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唐晓峰 《科技与企业》2013,(24):371-371
目前,在分析化验方面,水分测定的方法比较多,有相对密度法、卡尔费休法、露点法、色谱法等。针对神华宁煤甲醇厂煤制甲醇工艺生产过程中产生的杂醇油来说,使用哪种方法更能简单、准确的测定杂醇油中的水分含量是本文的重点。由于本文探讨的杂醇油中含水量较大(一般在30%左右),露点法和色谱法不适用,将直接进行相对密度法、卡尔费休法两种方法的探讨。  相似文献   

本次抽查的50种白酒中对人体有害的甲醇、杂醇油和重金属铅指标均合格,而小酒厂的白酒质量则存在不少质量问题。  相似文献   

近几年对白酒产品国家监督抽查结果表明,名酒产品质量上乘,市场占有率较高的大中型企业的产品合格率较高,小型企业中低档的白酒问题较为突出。近期,国家质检总局再次对白酒产品质量进行了国家监督抽查,共抽查了北京、天津、河北、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、安徽、山东、河南、湖北、四川、贵州、甘肃等14个省、直辖市71家生产企业的80种产品,合格66种,产品抽样合格率为82.5%。抽查中发现的主要问题有:◇杂醇油含量超标杂醇油是白酒的卫生指标之一,白酒卫生指标包括甲醇、铅、杂醇油等三项。此次抽查甲醇、铅指标均符合国家卫生标准规定。有…  相似文献   

国家质量技术监督局日前公布了白酒质量国家监督抽查结果 ,本次抽查了52家企业生产的52种白酒 ,合格47种 ,产品抽样合格率为90.4 %。抽查结果表明 :卫生指标令人满意。白酒的卫生指标 ,直接关系到饮用者的健康。本次抽查的52种产品中 ,所含甲醇、杂醇油、铅均符合国标规定 ,且含量都很低 ,甲醇的含量多在0.10g/L左右 ,低于标准规定的0.40g/L限定值。铅的含量更低 ,几乎都在0.01mg/L附近 ,仅为标准规定限量的百分之一。且近年来杂醇油的含量也有走低的趋势。从安全卫生的角度讲 ,白酒中的有害成分 ,特别是…  相似文献   

白酒是我国传统的饮料酒,深受广大消费者的喜爱。2000年第4季度,国家质量技术监督局组织对白酒质量进行了国家监督抽查。本次抽查了52家企业生产的52种白酒,合格47种,产品抽样合格率为90.4%,与1999年第4季度的抽查结果相比,提高了10.4个百分点,抽查结果表明: 卫生指标令人满意。白酒的卫生指标,直接关系到饮用者的健康。本次抽查的52种产品中,甲醇、杂醇油、铅均符合国际规定,且含量都很低,甲醇的含量多在0.10g/L左右,低于标准规定的0.40g/L  相似文献   

文章在对葡萄酒市场质量现状进行调查后,选择适当的方法对5个品牌葡萄酒中的杂醇油含量进行测定,主要采用721分光光度计法并经优化对葡萄酒中杂醇油含量进行测定,寻找出一种快捷、准确的分析方法.  相似文献   

文章在对葡萄酒市场质量现状进行调查后,选择适当的方法对5个品牌葡萄酒中的杂醇油含量进行测定,主要采用721分光光度计法并经优化对葡萄酒中杂醇油含量进行测定,寻找出一种快捷、准确的分析方法。  相似文献   

白酒是我国传统饮用食品。白酒中杂醇油是有害成分,也是呈味物质。白酒卫生指标规定100ml中小于0.2g。目前白酒分析杂醇油方法大都采用721分光光度计比色法。其原理:"以异戊醇和异丁醇表示。异  相似文献   

白酒是我国传统的饮料酒,深受广大消费者的喜爱。据统计2004年全国白酒总产量为311.68万千升。为了保护消费者的利益,规范白酒行业的发展,国家质检总局组织对白酒产品质量进行了国家监督抽查。抽查结果表明,本次抽查的白酒产品铅、甲醇、杂醇油三项重要卫生指标全部符合标准要求,大型企业的产品质量较好,产品抽样合格率为97.1%,小型企业的产品质量问题较多,产品抽样合格率为71.2%。本次抽查中发现的主要质量问题:  相似文献   

