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Africa has been beset with a plethora of problems stemming from the legacy of colonialism and the current political conflicts across the continent. These developments have made it difficult to strengthen the telecommunication infrastructure, the bloodline of commercial activity. Electronic commerce (EC) has become one of the most popular topics of conversation in the commercial sector. EC, which is a technological framework bolstered by the ubiquitous Internet, has given commercial enterprises an opportunity to increase the flow of transactions, overcoming the barriers of time and distance. This paper examines EC strategies and suggests that its implementation is possible in Africa by analyzing several variables to determine appropriateness of both the technical framework and the execution of strategies.  相似文献   

文章从博弈论角度研究了网络贸易信息的跨文化因素,重点分析完全信息静态博弈和完全信息动态博弈条件下的语言及文化选择.指出企业应根据不同的贸易发展阶段和产品特征采取不同跨文化对策,以期为从事国际电子商务的企业提供参考和服务,有效地开拓国际市场.  相似文献   

电子商务环境下的现代物流模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜颖  修桂华  佟宁 《中国市场》2007,(19):71-72
电子商务作为一种新的商业经济模式,有着强大的生命力。它的迅速发展引发了交易方式的创新,特别是流通模式的变革。电子商务环境下的现代物流的出现及时提供了物流领域的策略,帮助企业实现物流管理的系统一体化,在市场竞争中为企业创造了更高的利润和价值。本文将论述电子商务环境下现代物流的各种模式及物流配送方法。  相似文献   

随着电子商务在全世界的蓬勃发展,我国的电子商务日益受到政府、经济学界以及法学界的重视。本就电子商务法的定义和特征、电子商务法的调整对象、电子商务法的性质及其基本原则以及电子商务法在中国的现实发展状况等几方面来谈一下电子商务法。  相似文献   

电子商务面临的法律问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡育勇  梁晓林 《商业研究》2003,(23):157-159
随着Internet的日益普及,电子商务得到了迅速发展,并日益形成为一个具有巨大发展潜力的市场。然而,电子商务的兴起也给我们带来了许多始料未及的问题,比如电子信函的法律地位问题、电子合同的法律效力问题、电子商务中的知识产权保护问题等。  相似文献   

This article reviews the incredible growth of electronic commerce (e-commerce) and presents ethical issues that have emerged. Security concerns, spamming, Web sites that do not carry an "advertising" label, cybersquatters, online marketing to children, conflicts of interest, manufacturers competing with intermediaries online, and "dinosaurs" are discussed. The power of the Internet to spotlight issues is noted as a significant force in providing a kind of self-regulation that supports an ethical e-commerce environment.  相似文献   

基于制度理论的中国B2B发展关键障碍因素探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国B2B发展的障碍不乏有人探讨,但是以前的研究者将不同模式的B2B当成一个整体,且论述缺乏理论依据。本文试图从制度和企业吸收能力的角度,构筑一个整合的理论框架来探讨不同的B2B制度模式的发展障碍。从制度的层面,我们说明了制度环境因素和旧有的制度对积聚型B2B模式的发展造成了障碍,尤其是当B2B运营者希图提供全程交易时。对于供应链型B2B,我们提出,由于新的B2B制度还处于萌芽期,企业B2B吸收能力是其发展的重要制约因素。同时,旧有的制度通过制约企业对B2B的吸收能力,间接制约供应链B2B模式的出现。  相似文献   

在缔结自由贸易协定(FTA)时,大多数缔约方对本方竞争力弱的产业往往采取关税保护措施。在确定需要保护的本方产业时大多数缔约方往往采用贸易竞争度等方法而忽略考虑了缔约双方的市场规模和产品特性。这往往会造成保护失当或达不到预期的保护效果。本文采用空间经济学模型,对市场规模、产品差异化程度与关税保护的效果之间进行模拟分析。通过分析得出:虽然关税能够防止本方产业的流出,但是对市场规模小的缔约方来说效果有限;市场规模小的缔约方无需对产品差异化程度小的产品采取高关税保护措施而只需对产品差异化程度大的产品采取高关税保护措施。  相似文献   

The model considers a two-period duopoly game where in the first period the leader produces a good with a given quality and the other firm can only imitate it. It is the Stackelberg case where, in addition, the leader has the choice of the quality of the good and the imitation is costly, but not prohibitively so. Under this assumption quantities and profits in terms of the quality are derived as subgame perfect equilibrium. In the second period there exists the possibility for the leader and/or the follower to make an investment. The outcome of this is uncertain: it could either be the case that a good of better quality can be introduced, or that a cost-reduction in producing the existing good is attained. The former case is a product innovation, whereas the latter case is a process innovation. By solving the game backwards as a function of the quality of the first period, there exists the possibility of an equilibrium where the follower chooses to invest and the leader does not invest .  相似文献   

