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尚鹏鹏 《价值工程》2013,(29):102-103
由于房价高企,城市人口增多,小户型成为年轻人的热门选择。户型虽小但是生活却不会因此而缩小,如何在有限的空间中创造出最大的使用功能,是目前很受关注的一个问题。因为小户型的空间划分和布局受到户型和面积的限制,装修时往往导致房屋空间功能不全,或者房屋的整体协调性美观程度降低。因此在装修前,需要按照自己的需求对空间进行重新划分,使其在更合理化、人性化,同时整体协调,不杂乱。只要有合理的布局,小户型也可以拥有舒适的生活空间。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the temporal pattern of prices for single-family housing. We estimate models of house price dynamics using a repeat sales framework, and we use the results to test for a random walk in asset prices. For eight large samples of housing transactions, representing essentially all house sales in Sweden during a 12-year period, we reject the hypothesis that house prices follow a random walk in favor of a model of first-order serial correlation.  相似文献   

城市商品住宅价格的影响因素研究——以重庆为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分析城市商品住宅价格影响因素的基础之上,建立商品住宅价格的计量经济模型。运用模型对重庆市主城区商品住宅价格进行的实证分析结论表明,影响重庆商品住宅价格最主要的因素是居民人均可支配收入,这与实际比较吻合。预计在未来一段时期,重庆市商品住宅价格将随城市经济的发展而稳步提高。  相似文献   

Three methods of testing the validity of the monocentric model (the negative house price gradient, the wasteful commuting approach, and the hypothesis of a trade-off between housing expenditures and commuting costs) are evaluated. The negative house price gradient is not supported by several recent hedonic models. "Wasteful" commuting is a poor test because it persists even a policentric world and may be more the result of the weakness of journey-to-work minimization as a key determinant of residence and/or workplace location. This study uses the commuting information presented in the 1985 American Housing Survey in eight large metropolitan areas to show that the trade-off hypothesis fails badly. Heterogeneous Preference for housing, commuting and indeed for all goods and services, combined with a wide variety of workplaces and choice of residential locations at highly, variable rents and house prices may be the major reason why the trade-off is not generally observed.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,在农村房屋及宅基地管理制度方面,经历了萌芽、逐步建立、步入正轨及进一步加强几个阶段;在农村房屋及宅基地产权制度方面,则经历了宅地私有并可自由处分、地归集体所有房屋可买卖及地归集体所有房屋处分受到限制几个阶段;在不同历史时期,这些制度呈现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

This paper presents an examination of optimal revenue management of a monopoly auction house through which a seller sells goods via a second‐price auction. The house charges commissions to both the buyer and seller. Results demonstrate that a continuum of combinations of optimal buyer and seller commission rates exists, all of which yield the same expected profit of the house. Additionally, we discuss several possible factors that lead to the prevailing custom of zero buyer commission, such as commission aversion of buyers, the house's incentive to maximize the hammer price, and seller and buyer preferences for apparently lowered commission rates.  相似文献   

住房政策的局限性:政策的初衷与实施效果的背离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文斌  牟家华 《城市发展研究》2006,13(2):107-109,122
在房价上涨过快的背景下,基于舆论的压力,政府常常会出台一些旨在稳定房价、解决住房短缺问题的政策,然而有些政策的实施效果却常常背离政策的初衷.回顾了美国40年代实施的房租管制,并分析了中国正在实施的提高税收和经济适用房政策,发现这些政策的实施效果大都适得其反,不仅没有达到预期的目标,反而使得住房问题恶化.  相似文献   

买房与租房价值比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析和预测了房产税对房屋租赁市场的影响,揭示了买房与租房在目前法律环境下本质的趋同性。因为买房与租房的不同价值,在考虑机会成本的情况下,认为租房对个人发展、投资有利。指出个人经济环境变化、自然环境变动等因素带给购房者风险,用投资逆向思维分析买房与租房价值。同时文中还深入分析了城区商品房的稀缺性和排他性,以及经济适用房与商品房之间的相互影响,阐述了买房策略优势并将其与投资股票进行比较。  相似文献   

刘顺宝 《价值工程》2009,28(9):94-97
介绍了邯钢新区2座顶底复吹转炉、2座双流板坯连铸机、双工位LF精炼炉、双工位RH精炼炉、铁水倒灌站、贴水预处理以及废钢间、公辅5大除尘系统、废钢间、炉渣间、公辅给回水、各种介质管道等的总体策划、安排及施工顺序,保证了工程均衡、有序、安全施工。  相似文献   

Using a repeat-sales methodology, this paper finds that estimates of house price risk based on aggregate house price indices substantially underestimate the true size of house price risk. This is the result of the fact that aggregate house price indices average away the idiosyncratic volatility in house prices. Additional results show that the idiosyncratic risk exceeds the hedging benefits of home ownership. These results imply that for many home owners, owning a house may well add more price risk than it hedges away. These findings are based on a detailed dataset of individual housing transactions in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