用对二甲胺基苯甲醛法和气相色谱法测定纯米酒中杂醇油含量。这些比较高级醇的混合物,主要包括正乙醇、正戊醇、异戊醇、异丁醇等,其沸点高于乙醇。在人体内分解氧化的速度较慢,毒性较乙强,饮用高含量杂醇油的酒类后易出现头痛及晕醉现象。原来我们一直采用对二甲胺基苯甲醛法(  相似文献   

文章对比分析不同食用酒精标准对正丙醇含量的规定,分析部分企业产生酒精产品未达到国家标准要求的原因,提出企业降低酒精产品正丙醇含量的对策建议。  相似文献   

We investigated U.S. and Canadian reactions to workplace drug and alcohol testing programs. Canadian truck drivers (n = 183) deemed drug and alcohol testing policies less fair, and were less accepting of these policies, than their American counterparts (n = 153). We also compared the perspectives of recipients versus third-party observers with regard to their reactions to a drug testing program. Unlike the pattern observed among American observers, the responses by Canadian observers were highly similar to those of the recipients. Canadian observers were more inclined to file a formal protest regarding the implementation of a drug and alcohol testing program than were U.S. observers. The results also showed that procedural and interactional justice principles contributed to the program's fairness, acceptance, and lower levels of protest intentions in both Canada and the United States. We propose that scholars and practitioners can gain a better understanding of multinational reactions to drug and alcohol testing by considering not only cultural but also historical, social, political, and other environmental factors that can shape reactions to personnel practices.  相似文献   

随着我国制糖技术的不断完善与提高,作为酒精生产原料的废糖蜜(桔水)质量在逐步下降,为了提高酒精生产效率和效益,减轻酒精废水后处理的压力,在糖蜜酒精生产中使用克菌灵进行微酸发酵,少用或者不用硫酸,抑制杂菌生长,从而保证酒精生产的稳定高效。  相似文献   

生产中提高酒精质量的方法有多种,文章主要介绍了碱法提高酒精质量的知识,通过添加碱(NaOH)来改善化学反应,达到提高酒精质量的目的。  相似文献   

生产中提高酒精质量的方法有多种,文章主要介绍了碱法提高酒精质量的知识,通过添加碱(NaOH)来改善化学反应,达到提高酒精质量的目的。  相似文献   

汪琴  李宗军 《价值工程》2010,29(30):233-233
苹果醋是以新鲜苹果为原料,经液体深层发酵而成的优质调味品。经酒精发酵和醋酸发酵制成果香味浓的苹果醋,含有丰富的有机酸、氨基酸、维生素和矿物质,是一种集苹果与食醋保健功能为一体的新型保健饮料。  相似文献   

何林 《企业技术开发》2009,28(9):38-39,56
文章对酒精装置的自动控制进行总结,并对主要调节系统进行简要介绍,以便为今后的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍酒精蒸馏生产耗能现状,探讨酒精蒸馏生产的节能措施。应用酒精蒸馏生产节能技术有助于酒精生产企业降低成本,提高市场竞争力,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article explores a wide range of issues that proponents of setting minimum prices for alcohol must resolve before they can safely claim their proposals improve public health and decrease public health care costs. Problems range from inability to know ‘correct’ prices and why tacking on pricing regulations to markets already taxed makes sense, to various unintended adverse consequences such as generating higher demand for illegal drugs and alcohol. It also remains unclear why advocates would not prefer to raise taxes since this is the typical method that economists propose to correct markets in which harm spills over to innocent parties.  相似文献   


Employers are increasingly using social networking website (SNW) content to screen applicants for employment despite the absence of much empirical support for this practice. The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of using SNW content to predict employee behavior. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between SNW content and counterproductive work behaviors (CWB), occurrence of workplace accidents, alcohol consumption, and episodic heavy drinking. Participants (N = 146 MBA and upper level undergraduate business students) self-reported demographic information and information about workplace counterproductive behavior. Participants also provided access to their SNW profile, which the researchers subsequently accessed in order to assess potentially compromising content. Results indicate SNW profiles are not associated with CWB or involvement in workplace accidents, while SNW profiles containing alcohol and drug content are associated with alcohol consumption and episodic heavy drinking. Our study is among the first to examine the relationship between SNW profile information and CWBs of interest to HRM personnel and provides evidence that practitioners should exercise caution in drawing inferences about workplace behaviors based on SNW profile information.  相似文献   

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