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Entry restrictions are a common form of regulation in markets and occupations, either as a means of limiting the size of a market or affecting the quality of products or services provided by it. This paper analyzes demand, cost and informational characteristics that affect the impact of this type of policies on the quality mix of products provided by an industry and the welfare of its consumers. Selective increases in the costs of entry such as licensing requirements and direct restrictions with competitive bidding for entry rights are considered. We analyze the effects of these policies on entry decisions and also the additional selection effects that are obtained when exit is allowed for and the rights to participate in an industry can be freely traded.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the size distribution of firms in the abortion services market between 1978 and 1992 in the US. The results indicate that for the entire 15-year period, the market shares of large abortion providers were increasing in both restrictive and nonrestrictive states. Also clinics and physician offices appear to be gaining market share relative to hospitals. These increasing market shares could be due to many factors, such as changes in the technology of providing abortions on an outpatient basis and changes in the relative prices of abortions in hospitals and abortions in non-hospital settings. Furthermore, this paper includes an analysis of the impact of state-level Medicaid funding regulations on the number, size, and type of abortion provider. These results have important implications for women's access to abortion services and for infant and maternal health.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a model of duopoly pricing in the context of firms providing services to consumers. Each of the firms has a waiting line of customers arriving randomly. The service provided by both firms is identical and the service time of both firms is assumed to obey the same distribution. Different consumers have different time costs and have to decide whether or not to join one of the lines. It is shown that the Cournot-Nash equilibrium is such that the two firms charge in general different prices. One of the firms specializes in servicing individuals with high cost of time (and the other the rest). Moreover, some examples of non-existence of Cournot-Nash equilibrium and permanent oscillations of prices are shown.  相似文献   

In this paper we empirically explore outsourcing decisions of peripheral services using information from a data set of 926 Spanish manufacturing plants. We find that increases in outsourcing of peripheral services are positively correlated with increases in the plant׳s market share as well as increases in product market competition and product prices. These findings are robust to controlling for whether plants belong to single-plant or multi-plant firms. These patterns are consistent with a strategic shift in the allocation of attention to core manufacturing activities, and are at odds with traditional TCE and PRT theories of vertical integration.  相似文献   

Nakil Sung 《Applied economics》2013,45(25):3037-3048
This study analyses the progress of market concentration in OECD member states’ mobile telecommunications markets and evaluates the relationship between market concentration and performance. Using annual panel data from 24 OECD member states for the 1998–2011 period, the study estimates regression equations for market concentration, mobile prices and profits. The empirical results indicate that the more concentrated the mobile market, the higher the prices and profits, providing support for the market power hypothesis. If this hypothesis holds, then market concentration can be a useful indicator of market performance. On the other hand, the applicability of the hypothesis is unclear for the second half of the sample period. The results provide evidence that regulatory policies influence the structure and performance of mobile markets.  相似文献   

张自然  祝伟 《财经研究》2016,(11):99-112
网络购物市场存在商品鱼龙混杂的典型现象:高价格的商品不一定高质量,低价格的商品也不一定低质量,表现出明显的信息不对称特征。文章基于网络购物市场所存在的两个维度不对称信息的特征事实,即厂商在产品质量与产品生产成本两个方面拥有私有信息,通过构建二维不对称信息的分析框架,从市场均衡的视角首次解释了上述现象的经济机理。分析表明,由于二维不对称信息的存在,消费者和厂商决策的互动过程使得市场上产品价格与质量不再具有单调递增关系,从而网络购物市场可能出现鱼龙混杂的市场均衡,文章证明了这一均衡在合理的条件下是存在的。文章通过比较静态分析考察了市场环境的变化如何影响商品质量的价格信号显示效率以及消费者购买行为,并考察了网络购物行业商家披露信息、消费者对于商家的反馈评分机制和保证退货等手段对于消除商品鱼龙混杂现象的有效性,为进一步规范发展我国网络购物行业提供了参考。  相似文献   

石弘华 《经济前沿》2011,(2):141-151
合伙制和公司制是专业服务企业常见的治理模式。本文根据相关理论归纳分析,认为企业服务业务、资本需求、经营风险、组织规模、员工异质性等五个方面是影响专业服务企业选择公司制还是合伙制作为治理模式的主要因素,并以此建立假说,利用美国2003-2010年前100强会计事务所的数据进行了实证检验。结果表明,除服务业务的标准化程度与企业治理模式间的关系尚不确定有待进一步研究外,资本需求越大,经营风险越高;组织规模越大,员工异质性越高,企业越趋向于采用公司制的治理模式。  相似文献   

We use Hungarian Customs data on product‐level imports of manufacturing firms to document that the import price of a particular product varies substantially across buying firms. We relate the level of import prices to firm characteristics such as size, foreign ownership, and market power. We develop a theory of “pricing to firm” (PTF), where markups depend on the technology and competitive environment of the buyer. The predictions of the model are confirmed by the data: import prices are higher for firms with greater market power, and for more essential intermediate inputs (with a high share in material costs). We take account of the endogeneity of the buyer’s market power with respect to higher import prices and unobserved cost heterogeneity within product categories. The magnitude of PTF is big: the standard deviation of price predicted by PTF is 21.5%.  相似文献   

服务评价与服务创新对策实证分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王红卫 《技术经济》2010,29(8):6-12
本文基于对150余家被孵企业的调查与分析,通过服务的重要性、有效性二个维度对孵化器服务的满意度进行了评价。结果表明,被孵企业较满意孵化器所提供的提升知名度、优惠租金、交通位置、名声信誉、政策信息、展会交易等基础服务,而对于企业培训、业务信息、产品宣传、交流平台、推荐中介、投资融资等高端服务较不满意。因此,孵化器服务创新的对策有:通过建立资源网络提供资源、通过培训培育增加企业的能力进而促进其发展等。  相似文献   

