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This article investigates the way in which regions innovate. Its conceptual framework departs from the simple notion that scientific activities equate with knowledge, which assumes that the presence of local knowledge produced by research centres, universities and firms is a necessary and sufficient condition for increasing the innovative capacities in local firms, fed by local spillovers. In particular, the paradigmatic jump in interpreting regional innovation processes lies in a conceptual framework interpreting not a single phase of the innovation process, but the different modes of performing different phases of the innovation process. This article conceptually identifies different territorial patterns of innovation and highlights the context conditions (internal and external to the region) that accompany each innovation pattern. Based on this debate, I express some doubts on the usefulness of EU policy aims for achieving a figure of 3% of the EU's GDP (public and private) to be invested in R&D/innovation and instead strongly support normative suggestions towards thematically and regionally focused innovation policies.  相似文献   

基于新经济地理学和内生增长理论,构建了一个贸易自由度约束下的局域溢出模型,探究了创新的空间扩散与集聚影响经济高质量发展的作用机制。研究发现:对称均衡是模型的唯一内点均衡;当角点均衡时,存在唯一的贸易自由度支撑区间,此时,如果运输成本变小,则技能劳动力、R&D部门、制造业部门以及创新活动将变得更集聚,同时创新的空间扩散程度变大,外围区域在研发创新方面的劣势减弱;从增长和福利评价的角度看,在技能劳动力存量不变的条件下,创新的空间扩散对整个经济体的经济增长并没有影响,然而,当区域的经济增长源于可流动的技能劳动力集聚时,中心区域的技能劳动力和普通劳动力总是偏好集聚状态,当且仅当创新的空间扩散效应足够大或者集聚租金较小时,外围区域的普通劳动力偏好集聚状态。因此,降低运输成本,提高贸易自由度,有助于增大创新空间扩散效应,减小集聚租金,提高全域劳动力福利水平,从而促进经济的高质量发展。  相似文献   

区域创新绩效评价是区域创新体系建设的重要环节。与传统经济发展观下区域创新凸显的价值困境相比,循环经济发展模式下区域创新应关注经济、社会和生态价值的协调性,据此建立符合多元价值均衡理念的区域绩效评价指标体系与评价模型,以综合考察区域创新系统的经济效益与环境效益。并以福建为例,对其2001~2010年期间的创新综合绩效水平进行实证分析。  相似文献   

Residential mobility is a key dimension of population dynamics shaping urban growth and rural development at different spatio-temporal scales. Assuming spatial mobility as increasingly dependent on the intrinsic characteristics of local contexts, the present study investigates long-term and short-term population movements in a European country (Greece), in light of regional urbanization processes and socioeconomic development. A multidimensional analysis of indicators of residential stability and background variables was carried out with the aim at evaluating the influence of local contexts on more general processes of population mobility. Different typologies of spatial mobility associated to factors (directly or indirectly) dependent on demographic dynamics, economic performances and urban cycles were identified. The empirical findings of this study evidence (more or less traditional) paths of internal migration and a latent process of population relocation across metropolitan regions, together with more recent international migrations at both working and retirement age. While short-range population movements were the ultimate result of late suburbanization in Greece, medium- and broad-range mobility consolidated the country's divide in urban and rural areas, evidencing the attractive role of Athens. Spatial direction and intensity of population movements reflect complex socioeconomic transformations, whose knowledge provides innovative visions for a better understanding of future demographic dynamics in Mediterranean Europe.  相似文献   

The change in the hierarchy of regions, observed during the past 20 years, is mainly due to development phenomena, which originated within these regions themselves. The concept of innovative milieu enables us to understand better these phenomena, because it is based on the assumption that there are specific territorial dynamics capable of setting up territorial development of innovation. This paper recalls the origin of the concept of innovative milieu, which is relatively new in the field of regional science, and it aims to give an accurate definition of this concept. Furthermore, the paper shows that the concept of innovative milieu allows regional policy to be considered from a new perspective. In fact, if the territory is not given a priori, but built thanks to the dynamics of the milieus, one can consider that regional collectives have the possibility of promoting and initiating real territorial development.  相似文献   

建立健全城市技术创新体系,增强城市技术创新能力,发展个性化的城市经济,这既是全面提升我国创新能力,进而提升国际竞争力的必由之路,也是推动我国区域经济和国家经济持续、高质量增长的有效途径。技术创新能力的高低,直接影响到城市的技术层次。文中对19个城市技术创新能力利用现代统计方法主成分分析进行科学的量化测算,得出最终评价结果。  相似文献   

创建三峡综合交通运输枢纽,不仅有利于充分发挥长江黄金水道的优势,更是立足宜昌建成国家特大城市的现实需要,对促进宜昌乃至三峡区域的综合交通运输发展、服务一体化及产业经济集聚具有十分重要的意义。文中从统筹全局,适度超前的角度定位了三峡交通运输枢纽,并从4个创新的角度提出了构建国家级三峡交通运输枢纽的途径。  相似文献   

