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In this article, we examine current trends in customer life-time value and customer segmentation models and identify key issues for future research. CLV-based segmentation is a segmentation approach that groups customers into meaningful segments based upon customer lifetime value and (potentially) other factors. In the article, we discuss the extent to which CLV-based segmentation meets the criteria for effective segmentation. We also identify six areas for future research: (1) models and management of “micro-segments,” (2) using CLV-based segmentation to improve the efficiency of marketing programs, (3) the need for more dynamic CLV-based segmentation models, (4) applying CLV-based customer segmentation to new products and new customers, (5) challenges associated with implementing CLV-based segmentation, and (6) the need for new models that enable firms to segment customers by response to marketing activities and CLV at different points in the customer decision process.  相似文献   


Customer lifetime value (CLV) models are designed to identify high-value customers to be retained. By implication, the remaining customers must be divested. This aspect of CLV management, customer divestment, has not been addressed in research. In this paper we describe the process of customer divestment, report a framework enabling firms to implement customer divestment (Mittal, Sarkees, and Murshed, 2006), and identify key issues associated with the customer divestment process. In doing so, we formulate some key research questions and an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

顾客获取与顾客保持对于商业银行的客户关系管理同样重要。在关系营销的框架下,从战略层面为商业银行寻求顾客获取的基本流程,突出顾客获取与顾客保持的衔接,并确定潜在目标范围,选择顾客获取战略,保持与客户的长期关系。  相似文献   


Determining and managing customer lifetime value is one of the most important strategic objectives of companies today. This paper critically examines some of the most popular approaches traditionally used to measure the value of customers in a company's portfolio. The methods reviewed include RFM and total revenue approaches to differentiating the value of customers. Although these methods have relative advantages, they have serious drawbacks that limit the ability of managers to accurately assess customer value. An alternative model for the measurement and management of customer value is proposed.  相似文献   


Customer equity has become a major marketing goal in many industries. In the existing literature on customer equity, there is a strong emphasis on measuring customer equity (or customer lifetime value), while there is a lack of research on how to manage customer equity and how to implement a systematic Customer Equity Management (CEM). In this paper, based on theoretical considerations as well as on qualitative and quantitative research applying confirmatory factor analysis, we identify three dimensions of Customer Equity Management structuring a firm's CEM activities: analytical CEM, strategic CEM and operational CEM. Further, three types of CEM implementation drivers are identified which represent determinants of the three CEM dimensions. We develop measures for both the three CEM dimensions and the three implementation drivers. These measures help companies evaluating their status regarding CEM and represent the basis for empirical studies regarding the determination and effects of CEM.  相似文献   

Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is an ever-present need for managers to justify marketing expenditures to the firm. This can only be done when we can establish a direct link between marketing metrics and future customer value and firm performance. In this article, we assess the marketing literature with regard to marketing metrics. Subsequently, we develop a framework that identifies key metrics that firms should focus on that can give a firm a better picture of how they got to where they are now and insights towards how they can continue to grow into the future. We then identify several organizational challenges that need to be addressed in order for firms to build the capabilities of collecting the right data, measuring the right metrics, and linking those metrics to customer value and firm performance. Finally, we offer guidelines for future research with regard to marketing metrics to help firms establish successful marketing strategies, measure marketing effectiveness, and justify marketing expenditures to top management.  相似文献   


As all customers are not created equal (Hallberg & Ogilvy, 1995), the different contributions of customers to a supplier's goals have to be evaluated to grant efficient relationship marketing. Furthermore, a handling system has to be developed for unprofitable customer relationships. This is a hitherto neglected field, as marketing researchers and practitioners are generally rather interested in attaining and keeping customers, not in the ending of relationships. The article aims at integrating the concepts of customer equity and profitability with approaches of relationship dissolution, which have recently emerged in the literature. Different aspects of calculating the value of customer relationships and value-based criteria that focus on monetary and non-monetary components of a customer's value are discussed. In an exploratory study undertaken in the German mechanical engineering industry, the relevance of customer valuation to dissolution decisions is analyzed.  相似文献   

