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Negotiation is one possible mechanism for setting transfer prices when no unique transfer price is obviously correct, allowing divisional managers to run their divisions with some degree of autonomy. This study examines the effects of market alternatives, third party intervention and third party informedness in transfer pricing negotiation.Experiment 1 examined the effects of market alternatives in a fully crossed design of buyer and seller's Best Alternatives To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) at four levels (no, low, medium, or high). Experiment 2 examined the effects of third party intervention with reference to role (binding vs. nonbinding) and informedness (informed vs. uninformed).Results of Experiment 1 indicated that both the existence and level of market alternatives affected reservation prices, expected profits, aspiration levels, and individual profits. Dyads with unequal BATNAs did not obtain higher joint profits than those with equal BATNAs, while dyads with unequal BATNAs distributed profits more unevenly between negotiators than dyads with equal BATNAs. Results of Experiment 2 indicated that only making the third party's role binding had an effect on joint profits. However, the presence of a third party and both the role and informedness manipulations affected resource distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper the economies of scale arising from the acquisition of costly information and their implications for the existence of a competitive equilibrium are investigated. As is known, the existence of economies in the scale of production undermines the possibility of a competitive equilibrium. This paper demonstrates that this kind of problem arises when firms face market uncertainty, i.e. in competitive markets, uncertainty about the price of production factors or about the price of output. It is shown that, under these circumstances, firms have incentives to purchase market information, i.e. information capable of reducing price uncertainty. In turn, the acquisition of costly information generates economies of scale that prevent the occurrence of a competitive equilibrium, unless such increasing returns to scale are tamed by the decreasing utility of uncertain returns due to risk aversion, or—in the short run—by increasing marginal costs of production.  相似文献   

This note examines the relationship between changes in levels of investor fear (measured by the implied volatility index) and foreign exchange market returns. Our empirical results indicate a negative relationship between daily returns on high‐interest rate (investing) currencies and changes in the implied volatility index, while the association is positive for low‐interest rate (funding) currencies. That is, investing (funding) currencies tends to depreciate (appreciate) when investor fear increases. A sequential breakpoint test identifies a significant change in this relationship in the period following the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers, and another in 2012 following the resolution of the European sovereign debt crisis, which suggests that the relationship is linked to financial system liquidity. During the crisis period, currency returns are much more sensitive to changes in investor fear, and this is particularly so for funding currencies that are perceived to present a safe‐haven. The results have important implications for international finance, and those looking to speculate via the carry trade.  相似文献   

本文基于产能利用率在生产侧与消费侧进行分解,测算了中国31个省市区的工业部门产能过剩指数,并采用可以有效控制内生性问题的系统广义矩估计方法考察了对外直接投资、市场分割以及其他因素对产能过剩的影响,结果表明:由于生产侧技术效率损失与消费侧供大于求,产能过剩现象在中国各地区普遍存在;生产技术水平较高、消费能力较强两个因素导致东部地区的产能过剩程度远低于中西部地区;对外直接投资、出口比重、创新投入比重的提升可以缓解产能过剩现象;而地方保护导致的市场分割、过度投资将恶化产能过剩现象。市场分割程度的上升将会弱化对外直接投资对产能过剩的缓解作用。因此治理产能过剩需要弱化地方政府干预经济的能力,消除市场分割,加速建立中国统一的消费市场,并且在此基础上鼓励中国工业企业的海外投资行为。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between the prepayment risk embedded in conventional, fixed-rate residential mortgages and excess returns for bank stocks. There are two interesting findings in this study. First, commercial banks traded in the Nasdaq market are more meanvariance efficient than the other seven groups of industrial stocks. Second, the prepayment risk factor is significant for these banks. The prepayment risk mainly reflects a call option embedded in a mortgage plus foreclosure costs associated with a mortgage put option. This risk is measured by a remaining part of mortgage rates after excluding the influence of real estate market, maturity, and default risks on mortgage rates. The results of this study suggest that the prepayment risk factor does significantly affect excess returns for bank stocks in the period with high levels of mortgage refinancing activities. JEL Classification G210  相似文献   

