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This paper explores career identity and its relation to career anchors and career satisfaction, key demographic and job variables, specific to convention and exhibition (C&E) industry professionals in Asia. It reviews the key literature relating to career identity and career anchors, which is followed by a discussion of findings of an online survey of C&E industry professionals in Asia. Study results indicate that the majority of C&E professionals displayed a strong cognitive and affective identification with their career in the C&E industry. However, career identity varied significantly with the time respondents had been in the industry, job seniority and age. In terms of career anchors, the lifestyle anchor was found to be the most dominant career anchor, followed by challenge and autonomy. Examining the relation between career anchors with career identity revealed that the lifestyle anchor was more important to respondents with a weak career identity, whereas the challenge anchor was more important to respondents with a strong career identity. Managerial implications of the study findings and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Ubud has, since the 1930s, represented a distinctive model of tourism in Bali—based on “traditional culture” but also engagement of foreigners with the local community in which the line between “tourists who stay longer” and an expatriate community has been blurred. From the 1970s tourist and expatriate numbers increased steadily and since 2010 numbers have exploded and new kinds of tourists and expatriates and new relationships with local culture and community have developed. Ubud is no longer a village-with-tourists but a diversifying international town. This article documents this “new Ubud” and argues that the categories of tourism studies are inadequate for making sense of it, suggesting instead cosmopolitanism as a potentially more useful tool for understanding this transformation.  相似文献   

孔海燕  宋海岩 《旅游学刊》2011,26(10):58-62
文章旨在开发中国饭店职业生涯管理测量维度,同时验证职业生涯管理对职业满意度的影响作用。在研究方法方面,综合运用了定性和定量两种方法,并在全国范围内收集具有代表性的数据。探索性因子分析提取了饭店职业生涯管理的3个维度,即职业考评、职业培训及职业发展;检验性因子分析证实提取的维度具有有效的信度和效度;随后,基于新开发的测量维度,文章又运用结构方程验证了饭店职业生涯管理与职业满意度的关系。结果表明,有效的职业生涯管理能提高员工的职业满意度。在3个维度中,职业考评对职业满意度的贡献率最大,其次为职业发展及职业培训。最后,文章讨论了其学术和实践贡献,以期为理论研究和实践管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

This study integrated the growing literature of proactive work behavior with career success among lodging revenue managers. Proactive work behavior is a timely, relevant, and important research topic for today’s workplaces in the hospitality industry. The aim of this research was to test a model for linkage among four dimensions of proactive work behavior and career success, among 280 lodging revenue managers, while controlling for work experience, age, and gender. First, the confirmatory factor analyses examined the measurement models of proactive work behavior and career success. Next, hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that all four dimensions of proactive work behaviors contributed positively to subjective career success, but not objective (extrinsic) career success.  相似文献   


This is an exploratory research project about meeting planning professionals. Survey responses were collected from 288 meeting professionals in an Internet based survey. The results found a significant difference in perception of minority representation in the industry. The study also found that career counselors are not making students in high school or college aware of meeting planning as a profession, so therefore, they are not studying it in college. People instead are finding out about it in nontraditional ways, such as learning on the job, friends and co-workers. As a result, top skills listed that are needed to succeed included personality or character traits rather than skills that could be learned.  相似文献   

This study explored Malaysian undergraduate tourism and hospitality students' views of the industry as a career choice. Four hundred and twenty-nine tourism and hospitality students, from three Malaysian institutions completed a questionnaire rating the importance of 20 factors in influencing their choice of career, and then the extent to which they believed tourism and hospitality as a career offers these factors. All of the 20 factors tested have been identified as being significantly different. From the results, it is clear that students generally do not believe that a career in tourism and hospitality will offer them the factors that they find important.  相似文献   

