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This study investigates the role of cigarette prices on smoking initiation and cessation among youth in a sample of eight primarily non-Western low, middle, and high income countries, with a particular focus on a subsample of 40 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Using split-population duration models on longitudinally-transformed individual data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), the average impact of cigarette prices in the presence of unobserved country heterogeneity and shifting cultural norms within countries is identified by the variation of cigarette prices within countries over time. Price increases are found to effectively reduce initiation in early youth, and girls are considerably more responsive than boys. The price elasticity of initiation in LMICs is ?0.82 for the combined gender analysis, ?0.46 for boys only and ?1.5 for girls only. There is some indication that youths in developing countries may be slightly less responsive to price changes than in high-income countries. No evidence is found that cigarette prices increase quitting rates in youth, which may be due to the difficulty of defining true quitting among smokers in early life.  相似文献   

Employing data from a representative survey conducted in Germany, this paper examines public preferences for the size and composition of government expenditure. We focus on public attitudes towards taxes, public debt incurrence and public spending in six different policy areas. Our findings suggest, first, that individual preferences for the use of additional tax money can be categorised as either capital‐oriented expenditure or public debt reduction. Second, we find that fiscal preferences differ along various dimensions. Specifically, personal economic well‐being, economic literacy, confidence in politicians, political ideology and time preference are significantly related to individual attitudes towards public spending, taxes and debt. The magnitude of the effects is particularly large for time preference, economic knowledge and party preference. Third, public preferences for public spending priorities are only marginally affected when considering a public budget constraint.  相似文献   

The identification approach suggested in Blanchard and Quah [1989 The dynamic effects of aggregate supply and demand disturbances. Am. Econ. Rev. 79:655–673] and King et al. [1991 Stochastic trends and economic flucuations. Am. Econ. Rev. 81:819–840] makes use of the long-run properties of structural disturbances. This paper provides economic underpinning for the use of long-run identifying restrictions by showing formally its validity for the class of exogenous growth models under certain conditions. This paper also obtains the minimum number of restrictions, in addition to the long-run restrictions, required for the identification of structural disturbances in a co-integrated system.  相似文献   

The article uses a quasi-experimental regression discontinuity approach to estimate the effect of temporary emissions restrictions on air quality in China. While temporary emissions control is an effective strategy in response to high-pollution events, China has been using this temporary policy instrument to improve air quality during events of international exposure. We find that post-restrictions peak levels of fine particulate matter are extremely high. This finding uncovers unintended consequences of temporary polluting restrictions.  相似文献   

The impact of corporate income taxes on location decisions of firms is widely debated in the tax competition literature. Tax rate differences across jurisdictions may lead to distortions of firms’ investment decisions. Empirical evidence on tax-induced relocation and subsequent economic development in the US and Europe is still inconclusive. Much the same applies to Switzerland. While there is some evidence on personal income tax competition between Swiss cantons, evidence on the impact of intercantonal corporate income tax differences on the location of business within Switzerland is missing. In this paper, we present econometric evidence on the influence of corporate and personal income taxes on the regional distribution of firms in 1981 and 1991 and on cantonal employment using a panel data set of the 26 Swiss cantons from 1985 to 1997. The results show that corporate and personal income taxes deter firms to locate in a canton and subsequently reduce cantonal employment.  相似文献   

I exploit a change in Spanish regulations to test the effect of the relaxation of entry restrictions on the equilibrium retail price of diesel. In February 2013, a Central Government reform permitted gasoline stations to operate in industrial and commercial areas. Over the following 2-year period, this deregulation led to a high number of new market entrants in these newly designated free entry areas. By isolating markets exposed to entry and markets unaffected by new entrants, and adopting a difference-in-difference approach, results show that gasoline stations exposed to a new market entrant within a one-mile radius lower their prices by an average 1.04%. This result is significant, representing almost one fifth of the average retail margin. Additionally, the results show that the reduction in the equilibrium price is caused by the first market entrant and that the effect decreases over time.  相似文献   

We investigate whether China’s experience during 1952–2004 supports the balanced growth entailment of the neoclassical growth model. Estimation of long-run relations among output, consumption and investment for the full period reject the balanced growth hypothesis for both the national and regional economies. When the economic reforms of the late 1970s are modelled as a structural break by the methods of Johansen et al. (Economet J 3(2):216–249, 2000) and Perron (Econometrica 57(6):1361–1401, 1989), we find some evidence of balanced growth in the pre-break period but in the post-break period the ‘great ratios’ are trend-stationary, precluding fully balanced growth, though permitting a common (stochastic) productivity trend.   相似文献   

