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国际避税是纳税人利用各种避税手段规避或减轻其纳税负担的行为。近些年来,随着经济的发展,国际避税和逃税现象愈演愈烈。国际避税方式与手段呈现多样化、复杂化的趋势。本文试图分析各国在反避税措施方面的研究,为我国反避税工作提供一些建议。  相似文献   

本文基于近年来我国企业尤其是外资企业避税盛行的现实,首先分析了我国反避税审计走入困境的原因,然后提出了建立一支高素质的反避税审计队伍,建立反避税审计调查的跨国合作机制,建立税收信息库以提高反避税能力.合理设置反避税工作权责,加大对避税行为的责罚力度以增加企业避税的成本等反避税审计策略.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以后,税收工作面临全新的挑战。针对目前普遍存在的避税问题,研究反避税策略十分必要,本文在分析常用避税方式的基础上,重点阐释了反避税的必要性及主要措施。  相似文献   

张金萍 《会计之友》2012,(7):102-104
在华跨国公司的避税行为不仅流失了中国大量税收,而且损害了合资与合作中中方企业的利益。经过1991—2010年持续的税制改革而建立的新税制仍存在避税空间。为了维护中国的税收权益和公平的税收秩序,一方面应尽可能填补现行税法的漏洞,推进反避税立法,完善"预约定价"制度;另一方面应建立三级反避税管理机构,剔除政绩评价中的引资指标,采取抽查加罚款制度,规制跨国公司在华的避税行为。  相似文献   

避税与特别纳税调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盖地 《财务与会计》2008,(11):15-17
新的《企业所得税法》及其实施条例均增设了“特别纳税调整”一章,它从实体法的角度,对关联交易的税收处理以及其他反避税措施做出了规定,可以说,这是反避税的全面立法。2008年7月9~10日,全国税务系统企业所得税管理与反避税工作会议提出的“分类管理,优化服务,核实税基,完善汇缴,强化评估,防范避税”成为新时期企业所得税管理的新要求。其中,“防范避税”成为企业所得税管理的重要内容,税务部门力图通过完善反避税工作制度和业务规程,  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以后,税收工作面临全新的挑战。针对目前普遍存在的避税问题。研究反避税策略十分必要,本文在分析常用避税方式的基础上。重点阐释了反避税的必要性度主要措施。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,在关联企业存在的避税活动日趋复杂化,避税与反避税也成了企业与征税部门共同关注和重视的焦点。本文主要介绍关联企业避税的主要方式,分析反关联企业避税存在的障碍,并有针对性地提出反关联企业避税的措施和建议。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的进一步全球化,人们对避税与反避税的探讨越来越多.那么国际国内避税与反避税现状如何?对此,我们不妨作些有益分析.  相似文献   

一般反避税条款具有兜底性和开放性,是数字经济时代应对纳税人日趋复杂和隐蔽避税手段的重要武器。但一般反避税条款也是一把双刃剑,其不确定性在给反避税工作带来便利的同时也加大了纳税人合法权益的保障难度,使一般反避税条款在适用中出现了一些问题。为更好地发挥一般反避税条款的反避税功能,需从利益平衡角度出发,以纳税人中心主义为一般反避税条款适用的价值取向,理清避税行为认定标准的关系及判定方式,将税收核定定位为一般反避税调查的辅助手段,并以“谁主张谁举证”为原则构建二元化的证明规则。  相似文献   

我国反避税的制度建设比较滞后,反避税工作仍是一个薄弱环节.其中遏制关联交易的转让定价税制虽然已初步建立,但还很不完善,如预约定价制度还有待改进,资本弱化税制、避税地对策税制和反滥用税收协定的规定还存在立法空白.为了实现税收负担公平的目标,维护国家利益,政府应重视和加强我国反避税法律体系的建设,学习和借鉴日本的做法和经验,尽快完善我国的转让定价税制,建立资本弱化税制、避税地对策税制以及反滥用税收协定的规定.  相似文献   

