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Volatility risk, credit risk, value effect, and momentum are major return drivers in the fixed-income universe. This study offers a four-factor pricing model for international government bonds. The model thoroughly explains the variation of government bond returns and covers a range of more than 60 cross-sectional return patterns in government bond markets, verifying its usefulness for asset pricing. The research was conducted within a sample of bonds from 25 developed and emerging markets for the years 1992 to 2016.  相似文献   

We investigate the pricing of systematic tail risk measured by tail beta in the Chinese equity market. Using an array of tests, we examine the performance of more than 3,300 stocks for the years 1999 through 2018. Contrary to evidence from developed markets, we demonstrate a strong negative relationship between the tail beta and future returns. The effect is robust to many considerations and cannot be explained by established pricing factors or alternative risk or illiquidity measures. We link our findings to specific characteristics of the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

Is the value spread useful for forecasting returns on quantitative equity strategies for country selection? To test this, we examine a sample of 120 country-level equity strategies replicated within 72 stock markets for the years 1996–2017. The value spread is a powerful and robust predictor of strategy returns in the cross-section, subsuming other methods based on momentum, reversal, or seasonality. Going long (short) the strategies with the broadest (narrowest) value spread produces significant four-factor model alphas, markedly outperforming an equal-weighted benchmark of all of the strategies. The results are robust to many considerations.  相似文献   

中国外汇储备结构优化的悖论困境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王年咏 《经济管理》2006,(20):67-70
当前中国的外汇结构优化,面临既有紧迫性更具复杂性和挑战性的悖论困境。其成因则是诸多矛盾因素的交织:外汇储备规模庞大但稳定性变数增多,外汇储备增长迅猛但周期性波动频繁,美元持续疲软但美国霸主地位难撼,黄金、能源价格高居不下但“中国因素”短期不易去除。因此,必须谨慎而稳妥地改革外汇储备管理体制.同时稳步推进经济增长模式,由出口和投资主导型向内需主导型的转变。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of sentiment for global risk premia. We analyse whether the global risk premia on macroeconomic fundamentals can be estimated more thoroughly if sentiment is included as additional conditioning information. The analysis is performed in the framework of a conditional multiple beta pricing model. The focus of analysis is the asset excess returns of the G-7 stock markets in the period from February 1999 to February 2012. The obtained results indicate that sentiment as conditioning information is able to contribute to the explanation of the general macroeconomic risk premia.  相似文献   


Using returns histories spanning January 1984 to October 2014 of 5785 actively managed US closed-end equity mutual funds, we address the ‘thorny problems’ highlighted by Fama and French (The Journal of Finance, 2010, vol. 65, p. 1925) that arise due to their resampling procedure. This prevents them from capturing time variation in the parameters of equilibrium asset pricing models. These problems are addressed by combining innovative procedures which allow for testing of multiple break dates on fund-specific parameters along with cross-section bootstraps that remain valid in the presence of time-varying parameters. We find that substantial proportion – 8% – of the estimated versions of the asset pricing model have significant changes in their parameters. The effects of this time variation on the cross-section distribution of the risk-adjusted performance measure are significant and substantially increase centiles of the right tail of this distribution when compared to those produced without time-varying parameters. Our evidence regarding the lack of actively managed US equity mutual funds that generate excess returns is significantly weaker than those of Fama and French but our results do not overturn their pessimistic conclusion regarding the lack of skilled managers. We do find, unlike Fama and French, that managers generating negative returns are just unlucky but have no skill.  相似文献   

By introducing money and foreign exchange in the Zou (1997) model of mercantilism, the paper shows the effects of macroeconomic policies in mercantilist economies. It is shown that in the long run, consumption and foreign asset accumulation increases as a result of stronger mercantilist sentiments, permanent increases in the consumption tax, increases in the monetary growth rate and purchases of foreign bonds. In the short run, however, macroeconomic disturbances including the mercantilist sentiments, the monetary growth rate, and the consumption tax have negative effects on current consumption and positive effects on current foreign asset accumulation, while purchasing foreign bonds has positive effects on both current consumption and current foreign asset accumulation. The theoretical explorations may provide a theoretical structure for hoarding international reserves and export-led growth strategy utilized by emerging market economies.  相似文献   

张树德 《财经研究》2005,31(11):29-40
文章根据我国股市的特点,对Barberis、Huang和Santos(2001)的模型进行了改进,推导出了带有波动项的行为资产定价模型.并用该模型对西方7国无风险利率及股票溢价进行了检验,发现该CCAPM模型不能解释我国证券市场的溢价现象,Mehra和Prescott(1985)发现的"股票溢价之谜"在我国同样存在.相比以前的分析方法,文章所考虑的模型比较符合我国证券市场的特征.文章最后利用经修正的模型对我国股票市场的溢价进行了分析.  相似文献   

