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This article examines a new degree, the Management of Technology (MOT). To create customer value and competitive advantage in today’s technological environment, bridges must be built between managers who know what needs to be done and technologists who know how to do it. The traditional MBA program has focused on defining what needs to be done vis-a-vis customers and competitors. The traditional MS in technology program focused on how to do it. The emerging MOT programs bridge the two perspectives. Forces creating demand for MOT programs are explored and current MOT programs examined. This paper describes the MS in Technology Management program at Pepperdine University’s George L. Graziadio Graduate School of Business and Management as representative of MOT programs. The author has taught in Pepperdine University’s MS in Technology Management program since 1989.  相似文献   

The changing Master of Business Administration (MBA) marketplace and considerable direct and indirect costs for an MBA degree mean that school administrators and other stakeholders need a better understanding of what factors may influence the rate of return to their MBA programs. We investigated the potential of using analytical frameworks to identify those variables that may predict employment probabilities and starting salaries of full-time MBA graduates, in the context of a single, private MBA program. Our results suggest that for graduates of this particular program, pre-MBA salary and work experience in accounting, banking, finance, and consulting industries predicted higher post-MBA salary levels, as did having a liberal arts major as an undergraduate. Other human capital measures, such as Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores or elite undergraduate education, were not associated with higher employment probabilities or salary levels for this program’s students, while having an undergraduate business major was associated with lower employment probability. Although our study has limited inference to determine the value of an MBA education more generally, it has potentially important implications for administrators of MBA programs, who could gain useful insights on applying empirical analysis to their own programs. Although this process can be costly and time consuming without a supportive institutional environment, it could provide useful evidence-based guidelines for practice with substantial payoffs for both the program and the students.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a 'bottom-up' model of a civilian technology policy program by recounting the story of the 'genesis' of the Advanced Technology Program (ATP) Information Infrastructure for Healthcare (IIH) focused program beginning with the initial exchange of ideas between members of the private and public sector (industry's submission of 'white papers'; workshops conducted by the ATP; meetings held between individuals from both groups) in which those technologies necessary for the development of a national information infrastructure in healthcare were identified. Included is a discussion of the ATP 'white paper' process in which noted differences existed between what the ATP hoped to gain through this method and how the private sector responded. The ATP review and selection process and the experience of firms, small, medium and large, with ATP projects are also discussed.  相似文献   

I propose modelling boundedly rational agents as agents who are not logically omniscient—that is, who do not know all logical or mathematical implications of what they know. I show how a subjective state space can be derived as part of a subjective expected utility representation of the agent's preferences. The representation exists under very weak conditions. The representation uses the familiar language of probability, utility, and states of the world in the hope that this makes this model of bounded rationality easier to use in applications.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a 'bottom-up' model of a civilian technology policy program by recounting the story of the 'genesis' of the Advanced Technology Program (ATP) Information Infrastructure for Healthcare (IIH) focused program beginning with the initial exchange of ideas between members of the private and public sector (industry's submission of 'white papers'; workshops conducted by the ATP; meetings held between individuals from both groups) in which those technologies necessary for the development of a national information infrastructure in healthcare were identified. Included is a discussion of the ATP 'white paper' process in which noted differences existed between what the ATP hoped to gain through this method and how the private sector responded. The ATP review and selection process and the experience of firms, small, medium and large, with ATP projects are also discussed.  相似文献   

快乐管理的领导者价值观体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何一种管理模式都有一定的领导价值观作为指导思想。快乐管理要求在组织中营造情感共鸣的氛围。由于领导者所处的特殊地位,其价值观在这一创造过程中体现为正式组织规范与个人需要之间的情感纽带。有效地实行快乐管理,就要求领导者必须培养起快乐管理的价值观体系。  相似文献   

