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Scale Externalities in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper estimates the nature and magnitude of scale externalities in a developing country, Korea, in the period 1983–1993. This is a period of rapid industry deconcentration from Seoul to other metro areas, providing a context where externalities are measured when local scale magnitudes are changing dramatically. The data allow us to examine the emerging degree of national industrial concentration in different industries, as related to their scale externality magnitudes. We also examine whether individual industries agglomerate in cities which have a comparative advantage for that industry.  相似文献   


Using panel data and employing instrumental variables we show that regional wage differences across German regions are partly attributable to localized human capital externalities. This finding is stable across different indicators for regional aggregate education and robust to agglomeration, wage curve, price level and amenity effects. A comparison of our results with Moretti's findings for the USA suggests that national labour market institutions influence the distribution of wage gains from aggregate regional education among workers of different educational backgrounds. An analysis by sector reveals that human capital externalities are generally more pronounced in manufacturing than in the service sector.

Externalités des ressources humaines en Allemagne de l'Ouest

Résumé En utilisant des données pluridimensionnelles et en faisant usage de variables instrumentales, nous sommes en mesure de démontrer que les différences salariales régionales dans les différentes régions d'Allemagne sont attribuables, en partie, à des externalités en ressources humaines localisées. Cette conclusion est stable dans les différents indices pour l’éducation globale à l’échelon régional, et solide sur le plan de l'agglomération, des courbes salariales, des niveaux de prix, et des facteurs d'agrément. Une comparaison entre nos résultats et les conclusions de Moretti, pour les États-Unis, indique que les institutions nationales du marché du travail influent sur la distribution des gains salariaux découlant de l’éducation régionale globale parmi des travailleurs provenant de différents milieux éducatifs. Une analyse par secteur révèle que les externalités de ressources humaines sont généralement plus prononcées dans le secteur industriel que dans le secteur tertiaire.

Factores exógenos del capital humano en Alemania Occidental

Resumen Utilizando datos de panel y empleando variables instrumentales, demostramos que las diferencias salariales interregionales alemanas pueden atribuirse en parte a factores exógenos de capital humano confinados. Esta conclusión es estable entre los diferentes indicadores del acumulado regional de educación y consistente ante los efectos de la aglomeración, curva salarial, nivel de precios y servicios públicos. Una comparación de nuestros resultados con las conclusiones de Moretti relativas a los EE.UU., sugiere que las instituciones asociadas con el mercado laboral nacional ejercen influencia sobre la distribución de las ganancias salariales del acumulado de educación regional entre los trabajadores de los diferentes niveles de estudio. Un análisis por sector revela que los factores exógenos de capital humano son, en términos generales, más pronunciados en el sector de producción que en el de servicios.


Externalities and Industrial Development   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Using panel data for five capital goods industries, this paper estimates dynamic externalities. In contrast to previous studies, panel data allow separation of externalities from fixed effects and identification of a lag structure. I find strong evidence of Marshall–Arrow–Romer (MAR) (own industry, or localization) externalities. For Jacobs (urbanization) externalities effects are smaller. In terms of lag structure, for MAR externalities the biggest effects are typically from several years ago, but die out after six years. For urbanization phenomena, effects persist to the end of the time horizon of the data–eight or nine years back.  相似文献   

屋村巴士初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩彪 《城市问题》2001,(5):72-74
随着城市的发展 ,城市交通需求日趋多样 ,这就要求城市交通的形式更加多样化。屋村巴士 (也叫住宅巴士 )就是这一要求的产物。在海外 ,屋村巴士已有很多年的实践。在我国 ,冠名“屋村巴士”的实践是 1999年 11月由深圳开始的。笔者参与了深圳市首期 6条屋村巴士线路的开通工作 ,并一直跟踪这 6条线路的运营状况。这里 ,结合深圳市的实践 ,对屋村巴士的规划和组织模式作—探讨。  一、需求增长连续性与供给增长跳跃性之间矛盾的调和  对于一个城市 ,一个街区 ,一个住宅区 ,出行需求是由众多个体出行叠加而成的 ,其增长方式表现为时间变量…  相似文献   

Innovation is generally recognized as a major source of economic growth. R&D investments explicitly aim at generating innovations and creating knowledge. Since knowledge has certain public good properties, positive externalities are likely to exist. In this paper, we extend well-known concepts from the input-output literature (backward multipliers) to indicate at which commodities stimuli should be targeted to enhance R&D and its positive externalities in the economy as a whole. Next, we argue that there may also be negative externalities of R&D, due to increased prices. This issue can be studied by means of forward multipliers. Both concepts are applied to the United States, 1977-90.  相似文献   