This paper considers the 2001 income mosaic of Greece at the local level. It constructs a model based on occupational, territorial, and demographic factors to isolate their impact on declared income and study clusters of income at the disaggregated territorial level. The new cluster-based spatial specification provides a better econometric fit compared to the specification based on the existing official regional framework. This suggests that the economy does not operate according to the country's administrative divisions, but rather according to local-specific factors and transportation linkages, as is the case in a fragmented land united by its transportation network. Accordingly, if income disparities are larger within rather than between administrative regions, regional economic development policy might best be conducted within a functional-area framework rather than the current administrative-region framework. These findings entail important policy implications for EU regional development and resource allocation, and are also useful in additional tentative policy proposals.  相似文献   

雄安新区规划建设在体制机制创新、经济高质量发展、新兴产业集聚、科技协同创新、城市空间布局、区域协调发展等方面具有重要的示范价值。雄安新区的规划建设启示我们,可在尝试贯通多个经济发展理论的基础上,构建适用于后发赶超地区的理论分析框架,为后发地区经济高质量发展、新兴产业集聚和区域协调提供理论指导。展望未来,雄安新区将在高标准建设、高质量发展方面形成更多可复制推广的制度创新成果和经验模式,引领国家级新区和未来城市发展。  相似文献   

创新是引领城市经济高质量发展的核心引擎之一,基于2003—2018年间中国271个地级及以上城市的面板数据,以经济发展程度为门槛变量着重考察基础设施建设和外商投资对城市创新活动的非线性影响机制以及城市间的空间溢出效应。研究结果表明,基础设施建设和外商投资对城市创新都具有经济发展的双门槛效应,当经济发展程度达到第一个门槛值时,才会显著促使城市创新产出的提升。当经济发展程度跨越第二个门槛值时,会进一步增加城市的创新产。城市间的创新活动具有明显的空间依赖性,对于经济发展程度差距较大的城市之间,基础设施建设显著增强创新溢出效应。  相似文献   

Innovation policy has emerged as a new field of economic policy during the last few decades. This paper explores the rationales for national innovation policies, as laid out in the existing literature on the subject, and considers what the lessons and challenges for theory and practice in this area are. Innovation policy attempts to influence innovation activity, often with the purpose of increasing economic growth. But it can also have more specific aims such as preventing unwarranted climate change, improving national health, and so on. The increasing attention given to innovation policy at the national level from the 1990s onwards went hand in hand with the development of a new, systemic understanding of innovation, which in a better way than before accounted for the ‘stylised facts’ of innovation activity as identified by empirical work. The system approach, as the paper shows, came to have a significant influence on the subsequent policy discourse. Drawing on recent advances in innovation-systems theory, a synthetic framework for the analysis of innovation policy is developed and used to highlight issues of particular relevance for the conduct of innovation policy and future scholarly work in this area.  相似文献   

The concept of subaltern urbanization is about vibrant smaller settlements—outside the metropolitan shadow—sustainably supporting a dispersed pattern of urbanization. We propose a theoretical framework which draws on an empirical research collective using both large statistical and land-use data sets and detailed case studies in non-metropolitan Indian geographies. Anchored in postcolonial urban studies, it looks beyond the logic of agglomeration and questions our understanding of settlement hierarchies and the location of social and economic innovation processes, opening up an alternative reading of urbanization that could be valuable for other regions. Local agency is core to this concept, transporting the arguments of the ordinary and the subaltern beyond large cities. Our findings, apart from emphasizing the agency of smaller settlements, highlight their multiple local and translocal flows, shaping an autonomous external engagement that could exist independently of relationships with large cities. Further, even though the rural and the urban seep into each other, they do so organically, unlike the process in planetary urbanization. Additionally, the rural-urban dichotomy remains performative, in that governance regimes influence the urbanization process. Appreciation of these dynamics can provide insights towards a better understanding of the system of human settlements, which is our goal in advancing this framework.  相似文献   

Innovation is perhaps the buzzword in local economic development policy. Associated narrowly with neoliberal ideas, conventional notions of innovation—like its capitalocentric counterparts, enterprise and entrepreneurialism—may promise higher productivity, global competitiveness and technological progress but do not fundamentally change the ‘rules of the game’. In contrast, an emerging field reimagines social innovation as disruptive change in social relations and institutional configurations. This article explores the conceptual and political differences within this pre‐paradigmatic field, and argues for a more transformative understanding of social innovation. Building on the work of David Graeber, I mobilize the novel constructs of ‘play’ and ‘games’ to advance our understanding of the contradictory process of institutionalizing social innovation for urban transformation. This is illustrated through a case study of Liverpool, where diverse approaches to innovation are employed in attempts to resolve longstanding socio‐economic problems. Dominant market‐ and state‐led economic development policies—likened to a ‘regeneration game’—are contrasted with more experimental, creative, democratic and potentially more effective forms of social innovation, seeking urban change through playing with the rules of the game. I conclude by considering how the play–game dialectic illuminates and reframes the way transformative social innovation might be cultivated by urban policy, the contradictions this entails, and possible ways forward.  相似文献   