I analyze the relation between market size and number of firms when an endogenous number of firms chooses the market strategy and (simultaneously or sequentially) an R&D investment. I generalize the linear Cournot model with an endogenous cost-reducing activity and show that, as long as exogenous fixed costs are positive, the market structure is naturally characterized by an inverted-U relation between market size and number of firms, in line with the celebrated hypothesis of Sutton. However, the increase of the market size reduces the prices and expands individual investment and production exactly as in endogenous market structure only with exogenous fixed costs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the optimal licensing strategy of a licensor firm that competes with potential licensee firms in an industry with endogenous entry. The optimal licensing strategy of the licensor firm is to have zero royalty and positive fixed fees, which is a result that sharply contrasts with the existing literature whereby licensor firms tend to charge positive royalties to their rival licensees. Under the optimal licensing strategy, the licensor firm and the licensee firms are active in the market, but not the non‐licensed firms. This equilibrium market structure is socially desirable if the fixed production cost is not too small.  相似文献   

Profit-sharing licensing is quite a common business practice. In a Cournot duopoly model, we showed that if not subject to any restrictions this kind of technology for equity deal would lead to a decline in industry output and hurt consumers. To avoid the industry output contraction and protect the interests of consumers, the government can intervene in licensing by requiring that the profit-sharing rate specified by a licensing contract should not exceed the percentage difference of involved firms’ equilibrium outputs before licensing.  相似文献   

This paper, based upon a case-study of three Indian villages, studies whether households within the same market pay different prices for identical goods. It is found that not only are unit prices for food heterogeneous, but that the poor pay more for the same goods than the rich. This is because liquidity constraints force poorer households to purchase goods in small quantities and consequently subject them to quantity premiums. Household specific index numbers are used to adjust nominal incomes to real values and it is found that Gini coefficients of real incomes are between 12 percent to 23 percent greater than the Gim for nominal incomes. An econometric analysis of the determinants of prices shows that incomes are negatively correlated with prices, as is family size, but that the amount of land owned shows a positive relationship.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the 1987 changes in the Canadian Patent Act on the pricing of ethical drugs. From 1969 to 1987 Canada opted to control pharmaceutical prices by using the compulsory licensing provisions of the Act to promote competition between branded drugs and their generic equivalents. In 1987, however, the Act was amended to guarantee patent holders an extended period (7–10 years) of protection. This reduced brand-generic competition by retarding generic entry and suggests that, ceteris paribus, after 1987 pharmaceutical prices increased relative to pre-1987 prices. This hypothesis is examined for the period 1981–1994 using a sample of 82 drugs from the British Columbia Pharmacare Programme. The major conclusions are: despite evidence of significant first mover advantages which resulted in higher brand prices, competition from generics succeeded in reducing overall market prices prior to 1987; but, after 1987, the efficacy of generic competition was reduced and both brand and market prices increased.  相似文献   

A robust finding in the firm‐level literature is that exporting firms pay higher wages. Using South African data this paper investigates the relationship between export destination and wages at a worker level. South Africa, a middle‐income country, has two distinct main export markets—a regional market where per capita incomes are lower than at home, and an international market with higher per capita incomes. Our estimates show that workers in firms that export to the region earn less than those that produce for the domestic market. Those in firms that export outside the region earn more than either domestic producers or region‐only exporters. Much of this difference in wages can be explained by the premium the different types of exporters pay for skills. These results support previous studies which suggest that export destination is related to product quality which in turn is related to worker quality and therefore wages.  相似文献   

There is a widespread suspicion that suggested prices act as a focal point for individual firms when setting their prices. Oil companies announce suggested prices for gasoline stations in the Dutch retail market. We show that, compared to the gasoline spot market price, suggested prices contain additional information that explains retail price changes. We conclude that suggested prices have a horizontal coordinating effect in the sense that retail prices react to information that suggested prices contain and that is unrelated to firms’ costs (i.e., the information that firms use under normal competitive conditions).  相似文献   

This article examines the size and persistence of international deviations from the law of one price in an industry with search frictions. Cost differences lead foreign and domestic firms to price differently within countries. When local firms are more common in each country, there are large and persistent price differences across countries. Large and persistent changes in international relative costs lead to large and persistent changes in international relative prices. Dynamic considerations imply that the amount of a cost shock firms pass through to prices is U‐shaped in the market share of firms receiving the shock.  相似文献   

This paper embeds product market search in an Ak growth model to study the effects of search frictions on market structure, capital accumulation, and long-run growth. The basic hypothesis is that search frictions, in giving rise to market power, result in higher prices and lower output levels. The falling demand for capital stemming from firms cutting back output then lowers the interest rate, dampening capital accumulation and slowing down growth. A decline in search frictions sets the process in reverse, eventually speeding up growth through the change in market structure. In the meantime, the stock market values of firms could fall.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(4):347-366
The paper shows that competitive forces in club economies lead to admission prices that can be decomposed as anonymous linear prices on externality-producing attributes, where each member pays the same amount per unit attribute contributed. The externalities prices are sufficient to cover the costs of services provided within the club. The latter can be interpreted as a variant on the “Henry George Theorem”.  相似文献   

This paper reports a laboratory experiment that studies several features of a tradable emission permit program recently implemented in the Los Angeles area. The experiment focuses on the new Electronic Bulletin Board trading institution, in which firms publicly post proposed terms of trade. Potential trading partners can review this information online, and transactions are executed following bilateral negotiation. The experiment includes trading restrictions implemented in the regulations due to the geography of Los Angeles. We find that the bulletin board market performs well and that prices reflect market conditions as accurately as in the continuous double auction trading institution.  相似文献   

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