张煌 《中国房地产》2012,(16):14-19
本文探讨了房价形成机制,认为供求关系决定房价,基本面、资金面、政策面等各种影响因子通过影响有效需求和有效供给最终实现对房价趋势的作用,形成房价波动和周期规律。在此理论基础上,利用实证数据对房价定量分析模型进行研究,论述了"房价是供求比的函数"的推导过程和逻辑关系,为今后房价分析模型的研究抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济的理论思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳理论是建立在自然规律基础上的经济理论。低碳经济指的是在发展中排放最少的温室气体,同时获得整个社会最大的产出。从生态足迹理论、脱钩理论、"过山车"理论(EKC假说)等视角,可以分析我国发展低碳经济的必要性、可能性及其发展态势。从根源上重新审视各种经济社会活动,有利于从机制、制度层面,并结合我国实情控制温室气体的排放,从而使低碳经济理论和模式成为解决全球气候变化问题的途径,走出一条有中国特色的低碳经济发展道路。  相似文献   

石海均 《价值工程》2014,(23):185-186
人们感觉房价涨跌与CPI涨跌幅度不一致的主要原因,是CPI计算过程中没有直接包括房价因素。实质上房价涨幅与CPI涨幅之间既相互促进又相互制约,二者通过居住类因素的价格变动来实现相互促进,通过政府采取的"抑制通货膨胀"、"防范金融危机"措施来实现相互制约。目前既要调整CPI计算方案,又要建立房价涨幅与CPI涨幅的组合控制标准。  相似文献   

This paper examines short-run fluctuations in real house prices in Metropolitan Toronto. We hypothesize that the average time that a house has been on the market before it is sold provides information on the expectation of future movements in real house prices. The paper combines the use of cross spectral analysis (in the frequency domain) with regression analysis (in the time domain) to examine the relationship between monthly real house prices and the average waiting times. In particular, we use a Hannan estimator to form a distributed lag function from the spectral analysis and use these results as an input to the regression model. The empirical findings support our use of waiting times as a proxy of future real house price movements.  相似文献   

Although the equilibrium relationship between household income and house price is well documented in previous theoretical studies, the empirical results are usually unfavorable. This article examines whether a long-term relationship between house price and income exists through a panel integration and cointegration methodology in analyzing data from four cities in Taiwan from 1980 to 2007. The findings support the existence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between income and house price, which indicate that housing affordability in Taiwan is stable. After controlling other variables, the income elasticity of house prices on average is close to one. Furthermore, evidence points to a bi-directional causality between income and house price.  相似文献   

After the accumulation of empirical research on house price structure that has taken place over the last decade, a theoretical framework to explain observed differences in house price structure across markets is not yet well developed. To explain house price structure a model of market equilibrium has to be formulated that allows the derivation of comparative statics results. This paper presents such an analysis in the context of momentary equilibrium, with continuous spectrums of household types and housing types.  相似文献   

近年,中国房价持续迅猛上涨引发了不少讨论和争议,其中房价和地价的关系也是热点之一。本文以中国房地产为研究对象,借助SPSS16.0和Eview5.0,采用实证研究方法,对中国自1999年第一季度到2009年第四季度的房价和地价数据进行相关分析和格兰杰因果分析,揭示房价与地价的相关性和两者之间的协整关系,以及中国房价和地价在短期乃至长期相互影响的状况,为房价调控策略选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

李智  廖一 《价值工程》2010,29(32):97-97
住宅节能是我国节约能源的重要领域,然而当前市场占有率仅为3%。节能住宅推广与地域特色紧密相关。本文就以武汉市为例,从节能住宅本身特点入手,分析当前市场占有率低下的原因,指出依靠差异性和低成本抢占市场的推广策略,并利用市场机制,形成节能住宅推广的长效动力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a three-sector quantitative dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to account for some of the salient business cycle properties concerning residential investment and house prices. We depart from the traditional Real Business Cycle setup by incorporating monetary frictions and credit market activities into the model economy. The model generates the high volatility of residential investment and hours worked in the house investment goods producing sector, as well as the procyclicality of house prices. The lead-lag pattern of house investment also roughly conforms with the data. We find that monetary policy and nominal interest rates play a special role in the determination of house prices. Money shocks generate remarkably volatile residential investment and house prices.  相似文献   

刘新 《价值工程》2010,29(27):139-139
《物权法》、《房屋登记办法》实施以来,从法律层面上对房屋登记的要求越来越严格。随着房地产市场的健康平稳发展,计算机技术的不断成熟进步,以及现实生活中不动产登记形式的不断创新,都迫切需要在房屋登记过程中推行房屋登记要件数字化。这是房屋登记数据的采集、整理、记载于登记簿、归档保存、查询、网上信息发布的一项重要的基础性工作。对于房屋登记机构提高工作效率、保障房屋登记质量,改善服务水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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