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The Doha round and full integration of the textile industry into the GATT have the potential to dramatically affect the Mexican textile industry. This study investigates the nature of scale economies and input relationships for that industry using a cost function with capital, labor, domestic intermediate goods, and imported intermediate goods as inputs. The findings suggest that significant economies of scale exist, and that most inputs are substitutes, although for some years some inputs are complements. Increased domestic input sensitivity to the price of foreign inputs may present challenges for the industry as it struggles to be internationally competitive.  相似文献   

The Spanish textile and apparel manufacturing sectors have been badly impacted by the global recession as well as the removal of quotas that were in place with the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). This study employs a cost function to investigate the presence of scale economies and the interrelationships among inputs of domestic capital, labor, and intermediate goods as well as outsourced (imported) intermediate products for the Spanish textile industry in a global environment that has become increasingly competitive. While there is evidence of scale economies at low output levels, there is also some evidence consistent with diseconomies of scale at the highest output levels. All of the inputs appear to be substitutes for one another except for domestic capital and outsourced intermediate goods. An important finding is that the demands for both labor and domestic intermediate goods have become increasingly sensitive to the prices of outsourced inputs. The estimated coefficients of dummy variables indicate that reduced international trade restrictions have put downward pressure on unit cost for the industry in recent years. These results suggest that the Spanish textile industry and its domestic suppliers will be increasingly challenged by international competitive pressures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the existence of economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry as well as the substitution possibilities between input pairs and the direct and cross-price elasticities of demand for the various inputs. Because of data limitations, a translog cost function was estimated for only a three input model corresponding to a homogeneous production function involving capital, labour and intermediate goods. The issue of the existence of economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry is a particularly important one because South Africa once again is a member of GATT and a full participant in the international trade arena. The null hypothesis of constant returns to scale was rejected at the 0.5% level of significance. Thus, the results of this model are certainly consistent with economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry. The estimated direct price elasticities were consistent with the hypothesis that, during the past two decades, capital was the productive factor with the most elastic demand, and the estimated cross-elasticities between input pairs generally supported the hypothesis that all inputs are substitutes.  相似文献   

This article investigates scale economies in the Italian automobile industry as well as substitution possibilities between inputs and direct and cross-price elasticities of factor demand, utilizing a cost function with capital, labor, domestic, and imported intermediate goods inputs. Continuing European integration makes economies of scale an important issue. The study results are consistent with economies of scale in the Italian motor vehicle industry, a particularly interesting finding because the Italian automotive industry consists primarily of one firm, Fiat. The estimated direct price elasticities suggest that capital is most responsive to own price changes, and estimated cross elasticities imply that all inputs are substitutes. (JEL D 2, L 6, O 1)  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, the Spanish textile and apparel industries have faced substantial challenges, resulting in declining sales and employment. This study concentrates on the apparel industry, since its economic challenges and opportunities differ from those of the textile industry. The analysis employs a transcendental logarithmic cost function to investigate the presence of scale economies and the interrelationships among inputs of domestic capital, labour and intermediate goods as well as outsourced intermediate products for the Spanish apparel industry and discusses the implications for its future competitiveness and the demand for domestic inputs. The results are consistent with diseconomies of scale or, in the case of one model, possibly constant returns to scale, indicating that some contraction of the industry due to international competition will not raise unit costs. All of the inputs except for capital and intermediate goods were found to be substitutes. An important finding is that the cross elasticity values of both labour and domestic intermediate goods with respect to the price of outsourced goods have risen over time, indicating an increased sensitivity of the quantity demanded of these home-country inputs to the price of imported intermediate goods. It follows that domestic input markets will be more substantially affected by international prices for outsourced inputs as the industry tries to maintain its competitiveness in the global environment.  相似文献   

Australia developed a substantial clothing industry with protectionist international trade policies, including prohibitively high tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. The industry became an important source of jobs, with over 6.5 per cent of total manufacturing employment at the close of the 1960s. As Australia has moved towards freer trade, employment in clothing production has fallen substantially. The question of whether the clothing industry can remain viable in its new environment became an important issue. Here, we examine two crucial economic considerations relating to that question: economies of scale and relations (substitute/complementary) between the various inputs, both domestic and outsourced foreign. The findings strongly indicate the presence of economies of scale and that the industry has reduced its unit costs over the period of study. The results also suggest that most of the inputs are substitutes for one another, although only the estimated cross price elasticities between capital and labour are highly statistically significant in both models utilized in the study. To be successful in the future, the Australian clothing industry will likely need to find market niches where it can offer superior products and/or service as well as further reduce its unit costs.  相似文献   