The paper investigates the determinants of banking profitability and banking market conditions in Austria. We conduct a panel econometric analysis which allows for testing the hypotheses which have become the most prominent in the literature on bank profitability: the structure–conduct–performance hypothesis, the efficient‐structure hypothesis and the relative market‐power hypothesis. Further, we test whether Austrian banking markets are, on average, contestable. A newly compiled dataset covering more than 700 Austrian banks ranging over the period from 1995 to 2002 is used to carry out these econometric analyses. The empirical findings support the view that the Austrian banks do exert, on average, some local market power. However, the gains in terms of excess profits are rather minor as a result of low deterrence powers of the incumbent banks.  相似文献   

The cyclical behaviour of fiscal policy: evidence from the OECD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the topic of cyclicality in fiscal policy. In particular, we show that the level of cyclicality varies across spending categories and across OECD countries. In line with leading theories of fiscal cyclicality, we show that countries with volatile output and dispersed political power are the most likely to run procyclical fiscal policies. Wage government consumption is highlighted as the most important channel by which these variables affect fiscal cyclicality.  相似文献   


This paper aims to investigate the sources of real exchange rate fluctuation by utilizing sign restrictions in structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) method. Under an agnostic identification scheme, the empirical results show that the delayed overshooting puzzle still exists in response to monetary shock even if price puzzle is ruled out by construction. In contrast, all countries experience a significant initial real depreciation, and then gradually appreciate in response to currency risk premium (CRP) shock. This finding is consistent with Dornbusch’s overshooting model. In addition, I examine the importance of investors’ expectations in determining the short-term variations in the real exchange rate. The results indicate that the CRP and expectation shocks obviously outperformed the demand, supply and monetary shocks in terms of explaining the real exchange rate fluctuation.  相似文献   

Whether or not a government deficit is sustainable has important implications for policy. If the debt of a nation is sustainable, then it implies that the government should have no incentive to default on its internal debt. In this article we examine whether or not the debt-GDP ratios of the G-7 and some European countries can be characterized by a unit root process with the non-linear trend and asymmetric adjustment. The econometric methodology allows us to determine whether the stationarity holds for the government's debt–GDP ratio after considering the non-linear trend. Among the main results, it is found that it is very likely that the debt–GDP ratios of Canada, Germany, the US and Italy are stationarity after taking account of the non-linear trend in the long run. Nevertheless, it is model-dependent for the debt–GDP ratios of these countries to be asymmetrically adjusted after taking the non-linear trend into consideration.  相似文献   

The analysis of stadium attendance demand has a long tradition in the economic literature. However, despite its evident merits, this previous research has been critiqued at several levels, in particular for relying on a suboptimal demand proxy, i.e. published attendance data. In this short note, we address these shortcomings by exploring a highly unique data set containing official information on spectators’ decisions of whether or not to physically attend 704 German football Bundesliga games played between August 2014 and January 2017.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence on the hypothesis of the natural rate of suicide using the time series data for 15 OECD countries over the period 1970–2004. This hypothesis suggests that the suicide rate of a society could never be zero even if both the economic and the social conditions were made ideal from the point of view of suicide (Yang and Lester, 1991). This research relates the suicide rates to harmonized unemployment and divorce rates to test the natural hypothesis statistically. We also address methodological flaws by earlier suicide studies by employing autoregressive-distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration advocated by Pesaran et al. (2001). In majority of regression equations, the constant term was positive and statistically significant, indicating a non-zero natural suicide rate. In particular, we find evidence that at aggregate level, Turkey has the lowest (3.64) and Japan has the highest (13.98) natural rate of suicides. In terms of the male natural suicide rates, the United Kingdom ranks the lowest (4.73) and Belgium ranks the top (15.44). As for the female natural suicide rates, Japan takes the lead (16.76) and Italy has the lowest (5.60). The results are also compared and contrasted to each other with a view to drawing plausible policy conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper provides some new empirical findings for how French producers set prices. We used the micro data that composes the producer and business-service price indices from 1994 to 2005. First we address how producer prices are collected. Then we present the main characteristics of how producers change their prices: they are modified infrequently and in small amounts. Also, a behavioural heterogeneity across sectors is observed. Business-service prices change less often than industrial producer prices. The data corroborates both time and state-dependent model predictions. Taylor contracts are not unusual, but a firm’s prices will also react to its economic situation. Nevertheless, the most relevant models, to explain producer price rigidity, are time-dependent.
“The fact that some prices are rigid or sticky, while others are variable, has attracted a good deal of comments from economists in recent years” Tucker (1938)
This study was conducted in the context of the Eurosystem Inflation Persistence Network. Data were processed under the responsibility of INSEE in the context of an agreement between INSEE and the Banque de France (20B-21B-E301/R05019/2005).  相似文献   