韩国在上世纪80~90年代曾是亚洲乃至世界最大的修船国家,但随着中国企业积极参与国际修船市场竞争,印度、孟加拉国和越南也大力发展修船业。而亚洲这几个新兴修船国家的修船成本要素,诸如劳务费、土地使用费、税收、环境投资费用等.比韩国低廉许多.这使韩国修船企业逐步丧失了修船价格竞争力。在这种市场竞争环境下,韩国的一些大中型修船企业开始向造船转产,个别大型修船企业将修船基地转移到国外,自己则在韩国国内转产造船。  相似文献   

电子商务的发展促使了第三方支付的产生,尤其在中国市场,业务规模飞速发展。通过介绍第三方支付含义及发展模式,梳理了中国第三方支付市场的兴起与发展历程,并就第三方支付市场未来发展趋势做了分析。  相似文献   

中国股市收益与经济增长背离现象的协整性检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瑞泽 《商业研究》2006,(12):92-94
近年来很多专家学者已经注意到了中国股市收益与经济增长相背离的现象,并将这种现象称之为“股经背离”。应用计量经济学中的协整理论,对我国股市收益与经济增长的关系进行实证分析,结果表明,代表虚拟经济的股市和代表实体经济的经济增长之间并不具有长期的均衡关系,从而用计量经济学的方法进一步证实了“股经背离”现象的存在。  相似文献   

卢颖  赵礼强 《商业研究》2006,6(20):199-201
第三方物流企业为客户企业提供物流服务其实质是一种产品即服务产品。不同的第三方物流产品组合满足不同客户个性化、差异化的物流需求。第三方物流企业通过分析客户企业的物流需求来设计符合客户需要的第三方物流产品组合,提供专业性的物流服务,并进行有效的服务营销和关系营销来获取竞争优势。  相似文献   

股票市场收益方差的波动性实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈骥 《商业研究》2003,(3):25-28
传统金融理论通常把收益率的方差作为风险的度量指标,并在选择证券组合时假设市场方差为常数。了解理论假设与实际有多大程度的偏差对证券投资管理十分重要,通过对1500个交易日样本的分析发现,观测到的一个一个时段的样本方差的确是波动的,而且波动的程度之大使我们必须正视,而用GARCH模型对未来一小段时间段内的市场收益的方差可以作出令人较为满意的估测。遗憾的是,只能对一小段时间作出有统计意义的估测。这些结果表明中国股市以非理性投资者居多。  相似文献   

应用长期事件研究法,对2000-2004年间发行可转换债券的上市公司的长期市场绩效表现进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,可转债发行前后,可转债标的公司的长期股票价格绩效在绝大多数区间上显著优于行业、规模与权益市值对面值比率的对照组,也显著优于等权加权和总市值加权的综合市场收益率;选择兼有债权和股票期权双重属性的可转债,在一定程度上可以维持标的公司股票价格长期绩效的优良表现。  相似文献   

This paper examines the contemporaneous association between earnings' yield and return on common stock, during the nineteen-year period commencing with 1959. The analysis includes 391 firms, which have been clustered in ten portfolios, by the magnitude and changes in their Total Debt to Total Assets ratios, over twenty years. Three Stochastic Dominance rules have been employed in a twofold examination: a market index and direct pairwise portfolio comparisons. The results suggest a positive association between earnings' yield and return on common stock and, therefore, support previously published findings. However, the association reported in this paper is limited to Third Degree Stochastic Dominance, which is tied to decreasing absolute risk aversion behaviour on the part of market participants. Since the analytical path followed in this study is free of some criticism voiced with respect to empirical applications of the capital asset pricing and market models, which have been utilized by previous writers, the results also lend further validity to the application of those models in similar studies. Résumé Cette étude examine l'association simultanée entre le rendement des bénéfices et le rendement d'actions ordinaires pendant une période de 19 ans commençant en 1959. L'analyse comprend 391 entreprises qui ont été regroupées en 10 portefeuilles selon l'ampleur et les changements du rapport de la dette totale et l'actif total sur une période de 20 ans. Trois règles de dominance stochastique ont ete employées dans un examen a deux volets portant sur l'indice boursier et les comparaisons de portefeuilles par paires. Les résultats indiquent une association positive entre les bénéfices et le rendement sur les actions ordinaires et corroborent donc les résultats d'études publiées précédemment. Cependant, l'association établie dans la présente etude est limitée à une dominance stochastique du troisième degré qui est reliée à une diminution du comportement d'aversion au risque absolu chez les participants sur le marché boursier. Comme le cheminement analytique de la présente étude ne comporte pas toutes les critiques concernant les applications empiriques des modèles de marché et de détermination de la valeur de l'actif qui ont été utilisés par d'autres auteurs, les résultats confèrent également une validité accrue à l'application de ces modèles dans des études semblables.  相似文献   

