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We model macroeconomic instability as the outcome of the dynamic interaction between debt accumulation and the “state of confidence” in a small open economy with a super-fixed exchange-rate arrangement. We use a system dynamic approach and show that instability is a likely feature when macroeconomic behaviour is characterized by out-of-equilibrium dynamics with balance-sheet effects and deviation amplifying expectation formation rules that interact endogenously. We address the issue of the macroeconomic stabilization puzzle and carry out a quantitative evaluation based on sensitivity analysis with reference to Argentina, during the currency-board arrangement. We find that a tight fiscal policy is likely to be destabilizing inasmuch as it adds to the fall in expenditure, output and the “state of confidence”. On the other side, a traditional monetary policy can fail in switching off macroeconomic instability if the reduction in interest rates does not compensate for the fall in the “state of confidence”, whilst a direct stimulus to aggregate expenditure is required to avoid an economic collapse.  相似文献   

A complete financial stability analysis should include investigation on macroeconomic stability since macroeconomic development and potential imbalance can increase the financial instability and trigger a financial crisis. Survey data of rating on China's macroeconomic stability is analyzed by estimating an ordered logit model with random effect. Among the candidate macroeconomic indicators, we found that inflation is the key variable that determines China's macroeconomic stability, followed by the change in budget balance and GDP growth gap.  相似文献   

Steve Keen's model of Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis (Keen, 1995) displayed qualitative characteristics that matched the real macroeconomic and income-distributional outcomes of the preceding and subsequent fifteen years: a period of economic volatility followed by a period of moderation, leading to a rise of instability once more and a serious economic crisis. This paper extends that model to build a strictly monetary macroeconomic model which can generate the monetary as well as the real phenomena manifested by both The Great Recession and The Great Moderation.  相似文献   


The macroeconomic instability revealed in the recent deep recession steams from the condition of balance sheets. Generally high leverage and strained maturity mismatches build up slowly but generate a financial structure so brittle that the impulse that eventually sends it crashing is hard to identify. The US financial system had been rendered more vulnerable by the financial reforms that swept away the Glass-Steagall regulations. The crisis made the inadquancies of the ruling macroeconomic paradigm painfully obvious. DSGE models generally did not include a financial sector and did not take the possibility of dramatic instability seriously. Unanticipated violations of budget constraints do not fit easily into general equilibrium models.  相似文献   

We investigate to what extent estimated relationships of the IMF's monetary model and their policy implications are sample dependent. We observe that estimates of the model's key parameters and model-based measures of macroeconomic disequilibria are highly dependent on the data vintage employed. Changes in parameter estimates solely due to data revisions are found to be much smaller than those owing to parameter instability, possibly reflecting model misspecification. Moreover, instability in parameter estimates contributes to more uncertainty in assessments of macroeconomic disequilibria than data revisions. Analyses based on a version of the model in difference form are also found to be quite sensitive to the data vintage employed, although to a lesser extent than those based on the standard version of the model with variables in levels.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the causes and balance sheet effect consequences of Liability Dollarization (LD) of nonfinancial sectors in Turkey. The dynamic panel data Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) results suggest that both sector specific and macroeconomic variables are significant in explaining the corporate sector LD. Industries appear to partially match the currency composition of their debt with their income streams. Devaluations are found to be contractionary, in terms of investments and profits, for sectors with higher LD. Macroeconomic instability affects the performance of the industries negatively. Our results also stress the importance of strong macroeconomic policy stance for an endogenous dedollarization process.  相似文献   

Portuguese Economic Journal - Uncertainty induced by various economic and non-economic factors instigates macroeconomic instability. Macroeconomic instability, further, reduces predictability of a...  相似文献   

In macroeconomic models that include government budget restraints, following a monetarist policy rule will often result in instability. Here, that result is shown to be crucially dependent upon the assumption that government bonds represent private wealth.  相似文献   

Natural resource revenues are an important financing source for public investment in many developing economies. Investing volatile resource revenues, however, may subject an economy to macroeconomic instability. This paper studies fiscal approaches to investing resource revenues, using Angola as an example. With spend‐as‐you‐go, resource revenues are spent as received, resulting in little external saving; public investment can be interrupted, driving up the capital depreciation rate and undermining stability. Gradual scaling‐up, instead, allows countries to build up external saving to shield investment from revenue volatility. The framework adopted here can be used as a planning tool to define a medium‐term fiscal strategy.  相似文献   

In Turkey, the empirical results on the link between financial development and economic growth are mixed. The existing studies do not take into account the fact that Turkey has experienced endemic political and economic instabilities over extended periods. This study aims to analyse the role of macroeconomic instability and public borrowing on the finance–growth nexus in Turkey by using time series econometric techniques over the 1980–2010 period. In doing so, we attempt to extend the existing literature by taking into account the role of macroeconomic instability as well as public borrowing. Our results reveal that there are additional – albeit indirect – channels between finance and growth via the effects of macro instability and public borrowing on financial development and economic growth. After taking into account the effects of overall instability and public borrowing, we found that growth–financial development relationship is bidirectional and permanent. In other words, in Turkish case, economic growth and financial development are jointly determined. Thus, our results shed some light on the ambiguity of the evidence on the link between financial development and economic growth for Turkey.  相似文献   


Minsky's theory of financial instability is a strong alternative to neoclassical theory. Many Post-Keynesian authors use this analysis in order to elaborate models that give rise to crises or business cycles. Nevertheless, none of them has directly linked growth and financial structure. This article proposes a simple macroeconomic model linking the accumulation of capital and the state of the financial structure as defined by Minsky. The analysis shows how a capitalist economy may become financially fragile, and it suggests that instability is apt to be the rule.  相似文献   

