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In the last two decades, there have been important changes in inflation dynamics in Turkey. While average inflation rate, inflation volatility and inflation persistence declined, the prices of tradable goods have shown an increase less than prices of non-tradable goods. The aim of this paper is to inquire whether the globalization has an effect on this change and to test whether and how it affected the slope of the Phillips Curve. The findings point out that global activity did have an effect on domestic inflation rate and that Phillips Curve got flatter.  相似文献   


Inflation, calculated as year-on-year per cent change in general price level, represents a combined effect of several types of price changes. The monetary authorities primarily focus to track that part of inflation, which can be effectively monitored and controlled using various monetary instruments. This persistent component of inflation is termed as ‘Core Inflation’, which possesses long-run properties as well as predictive power to forecast inflation. This paper makes use of Quah and Vahey’s definition of core inflation as that component of headline inflation, which has no impact on output in medium to long run and estimates it by placing restrictions on vector auto regression system with inflation and output growth. The analysis is based on monthly data from April 1995 to January 2009. Empirical results showed that in India, during 2006 and 2007, the inflation process was stronger than what headline inflation figures actually depicted and in 2008 the inflationary process has tended to be somewhat weaker than what was observed in headline inflation.


We study the dynamics of inflation persistence in 45 countries for the period 1960–2008 using a recently developed test for multiple changes in persistence, which decomposes the sample information between adjacent I (0) and I (1) periods. We find that: (i) inflation persistence and average inflation tend to fall and rise at the same time; (ii) in some countries there are changes in the level of inflation which do not seem to be related to changes in inflation persistence; (iii) around half of the countries analyzed do not present any burst of I (1) behavior, and hence have stationary inflation throughout; (iv) for the other half, we detect switches of the type I (0) ? I (1) ? I (0), hence, inflation persistence, when it has occurred, has been temporal; and, (v) for about half of the countries in which inflation has presented I (1) behavior, persistent inflation lasted more than a decade. In addition, we find that in the last 50 years there have been mainly two episodes where long bursts of I (1) inflation took place simultaneously among groups of countries. In general, the “Great Inflation” occurred during the seventies and eighties in advanced economies, whereas it occurred during the eighties and nineties in emerging economies, particularly in Latin America.  相似文献   

中国通胀惯性特征与货币政策启示   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
通胀惯性与货币政策效果紧密相关。本文应用具有统计无偏性的"Grid Bootstrap"估计法和未知断点结构突变检验法,研究了1980—2007年中国通货膨胀的惯性特征。本文发现,在低通胀环境下通货膨胀仍然呈现相当高的惯性特征,这暗示着我国货币政策的滞后效应依然非常明显,通货膨胀对政策变化的反应速度缓慢。计量结果说明,中央银行至少应该在出现通胀压力前一年采取措施,来应对高通胀惯性环境下的政策滞后效应。因此,新时期货币当局不仅需要保持对通胀抬头趋势的适度警觉,而且应该关注高通胀惯性对政策效果的影响。  相似文献   

Although the long–run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis is expected to hold across tradable goods, all price indices available to researchers for testing the validity of PPP contain some proportion of non–tradable goods prices, which may generate substantial persistence in the real exchange rate. We construct time series for quarterly price indices that minimize the presence of non–tradable goods for six major economies. Applying recently developed nonlinear econometric techniques to the resulting five US dollar real exchange rate series for the recent floating exchange rate regime, we provide evidence that the nonlinear mean reverting properties of these real exchange rate series are stronger than the mean reverting properties of real exchange rate time series constructed using the consumer price index (CPI). In turn, these results have a natural economic interpretation.
(J.E.L.: F31).  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of the relative price between tradable and nontradable goods in a group of European countries. A model of an open economy is used to analyze different factors that can account for an increase in the relative price of nontradable goods. These factors are (a) faster technological progress in the tradable goods sector, (b) demand shifts toward nontradable goods, and (c) real wage pressures. the relevance of these factors is analyzed empirically for France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来通货膨胀的频发,成为严重困扰世界各国经济运行的主要难题之一,引发了众多国外学者对通货膨胀的广泛关注以及从宏观层面到微观基础层面的深入研究。本文主要从通货膨胀的福利成本、通货膨胀的不确定性、持续性和通货膨胀目标制四个方面入手,着重回顾与评论20世纪90年代尤其是21世纪以来的国外学者研究通货膨胀问题的成果,以期在把握通货膨胀问题研究的进展中,总结治理经验与合理借鉴应对政策。  相似文献   