在社会主义新农村建设的新形势下,农村合作经济的经营管理首先应明确自身的目的和任务,采取切实可行的具体措施,转变指导思想和工作方式,提高经营管理工作要求,逐步做到全面化、科学化、制度化和法律化。关键是逐步完善农村基层合作教育体系,加强调查研究和人才培养,造就一大批社会主义新农村建设的生力军——新型农民。  相似文献   

ISO9000质量管理体系的口号是“写你所做的,做你所写的,提出证据”。实施ISO9000管理体系往往会对企业中人际关系和管理模式带来深刻的影响。“写你所做的”让企业的每个人制定规范来约束自己;“做你所写的”使主宰企业运作的不再是人的意志,而是一种客观的、不带个人情感的规范;“提出证据”使企业的管理由别人的监督逐渐变为自我负责。  相似文献   

The targeting efficiency and the coverage of social programs for the poor are typically analyzed by partitioning the total population in four mutually exclusive groups: the poor who benefit from a program or policy, the poor who do not benefit, the non‐poor who benefit, and the non‐poor who do not benefit. While useful, this partition into crisp sets may not capture the difficulty of identifying the poor. This paper presents a method that consists of using a membership function to identify to what extent households can be considered as poor or non‐poor. The method builds on fuzzy sets theory whereby the definition of the boundaries of a set, say the poor or the non‐poor, is fuzzy. We characterize the properties that membership functions should have, and we test for the robustness of targeting performance comparisons to the choice of the membership function.  相似文献   

We explore how optimal information choices change the predictions of strategic models. When a large number of agents play a game with strategic complementarity, information choices exhibit complementarity as well: if an agent wants to do what others do, they want to know what others know. This makes heterogeneous beliefs difficult to sustain and may generate multiple equilibria. In models with substitutability, agents prefer to differentiate their information choices. We use these theoretical results to examine the role of information choice in recent price-setting models and to propose modelling techniques that ensure equilibrium uniqueness.  相似文献   

This article reviews research on recent developments in earnings inequality in Australia. Four main issues are addressed. First, what are the main changes in earnings inequality which have occurred? Second, what do we know about the causes of changes in earnings inequality? Third, how have earnings differentials between workers in different skills groups changed, and to what extent can those changes be explained by shifts in the relative demand for labour and relative supply of labour by level of skill? Fourth, how have changes in earnings inequality affected the distribution of income?  相似文献   

投资者关系管理的现实基础与理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪50年代投资者关系管理产生以来,伴随着全球经济一体化和市场的激烈竞争以及"股东至上主义"回潮进入了一个新的发展时期,近年来,我国实业界也开展了投资者关系管理,然而,我国的投资者关系管理是否具有西方发达国家投资者关系管理的有效性日益成为人们关注的焦点。基于此,试图从现实基础与理论分析的视角剖析投资者关系管理的动因,说明企业内外环境对投资者关系有效性的影响,旨在对我国企业的投资者关系管理提供理论指导。  相似文献   

在这个信息时代,传媒在传播咨询和交流学习方面的功能越来越重要。微博作为一种新型的传播媒介也在这些方面发挥着重要的作用。从大学生认为微博有什么优点、大学生使用微博的原因、大学生具体把微博用在哪些方面等问题的分析看出大学生使用微博有助于拓宽其视野。但是微博出现的时间很短,还有很多方面需要改进才能更好地为拓宽大学生的视野服务。我们可以从微博的宣传、结构优化、使用环境等方面入手不断完善微博的使用。  相似文献   

除保护技术输出的传统职能外,专利在企业和利益相关者沟通中也发挥着重要的信号传递职能。其中,专利在资本市场上的信号价值近年来备受关注,已有研究指出专利作为质量信号有助于企业获得投资者认可,并且专利信号效果依赖于投资者获得企业信息的多少。在此基础上,进一步讨论了投资者获得企业信息的内容对信号价值的影响。具体地,在负面信号情境下(企业过去的财务绩效差、收益波动性大、未来不确定性高),专利的信号价值更强,而在正面信号情境专利信号效果减弱。利用来自深沪两市1 787家上市公司2000-2011年面板数据验证了以上假设,专利数量和外部融资之间存在正向关系,并且在负面信号情境下二者正向关系更强。稳健性检验进一步表明,发明专利的信号效应比非发明专利更强,而私企的专利信号效应比国企更强。  相似文献   