Previous studies show how strategies based on the customer lifetime value (CLV) can lead to an increase of profitability for a firm. In this context, marketing serves the purpose of maximizing CLV and customer equity (the CLV of current and future customers). For most types of service firms, salespeople are direct participants in implementing the CLV concept. However, prior research does not answer the question of whether or how salesperson CLV orientation can enhance profits. Using data on salespeople in a large Chilean retail bank, this study shows that the effect of salesperson CLV orientation on salesperson performance follows an S-shaped function (which is first convex and then concave). Additionally, data does not support the idea that the optimum level of CLV orientation depends on salesperson customer orientation, salesperson adaptive selling behavior, or salesperson experience (i.e., CLV-oriented behaviors could be effective across a wide range of salespeople). As such, this study addresses an important concern among researchers and managers that is related to how to increase the salesperson performance. The findings of this study suggest that firms need to monitor individual salesperson CLV orientation more closely.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights about how customer equity estimates can help businesses monitor the competition as well as aid managers in making their marketing investment decisions, and how companies can employ their marketing investments to maximize current and future yield/returns. The article concerns itself with the current offer of cellphone providers and their main products. The research includes survey data through interviews with 302 cellphone users of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study uses this data combined with a number of economic assumptions and a financial marketing model to create an insight in customer equity values of cellphone providers in the region. The scenario dated October 2005 is that the estimated customer equity of the service provider Vivo is, respectively, 93 and 91% larger than those of competing providers Claro and TIM. The research underlines that on average the customer equity flowing from the post-paid segment is 3.5 times larger than that of the pre-paid. In addition to these results the study provides the customer lifetime value (CLV) estimates for Claro's, TIM's and Vivo's pre- and post-paid customers and analyzes the retention and loss figures of CLV. Also a discussion follows of the implications that these values will likely have for the companies' marketing strategy.  相似文献   

We apply the Gönül and Shi (1998) approach to the analysis of the optimal messaging and pricing policy mix by studying the past transaction patterns between a local supermarket and its consumers. We develop a dynamic customer relationship management model and investigate the relationship between customer utility and purchasing frequency by modifying the return function of the model discussed in Gönül and Shi (1998). In particular, we extend the analysis to consider a messaging and pricing policy mix, and we use a genetic algorithm in our empirical estimation. When applied to some non-seasonal products in a local supermarket, we find that our model is suitable and far superior to the one-stage model commonly used. Our dynamic model gives the optimal marketing mix strategies in different customer states and the results show that the firm could enjoy a 22% increase in profit.  相似文献   


The authors examine the relationship marketing research literature and identify three schools of thought regarding relationship marketing. The Inter-organizational, customer relationship, and customer valuation research perspectives are described and representative studies are discussed. The predominant conceptual approaches to marketing productivity in the research literature are identified and described. The shareholder value model of Srivastava, Shervani, and Fahey (1998) is selected as the most useful conceptual framework linking relationship marketing and marketing productivity. The linking constructs of customer equity and brand equity are identified as the critical conceptual connections between relationship marketing and marketing productivity. A research agenda is suggested, covering both conceptual and operational issues for further development of both relationship marketing and marketing productivity.  相似文献   

The profitable management of customer relationships is currently a rapidly expanding research area. However, there is a lack of empirical studies examining the current practices of firms specifically with regard to the management of customer relationships as assets. This study contributes to bridging this research gap by exploring the extent to which retail banks in the Nordic region are currently implementing key aspects related to what has been termed customer asset/equity management in the literature. Based on the findings, obstacles to the successful implementation of a customer asset management approach are identified and discussed.  相似文献   


That a firm benefits most when customers stick around for the long haul is a central premise of relationship marketing. This conviction has manifested itself over the past decade in the form of numerous formal loyalty programs that aim to seek and foster customer relationships. Scant evidence for the success of such programs has accrued since. This has lead firms to re-evaluate their investments in customer relationship management. Optimal resource allocation models address issues of relative investments in customer acquisition versus retention, and on managing relationships with profitable customers so that the value of a firm's customer base is maximized.  相似文献   

李林 《中国市场》2009,(45):40-41,47
湖北省旅游资源非常丰富,景观类型多种多样,堪称旅游资源大省。尽管拥有如此丰富的旅游资源,湖北省旅游行业发展,仍然存在不少问题,本文在前人有关顾客价值研究的基础上,本文区分顾客期望价值和顾客感知价值的不同含义,分析了湖北省旅游营销的现状及其存在的问题,最后融合4Ps营销组合设计了湖北旅游产品策略。  相似文献   