Jurisdiction-wide property revaluation, like many administrative reforms, may have unintended consequences. This paper examines one such potential consequence. By pooling 18-year time series for each of 39 Massachusetts cities (17 of which revalued) and 270 Massachusetts towns (202 of which revalued), we examine the hypothesis that politicians take advantage of the confusion generated by revaluation and raise property taxes by more than they otherwise would have. We observe such a response in cities but not in towns and attribute this difference to differences in their governmental structures.  相似文献   

本文以新近的营改增政策作为研究背景,从税收筹划的角度分析营改增的企业如何选择一般纳税人还是小规模纳税人.  相似文献   

This paper extends the basic tax-competition model to a framework in which jurisdictions have market power over the price of the output produced within their borders. If firms within the jurisdiction are competitive, the jurisdiction can play the role of monopoly-rent collector by using taxes to restrict the level of output. It is shown that the basic tax competition model can be thought of as a special case of this more general framework. In this framework, the opportunity to export the tax burden can partially or fully offset the well-known effects identified by the tax competition model.  相似文献   

Globalization is thought to reduce the ability of governments to collect taxes. If labor and capital can move between jurisdictions, then attempts to tax these factors will lead to a “vanishing taxpayer” as factors flee from high- to low-tax regions. More broadly, globalization suggests that there will be some convergence in tax rates across countries. This paper questions this view by examining the impact of globalization on taxation using a two-country, two-factor, two-good model. In particular, we ask how globalization, measured by increased international factor mobility, affects the ability of governments to tax factors. Our quantitative analysis indicates that, while increased mobility reduces revenues to some extent, governments still retain significant ability to collect taxes.  相似文献   

文章介绍一种计算递延所得税资产的简便算法,从演变所得税的计算公式入手,通过分析递延所得税资产(负债)对本期和未来所得税影响的关系,推算所得税中递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the decision to voluntarily (i.e. without a statutory obligation) employ two audit firms to conduct a joint audit is related to audit quality. We use separate samples and empirical designs for public and privately held companies in Sweden, where a sufficient number of companies have a joint audit on a voluntary basis. Our empirical findings suggest that companies opting to employ joint audits have a higher degree of earnings conservatism, lower abnormal accruals, better credit ratings and lower perceived risk of becoming insolvent within the next year than other firms. These findings are robust to the use of a propensity score matching technique to control for the differences in client characteristics between firms that employ joint audits and those that use single Big 4 auditors (i.e. auditor self-selection). We also find evidence that the choice of a joint audit is associated with substantial increases in the fees paid by the client firm, suggesting a higher perceived level of quality. Collectively, our analyses support the view that voluntary joint audits are positively associated with audit quality in a relatively low litigious setting both for public and private firms.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to penetrate the “black box” of the judiciary through an empirical investigation of the Italian tax courts of first instance. Both judicial delay and two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis approach with bootstrap are used to measure the efficiency of the court system and to further identify the main determinants of efficiency which, in line with the previous literature, seem to be mostly related to the judges’ effort. The study also takes advantage of an idiosyncratic feature of this branch of the Italian judiciary—in which judges are temporarily appointed and can continue to practice an external (though not conflicting) profession—to assess the impact of opportunity costs on the behavior of judges. The overall outcome confirms that judges maximize utility “the same as everybody else does” (Posner, Supreme Court Econ Rev 3:1–41, 1993).  相似文献   

本文通过比较2014版企业所得税申报表与2008年版的异同,总结出新报表的要点有增加企业基础信息表、期间费用明细表、所得税政策等内容,据此为企业填报所得税报表提出指导建议。  相似文献   

In 1996 Austria introduced a tax for the layoff of older workers, which was tightened in 2000. The regulation requires employers to pay a tax of up to 170% of the gross monthly income when they give notice to employees aged 50 or more. We use data from Austrian social security records to investigate if such layoff taxes lead to less firing of older workers. We compare a control group of workers aged nearly 50 with the treatment group above 50. We apply a difference-in-difference approach to analyze the difference in the displacement probability of all prime aged workers. Results show substantial reductions in layoff behavior for workers aged 50 and above after the tightening of the tax.  相似文献   

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