Dynamic macroeconomic models incorporating perfect foresight expectations can display a dynamic instability of the saddle point type. So that unless the initial values happen to place the system on the stable arm of the saddle point, the economic variables will diverge ever more from the equilibrium. We consider the dynamic instability problem in a simple model of monetary dynamics which is non-linear and assumes adaptive expectations which are characterized by an expectations time lag. This model is shown to have a stable limit cycle. By considering perfect foresight as the limit as the expectations time lag tends to zero we are able to view the perfect foresight model from a dimension higher than that from which is it is normally viewed. We are thus able to see that the stable limit cycle continues to exist for the perfect foresight model as well. In this framework there is no longer a dynamic instability problem since whatever the intial values time paths are tending to the stable limit cycle.  相似文献   

A large literature on ‘endogenous inequality’ has argued that persistent differences in macroeconomic performance across countries can be explained by historical inequality, owing to indivisibilities in occupational choice and borrowing constraints. These models are characterized by homogenous agents, a continuum of steady states (SSs) and lack of mobility in every SS. We show that introducing (even a little) heterogeneity in order to generate SS mobility shrinks the SS set dramatically. Mobile SSs are generically locally unique and finite in number. Sufficient conditions for global uniqueness and convergence of competitive equilibrium dynamics are provided.  相似文献   

This paper documents multivariate forecast disagreement among professional forecasters and discusses implications for models of heterogeneous expectation formation. Disagreement varies over time and is positively correlated with general (economic) uncertainty. The degree to which individual forecasters disagree with the average forecast tends to persist over time. Models of heterogeneous expectation formation can be modified by introducing heterogeneous signal-to-noise ratios to match this feature. Furthermore, disagreement about correlations of different macroeconomic variables is high on average. In general, multivariate forecast data can be used more effectively than it has been to estimate models with heterogeneous expectations and to test the mechanisms used to generate disagreement in these models.  相似文献   

This article investigates the dynamic relationship between political instability and exchange rates in five Arab Spring countries over the period 1992Q1–2016Q4. We include macroeconomic fundamentals to identify the transmission channels through which political instability may affect exchange rates. Based on VAR and ARDL models, our results report that political instability is associated with a significant drop in the value of domestic currencies of these countries. Economic growth is found to be the key mechanism channel. We find also that the dependence between variables is more emphasized in the short run than in the long run.  相似文献   

This study investigates the channels through which macroeconomic and institutional instability hinders innovative investment undertakings financed by the domestic private sector. The analysis is based on a sample of 44 countries and considers various instability dimensions. The results suggest a negative impact of real, monetary and political instability on the aggregate level of R&D financed by the business sector. Thus, highlighting the importance of stable macro‐institutional environments in preventing avoidance or abandonment of private innovation undertakings.  相似文献   

This paper makes a contribution to the study of economic growth in developing countries by analyzing the six largest Latin American economies over 105 years within a two-equation framework. Confirming previous findings, physical and human capital prove to be key determinants of GDP per head growth. However, a more controversial result is an overall negative conditional correlation between trade openness and GDP per head growth — though openness has a positive link via investment. The evidence also shows that macroeconomic instability has been a drag on long-term growth in the region.  相似文献   

Fiscal crisis and fiscal reform in developing countries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, policy-makers in developing countries haveresponded to crisis of macroeconomic instability with two setsof measures: conventional stabilisation policies and policiesof economic liberalisation. The fiscal implications of thisdouble agenda are set out, following three lines of enquiry.First, how can policies be kept consistent, when some liberalisationmeasures have large adverse fiscal consequences? Second, cana fiscal deficit be reduced without damaging the provision ofpublic services vital for growth and poverty alleviation? Finally,since lack of tax revenue is usually the binding constrainton government intervention, how can this most easily be relaxed?  相似文献   

Monetary and fiscal policy measures have been applied in order to avert the financial market collapse and counteract the global recession. In this paper we present an integrated macromodel which in particular focuses on the financial markets. We use a Tobin-like macroeconomic portfolio approach, and the interaction of heterogeneous agents on the financial market to characterize the potential for financial market instability. We show that specific but unorthodox fiscal and monetary policies have to be used to stabilize such unstable macroeconomies.  相似文献   

I describe how in the new paradigm of a Competitive, Efficient, and Frictionless Economy (CEFE), introduced in Falahati (2019), macroeconomic imbalances with fluctuating levels of liquidity emerge endogenously. This provides a solid foundation for studying Minsky’s views on financial instability in an economy with a banking and risk-underwriting system. I identify an inverse relationship between liquidity premia and risk premia, which leads to endogenous risk-premium rating cycles, including credit-risk-premium rating cycles, and macroeconomic swings. Ceteris paribus, lower liquidity increases the prices of contracts covering risks (e.g., credit default swaps), whist it decreases prices of all other assets. The opposite occurs with higher liquidity. I analyze operations of banks, risk-underwriters, and the State/Central Bank, and present a new theory of banking which improves current understandings. This theory explains how a banking system uses the floating capital of the economy more efficiently, while it also generates greater systemic risks, compared to an economy without banks. I show how the banking system can induce macroeconomic booms and busts and generate endogenous asset price bubbles and bursts. I highlight other systemic problems of the economy and derive their implications for improving the financial management of the economy and its institutions.  相似文献   

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