在中原经济区纳入国家战略的背景下,把郑州建设为国家区域性中心城市是中部崛起战略的重要组成部分。在分析郑州城市空间结构演变的基础上,总结其演变特征和影响其演变的主导因素,认为郑州由"一心两片,铁路分割"的双"V"字形城市空间结构演变到"双核多中心"的城市空间结构是受到地形地貌、交通、经济、决策、重大项目和历史延续因素的影响。从郑州城市内部空间结构、现代产业空间发展、生态屏障空间、郑州都市区空间结构和城市发展等方面提出了重构和优化郑州城市空间结构的策略。  相似文献   

发挥首都创新资源优势,加强首都经济圈区域创新合作,率先实现创新驱动发展,是首都经济圈加快转变发展方式,打造具有全球影响力的世界级城市群的重要战略举措。文章概述了首都经济圈创新合作现状及存在的市场化创新合作程度较低等问题,提出应构建跨区域、多层次、网络状的首都经济圈创新合作运行机制,整合区域创新资源,促进协同创新。在此基础上探索了跨区域技术创新联盟、飞地经济、总部经济等多种新的区域创新合作路径。  相似文献   

Recent research on Roma stigmatization has tended to focus on the marginal socio‐economic and spatial position of Roma people within European societies, with poverty, persistent inequalities and substandard housing conditions (for example, ghettoization) highlighting their differential treatment. Central to such accounts are group images and stereotypes of Roma as ‘benefit scroungers’ and/or ‘beggars’ lacking notions of self‐restraint and social responsibility. This body of research is hugely important in terms of its contribution to an understanding of the complex dynamics of marginalization and stigmatization of poor Roma households. Yet not all Roma are characterized by poverty and economic hardship. This article explores the neglected experiences of wealthy Roma within urban spaces in Romania. It draws on empirical evidence from interviews with Roma families, leaders and local authorities. Our analysis exposes the way in which Roma are vehemently stigmatized regardless of their economic position or housing circumstances and highlights deep underlying sentiments towards them within Romanian society. We critique Wacquant's concept of territorial stigmatization by applying it to wealthy groups outwith typical areas of relegation (for example, Roma ghettos) within the specific urban context of post‐socialist Romania. While our analysis points to the internalization of stigma, we also identify distinct defensive strategies wealthy Roma employ to counter and avoid stigmatization. We suggest that a focus on the neglected spaces of wealthy Roma groups can facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the distinct urban power relations that shape Roma stigmatization, reveal how this long‐term process has recently been accentuated within Europe alongside a more overt populist and anti‐Roma political agenda, and contribute to the development and refinement of Wacquant's thesis.  相似文献   

区域空间结构优化重组政策研究——以长江流域为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从经济转型中区域空间结构动态演进过程的角度,分析了长江流域区域空间差异形成的多重因素,认为促进长江流域区域经济的协调发展应积极推进区域空间结构的优化重组。针对引起长江流域空间结构差异化的具体原因,提出现阶段应结合不同层次城市区域的空间结构特征和空间关系机制,以城市区域为空间结构重组的基础性功能单元,构建集区域空间价值最大化、空间联系优化、空间竞争力重塑和空间创新能力挖掘等目标于一体的区域空间政策体系。  相似文献   

我国正处于全面贯彻落实区域协同发展战略的关键阶段,长三角一体化发展已上升为国家战略。研发人员、研发资本是实施创新驱动发展、保障长三角区域创新绩效提升的重要战略资源。基于长三角、长江经济带面板数据,采用空间计量分析方法,分析长三角研发人员及资本流动的方向、结构特征和时空相关性以及研发人员及资本流动对区域创新绩效的影响。研究结果表明:长三角地区研发人员流动主要通过直接效应和空间溢出效应影响创新绩效;研发资本流动主要通过资源配置效应与资本流出的空间溢出效应影响创新绩效。在实证分析基础上,结合江苏省具体情况提出促进江苏省经济高质量发展的相关研发人才与资本引进策略设计等政策建议。  相似文献   


Most innovation-oriented studies use measures such as patent activity or research expenditures, likely ignoring the role of more home-grown upgrades or opportunity-recognizing activity common in businesses across the U.S. This study develops a broader ‘innovation index’ using a new survey of businesses that provides a wide lens for capturing innovative practices. The index is used in a series of regressions testing the relationship between innovation and both firm and regional-level economic outcomes. Results from the firm-level regressions show that the innovation index has a positive and significant relationship with wages paid to employees and product market growth. The regional analysis demonstrates that innovation is correlated with several regional economic variables, including median household income, and that spatial spillovers from innovation exist in some instances.  相似文献   

Evaluating environmental resources such as urban and territorial opportunities means understanding their value. Monetary values are not always suitable to synthesize the opportunity that such resources give to the development of individuals in urban space. We propose a spatial multi-criteria analysis method oriented to analyse values that individuals give to different urban and territorial opportunities within a capability approach framework. We analyse visitors’ behaviour in space and we learn their urban capabilities considering the values they give to environmental resources and assets. In order to learn such values we use a multi-attribute value measurement method. Furthermore, we define groups of people with similar values of urban opportunities and with similar relevant urban capabilities. This consents to design more legitimated policies aimed to expand the set of relevant capabilities for a given population target. The method is experimented and illustrated with a case study of urban planning for the city of Alghero.  相似文献   

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