This study examines sport coaches’ perceptions about their experiences abroad. Coaches are part of a diverse new set of mobilities occurring in the sport labour market. However, few authors explored the individual cases of coaches’ migration. Here, we examine coaches’ recruitment process, motivations to migrate and their experiences abroad. Participants were five migrant coaches chosen through purposive sampling to achieve a pool of deep and rich data regarding the research topic. Data was collected using semi-structured interview questionnaires. For the exploration and analysis of the qualitative data, we used MAXQDA 11 software package. The results showed that all coaches migrated through an informal mechanism of recruitment which relied on their networks. Their discourse suggested they fit three types of migration referred in the literature: ambitionist, cosmopolitan and pioneer. Their experiences abroad were mainly related to their professional career and adaptation. All coaches reported that their experience was positive and they recommend that other coaches migrate as well. These results are important for the understanding of sport migration not least because coaches are at the core of the migration process of various stakeholders.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a measurement scale for organizational career management (OCM) in China's hotel industry. The scale development procedure includes four steps: developing initial items, implementing purifying measures, data collection, and assessing the reliability and validity of the proposed measurement scale. Both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are used to test the reliability and validity of the measurement scale thus developed. The development process results in a reliable and valid scale for hotel career management incorporating three dimensions: (1) career appraisal and advice, (2) a career development program, and (3) career training. Given the scarcity of research on career management in China, the measurement scale developed in this study will serve as a foundation for future research. The findings of this study may help to stimulate further empirical research on the relationship between hotel career management and employees’ career commitment and career satisfaction.  相似文献   

面对目前旅游管理研究生就业难的现象,分析当前旅游管理研究生培养中存在的问题和原因,有针对性地从教育方法、教学内容等方面提出一些合理化建议,以促进旅游管理研究生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

本文以旅游专业本科实习生(简称“旅本实习生”)为研究对象,探讨他们毕业前在旅游用人单位的工作满意感,与其毕业后在旅游业的择业意向之间的关系。331名来自我国绝大多数大陆省份旅游用人单位的“旅本实习生”有效填写了调查问卷。数据分析结果表明,从总的情况来看,“旅本实习生”的工作满意感对其在旅游业的择业意向有显著性的影响。按其影响力从大到小排列,具体的工作满意感因子依次为旅游业工作本身、薪酬和晋升。该研究及其发现对旅游人力资源管理和开发具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   


The paper aims to understand how the changes occurring in the tourism sector are affecting the labor market in Italy, with a special focus on the relevance of successful cross competences (SCC). It focuses on comparing the relevance of these competencies in the perception of both students preparing to enter the tourism field and tour operators. The two-step study combined qualitative analysis that put forth specific characteristics of the tourism labor market in Italy through interviews with experts, and quantitative analysis that correlated the requirements of the tour operators to the ideas students have of what competencies tour operators entering the field should have. The results evinced differing perceptions of SCC and their relative importance in professional fields. Students manifest to miss awareness of the importance of SCC for their future careers. Furthermore, organizational ability, self-control and self-esteem were perceived by tour operators as the most important competencies to be acquired.  相似文献   

Studies of holidays by gay men and lesbians reflect the characteristics and tourism profiles of younger persons. Invariably such studies show intensive holiday-taking and a desire for gay space when on holiday. Existing specialist product offer is targeted at this younger market by a small number of specialist tour operators. In this UK-based study, the requirements and current holiday profile of older gay men were examined. Studies of older gay men identified various views about lifestyles including both lonely, closeted individuals and well-adjusted individuals with surrogate families. Studies of ‘mainstream’ senior tourists implied intensive and experiential holiday-taking. On the basis of this literature it was postulated that the tourism profile of older gay men would be ‘positive’. The study was undertaken through interviews conducted with 23 men over the age of 35. It was concluded that holiday requirements were similar to those of other older people but with the further dimension of gay-friendliness. Informants felt there were opportunities for specialist and other tour operators to develop products and for destinations to be positioned appropriately for an older gay man's market.  相似文献   

王兴琼 《旅游学刊》2011,26(4):89-96
旅游人才供需错位是目前我国旅游业发展的一个困境。文章从旅游专业学生出发,探讨其专业填报动因对其学习效果和择业倾向的影响,意从源头上理解供需错位。通过访谈,总结了学生填报旅游专业的6种原因,并根据个人主动性的发挥情况归结为主动选择、中立选择和被动选择3大类。文章以毕业在即的旅游院校学生为样本,运用多重响应分析和相关分析、回归分析等统计手段,验证了填报动因对其学习效果和择业倾向有显著影响,填报主动性越强,学习效果就越好,对旅游行业就业前景认识就越乐观,在旅游行业就职的意愿就越强烈,拟就业方向中就会更明确地选择旅游相关单位。  相似文献   


Recently, higher education in Taiwan for the hospitality industry has grown dramatically. However, hospitality education is still considered a relative newborn in comparison with other programs. To develop effective programs, it would be appropriate to investigate competencies that influence career success in the hotel industry and the courses that nurture those important competencies.