As in other emerging nations, in Brazil, the motor vehicle industry is considered to be strategically important for economic development because of its backward and forward linkages and possibilities for export-led growth. This study analyses prospects for the industry by estimating an industry-level cost function that includes output of both vehicles and component parts with capital, labour and intermediate goods as inputs. The cost elasticity of output (an indicator of scale properties) and the elasticity relationships among inputs are explored. One unexpected outcome of the work that appears to be robust is that during early years of the study period, the industry had constant returns or even diseconomies of scale. However, during later years, when output was greater, there were economies of scale. This finding is likely the result of some combination of the entry of new firms, the development of new models or technological change. The study concludes that if firm output can be increased, economies of scale can be expected to strengthen the position of the Brazilian industry in the international marketplace.  相似文献   

Despite increasing competition from newly industrializing countries, Italy’s textile industry has continued to be an important contributor to the domestic economy. Many observers attribute this resilience to the industry’s focus on quality. Here, we take note of that view but also examine production and cost relationships to explore the existence of returns to scale and the interrelationships among inputs to gain additional insights about the future prospects for this industry. The findings are consistent with constant returns to scale and a substitute relationship between all input pairs except for domestic capital and foreign intermediate goods. The results also suggest some increasing flexibility in the labor market, perhaps including informal sector arrangements, greater responsiveness of labor demand to the price of capital, and more international production sharing arrangements. An increasing elasticity over time of the demands for domestic capital and domestic intermediate goods with respect to the price of foreign substitutes was also observed. Since further economies of scale do not exist, maintaining the Italian textile industry’s reputation for outstanding quality will likely be an important survival strategy for some products. For others, production sharing may be necessary to maintain international competitiveness.  相似文献   

Is big better? On scale and scope economies in the Portuguese water sector   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ‘big is better’ idea has recently been challenged in network industries. Scale economies are considered finite so that for the individual utility an optimal scale of operations arises. A similar observation yields for scope economies as joint production is not predicted univocally anymore. In the water sector, scale economies and joint production are preferred. Nevertheless, several countries are restructuring the sector in order to improve the scale and scope of operations. This article intends to provide some insights into this matter. We analyze the Portuguese water market structure using non-parametric techniques with data from the year 2005. After surveying the literature on scale and scope economies, we discuss the peculiarities of the Portuguese water sector. The paper confirms the natural monopoly features. Although scope economies are absent, it highlights scale economies. The optimal scale of the utilities is located between 160,000 and 180,000 inhabitants. As such, the Portuguese water sector optimally counts 60 water utilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the entry process of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Portuguese industrial sectors. Portugal presents an interesting case where firms enter to take advantage of export opportunities. The results suggest that foreign firms possess the ability to overcome existing entry barriers that affect domestic firms. Apparently, foreign firms have different expectations about profitability than domestic firms, possibly due to foreign firms’ export-orientation to the rest of the European Union (EU). They appear to desire industries where other foreign firms have clustered. Above all, it appears that these foreign firms enter industries to exploit Portugal's chief location advantage in Western Europe: low wages. Portugal's FDI experience is relevant to other countries that have opened their economies to greater trade and investment and attracted export-oriented firms.  相似文献   

Cost structure of petroleum refining industry in Kuwait has been examined, with specific focus on factor substitution, and economies of scale and utilisation. This has been done by estimating translog cost functions, both long‐run and short‐run, using annual time‐series data covering the period from 1976 to 1998. The results indicate that the implied production structure is non‐homothetic, and the pattern of scale effect is labour and capital saving but material using. The evidence also supports presence of induced exogenous technical change, which is non‐neutral (labour and capital using, and material saving). The elasticity of substitution between capital and labour is negative, implying that the two inputs are complements. The results also indicate absence of economies and diseconomies of scale in the petroleum refining industry.  相似文献   

The sustainability of fiscal policies in the European Union   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the stationarity of the inclusive-of-interest public deficit for five European Union economies, four of them being recently selected for entry into the European Monetary Union. Unit root tests are used not only to examine structural breaks and cointegration analysis, but also to investigate for regime shifts. They support the occurrence of sustainable deficits for the Greek, Spanish, and Portuguese economies. On the contrary, Italy and Belgium may incur unsustainable deficits, implying that their selection in Phase 2 of the European Monetary Union is questionable. This paper was presented at the Forty-Fifth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy, March 14–21, 1998.  相似文献   