Turkey implemented an ambitious restructuring of the economy in the past several years, including the adoption of inflation targeting along with a floating exchange rate regime. Inflation came down from almost triple digits to single digits between 2001 and 2005. This particular episode of the Turkish economy sets a genuine case study for investigating the possible changes in the behaviour of inflation expectations upon a regime shift. Accordingly, this study analyses inflation expectations in Turkey, focusing especially on the post-2001 transition phase. We first conduct classical tests of unbiasedness and efficiency using aggregate survey data between August 2001 and October 2007 to get a statistical benchmark for rationality; we find that classical tests reject full rationality hypothesis for all series except next month's Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation expectations. Then, we carry out Time-Varying Parameter (TVP) estimates based on a Kalman filter to see how the coefficients in the classical test equations evolve over time. This framework allows us to see whether there is convergence to rationality in terms of unbiasedness and efficiency. We find that forecast performance has improved through time, as the coefficients on the test equations shows movement towards values implied by unbiasedness and efficiency hypotheses, supporting the learning hypothesis.  相似文献   


This paper integrates ideas concerning the influence of the interest rate on the rate of profits with an analysis of inflation and its relation with unemployment. Inflation is regarded, as in Kaleckian contributions, as resulting from inconsistent claims on income, but the approach taken leads to different conclusions concerning the effects of inflation (or deflation) on income distribution, and the circumstances giving rise to acceleration of inflation. The approach followed in the paper also provides explanations of phenomena that have appeared 'puzzling', particularly the association of different unemployment rates with stable inflation, and the persistence of high rates of unemployment.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate inflation persistence in the United States using long-range monthly and annual data. The importance of inflation persistence is crucial to policy authorities and market participants, since the level of inflation persistence provides an indication on the susceptibility of the economy to exogenous shocks. Departing from classic econometric approaches found in the relevant literature, we evaluate inflation persistence through the nonparametric Hurst exponent within both a global and a rolling window framework. Moreover, we expand our analysis to detect the potential existence of chaos in the data generating process, in order to enhance the robustness of our conclusions. Overall, we find that inflation persistence is high from 1775 to 2013 for the annual data-set and from February 1876 to May 2014 in monthly frequency, respectively. Especially from the monthly data-set, the rolling window approach allows us to derive that inflation persistence has reached to historically high levels in the post–Bretton Woods period and remained there ever since.  相似文献   

This article, presents empirical evidence supporting instability of the Phillips curve in Turkey. We employ the multiple structural break models and the Markov-switching models and then evaluate the performance of the two models. The data pertain to the monthly inflation rate in Turkey for the period of 1987 to 2004. The results show that the Turkish Phillips curve is not linear. There exists no evidence on the asymmetry in the inflation response to output gap. The persistence of inflation is found to be much lower than in linear models. After 2001, slight decline in persistence of inflation is observed. There exits weaker support for the Phillips curve for the periods where the policymakers attempt to take the advantage of the tradeoff between output and inflation relationship.  相似文献   

This article discusses the secular volatility of output, inflation, the exchange rate, and poverty in Argentina. Inflation, currency devaluation and a wide gross domestic product (GDP) cycle have been recurrent problems in Argentina for several decades. The literature has extensively discussed those issues from different viewpoints. This study focuses on a relatively unexplored theme that may contribute to a partial explanation. It deals with the continuous tendency to equalize different profitabilities resulting, in turn, from remarkably different sectoral purchasing power parities. Thus, for any given exchange rate, an incessant tendency toward the equalization of profitabilities generates opposing inflationary and devaluatory pressures. The resulting inflation-devaluation cycle feeds income redistribution, GDP fluctuation, real exchange rate instability, and high levels of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Rising consumer prices may reflect shifts by consumers to new higher‐priced products, mostly for durable and semi‐durable goods. I apply Bils’ (2009) methodology to newly available Canadian consumer price data for non‐shelter goods and services to estimate how price increases can be divided between quality growth and price inflation. I find that less than one third of observed price increases during model changeovers should be attributed to quality growth. This implies overall price inflation close to inflation measured by the official index. I conclude that, according to Bils’ methodology, the quality bias is not an important source of potential mismeasurement of CPI inflation in Canada.  相似文献   

ON GOODS AND SERVICES   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The paper is concerned with the concept, definition and measurement of a service. Although services are often dismissed as immaterial goods, they are not special kinds of goods and belong in a quite different logical category from goods. The search for appropriate units of quantity in which to measure services is not an idle metaphysical pursuit. Without quantity units there can be no prices, and most economic theory becomes irrelevant. Indeed, large parts of economic theory may be irrelevant to the analysis of services anyway, precisely because they are not goods which can be exchanged among economic units. Services are as important as goods in modern developed economies and they need to be identified and quantified properly if the measurement of economic growth and inflation is to have any meaning for the economy as a whole. The concept of a service is explained in some detail in the paper, and various ways in which services can be classified for purposes of economic analysis are elaborated. The distinction between private and public goods, or rather between private and collective services, is re-examined in the light of the general concept of a service proposed in the paper. Externalities are shown to be simply special kinds of services.  相似文献   