China's stock market has become bullish since the end of last year thanks to a stronger Chinese yuan and the shareholding reforms after being bearish for about five years.The Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges kept crazy rises for several months at the be- ginning of this year.However,recently,  相似文献   

The health economics literature contains contradictory empirical findings regarding the cost of an empty hospital bed. Recent empirical studies which account for the endogeneity of reserve capacity produce high estimates of these costs, while earlier studies and industry experts maintain that empty beds are cheap. This paper provides evidence which helps to reconcile the controversy. The cost of excess bed capacity will depend upon staffing levels of different types of labor in the hospital. We provide a relationship between capacity utilization, productive efficiency, and the cost of empty beds, and then compare the utilization of bed capacity in four very different market environments. These are the highly regulated, public Norwegian hospitals, who face very little competitive pressure, and the unregulated, private California hospitals, divided into three groups with variation in ownership and competitive environment. We find considerable variation in input utilization and excess capacity, with different implications for the cost of empty beds across the hospital groups and their respective market environments. Our findings suggest that the cost of an empty bed varies with market conditions, hence the seemingly contradictory findings in the literature are to be expected. Our findings also suggest an interesting area of future research: the impact of managed care on reserve capacity in hospitals.  相似文献   

We assess the impact on CEO pay (including salary, cash bonus, and benefits in kind) of changes in both accounting and shareholder returns in 99 British companies in the years 1972-89. After correcting for heterogeneity biases inherent in the standard specifications of the problem, we find a strong positive relationship between CEO pay and within-company changes in shareholder returns, and no statistically significant relationship between CEO pay and within-company changes in accounting returns. Differences between firms in long-term average profitability do appear to have a substantial effect on CEO pay, while differences between firms in shareholder returns add nothing to the within-firm pay dynamics.These findings call into question the rationale for explicitly share-based incentive schemes.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of price systems in securities markets with infinitely many time periods and infinitely many uncertain states of the world. A key result is that a Markov price system (MPS) has a unique representation in terms of the returns on a known set of bonds. The result implies that securities prices are the discounted value of dividends, where discount factors are the reciprocal of the returns on a long-horizon discount bond.  相似文献   

Hui Shi  Chuhui Li 《The World Economy》2014,37(7):995-1015
This paper compares the effect of tourism promotion funded by commodity tax and income tax on domestic welfare in an open economy with increasing returns in the tourism and the non‐tourism sector. A promotion may overcome the under‐production of tourism goods through taking account of the implications of increasing returns, but at the same time, the taxation may have an adverse impact on the rest of the economy. Employing a general equilibrium analysis, we find that the cost of tourism promotion overcomes the benefit, reducing local residents' welfare. Furthermore, commodity tax on tourism consumption is relatively more efficient than income tax in a monopolistic competition, with less adverse impact on the variety of non‐tourism goods. We also clarify the condition for deteriorating ‘terms of trade’, which only happens when the country has a small allocation of factor endowments.  相似文献   

采用日内数据,以上交所固定收益平台国债市场订单流不平衡的总和为交易活动代理变量,买卖价差作为度量市场流动性的指标,实证检验订单流不平衡对买卖价差以及国债收益率的影响,分析固定收益平台做市商的做市行为对市场流动性及国债价格形成的影响.结果表明:我国固定收益平台订单流不平衡导致存货成本并影响做市商的报价行为;做市商调整报价的存货管理方式会影响市场流动性与价格有效性.为此,需要进一步完善做市商机制,以提升固定收益平台国债市场价格的有效性.  相似文献   

西部内陆城市第三方物流市场分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当东部沿海城市大力建设第三方物流基地之际 ,西部内陆城市的第三方物流还处于起步阶段。但从对物流市场的分析来看 ,西部地区第三方物流是有很大发展潜力的 ,特别是西部大开发更为西部内陆城市的物流发展提供了有利条件。西部内陆城市 ;第三方物流 ;环境威胁分析 ;信息管理系统  相似文献   

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