业出口的主要特点、成因,并针对问题提出了进一步促进浙江省民营企业出口的对策。  相似文献   

政府干预是解决市场缺陷的必要手段。然而,公共选择理论从政府的“经济人”假设出发,揭示了“政府失灵”,即政府由于自身的局限,在解决“市场失灵”过程中,还存在着治理中的政策失误与低效率问题。有鉴于此,解决“市场失灵”之时规避“政府失灵”,就成为优化公共治理的不可或缺的重要问题。  相似文献   

Using the Relationship Investment Model, this study examines the effects of satisfaction, relationship investment dimensions, and alternative attractiveness on student commitment and, consequently, on student engagement towards higher education institutions (HEIs). This research adopts the positivism, quantitative, and deductive approaches. Data were gathered from a sample of 250 students through the street-intercept systematic sampling and were analyzed using structural equation modelling. The findings reveal that satisfaction and student direct investment significantly affect student commitment, which in turn influences student engagement towards HEIs. While the findings provide guidance to HEIs in designing an effective engagement program that will ensure their relevance in the competitive educational world, this research is limited by several factors, which will require refinement and replication in future research.  相似文献   

探讨续贷限制对于出口企业的影响,对于全面认识融资约束的微观经济效应具有十分重要的意义。据此,文章立足2007年续贷标准改变这一政策事实,基于中国2000-2015年上市公司数据,就续贷限制对出口企业创新的影响展开了分析。研究结果表明,第一,续贷限制不利于出口企业创新的提升,对企业专利申请总数、发明类专利申请数均产生了显著的负面效应。第二,这种抑制作用对不同企业的影响表现出一定的异质性。续贷标准紧缩对出口企业创新的抑制效应会因出口企业规模、所处行业、生产率水平以及要素密集度不同而有所差异。续贷限制对大规模出口企业、制造业出口企业、高生产率出口企业和劳动密集型出口企业创新的抑制作用更显著。文章的研究拓展了融资约束对于企业出口行为影响的认识。  相似文献   

我国巨灾保险市场失灵的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国每年因自然灾害及重大事故造成的经济损失数以千亿计。然而,作为防范洪水、地震等巨灾风险的巨灾保险作用甚微,巨灾保险市场却存在着远远超过目前保险业供给能力的现实和潜在需求。因此,针对这一现状,运用制度经济学的理论,分析了巨灾保险产品的准公共品属性,并在此基础上阐述导致巨灾保险市场失灵的原因,给出相应的对策。  相似文献   

袁瑜  王建明  陈红喜 《商业研究》2006,(21):114-119
在国内强调人与自然和谐发展和国际间绿色贸易特别是绿色贸易壁垒持续升温的形势下,纺织企业愈加面临绿色竞争格局,调整发展战略,提高绿色竞争力已成为必然选择。分析企业绿色竞争力理论,应用DEA法洁合AHP法构建模型,对长三角地区的纺织行业上市公司进行评价。根据评价结果,纺织企业应从外部环境和企业内部能力两方面提高绿色竞争力。  相似文献   

互连网的无处不在和企业的需求促进了虚拟专用网(VPN)技术的快速发展,也加快了VPN的开发进程。本文分析了VPN开发的特点,指出了利用统一建模语言(UML)描述VPN的优势,并采用UML对VPN系统进行了总体分析,对边界网关协议/多协议标记交换(BGP/MPLS)VPN进行了描述。  相似文献   

外贸经营权空置及浙江省民营企业出口方法的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江省民营企业外贸经营权空置现象十分普遍。本文通过对浙江省民营企业外贸经营方式(间接出口和直接出口)的比较分析,探讨了浙江省民营企业外贸经营权高空置率现象的成因,提出了浙江省民营企业合理选择外贸经营方式的建议。  相似文献   