This article examines the dynamic characteristics of the inflation rate in Tunisia over the last two decades, and particularly following the onset of the Arab Spring in 2010 which causes distortions in this country’s monetary policy. We focus on the two specific dimensions of the Tunisian inflation rate: inflation regimes and persistence. We tackle this issue by adopting an evolutionary spectral approach, initially proposed by Priestley and Tong (1973). Our main findings indicate a stable inflation regime in the last 10 years, with an average inflation rate of around 5.5%. It is also found that the Tunisian inflation experienced a high degree of inertia which reflects its gradual responses to shocks. We also discuss the policy implications of these results, which typically require policy-makers to implement sound institutional reforms to reduce inflation.  相似文献   

The paper presents a neo-structuralist econometric analysis of the monthly inflation rates. The model breaks down the CPI into different components based on their price-formation mechanisms. The basic breakdown defines three components: PFLEX (fruits and vegetables, 3.6% of the basket), PREGUL (prices regulated by the government, 20.1% of the basket) and PFIX (the rest of goods and services, 76.3% of the basket). PFIX is the focus of the econometric analysis while PFLEX and PREGUL are considered exogenous. The explanatory variables are the monthly rates of: the price of bovine cattle at the domestic market, the international soy price, the price by ton of imported intermediate goods, the nominal exchange rate, the average wage of workers that are registered in Social Security and the productivity, measured by the GDP by employed worker. There was an informal indexation mechanism in the labor market. Average monthly wages rose at annual rates that were almost always higher than the sum of past annual inflation plus the annual increase in productivity. The over-indexation of the unit labor cost was the main inflationary factor in the period. The inertial component, represented in the model by the previous monthly rate, determines 60% of the current rate.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of the adoption of inflation targeting (IT) on the dynamics of city‐level inflation in Korea using both aggregate and sector‐level data. When looking at aggregate regional inflation, we find that the mean, volatility and persistence fell in all cities in the wake of the monetary policy regime change, consistent with other evidence in the literature. Delving more deeply into the disaggregate data reveals additional insights however. For most of the changes we observe in the dynamics of regional inflation, we find that the aggregate effects are being driven primarily by sectors that fall into the ‘Services’ category. We posit that the impact of better anchored inflationary expectations is primarily on the less‐traded services sectors of the economy, where the domestic monetary policy framework has a relatively larger influence. When it comes to the increased co‐movement observed across regions under an IT regime, however, it is the ‘Commodities’ sectors rather than ‘Services’ that are responsible, probably because services inflation becomes relatively more influenced by local factors once it has stabilized within the target range. Therefore, adoption of IT may not necessarily increase all measures of regional synchronization even when the goal of better‐anchored inflationary expectations is achieved.  相似文献   

真是过剩流动性引发了中国的通货膨胀吗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年7月以来,中国的CPI屡创新高,面临越来越大的通胀压力。社会普遍认为,此次通胀的形成归结于2009年以来中国人民银行流动性的过度投放,故而为控制通胀需紧缩流动性的呼声很高。本文基于1998年1月到2011年4月的月度同比数据,利用SVAR模型分析了中国通货膨胀增长率、国际大宗商品价格和过剩流动性之间的关系。结果表明,流动性过剩对中国通货膨胀增长的冲击非常小,而国际大宗商品价格变动对通胀增长有更大、更持续的正向冲击。国际大宗商品价格变动对中国通胀增长率的影响,远远大于过剩流动性对通胀的影响。  相似文献   

苏梽芳  陈凡 《金融评论》2012,(2):54-61,125
本文拓展有限理性菲利普斯曲线模型并结合中国参数进行校准,然后利用校准模型研究中国通货膨胀惯性特征及其与通货膨胀不确定性之间的关系。结果显示,有限理性菲利普斯曲线模型能很好地模拟出与中国实际通货膨胀惯性类似的特征。进一步研究还发现,研究样本期间,中国通货膨胀惯性总体上呈现先上升而逐渐下降的驼峰型特征,而且与通货膨胀预期不确定性存在正向相关关系。这些发现意味着,我国中央银行货币政策滞后效应正在缩短,而为了进一步降低通胀惯性并提高货币政策有效性,引导通货膨胀预期保持稳定是一大途径。  相似文献   

In this paper we incorporate Taylor's (1979) staggered wage setting into an optimising dynamic general equilibrium framework to study whether staggered wages could induce a high degree of persistence in the real effects of money shocks. We conclude that high persistence is an unlikely outcome. Sensible values of the microeconomic parameters and/or a moderate rate of underlying inflation imply a low degree of persistence. Furthermore, once explicit microfoundations are taken into account, we show that: (i) the model is highly non-linear; (ii) the inertia of the system is inversely related to the level of average inflation.  相似文献   

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