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我国民营经济不断发展壮大 ,已经成为推动我国经济增长的主力军 ,但是民营经济的进一步发展却受到多方面因素的约束 ,其中政策的因素在某种程度上是制约民营经济发展的一个主要原因。相对全国范围而言 ,中西部地区的落后在一定程度上表现为政策落后 ,虽然政府制定了不少政策 ,但是在有效性上存在颇多问题 ,政策特性遭到忽略就是主要问题之一。政策的制定和实施应体现出以下几种特性 :公平性、管理性、竞争性、优惠性和保护性。产业政策是影响民营经济发展的最重要政策之一 ,中西部有必要认真研究产业政策的特性 ,发现现有政策的不足 ,为政策创新提供思路  相似文献   

This paper shows how the Japanese variant of indicative planning has dealt with the oil crisis. Goals for leading export industries and for income distribution have been promoted through “administered competition” (a key policy in the strong economic growth of the 1960s) and pricing policies (including selective controls). The “price-bargaining” mechanism (aided by sociopolitical forces) has proved effective in oil products, even under floating exchange rates. One noteworthy policy alteration is the encouragement of sales in Japan by large foreign oil companies but under constraints that tie their interests more closely to those of Japan.  相似文献   

Economic policy is modelled as the outcome of a (political) game between two interest groups. The possible ex-post (realized) outcomes in the game correspond to the proposed policies. In the literature policy proposals are exogenous. We extend such games by allowing the endogenous determination of the proposed policies. In a first stage the groups decide which policy to lobby for and then, in a second stage, engage in a contest over the proposed policies. Our main result is that competition over endogenously determined policies induces strategic restraint that reduces polarization and, in turn, wasteful lobbying activities.  相似文献   

The European Union accepted 10 new member states (NMS) in 2004, eight of which were former socialist countries. New members have had to adjust their economic policies to EU standards. Perhaps most difficult has been fiscal policy, where NMS must comply with the Stability and Growth Pact rules. Indeed, four of the eight post-communist NMS breached the SGP limits and were put in the Excessive Deficit Procedure. While the SGP is being modified, fiscal policy is set to remain on the agenda for all NMS.

This article analyses fiscal policy in the eight NMS, focusing primarily on the period immediately preceding their EU accession. The structure and scale of these countries' fiscal policy are analysed and the main trends in the revenue and expenditure of their public budgets identified. Then the dynamics of fiscal policies in the NMS are explored and the main factors in them isolated. The authors show how much of the consolidation was due to the fiscal authorities' effort and how much was caused by external factors. They also show that most NMS governments have run rather inconsistent fiscal policies and have not consolidated their budgets appropriately, postponing politically difficult consolidation measures. However, they also identify a group of countries characterised by strong reform efforts and responsible fiscal policy making, supported usually by strong economic growth. In this context, room is given to economic as well as political economy factors.  相似文献   

In recent years, China has been faced by an increasingly severe water shortage due to the continual growth of demand on water resources. Although the Chinese government has been actively promoting the agricultural water-saving technology adoption, it is ill-informed of the adoption degree of the current agricultural watersaving technologies as well as the function of the governmental policies, Therefore, this paper" analyzes the aforesaid problems based on investigative data of 10 provinces in China. The results demonstrate that although there is a rapid increase of adopted agricultural water-saving technologies, the actual adoption area is rather limited. Moreover, the governmental policies and scarcity of water resources are the deierminants of agricultural water-saving technology adoption. Ultimately, the paper proposes some policy suggestions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider the policy implications of the ‘new economics’. The focus will be on financial stability as an objective of policy within a more general framework of policies. The theoretical framework upon which we base our policy conclusions is summarised to provide understandings of the operation of the economy and the need for policy interventions, before the main policy implications, the focus of this paper, are discussed. In doing so we argue that an important policy dimension, which has been ignored in the past, is financial stability, a new focus of monetary policy amongst other implications. The theoretical framework upon which we base our policy conclusions tries to avoid the problems encountered by the previously dominant paradigm ‘New Consensus in Macroeconomics’. It represents in this sense ‘new thinking in economics’.  相似文献   