The main objective of the study is to examine dimensions of service failures in the hospital industry. It is also the intention of the study to see if there is a specific pattern of complaint behavior in Indonesian context. The primary study was conducted in four cities in Bengkulu province, Southwest Sumatra, Indonesia. The number of questionnaires distributed in the survey was 350 and 300 questionnaires were returned and analyzed. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were employed to the dataset. The result of the analysis reveals that service failure constructs can be categorized into six underlying dimensions: medical reliability errors, physical evidences errors, poor information, medical treatment errors, costly service, and complaint handling failures. The study also indicates that hospital patients can be clustered into three segments, namely core service patients, complainers, and salient patients. Service failure dimensions and the clusters found can be used by hospitals in Indonesia to improve their service process and delivery. The study found a specific pattern of complaint behavior in the hospital industry.  相似文献   

通过对阿霍德海外市场撤退的分析研究发现,海外市场选择失败、进入模式选择失败、竞争失败、本土化适应及调整失败、非可控因素的影响均会导致零售企业国际化失败.前四个因素从零售国际化过程角度考虑,相互联系、层层递进,但又可作为独立因素直接导致国际化失败,非可控因素也可直接迫使零售企业从海外市场退出.  相似文献   

This article examines how government ownership affects the relationship between private benefits of managerial control, measured as excessive overhead expenses, and profitability of acquirers. A total of 246 merger and acquisition (M&A) events from Chinese state‐controlled listed companies (CSCLCs) between 2001 and 2006 constitutes the analytical sample. Under a low level of government shareholding, private benefits of managerial control positively correlated with acquirer announcement returns. However, there was no relationship between private benefits of managerial control and acquirer announcement returns under a high level of government shareholding. The implications of these findings for scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of emerging market multinationals into world markets has generated a rich literature. While this literature has addressed the potential motivations, behaviors, and strategic implications of these firms’ moves abroad, their possible role as facilitating agents in regional expansion has not been adequately explored. In this paper, we explore this question through a critical review of the literature and examples from Turkish multinationals. We also offer questions for future research.  相似文献   


Various studies on the use of the balanced scorecard (BSC) were conducted in developed countries with relatively stable environments. Nevertheless, research on the implementation and use of the BSC in the highly dynamic and complex environments of developing countries is still rare. The transfer of innovative management concepts to developing countries is a largely under-researched topic. This article examines the challenges of using the BSC in foreign MNCs in Brazil. Based on case studies, we focus on the most common barriers for the implementation and use of the BSC in Brazil and how to overcome them. Implications for researchers and practicing managers are provided.

RESUMEN. En los países desarrollados se realizaros diversos estudios sobre el uso del Scorecard Equilibrado (BSC-Balanced Scorecard), en entornos relativamente estables. No obstante, existen muy pocas investigaciones sobre la implementación y uso del BSC en entornos altamente dinámicos y complejos. La transferencia de conceptos gerenciales innovadores a los países en desarrollo, es un tema que no se ha estudiado a fondo todavía. Este artículo examina el reto inherente al uso del BSC en las empresas multinacionales en Brasil. Con base en estos estudios de caso, centralizamos nuestro interés en las barreras que enfrentadas más comúnmente para implementar y usar el BSC en Brasil, y cómo superarlas. También suministramos las implicancias que ellas tendrían para los investigadores y gerentes en ejercicio.

RESUMO. Vários estudos sobre o uso do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) foram conduzidos em países desenvolvidos e com ambientes relativamente estáveis. No entanto, pesquisa sobre a implementação e uso do BSC em ambientes altamente dinâmicos e complexos, presentes em países em desenvolvimento, é ainda bastante rara. A transferência de conceitos inovadores de gestão para países em desenvolvimento é um tema extremamente pouco pesquisado. Este artigo examina os desafios ligados ao uso do BSC em multinacionais estrangeiras no Brasil. Baseados em estudos de caso, nós direcionamos o foco para as barreiras mais comuns associadas à implementação e uso do BSC no Brasil e para as formas e maneiras de superá-las. São fornecidas implicações para pesquisadores e gestores usuários do BSC.  相似文献   

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