A researcher-developed survey instrument was used to collect data from 200 industry professionals. Instrument reliability and validity were reported. The results revealed the competencies relating to communication and adaptability most influenced career success. Moreover, Finance/Marketing/Personnel Management, Foreign Languages, and Communications & Quality Management curriculum dimensions were significantly related to competencies of “communication skills & adaptation to environmental changes.”  相似文献   

Workaholism and its influence on hospitality managers’ recovery experience, well-being, and subjective career success was examined. Participants were hospitality managers in the hotel, foodservice, airline, and tourism industries in the United States. Data was collected at two time points and the results show that hospitality managers’ recovery experience has a positive relationship with well-being and subjective career success. Furthermore, the positive relationship between recovery experience and job satisfaction and the positive relationship between recovery experience and career satisfaction were found to be stronger for people who are high in workaholism. Theoretical and practical implications based on the results are discussed.  相似文献   

曾丽  翁时秀  李丽霞 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):65-72
旅游专业学生在本行业就业率低的问题一直困扰着旅游学术界、教育界和旅游行业,不少学者从不同角度研究并试图解决这一问题,但却很少从学生择业标准的角度去考虑.文章运用并检验里查得森(Richardson)择业影响因素量表,测量旅游专业本科生的择业标准及其对旅行社的就业认知,结果表明:学生认为旅行社不具备其择业时最看重的因素(“融洽的同事关系”、“喜欢的工作”、“良好的晋升机会”);并且学生认为旅行社具备的主要就业因素是其择业时最不看重的(“出国旅行的机会”、“专业对口”、“职业流动性”);学生认为旅行社存在超工作时间、超工作量、晋升机制不合理、起薪不理想等行业不规范现状,但学生也认为旅行社具有锻造高技能、有责任感人才的就业优势.根据学生择业标准与旅行社的就业认知IPA分析结果,文章提出了相应的对策来改善旅游本科生行业就业率低的问题.  相似文献   


To date limited attention has been provided on the review stage of the crisis management framework, despite the importance of organizational learning for developing effective tourism crisis strategies. Using the concepts of double loop learning (Argyris and Schon, 1996), doubting (Blackman and Henderson, 2004) and Preskill and Torres (1999) core processes of evaluative enquiry, the paper discusses the possible application of critical evaluative inquiry and managed reflection by DMOs. The paper recommends that DMOs question their existing knowledge, assumptions and beliefs through reflection and dialogue with stakeholders and collect and analyse information, not just related to confirming the success of crisis strategies, but to assesses the likely impact of alternatives. Challenging existing mental models and capturing this emergent knowledge should enable DMOs to develop even better tourism crisis communication strategies in the future.  相似文献   

鉴于学科分野的原因,不同学科有着不同的定性研究表达传统,在学科内部的交流并不会形成交流障碍或批评焦点。而旅游研究是一个多学科交叉领域,定性研究方法及其成果表达常会形成分歧。文章在总结定性研究评价相关研究的基础上,以《旅游学刊》2000—2013年定性研究论文为分析对象,从定性旅游研究的表达规范与表达逻辑等几个方面对57篇样本文献进行元分析(meta-analysis),发现目前定性研究表达主要存在的问题是对研究问题的概念关系与理论框架、研究策略与研究方法过程介绍不充分,对研究问题与研究方法、研究材料与研究结论的逻辑一致性关注不够,对研究结论的可信度影响因素未进行充分说明。在此基础上,作者反思了旅游定性研究的发展趋势与关注重点。  相似文献   

Concerted singing is a common amateur activity in many parts of the world. Such singing is at minimum two-part vocal harmony with or without accompaniment, which may, however, be carried out in groups of 150 voices or larger. It ranges from informal gatherings of 2 to 4 people (male, female and both) who come together to sing their favourite songs or hymns with or without accompaniment to large community formations such as the barbershop and symphony choruses. Despite the widespread popular interest in this kind of activity, research on it as leisure outside that on barbershop singing is nonexistent. The concept of institutional chorus is developed and set in the serious leisure perspective. Interview data from a qualitative study of a Chinese university faculty chorus are then analysed and presented according to six concepts: career, social world, constraints and facilitators, costs, benefits, and rewards. Concerted singing in an institutional chorus, this exploratory study suggests, meets the six qualities of a serious pursuit. This kind of singing was found to be a deeply rewarding activity for its participants.  相似文献   

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