A Scenario-Based Assessment Model—SBAM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scenario generation methods have often been used by policy makers as an instrument to manage the uncertainty of the technological environment and to support the shaping of long-term technology policies. Although scenario generation methods are conceptually useful in the shaping of long-term technology policies, the literature suggests that there is a methodological gap between the two. In an effort to bridge this gap, the authors propose a Scenario-Based Assessment Model (SBAM). This work introduces the principles and methodological basics of the SBAM. Moreover, an example is given to illustrate how this model can be applied.  相似文献   

Given a series of crisis events after 2007 the discussion about the adjustment channels of current account imbalances has been revived. We examine the role of exchange rates vs macroeconomic policies as determinants of current accounts for a set of 86 mainly emerging market economies between 1990 and 2013 to identify adjustment channels for global imbalances. We find that nominal exchange rates are not the main determinant of current account positions. Instead, depending on the region, monetary and/or fiscal policies are identified as the main driving force of current accounts. For East Asia and the oil exporting countries sterilization policies, i.e. relatively tight monetary policies, are the main determinants. In contrast for many European periphery countries fiscal policy stances are at the core of current account positions. Only for the Latin American countries does the exchange rate play a significant role as determinant of current account positions.  相似文献   

近年来,绿色壁垒成为欧盟限制我国企业的最新趋势。本文对欧盟及其成员国近年来的政策进行了文献调研,分析了这一趋势的表现、成因、影响与应对建议,主要内容如下:欧盟科技创新政策正不断提高绿色壁垒,主要表现为提升进口产品环保标准、支持当地企业环保转型以及推动国际经贸规则中环保标准的提高。我国企业或将受到较大影响。究其原因,绿色壁垒与传统限制手段相比具有更多优势。未来,原材料出口、机电产品等与欧盟环保差距较大的领域可能受到较大影响。建议我国政府密切关注欧盟情况,做好前瞻性应对预案,推动我国企业环保转型。  相似文献   

Access to finance has become a major policy issue under the term Financial Inclusion. In this paper, we focus on the role of postal operators in financial inclusion policies. In developing countries, postal firms typically manage a dense network of counters with a unique coverage of rural areas where the banking sector is totally absent. We use a formal location model for postal counters and bank agencies to show that in rural areas a post‐bank partnership can be a vector of financial inclusion and that this can be done profitably.  相似文献   

拓展军民资源是我国破解资源约束、实现结构优化、促进经济社会发展的重大战略举措。基于1978-2021年出台的79份军民资源政策,通过政策文本量化分析,构建基于PMC指数模型的军民资源政策评价指标体系,从政策属性、政策内容、政策理念、政策实施4个维度刻画军民资源政策对军民资源拓展的支撑效果。研究结果显示,不同等级军民资源政策均较好地贯彻了军民资源拓展的指导思想。其中,PMC指数得分较高的军民资源政策场域广阔,能够为更多场景中的军民资源拓展提供空间;PMC指数得分较低的军民资源政策能释放更多的治理资源存量,发挥政策聚焦优势和比较优势,提升军民资源拓展水平。  相似文献   

In recent years, the rules-versus-discretion debate over monetary policy has taken on new life. In the 1960s, this debate focused on the relative merits of nonactivist policies versus activist stabilization policies. When rational expectations arguments emerged in the 1970s, the debate broadened into three categories: activist policies characterized by rules, activist policies characterized by discretion, and nonactivist policies characterized by rules. This paper presents arguments for a particular example of the latter of these policies…specifically, a monetary policy which accords preeminence to achieving price-level stability. Central to these arguments is a comparison of this hypothetical policy with the actual monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve System, which is a type of activist policy characterized by discretion. The comparison suggests that actual monetary policy is more constrained than is generally realized. A rule mandating that the Federal Reserve accord preeminence to achieving price-level stability, then, should not be regarded as a policy which would significantly increase constraints on monetary policy. Instead, such a rule should be regarded as replacing implicit, poorly understood constraints with explicit constraints.  相似文献   

