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战略管理的发展历程:一个动态演变的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从战略管理动态演变的视角出发,把战略管理的发展过程分为3个阶段:经典的战略管理理论、现代战略管理理论和战略管理的最新进展;并详细介绍了各阶段的主要流派。最后,根据其演进规律,展望了21世纪的战略管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

自从20世纪60年代,钱德勒的《战略和结构》首先研究企业战略管理理论以来,各种战略管理理论层出不穷,形成了战略管理理论“丛林”。按照历史阶段大致可以把战略管理理论分为三个阶段:20世纪60、70年代的古典战略管理理论,主要流行计划学派和设计学派,20世纪80年代以产业分析为基础的竞争战略理论影响最广和20世纪90年代以资源为基础的核心竞争力理论的兴起。各个学派从自己的研究视角对战略进行定义,所以形成了众多的战略概念.文章基于对战略假设的分析,认为战略是一种企业家活动,是为获得租金流而以创造竞争优势为目标的企业家活动。  相似文献   

核心能力理论的历史走向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
企业战略理论的发展大致可以划分为三个阶段。一是经典战略理论阶段。这是一个确定战略管理基本概念和理论框架阶段。该阶段建立了对企业内部条件和外部环境进行系统分析的较完整的理论体系。这套体系内容涉及制定战略的科学程序、企业环境分析、战略目标的确定、战略决定实施与评价等等。其中较有代表性的战略分析方法是所谓的优势、劣势、机会、威胁(SWOT)分析方法,波士顿战略组合技术则是该阶段战略理论为企业提供的一项非常富有操作性的经营战略分析与制订技术。  相似文献   

杨海平 《财会通讯》2008,(11):46-47
战略管理会计是管理会计与企业战略的结合,是建立在企业战略管理的有关理论基础之上,利用管理会计手段,运用会计信息服务企业战略的新领域,其以新兴的思想、理论和方法,开始了管理会计的一场革命。作为一个新的发展领域,战略管理会计刚刚引入我国,尚处在理论研究阶段。本文拟就战略管理会计在高校中的应用开展一些探讨。  相似文献   

企业薪酬战略的设计不是一成不变的,其所处的成长阶段及内、外部因素都会影响企业的薪酬战略。本文从动态角度,结合企业生命周期理论和其面临的外部环境,提出不同发展阶段企业应当采取的薪酬战略。  相似文献   

顾客价值与作业管理的结合探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
竞争优势是企业获得竞争成功的主要保障。而独特的竞争优势归根到底来源于企业为客户创造的超过其成本的价值,即顾客价值。企业的任何战略都要以顾客价值最大化为战略目标。基于新企业观的作业管理是一种全新的管理思维,它与顾客价值之间的关系是:顾客价值战略指导作业管理,作业管理则可以从成本方面和非成本方面提升顾客价值,使顾客价值最大化。对作业的分析和管理能够为顾客价值最大化这一战略目标服务,顾客价值战略也应指导作业管理。  相似文献   

企业战略管理理论的演进速度是非常迅速的.从20世纪30年代诞生以来.到现在仅仅70多年的时间,它就经历了几次大的飞跃。而且仍有加速的趋势。当然,对于企业战略理论发展历程的划分.不同的学者有不同的划分方式,可谓“智者见智。仁者见仁”。有人将其划分为早期战略思想阶段、战略理论丛林阶段和竞争战略理论阶段;有人将其划分为孕育期、形成期、鼎盛发展期、竞争战略主导期和战略研究反思发展期等。  相似文献   

张新安 《企业活力》2002,(11):32-33
<正>回首营销理论发展的历史,随着营销战略从生产导向到市场导向再到顾客导向的深刻转变,企业经营的核心也将经历从产品经营阶段演变到资本经营阶段,再发展到顾客经营阶段的过程。随之所要求的企业再造和流程重组也不再是以新产品、新技术为导向,或以资本联合、资本集中为导向,而是以人为导向的组织变革。随着忠诚顾客成为企业的核心战略资本,未来之争也必将从价格战、广告战转向忠诚顾客战。企业从经营产品向经营顾客的战略思想的演变也充分体现了社会经济高度发展后以人为本的价值回归。只有深入了解顾客,建立与发展与顾客的长期关系,培养和强化顾客忠诚,将顾客作为企业的资本  相似文献   

战略管理会计是新兴的会计分支,是为适应企业战略管理服务的需要而逐渐形成的,是战略管理与管理会计相结合的产物。它从战略的高度,围绕企业、顾客和竞争对手三者之间的关系,既提供顾客和竞争对手具有战略相关性的外向型信息,也对内部信息进行战备审视,帮助企业高层管理者、经营决策人员及时广泛地收集企业内部外部信息,以做到知己知彼,进行战略思考,进而以此开展战略的  相似文献   

