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Is the degree of external economies (at the industry level) higher than the degree of internal increasing returns (at the firm level)? If so, what is the exact source of this difference? In the general equilibrium model in which firms producing final goods choose the degree of specialization of their technologies, external economies arise from the usage of intermediate inputs and the existence of internal increasing returns. It is frequently assumed that increasing returns are absent at the firm level while present at the industry level. In this model, the existence of increasing returns at the form level is necessary for the existence of external economies at the industry level. We show that the degree of external economies increases with the level of linkage effects. However, a higher linkage effect does not always lead firms to choose more specialized technologies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the recent changes in financial practices and relations in emerging capitalist economies (ECEs) using the example of Brazil. It argues that in ECEs these financial transformations, akin to the financialisation phenomena observed in Core Capitalist Economies (CCEs), are fundamentally shaped by their subordinated integration into a financialised and structured world economy. To analyse this subordinated financialisation, the paper draws on the framework of international currency hierarchies. It shows by means of two specific processes how the existence of a hierarchic international monetary system has changed the financial behaviour of domestic economic agents, and with it the structure of the financial system. The first process highlights the phenomenon of reserve accumulation and the changing behaviour of domestic banks. The second points to ECEs’ sustained external vulnerability and its impact on the operations of Brazilian non-financial corporations. The paper also shows that not only were these financial transformations shaped by ECEs’ subordinated financial integration, but also that it was these financialisation tendencies themselves which contributed to cementing existing hierarchies and further deepened existing asymmetries between ECEs and CCEs.  相似文献   

依据1998年至2008年的数据,通过对中国银行业的市场竞争程度进行测度和考察银行业竞争程度对不同外部融资依赖程度的制造业部门的影响,得出结论:我国金融发展和银行业市场竞争程度的提高,有利于外部融资依赖度较高类型的制造业部门的发展,在短期内有利于产业发展和经济增长,但在长期内会导致资金和技术密集型制造业部门的资本深化,对产业结构和经济发展造成不利影响。这对调整和完善我国制造业部门的产业结构、调节和管理不同产业部门的资本需求、促进银行业市场结构健康发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

This article tests for economies of scale and for evidence of discrimination based on gender lines in intra-household consumption allocations using data from the Living Standards Survey in the Republic of Tajikistan (TLSS). Overall results support the existence of household economies of scale in Tajikistan; however, empirical evidence supporting boy–girl discrimination is limited despite anecdotal evidence otherwise.  相似文献   

Barriers to entry for multinational banks (MNBs) have been reduced in many countries. This paper studies the effect of the presence of MNBs on the supply and quality of credit in emerging economies. This study uses data from the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund. The results indicate that the credit supply declines in response to increased competition from MNBs. However, the adverse effect of MNBs on the credit supply is less pronounced when the presence of MNBs is larger. The paper also provides some tentative results on the effect of MNBs on the quality of loans. The results suggest that banks shift their portfolios away from loans as a result of increased international financial competition, thereby reducing default risk, which is also reflected in a negative relationship between MNB presence and the chance of a banking crisis occurring.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国银行业竞争程度对制造业外部融资行为以及制造业本身发展的影响,并据此判断银行业竞争程度的动态变化对我国经济发展的影响。首先,通过Panzar-Rosse模型测度了1998~2008年间我国银行业市场的竞争程度,结果表明,我国银行业市场竞争度在样本期内呈现出上升的趋势;其次,运用OLS方法分析了银行业市场竞争度对不同外部融资依赖程度的制造业部门的影响,结果发现,银行业市场竞争度的上升为制造业的外部融资行为提供了便利,有利于外部融资依赖度较高类型的制造业部门的发展。因此,本文得出的结论为,银行业竞争程度的上升促进了制造业的发展和经济增长。  相似文献   

"十二五"时期是我国加速转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期,转变经济发展方式问题不仅受到党中央、国务院和社会各界的广泛关注,而且是在资源压力、环境压力和国际压力环境下关系我国经济可持续发展以及建设资源节约型、环境友好型和小康社会的重大战略选择,具有极端重要性和紧迫性。公共财政应积极从调整优化支出结构、加大投入力度、实行奖限税收政策、完善税制结构、深化财政体制改革等方面为加快转变经济发展方式服务。  相似文献   

杨振宁 《技术经济》2007,26(11):23-26,38
对外贸易对经济增长的影响是目前经济学界的一个热点问题。本文选择典型对外贸易区——上海进行分析,利用1985-2004年上海市进出口和GDP的年度经济数据,借助协整检验、误差修正模型等方法,从不同的角度研究了对外贸易与经济增长之间的动态关系,定量地刻画了对外贸易在经济增长中的作用大小。实证结果表明:进出口对经济增长的贡献滞后一年才显著;短期内,出口比进口对经济增长的贡献大,但在长期,进口比出口对经济增长的贡献要大的多。  相似文献   

传统产业体系蜕变与现代产业体系形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以产业体系是企业间联系方式的定义出发,以企业竞争行为从数量竞争转向创新竞争作为传统产业体系与现代产业体系分水岭,分析了现代产业体系是保证企业创新行为为生存方式的产业体系,推断出小批量、多品种、快调整是这一阶段对外部环境的要求,信息、物流、风险投资和科技服务这四个部门服务于企业创新行为,构成了现代产业体系的基础设施,而企业则最大限度地利用外部规模经济来保证自己的创新竞争力。人均收入的提高不仅带来了对产品和服务品种的需求扩张,也提升了个人生命价值。政府需要从民族整体利益和长远利益将现代产业体系作为政策工具,政府对经济的干预不再仅仅针对需求,而是针对抑制新的市场失灵。本文分析了两种现代产业体系推进机制一内生性市场推进和外生性政府推进,并认为中国适用于政府推进。  相似文献   