In this paper we employ panel data techniques to address several issues related to the recent performance of the textile industry. We build on the research and results obtained by Ramcharran (in Empirical Econ 26:515–524, 2001) for the textile industry as a whole, by extending the analysis to the sector level. Using data for 23 sectors over 39 years (1958–1996), we estimate a variable elasticity of substitution (VES) production function; the results allow us to construct time-series of marginal products of inputs and elasticities of scale and substitution. We find evidence in support of the use of a VES function and conclude that there are systematic differences among textile sectors’ productivity and performance.  相似文献   

The impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the competitive positions of Mexican and U.S. steel producers is investigated employing a translog cost function with four inputs (capital, labor, domestic intermediate goods, and foreign intermediate goods) to examine scale characteristics and input substitution in Mexican steel production. Results are consistent with diseconomies of scale at high levels of output and with substitute relationships between all input pairs except labor and domestic intermediate goods. Thus, output growth will likely result in cost reductions for Mexican producers only if the industry reaps significant benefits from substitution of foreign inputs for domestic. Recent increases in Mexico's imports of finished steel have much exceeded those of steel industry inputs, and it therefore does not seem likely that a Mexican cost advantage over steel producers in the United States will soon emerge as a result of economies of scale.  相似文献   

河南纺织服装产业集群竞争力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各国(地区)竞争优势源于产业集群。产业集群是纺织服装产业组织结构的重要形式,随着我国沿海纺织服装产业向中西部转移,河南纺织服装业加速聚集的趋势进一步显现。笔者研究了河南纺织服装产业集群的分布,各地纺织产业服装产业集群区特征与优劣势,并运用波特的"钻石模型"对河南纺织服装产业集群的竞争力进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show an empirical test of subadditivity based on a sufficient condition-namely, transray convexity coupled with global economies of scale-which has not been commonly used in the literature. We use this sufficient condition to test the hypothesis of subadditivity of the cost function in the largest Portuguese Telecommunications firm, CTT, and find that the market for telecommunications services in Portugal was a natural monopoly in the period analysed.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms based on the Business Longitudinal Survey (BLS) from 1995 to 1998. Productivity growth estimates have been obtained for each sub‐category of textile and clothing firms. Sources of growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) are examined with growth in technical efficiency and scale effects based on estimates of stochastic frontier production functions. Separate estimates of output growth have been compared with the productivity growth estimates for each of the product categories. MFP improved in all clothing firms and declined in textile firms over 1997–1998 by four‐digit level of Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial classification Scheme (ANZSIC). MFP declined in most major categories of both textile and clothing firms in 1995–1997. Changes in technical efficiency mostly dominated scale effects in the overall direction of MFPG in both textile and clothing firms. The findings of the study provide evidence for policies for improving the firms’ operative performance in the ongoing liberalised regime.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** :  The empirical literature on the cost structure of the electric utility industry traditionally focused on the measurement of specific technological properties: 1) scale economies in generation or distribution; 2) multi-product (or horizontal) scope economies at one particular stage; 3) multi-stage (or vertical) scope economies. By adopting an integrated approach, which simultaneously considers both horizontal and vertical aspects of the technology, we find the presence, on a sample of Italian electric utilities, of both vertical integration gains and horizontal scope economies at the downstream stage. In the light of recent regulatory reforms aiming at restructuring European electricity markets, our findings have important policy implications as for the proper configuration of the industry. Moreover, this methodology can be usefully applied to the study of the production structure of other public network utilities involved in similar vertical and horizontal reorganization processes.  相似文献   

开放条件下中国轿车产业的外资进入与市场结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外资进入提高了国内轿车市场的竞争程度,降低了市场集中度,促进了市场规模的扩张和产品的差异化,同时也降低了产品价格,带来了消费者福利的提高;改善了我国轿车产业的组织结构,很多企业已经达到了工厂最小最优规模经济水平,生产成本大幅下降;外资进入从资本规模、技术、产品差异、规模经济等几个方面提高了国内资本的进入壁垒;政府与跨国公司共同主导的产业发展模式亟待改变.  相似文献   

Mei-Hui Wang 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1245-1253
An empirical study is conducted on scale and scope economies for Taiwan's banking industry with panel data using a Fourier flexible cost function developed by Gallant and a translog cost function, both of which take economic efficiency into account. It is found that the Fourier form is more appropriate than the traditional translog form in fitting the data, and that various efficiency measures computed using the Fourier function are compatible with each other, while those computed using the translog function are not. The Fourier evidence shows that sample banks continue to enjoy economies of scale, and exhibit scope diseconomies, which indicates that greater product diversification can reduce banking costs through product-mix economies. Banks may benefit from further diversifying their line of financial services.  相似文献   

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