The Modigliani–Miller (M–M) theorem of financial asset theory concludes that asset values are independent of financing. In other words, debt-solvency (credit constraints) does not affect asset values. Therefore, using the M–M theorem one can argue that credit constraints in the farm sector (where land is the most important asset) do not affect the value of farmland. However, this proof relies on several arbitrage assumptions that are violated in the case of agricultural assets. This paper examines the effect of debt-solvency and government payments on changes in annual farmland values by state in the United States. Using panel cointergration method, results indicate that farmland values are significantly affected by both solvency and government payments. In addition, the results imply that government payments may affect agricultural asset values beyond the direct effect hypothesized in the literature.   相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how the 5‐year Swedish municipal bond yield has been related to the corresponding yield on government bonds during the period that the Riksbank has conducted unconventional monetary policy in terms of bond purchases. Using daily Swedish data on bond yields from February 2015 to January 2018, we first conduct an event study to assess the short‐run effects of the Riksbank's bond‐purchase announcements. We then estimate bivariate vector autoregressive models to study the dynamic relationship between the yields. Results from the event study suggest that the accumulated short‐run effect of the Riksbank's announcements was to lower the government bond yield by approximately 40 to 50 basis points and municipal bond yields by 30 to 35 basis points. Our vector autoregressive analysis indicates—in line with the event study—that an unexpected decrease in the government bond yield initially increases the municipal bond‐yield spread. However, after approximately 4 weeks, the effect has been reversed and the municipal bond‐yield spread is lower than it was initially. By conducting this analysis, we contribute to the understanding of the transmission of unconventional monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the policy effectiveness of government spending in a two-sector open economy whose output and expenditure is comprised of tradables and non-tradables. This framework reveals that government spending on either tradables or, more normally, on non-tradables widens the external deficit, yet how the real exchange rate behaves depends, in the first instance, on in which sector the public spending occurs. It also shows that, irrespective of where government spending falls, there appears to be no significant short run boost to overall output and hence employment a priori, although empirically actual impact would depend on the elasticities of tradable and non-tradable output with respect to the real exchange rate. Furthermore, fiscal stimulus is shown to be unambiguously ineffective if deemed unsustainable by foreign lenders, or implemented under a fixed exchange rate regime with limited capital mobility.  相似文献   

High resident saving and high foreign exchange reserve are the inevitable products in China during the period from planned economy to market economy, and there is high correlation between them. On the one hand, this kind of economic phenomenon can't persist in a long time; on the other hand, to implement relevant fiscal and monetary policy, foreign trade policy, and foreign exchange management policy to change them in view of their negative effects to present economy is one of the present economic tasks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of government spending shocks on the real exchange rate and foreign trade balance in Turkey for the period of 2002:01–2012:04 within a structural VAR framework. The analysis shows that a positive shock to the government spending tends to induce real exchange rate appreciation and deterioration in trade balance. We also find that the composition of the government spending matters. Although shocks to the government nonwage consumption generate an appreciation in the real exchange rate and worsening of the trade balance, the effects of government investment shocks remain insignificant. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates that shocks to government spending are associated with a rise in taxes, which is indicative of a spending-driven tax adjustment process in Turkey.  相似文献   

货币的内生性或外生性问题决定了中央银行货币政策操作目标的可控性,近期由于外汇储备变动,中国货币的内生性比较明显。因此,必须从宏观环境改革入手,辅之以各种配套的制度建设,以增强中央银行对基础货币的调控能力。  相似文献   

This article uses a microstructure approach to analyse the effectiveness of capital controls introduced in Brazil to counter an appreciation of the Real. Based on a rich data set from the Brazilian foreign exchange market, we estimate a reduced-form VAR to characterize the interaction of the central bank, financial and commercial customers in times of regulatory policy measures. We find that capital controls change market participants’ behaviour, and that central bank interventions elicit a significant response in financial order flow. Referring to the source of order flow, we find no direct price impact by financial flows and thus no evidence that the appreciation of the Real is driven by financial customers’ activity. Instead, commercial customers seem to be a primary driver of the Real within our model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the predictive ability, both in-sample and the out-of-sample, for South African stock returns using a number of financial variables, based on monthly data with an in-sample period covering 1990:01 to 1996:12 and the out-of-sample period of 1997:01 to 2010:04. We use the t-statistic corresponding to the slope coefficient in a predictive regression model for in-sample predictions, while for the out-of-sample, the MSE-F and the ENC-NEW tests statistics with good power properties were utilised. To guard against data mining, a bootstrap procedure was employed for calculating the critical values of both the in-sample and out-of-sample test statistics. Furthermore, we use a procedure that combines in-sample general-to-specific model selection with out-of-sample tests of predictive ability to further analyse the predictive power of each financial variable. Our results show that, for the in-sample test statistic, only the stock returns for our major trading partners have predictive power at certain short and long run horizons. For the out-of-sample tests, the Treasury bill rate and the term spread together with the stock returns for our major trading partners show predictive power both at short and long run horizons. When accounting for data mining, the maximal out-of-sample test statistics become insignificant from 6-months onward suggesting that the evidence of the out-of-sample predictability at longer horizons is due to data mining. The general-to-specific model shows that valuation ratios contain very useful information that explains the behaviour of stock returns, despite their inability to predict stock return at any horizon. The model also highlights the role of multiple variables in predicting stock returns at medium- to long run horizons.  相似文献   

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