李斌  赵新华 《财经研究》2011,(4):112-122
文章将环境污染的影响分解为规模效应、结构效应、纯生产技术效应、纯污染治理技术效应、混合技术效应、结构生产技术效应、结构治理技术效应和综合效应,并运用37个工业行业2001-2009年三种主要废气排放数据实证分析了工业经济结构和技术进步对工业废气减排的贡献,得到如下结论:纯生产技术效应、纯污染治理技术效应在减排过程中占据了主导地位;工业经济结构的变化对工业废气减排的作用效果不明显,相对2001年甚至还加剧了环境污染;结构生产技术效应和结构治理技术效应都对废气减排起到了促进作用,环境技术进步在一定程度上弥补了工业结构的不合理。  相似文献   

刘群 《经济问题》2001,(2):18-21
本文对西部大开发从多个方面提出了研究思路,指出西部发展战略应是一种适度倾斜的非均衡协调发展战略,认为要加快西部大开发,必须加快东西部城市的经济合作,从注重地区比较优势转变为培育企业竞争优势,尤其是要调整西部金融战略,改变西部资金的流向,建立资金向东部向西部的“回流”机制,从根本上解决制约西部经济发展的资金不足问题。  相似文献   

Using panel data, we estimate measures of density, scale and scope economies in four countries that differ substantially in their levels of economic development and in their piped water and sewerage coverage: Brazil, Moldova, Romania and Vietnam. We find evidence of economies of scale in Moldova, Romania and Vietnam. In Brazil, we cannot reject the null hypothesis of constant returns to scale. The results of this study show that the cost structure of water and sewerage utilities varies significantly within and between countries and over time.   相似文献   

杨震宁  吴晨  耿慧芳 《技术经济》2020,39(4):1-10,16
目前成立在华国际合资企业是我国引进外商投资的重要途径之一。本文通过实证研究探究在华国际合资企业研发环境与其产品创新绩效之间的关系。研究结果显示,在华IJVs所处的研发环境中,政府支持、市场环境、知识环境以及市场对创新的需求都对产品创新绩效具有直接影响,基础设施与社会环境这一因素对在华IJVs产品创新的影响并不显著。研究还发现,在华国际合资企业采取技术创新成果的竞争性保护措施和法律保护措施均会对在华IJVs研发环境和产品创新之间的关系产生调节作用。  相似文献   

The article quantifies the spillover effects of the United States’ (US) uncertainty shocks on emerging economies, using a panel VAR model. We find that the US uncertainty shocks are the risks, and hence drop the capital inflow, investment, consumption, export and output of emerging economies. This also induces a depreciation of emerging market currencies. As a result, our model predicts a fall in short-term interest rate of emerging economies to react against the US uncertainty shocks. Our findings partly help explain the slow recovery of the world economy after the 2008–2009 global financial crisis.  相似文献   

Setterfield criticised previous formal models of cumulativecausation (CC) for their determinism in which economic growthrates are simply a function of 'initial conditions'. Setterfieldargued these formal models accurately represented the work ofthe leading CC figure, Nicholas Kaldor. This paper argues that,on the contrary, Kaldor identified a number of endogenous mechanismsthat account for those stylised facts of economic history, whichare absent in formal models of CC.  相似文献   

收集了2009—2018年全国煤炭工业企业科技创新数据、煤炭深加工等转型数据,采用判别分析法确定煤炭企业科技创新效率、高质量绿色转型效应;收集全国34家煤业上市公司数据,采用熵值法确定煤炭企业资产结构演变熵值和绿色演变效应;采用回归分析法确定科技创新效率与经济高质量绿色发展效应的关系,得出的结论是:煤炭工业科技创新从整体上产生了经济高质量绿色发展效应。这种“高质量发展”作用主要是促进了煤炭企业高质量转型,产生了绿色转型效应。其绿色转型效应远远超过煤炭企业产业方向调整、资产结构演变所产生的“阵痛”负作用;煤炭企业高质量转型、资产结构绿色演变是连接科技创新与经济效益的纽带。  相似文献   

改革开放前后中国经济发展方式的转变和优化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以前,中国采取的是粗放型、内向型的经济发展方式,以数量规模扩张、外延扩大、高投入、高消耗、高积累、低消费、内需推动、重工业优先、重速度、轻效益为其基本特征;改革开放以来,中国形成趋向集约型为主、外向型的经济发展方式,仍然以数量规模扩张、外延扩大、追求速度、高投入、高消耗、高积累、低消费为重要特征,并且具有产业结构不断调整、外需拉动作用显著、效率有所提高的新特征;经济发展方式根本转变和优化的趋势,是要形成科学发展方式。  相似文献   

由于历史、地理环境、发展基础等多方面原因,广东北部山区与广东其他区域经济相比较,存在着较大的差异。近年来北部山区经济虽有较大的发展,但仍然比较落后。本文从北部山区经济发展现状入手,采用比较分析的方法揭示山区经济发展中存在的主要问题,探讨培育广东北部山区经济增长点。  相似文献   

草业优先发展是我国恢复草地生态和开发草地资源的迫切要求。草地特有的生态系统公益为我国提供不可缺少的生存资源禀赋,在维持生态平衡中具有不可替代性,是草业优先发展的理论依据。草业开发应走生态和经济相结合的知识密集型草产业开发道路,文中对其内涵及市场前景作了深入阐释,并提出草业优先发展需要制度创新和政策扶持。  相似文献   

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