Econometrics is an intellectual game played by rules based on the sampling distribution concept. Most students in econometrics classes are uncomfortable because they do not know these rules and so do not understand what is going on in econometrics. This article contains some explanations for this phenomenon and suggestions for how this problem can be addressed. Instructors are encouraged to use explain-how-to-bootstrap exercises to promote student understanding of the rules of the game.  相似文献   

Key features of U.S. agri-environmental programs are reviewed and analyzed using literature review and program data. We focus, in particular, on several key questions: Has benefit-cost targeting increased the environmental benefit obtained from program budgets? Has competitive bidding reduced program costs? To what extent have these program designs resulted in additional gain (that would not have otherwise been obtained)? Previous research illustrates how benefit-cost targeting using environmental indices (such as the Environmental Benefits Index in the Conservation Reserve Program) can increase environmental cost-effectiveness. Previous research and data from two U.S. programs suggests that bidding has reduced costs, but that the full potential of bidding may not have been realized. Finally, most U.S. programs are intended to yield environmental gains that would not have otherwise been obtained, but sometimes fall short of this goal.  相似文献   

2002年2月,美国总统布什改组了美国应对全球气候变化的领导机构,以协调和指导美国应对全球气候变化的科技活动。在新的领导体制下,美国气候变化科学研究和与气候相关的技术开发项目集成到了一个前所未有的程度,形成了相互关联的两大科技计划,即气候变化科学计划(CCSP)和气候变化技术计划(CCTP),并设立了相应的气候变化科技计划管理机构。 本文对上述两大计划,以及美国未来应对全球气候变化、减少温室气体排放的近期和中长期技术选择进行了调研,供参考。  相似文献   

Due to the rapid pace of change in technology and its impact on society, there is an increasing demand for use of Technology Forecasting methods to improve policy planning and implementation. One such area is the field of Health Care and the impact of Health Information Technology (HIT) on this field. Using HIT has shown to be associated with reduced cost, improved quality, and better patient experience; yet HIT adoption has been slow. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the HIT adoption processes in order to meet the evolving requirements for health care delivery.We propose collecting Technology Intelligence for use in Research Forecasting as part of the larger HIT Technology Forecasting efforts. In this study, we systematically probed for HIT-related technology intelligence in the fields of Information Systems, Engineering Management, and Medical Informatics. Results of our analysis show that all three fields are active in Health IT research, but could benefit from further collaboration. We were also able to identify instances of emerging journals and emerging topics in Health IT research. We conclude that it is indeed plausible and meaningful to collect technology intelligence on HIT adoption, to support the overall goal of improving healthcare delivery.  相似文献   

Offering employees self-care information, which encourages them to decide what to do for themselves with and without provider assistance, can be a low-cost, effective approach to health care cost management. Components of such a program may include a printed self-care guide, workshops, software and a nurse advice line. Self-care is a process, not an event and, to be effective, a self-care program needs to be reinforced by ongoing communication.  相似文献   

Technology policy analysis emphasizes logical resolution of issues based on conceptual models, data, and analyses, but this often is not enough to accomplish anything. Policy-makers routinely disregard policy analyses, even when well done, timely, and pertinent to the issues at hand. Process management complements policy analysis by directing attention to the interactions through which disparate interests reconcile their differences to initiate viable action. We pose five questions that constitute a situational analysis decision tree. Based on answers to those questions, we distinguish five action approaches (including 'do nothing') that can enhance the utilization of technology analyses. These approaches demand skills, not always paramount in policy analysts, to run processes that engage stakeholders. We illustrate how process management can enhance the utilization of technology policy analysis through a hypothetical case.  相似文献   

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