By using nonparametric methods, this paper estimates the distribution of both household and size-adjusted real income in Italy between 1987–1998. Because of data sparseness in the distribution, an adaptive bandwidth is used, while to account for sample design a weighting variable is incorporated in the estimation procedure. The time invariance and the presence of modes in the distributions are tested by means of a nonparametric test and a bootstrap test, respectively. The empirical results suggest that the Italian income distribution significantly changed over time. During the eighties the density shifted rightwards, positively affecting the well being of a large fraction of Italian households. The 1993 recession altered the shape of income distribution increasing inequality and polarisation, and the following period of slow recovery did not show significant changes in the shape of distribution in terms of relative income with a consequent permanence of inequality. The polarisation of the distribution is more noticeable for size-adjusted income rather than whole household income, reflecting the influence of family size on income shape.Jel classification: C14, D31, I30The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Italian Ministry of the Universities and Scientific Research (MIUR). We would like to thank two anonymous referees, Nicholas Longford, Aman Ullah and participants of the International workshop on Income Distribution and Welfare, Milan, May 2002 for their useful comments and suggestions. Obviously we are the solely responsible of any further error and omission.First version received: January 2002/Final version received: January 2003  相似文献   

Tarlok Singh   《Economic Modelling》2008,25(5):1064-1079
This study tests the Saving-Investment correlations in India using both single-equation and system estimators. All the estimators suggest the cointegrating relationship between saving and investment, and the results are robust to the choice of estimator. The conventional and new CUSUM tests show long-run stability of equilibrium residuals and reinforce the cointegrating relationship between the model series. The slope parameter on saving is significantly different from zero, but not from one. These results support the FH hypothesis and suggest the imperfect mobility of capital and home-bias in the asset portfolio of domestic investors. The heavy reliance of investment on domestic saving also reinforces the ‘Lucas Puzzle’ on the lack of capital flows from the developed countries to the developing countries with scare capital and higher marginal product of capital.  相似文献   

Does emigration really drain human capital accumulation in origin countries? This paper explores a unique household survey designed and conducted to answer this research question. We analyze the case of Cape Verde, a country with allegedly the highest ‘brain drain’ in Africa, despite a marked record of income and human capital growth in recent decades. We propose the first explicit test of ‘brain drain’ arguments, according to which the prospects of own future migration can positively impact educational attainment. Our most conservative estimates using individual specific variation in economic conditions at the destination indicate that a 10 pp increase in the probability of own future migration improves the probability of completing intermediate secondary schooling by nearly 4 pp for individuals who do not migrate before age 16. These findings are robust to the choice of instruments and econometric specification. Counterfactual simulations point to significant human capital gains from lowering migration barriers.  相似文献   

This paper employs data for a panel of firms from France, Italy and the UK to study the effect of the recession of the early 1990s on inventory investment, controlling for cyclical fluctuations at the firm level. The results clearly show some common patterns across countries, pointing to the relevance of financial factors (namely, the level of leverage) in propagating initial recessionary shocks. Moreover, Italian firms, especially if ‘small and young’, seem more likely to suffer from a reduction in the value of collateralizable assets possibly originated by restrictive policy actions.  相似文献   

We study how the quality of hospital management and medical care both affect efficiency in Japanese local public hospitals. The efficiency is estimated by a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and is regressed against the quality scores in hospital accreditation by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JCQHC). We find that rule-based hospital management relates to high efficiency, while the suitable management of beds and supplies relates to low efficiency.  相似文献   

We tested the role of urbanization in the conventional Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) of Turkey’s developing economy and rapid urbanization. The effects of an increase in carbon dioxide emissions were due to the usage of fuel oil and other traditional energy consumption patterns related to urban development. Based on our findings, we suggest that the EKC of Turkey is not an inverted U-shape. Thus, adapting of alternative and clean energy systems is necessary and unavoidable in Turkey, and Turkish authorities should consider renewable and alternative uses of energy to sustain a stable EKC.  相似文献   

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