Mandjes  Michel 《NETNOMICS》2004,6(1):59-81
This paper analyzes a communication network, used by customers with heterogeneous service requirements. We investigate priority queueing as a way to establish service differentiation. It is assumed that there is an infinite population of customers, who join the network as long as their utility (which is a function of the queueing delay) is larger than the price of the service. We focus on the specific situation with two types of users: one type is delay-sensitive (voice), whereas the other is delay-tolerant (data); these preferences are reflected in their utility curves. Two models are considered: in the first the network determines the priority class of the users, whereas the second model leaves this choice to the users. For both models we determine the prices that maximize the provider's profit. Importantly, these situations do not coincide. Our analysis uses elements from queueing theory, but also from microeconomics and game theory (e.g., the concept of a Nash equilibrium).  相似文献   

尹忠红 《商业研究》2004,(8):175-177
当今世界 ,网络、通信和信息技术飞速发展 ,因特网 (Internet)在全球迅速普及 ,使得商业空间发展到全球的规模。并且使任何一个商业组织都必须改变自己的组织结构和运行方式来适应这种全球性的发展和变化。电子商务不仅引起了商业的革命 ,具有经济特征 ,而且也为以信息为基础的金融业带来了机遇和影响。使得金融业不仅在业务内容上扩展范围 ,提高运作效率 ,而且在金融业务手段上创造出了多元化、品牌化的竞争优势。  相似文献   

电子商务中的消费者权益保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴海玲  胡颖欣  张蕾 《中国市场》2008,(15):146-147
电子商务作为一种新型的市场交易方式,在带给人们便捷、丰富的消费商品和服务信息的同时,也增加了消费者遭受损害的机会,极大地侵害了消费者的合法权益。本文旨在分析当前电子商务交易中存在的几种侵害消费者权益的现象,提出保护消费者权益的几点意见。  相似文献   

电子商务的快速发展对物流提出了新的要求,但目前我国的物流业由于历史的原因,整体落后,显然不能达到为电子商务服务的水平,事实上它已成为中国电子商务发展的瓶颈.本文通过总结最近几年理论界的最新观点提出了几种模式,旨在为电子商务及物流做出一定的指引.  相似文献   

20世纪末期,在我国兴起了电子商务热潮,国内许多公司纷纷注册自己的电子商务公司,直到近几年电子商务热潮才逐渐冷静下来,人们才实实在在的把目光投向了物流。那么,怎样发展电子商务、怎样才能积极有效的处理好电子商务和物流的关系,已成为人们普遍关心的问题之一。  相似文献   

电子商务环境下的协同化物流体系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨韵  陈矩桦  曹效阳 《商业研究》2005,(15):194-196,213
针对物流与外部环境结合密切的自身特性,首先对电子商务的环境特点进行分析,进而探讨协同化物流嫁接于电子商务的发展趋势,然后构造出基于电子商务环境下的协同化物流体系整合框架,为解决当前企业电子商务“瓶颈”问题提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

在经济全球化加速发展,互联网日益普及以及电子商务市场不断成熟的大环境下,新华书店图书销售市场遭到网上书店的强烈冲击。选取伯特兰德寡头模型对新华书店进军电子商务市场的差异化战略进行分析,结果表明新华书店只有走差异化战略路线,网上书店与传统书店相结合,开展多元化经营,延长产业链才能在图书销售市场上取得竞争优势。  相似文献   

Historically, product design has most often been considered a process for creating functional differentiation through added features, superior performance, and so forth. However, with the advent of more design-oriented companies, such as Apple, Dyson, and others, design is increasingly being seen as an important strategic tool in creating preference and deeper emotional value for the consumer. In this research, we show how different design elements may be used strategically to create two very different outcome chains from a consumer's perspective. This work shows that certain design elements are more likely to create functional product differentiation and transactional consumer outcomes, while other design strategies tap a more emotional form of value creation. As we show, an emotional focus in value creation is more likely to create desired and powerful outcomes such as loyalty, joy of use, and even passion. Given current business trends towards relationship-based customer management, this emphasis on emotional value creation through product design is particularly relevant. In order to make these ideas actionable, we offer specific product design strategies that managers can use to enhance the transactional and relational value of their customer relationships.  相似文献   

杨光伟 《商业研究》2005,(7):149-151
电子商务的迅猛发展给全球的物流和交通运输产业带来了新的商机。电子商务是人们利用电子手段进行商业、贸易等商务活动,是指商务活动的电子化、网络化和自动化;而电子物流是物流服务活动的电子化、网络化和自动化。电子商务重构了传统的供应与分销途径,对物流服务提出更高的要求,呼唤电子物流提供商的不断涌现和成熟。因此,在电子商务时代,电子物流是商务活动成功的关键。  相似文献   

浅议电子论证机构的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊 《商业研究》2005,(5):81-84
电子认证技术的出现,使得电子商务交易参与各方的身份和交易信息的真实性、安全性和可靠性有了技术上的保障。认证机构主要解决电子商务活动中交易参与各方身份、资信的认定,维护交易活动的安全,是电子认证的认证实施主体。  相似文献   

刘学敏 《中国市场》2009,(10):79-80
随着电子商务的进一步推广和应用,物流对电子商务活动的影响日益明显,其重要性也越来越凸显。本文从电子商务和物流的关系入手,分析电子商务的发展对物流业的多方面影响,进而将传统的物流业与电子商务相结合,积极发展现代化的物流业以促进电子商务的发展。  相似文献   

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