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在商用车市场高速发展时期,车企的销量呈直线增长的态势,好的业绩看似可以赚个盆满钵满,但实际利润并不像数据显示得那么耀眼。然而,在市场低迷时,有些车企的利润竟出现了负值,是什么原因造成商用车市场利润率低下呢? 相似文献
建筑业利润远低于其他行业,甚至低于全社会平均水平,令人扼腕叹息,是什么原因导致建筑业利润长期低下?用什么方法才能改变这样的困局? 相似文献
展望未来,我国建筑业可能会呈现出如下发展趋势: 市场化趋势将是建筑业未来发展的主导趋势。所谓市场化趋势,即计划经济体制对于建筑业的影响得到不断的消除,建筑业的组织、运行更加符合市场经济的客观要求,市场机制成为建筑业运行发展的主导机制,具体体现在建筑业市场容量及市场结构上。 建筑企业必将愈加重视创新。企业创新主要包括这几方面含义:根据市场的变化,进行企业制度创新、技术创新、管理创新和营销创新等。在知识爆炸的知识 相似文献
自1995年绍兴市建管局成立以来,针对建筑市场存在的竞争不规范、非法交易等诸多问题,按照公开、统一、开放、竞争的原则,对建筑市场进行了全面整顿,使绍兴市区建筑市场朝有形、有序的方向前进,从而保证了绍兴建筑业健康发展。我们主要做法是:仅1995年建筑总产值达181亿元,年施工面积2 695万m_2,获省部级优质丁程43项,其中鲁班奖3项。 一、加快机构和法规建设,营造市场公平竞争环境 建筑市场混乱的一个重要原因就是政出多门,法规滞后。为此,我们根据本地实际,着手两大建设。 1.加快市区建筑市场管理机构的建设步伐。新组建了安监站,充实加强了建工处、招标办、质监站、造价管理处,并按照《建设工程实施阶段基本管理程序》建立起各司其职、分工协作的管理机制。 2.加快市场规章制度的建设步伐。沿着从项目报建进入市场到竣工使用退出巾场的纵向程序和施工现场管理、户籍治安、计划生育、工地文明卫生等横向脉络,共制定颁布了43只规定、办法和细则,同时严格按各项行政法规,加大建筑市场执法力度,配备专职人员,深入现场巡查,及时掌握各地施工动态,查处违法违章事件,维护了市场秩序。 相似文献
Common wisdom suggests that entry reduces profits of incumbent firms. On the contrary, we demonstrate that if the incumbents differ in marginal costs and the entrants behave like Stackelberg followers, then entry may benefit the cost efficient incumbents while hurting the cost inefficient ones. And the total outputs of all incumbents may be higher under entry. 相似文献
We study how agents decide between working for firms with profit sharing and firms in which pay is based on individual productivity. Profit sharing has the disadvantages of free riding and adverse selection. The benefit of profit sharing is that it makes easier for agents to signal their productivity. We show that in equilibrium skilled agents are more likely to belong to profit sharing organizations. The analysis provides a framework for understanding the market structure of industries like law, accounting and consulting services in which both profit-sharing partnerships and “eat-what-you-kill” firms co-exist and compete with each other. 相似文献
黄申 《地质技术经济管理》2009,(11):93-96
利润是企业设立之目标,但会计的利润概念却未能揭示其本质属性。文章通过对利润产生依据的分析,以及对利得与损失计量依据的分析,提出了利润概念的新定义。利润是指会计主体的一定期间权利行使与责任承担的结果。 相似文献
2008年初,渣打银行北京分行行长郭凌燕在上海做了一次与艾滋病患者关爱行动卡相关的演讲,听众中有很多是国际交换生:演讲结束后,一位秘鲁女孩泪流满面地走到郭凌燕面前,对她说:“请您一定坚持做下去!”这位18岁女孩最好的朋友因为不懂得预防,感染了艾滋病病毒,最后选择了结束自己的生命。 相似文献
Theory presents two broad channels through which profit sharing can increase worker training. First, it directly increases training by alleviating hold‐up problems and/or by encouraging co‐workers to provide training. Second, it indirectly increases training by reducing worker separation and increasing training investments' amortization period. This article provides the first attempt at separately identifying these two channels. We confirm a strong direct effect, but also identify a weaker, more tenuous indirect effect. This suggests that profit sharing's influence on training is unlikely to operate primarily through its reduction on separations while simultaneously presenting the first evidence confirming the prediction of an indirect causation. 相似文献
零售商和供应商库存运输联合优化(ITIO)利润分配是关系到双方切身利益,库存运输联合优化业务能否顺利开展,供应链能否开拓新的利润增长点,供应链能否提高竞争力的重要问题.本文把讨价还价模型引入ITIO利润分配中,建立了ITIO利润分配讨价还价模型,并使用逆向归纳法解出模型的完美贝叶斯均衡,再对ITIO利润讨价还价的完美贝叶斯均衡进行比较分析.研究发现:当ITIO利润分配在第一阶段达成协议时,双方利润分配份额大小不仅受自身的耐心程度影响,还要受对方的耐心程度影响;耐心程度越高供应商在第一阶段的报价不一定越高;具有较高分散优化利润的供应商不一定总报较低的价格;当ITIO联合优化利润分配进入第二阶段,那么零售商在第二阶段的最优利润分配比例与其分散优化利润和ITIO联合优化利润正相关,与其对供应商分散优化利润分布估值下限负相关. 相似文献
Production inefficiency is usually analyzed by its three components—technical, allocative, and scale efficiency. In this study, we provide a direct measure of production efficiency of the Bangladeshi rice farmers using a stochastic profit frontier and inefficiency effects model. The data, which are for 1996, include seven conventional inputs and several other background factors affecting production of modern or high yielding varieties (HYVs) of rice spread across 21 villages in three agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh. The results show that there are high levels of inefficiency in modern rice cultivation. The mean level of profit efficiency is 77% suggesting that an estimated 23% of the profit is lost due to a combination of technical, allocative and scale inefficiency in modern rice production. The efficiency differences are explained largely by infrastructure, soil fertility, experience, extension services, tenancy and share of non-agricultural income. 相似文献