Between 50 and 125 million Europeans are unable to afford the energy needed for adequate heating, cooking, light and use of appliances in the home. Tackling fuel poverty has thus become a public policy challenge. In this article, we assess the effectiveness of social energy subsidies and social housing to reduce fuel poverty. The literature reports that rising fuel prices, low incomes and energy-inefficient housing are the main causes of fuel poverty. Existing public policies focus mainly on price- and income-based measures to reduce fuel poverty, such as social energy subsidies. This type of policy is palliative as it does not permit to sustainably eradicate fuel poverty. Other policies aim to encourage renovation in order to improve energy efficiency. Those policies are curative as they sustainably reduce one cause of fuel poverty: energy inefficiency. In this article, we focus on another public policy to tackle fuel poverty: social housing. We believe that this policy could be preventive, as the literature reports the better energy efficiency of social housing. We use matching methods and find that living in social housing decreases fuel poverty by 5.4% to 9.1%. On the contrary, social energy subsidies have no effect on fuel poverty.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between aid and growth, through the explicit inclusion of the investment component. We construct a new database, which adds to the previous papers’ variables (policy, institutional quality and civil unrest) some capital accumulation indicators. Partly based on the main literature, a simultaneous equations model is constructed to account for endogeneity and different methods are applied for a robustness check. Although in line with previous literature, in this paper we find that the capital accumulation process is a significant and fundamental channel to understand the link between development assistance and growth. In low-income countries aid effectiveness seems to be significantly lower.  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is increasing need for the integration of policy considerations in the formulation of research questions and in the development of analytical work in policy oriented innovation studies. Despite the fact that Evolutionary and Innovation Studies theories have offered new ways of incorporating policy, little explicitness in this regard has yet been achieved and there is a risk that academic research following the new perspectives will be of little relevance for policy. Rather than a ‘linear process’ starting with empirical research aimed at linking competitiveness and economic performance to technological capabilities (in a comparative perspective and aimed at identifying ‘best practice’) followed by very abstract and un-grounded ‘policy implications' - a new type of link between positive and normative economics in the field is required. Our approach suggests a new structure for policy-oriented and policy-relevant research, i.e. the integration of research on technological change and industrial transformation with research on policy and the development of a conceptual framework for the design and implementation of innovation policies.  相似文献   

中国古代赋税政策发生了八次重大的改革,其中不乏有减免农业赋税的政策,这些政策有长期减免赋税以劝农和临时减免赋税以救荒为主,表现出赋税减免政策的周期性、单一性、偏重性和阶级性。这些政策的出台,与中国古代一直奉行的"重农思想"、历史条件下的土地制度和政治人士的推动作用是分不开的,它们在一定程度上缓和了阶级矛盾,促进了社会的发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a dynamic general equilibrium (DGE) model to address the macrofiscal vulnerabilities and the effects of fiscal policy on growth and employment in Algeria. We first discuss the baseline scenario over the period 2021–2040. According to our baseline results, without fundamental changes in fiscal policies, even relatively high growth will not be sufficient to put public debt on a sustainable path. We then conduct four experiments and assess their impact on fiscal accounts, growth, and unemployment: an increase in the efficiency of public spending on infrastructure investment, a gradual reduction in the share of noninterest government spending in GDP, the same gradual reduction in spending combined with a permanent increase in the share of investment in infrastructure in total noninterest government expenditure, and a composite fiscal reform program that combines these individual policies, respectively. The results suggest that public debt sustainability can be achieved, and growth and employment can be promoted, as long as an ambitious fiscal reform program involving tax, spending, and governance reforms is implemented. Importantly, our quantitative analysis shows that, with a well-designed fiscal program, there may be no trade-off between fiscal consolidation and economic growth.  相似文献   

过去几年,我国对外投资不断增加,引起人们越来越多的关注,这正是各级、各部门切实贯彻、落实“走出去”战略的 必然结果,表明我国对外开放将从以“引进来”为主,转向以“引进来”和“走出去”并重的新时期,这是我国经济发展和对外开 放达到特定历史阶段后必然出现的趋势。  相似文献   

China has continued to experience rapid growth in its foreign trade since the implementation of its reform and opening-up policies. In recent years, the country has become the world’s largest exporter and second largest importer of goods and commodities. China’s trade policy has also gradually been transforming from protectionism to open trade. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive survey on the literature of China’s trade policy. The review covers (1) export and import policies, (2) tariff and non-tariff barriers, and (3) policy effects and motivations behind the policy design. This paper also reports on important topics and issues that deserve more research attention.  相似文献   

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