客户关系管理的研究现状、不足和未来展望   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文认为,企业实施客户关系管理的动因主要有顾客角色的变化与交换双方权力的转移,超强竞争环境,营销管理重心的转变以及互联网等通讯基础设施与技术的蓬勃发展等四个方面。目前客户关系管理研究中的主要问题是狭隘地理解客户关系管理,仅仅将其看作是一种管理软件;顾客权益的内涵尚不明确;尚未找到一种能够平衡顾客价值与企业价值的绩效评价方法;对顾客知识的研究基本空白等。文章还指出了未来客户关系管理研究的四大主要领域,即顾客权益合理内涵、评价方法与驱动因素及其在CRM中的应用;顾客价值的内涵多维动态评价体系、创造机制与驱动因素;顾客知识管理模型与数据挖掘技术的运用以及价值导向型客户关系管理的实施流程与竞争能力等。  相似文献   


This study extends the price recall literature into the service sector. The authors surveyed 169 adults and asked them to recall the last price they paid for nine commonly purchased services. The findings indicate that most consumers (53%) cannot recall the last price they paid, 13% had an inaccurate price memory, and 34% remembered an accurate price. The findings also indicate that the ability to recall a price, and to recall an accurate service price varies significantly by service. Other mediating variables include frequency of usage, home ownership, and education. No other demographic variables were related to either price recall or recall accuracy.  相似文献   

将众包模式下顾客参与划分为合作众包模式下顾客参与和竞争众包模式下顾客参与两个关键维度,确定顾客互动之人际互动、人机互动的重要维度构成,构建众包模式下顾客参与直接影响新产品价值,以及通过顾客互动的中介效应间接影响新产品价值的理论模型。实证检验结果表明:合作众包模式下顾客参与、竞争众包模式下顾客参与对新产品价值的积极影响都显著;人际互动在合作众包模式下顾客参与影响新产品价值的关系中起完全中介效应,但在竞争众包模式下顾客参与影响新产品价值的关系中无中介效应;人机互动在竞争众包模式下顾客参与影响新产品价值关系中的部分中介效应显著,但在合作众包模式下顾客参与影响新产品价值关系中的中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

Online product ratings have become a major information source for customers, retailers, and manufacturers. Both practitioners and researchers predominantly interpret them as a reflection of product quality. We argue that they in fact represent the customer's satisfaction with the product. Accordingly, we present a customer satisfaction model of online product ratings which incorporates the customer's pre-purchase expectations and actual product performance as determinants of ratings. We validate our model by applying it to two datasets collected at the German website of Amazon.com. The results indicate that both factors have a significant influence on online product ratings, supporting the proposed interpretation of ratings.  相似文献   

王玮彦 《商业研究》2002,(16):20-22
从顾客终生价值 (CustomerLifetimeValue ,CLV)的定义、计算公式和测量步骤 ,可以看出CRM绩效管理的核心目标是使企业的顾客群的顾客终生价值最大化。同时 ,任何企业中都存在顾客价值创造的五个杠杆 ,但是对于不同的细分市场 ,为了使潜在的价值创造最大化 ,应该不同地混合使用这五个杠杆。  相似文献   

Due to increased intensity of competition, retention of customers has become a major concern in many service industries. Although researchers have investigated customer switching intention and its influential factors, the complex structural mechanisms that reduce the likelihood of switching intention in the field of financial services, especially in the banking context, have remained understudied. This paper addresses the role of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer trust, and customer perceived value within a new conceptual model for customer switching intention in the banking services. In particular, the paper contributes to examine the potential moderating effect of switching barriers on the relationship between customer loyalty and switching intention as well as the relationship between satisfaction and switching intention of customers in the banking services. Data are collected through a questionnaire survey, and partial least squares-structural equation modeling is used for data analysis. Empirical results confirm the proposed model and hypotheses and show that switching barriers strengthen the impact of both customer loyalty and satisfaction on switching intention. The findings of this research offer a unified view of the structural relationships that contribute to reduced switching intention and provide more in-depth insights into the role of switching barriers in the banking context.  相似文献   

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