本文梳理了战略管理八大前沿理论:虚拟经营战略、动态能力理论、战略风险管理、知识管理战略、战略网络理论、战略变革理论(包括“战略转折点”理论和边缘竞争理论)、非市场战略以及战略生态理论(包括企业DNA进化理论和商业生态系统理论),并通过结合管理学科前沿特征的分析强调指出,在动态和高度竞争为特征的不确定性环境里,企业战略如何应对关系复杂、急剧变化的外部不确定环境,是企业战略管理理论发展的关键驱动因素。  相似文献   

abstract This paper focuses on the role of knowledge in intentionally created business networks called nets. Nets are seen to offer firms collective benefits beyond those of a single firm or market transaction. We propose that the types of knowledge and learning required in the management of different types of business net are dependent on the value creation characteristics of the net types. Based on this we suggest a classification of three generic net types –‘current business nets’, ‘business renewal nets’, and ‘emerging new business nets’– and argue that they pose different conditions for management in nets. Using this framework and integrating notions from the industrial network approach, strategic management and dynamic capabilities view, and organizational learning we make a number of observations and propositions about the role of knowledge and learning in the three types of business net. The paper contributes to the emerging theory of network management.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between government corruption and firm performance? To address this question, I conduct a review of articles published in the leading management journals on government‐business interactions pertaining to rent‐seeking activities and integrate findings from the fields of international business, social issues in management, public organization, institutional change, and corporate political activity. I find that while much empirical work corroborates the earlier findings suggesting a corrosive impact of government corruption on firm performance in general, management research also points to the heterogeneous impact of government corruption on individual firm performance, driven by the strategic activities conducted by firms in response to corruption. I propose an integrative model of firm strategy vis‐à‐vis corruption that predicts the activity choice of the firm as predicated by its organizational structure, political resources, industry regulation, and surrounding political and social institutions.  相似文献   

While environmental management of companies has become a topical issue both in theory and practice, the role of environmental policies in strategic environmental management has received little attention. The purpose of this paper is to study the environmental policies of the world's largest oil corporations in the context of general business goals and strategies, Ansoff's strategic posture analysis and Porter's competitive moves. Although there is some integration and coordination between the environmental policies and general business goals and strategies of oil companies, strategic environmental management is different from other strategic management. It seems to lag behind its business environment and does not utilise radical competitive moves. Further empirical research is needed to support these initial results and to find out reasons for this potential isolation.  相似文献   

汪红丽 《价值工程》2005,24(8):19-22
战略管理和价值管理是管理的两大主题。战略管理对企业价值具有重要影响,同时战略和价值之间又有复杂的关系和机理。本文以服务业为例,试图建立起战略在企业价值中的核心地位,阐明战略价值化的涵义、逻辑以及与传统竞争优势之间的关系,在此基础上,给出战略价值管理与一般战略管理的区别。  相似文献   

人力资源战略是企业经营战略的有机组成部分,是关于企业人力资源管理的总体行动思路和方案。基于彼得·德鲁克的战略规划思想,通过分析项目背景、企业环境和制订行动方案,为即将建设的中国-东盟文化产品物流园区提出人力资源战略规划。  相似文献   

In the context of dramatic changes in China, this paper investigates the role of organisational effectiveness as a mediator in the relationship between the strategic integration of human resource management (HRM) and firm financial performance. Our study is based on the survey responses of 618 managers in state-owned and private (domestic and foreign-invested) enterprises in China. While most studies of the linkage between HRM practices and firm performance in China have measured firm financial performance or used an ad hoc combination of financial and non-financial indicators, we argue for a distinction to be made between non-financial organisational effectiveness and financial performance. As hypothesised, controlling for sector (state-owned vs. private), we find positive relationships between perceived changing business environment and strategic integration of HRM, and between strategic integration of HRM and organisational effectiveness. Our research adds an important conceptual link by showing that organisational effectiveness plays an important role as a mediator in the HRM and firm financial performance relationship and reinforces the importance of the organisational and environmental context for HRM.  相似文献   

人力资源战略是企业经营战略的有机组成部分,是关于企业人力资源管理的总体行动思路和方案。基于彼得·德鲁克的战略规划思想,通过分析项目背景、企业环境和制订行动方案,为即将建设的中国-东盟文化产品物流园区提出人力资源战略规划。  相似文献   

As well as specifying functional, business unit, and corporate levels of strategy, early strategy scholars delineated enterprise level strategy as the uppermost level of strategy. Enterprise strategy articulates how the firm engages with actors in its economic, social, and political environment to ensure long‐term corporate performance. As a growing body of evidence shows, heterogeneity in how firms identify, and engage with, their stakeholders can explain why some firms outperform their peers. However, my literature survey of more than three decades of published research reveals that enterprise strategy has stayed firmly in the shadows behind business and corporate strategy. Furthermore, many theories of firm–stakeholder relationships are normative (i.e. explain how firms should act) and do not inform strategy effectively. In this paper, I argue why enterprise strategy research is required as a cohesive body of work that connects with research in business and corporate strategy. I finish by proposing three research domains – strategic goals, organization design, and organization boundaries – that hold the potential to link stakeholder issues with mainstream concerns in strategy research and, thus, to revive a coherent research programme in enterprise level strategy.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented for conceptualising the relationship between the management of supply, strategic orientation at the business-unit level and their proposed link with firm performance. The shortcomings of existing approaches in accounting for the wide variety of purchasing practices in a comprehensive supply management framework are discussed as well their alignment with strategic orientation. The paper concludes by presenting a model and propositions concerning firm-level supply management, strategic orientation and firm performance.  相似文献   

王银海 《价值工程》2014,(36):151-152
最近几年,人们越来越重视战略人力资源管理的发展,尤其是学术理论界和企业界的重视程度都普遍比较高,这也充分体现了战略人力资源管理的研究的重要性。战略人力资源管理主要有两方面的意义,一方面是理论意义,它突破了原有的人事管理理论,创新发展了新的人力资源管理理论。另一方面是实践意义,战略人力资源管理对于提成企业的核心竞争力具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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