Negative externalities have competitive relevance in a market when they have selective impacts – as, for example, when a product in use imposes greater costs on consumers of rival products than on other people. Because managers have discretion over aspects of product design that affect external costs, the externality in such cases may be viewed as a strategic variable. This paper presents evidence of the existence of competitively relevant negative externalities. I introduce a metric for the externality's competitive effect, the external cost elasticity of demand, which I estimate econometrically using data from the motor vehicle industry. Managerial implications are considered. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study socially vs individually optimal life cycle allocations of consumption and health, when individual health care curbs own mortality but also has a spillover effect on other persons’ survival. Such spillovers arise, for instance, when health care activity at aggregate level triggers improvements in treatment through learning-by-doing (positive externality) or a deterioration in the quality of care through congestion (negative externality). We combine an age-structured optimal control model at population level with a conventional life cycle model to derive the social and private value of life. We then examine how individual incentives deviate from social incentives and how they can be aligned by way of a transfer scheme. The age-patterns of socially and individually optimal health expenditures and the transfer rate are derived. Numerical analysis illustrates the working of our model.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2001,8(3):313-333
We provide empirical evidence on the nature of spatial externalities in a matching model for Britain. We use a monthly panel of outflows, unemployment and vacancy stocks data from the registers at Jobcentres in Britain; these are mapped onto travel-to-work areas. We find evidence of significant spill-over effects that are generally in line with the predictions of theory. For example, we find that conditional on local labour market conditions, high unemployment levels in neighbouring areas raise the number of local filled vacancies but lower the local outflow from unemployment.  相似文献   

俞军备  胡浩 《城市问题》2008,(3):97-101
住宅消费的满足程度不仅取决于自身的居住空间,还受到邻居行为、社区公共环境等影响.分析了住宅消费外部性产生的原因和影响,提出了治理住宅消费外部性的相关对策.  相似文献   

关于平台企业竞争策略的现有研究考虑的往往都是平台内网络外部性,忽略了平台间网络外部性问题。本文通过构建具有横向差异化的多平台两阶段霍特林竞争模型,考察了平台间网络外部性对平台定价策略的影响。研究表明,平台间网络外部性能提高自有竞争性平台对消费者收取的价格,降低独立竞争性平台的价格,缩小平台企业通过实施价格歧视来获得利润的空间,因此降低平台企业实施价格歧视的动力。本文的结论是对经典双边市场文献的一个有意义的补充,同时也可为反垄断执法机构提供理论参考。  相似文献   

本文综合传统比较优势和外部性因素在新经济地理框架下建立理论和计量模型研究了我国284个地级市制造业集聚的影响机制及其地区差异。结果表明,传统比较优势仍是影响制造业区位的重要因素;各级城市之间存在明显的要素供给与市场需求的空间关联性,且已超过传统比较优势成为制造业集聚的主要来源;传统比较优势与空间外部性对制造业集聚的作用分别由西到东和由东到西依次递减。该结果为进一步促进区际产业转移和协调发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the impact of external scale economies and diseconomies on city size is not nearly as clear-cut as it is tacitly believed in urban economics. Similarly, city-size distortions are not caused by externalities alone. Indivisibility and nonreplicability, which prevent establishing the “right” number of cities, may represent a source for city-size distortions which can be stronger than the standard resource misallocation resulting from external scale economies and diseconomies. It follows that a direct population dispersion policy is not just an inferior substitute to Pigouvian taxes and subsidies but rather a useful complement.  相似文献   

随着平台经济的兴起和电子商务的蓬勃发展,网络外部性的作用也越发为人们所重视。基于此背景,文章考虑制造商和电商平台共同组成的网络供应链的定价策略问题,构建二级供应链网络。首先,构建无网络外部性的集中、分散决策下的动态供应链模型;其次,引入网络外部性在电子商务平台中的作用,分析在网络外部性的影响下,双方的最优决策的变化。研究表明:在考虑网络外部性的影响下,两种决策下的平台售价、服务成本都有不同程度的提高,集中决策下的电商平台为了供应链的整体利益,更有动机增加网络成本投入,实现利益最大化。前期网络平台成本较低时,集中决策下的产品售价大于分散决策产品售价,但随平台成本提升,优势逐渐弱化,甚至消失;集中决策下的平台服务水平优势不随网络外部性的变化而变化。最后,通过设计利益共享契约实现了电子商务供应链双方的整体协调,解决了网络外部性下分散决策的劣势扩大化问题。  相似文献   

文章通过对国外轨道交通接运公交规划方法的研究,提出了适合于广州的轨道交通接运公交规划标准,并建议在广州市轨道交通四号线交通衔接规划中加以实践。  相似文献   

像孙悟空一样一个跟头十万八千里。一眨眼的工夫就把货送到。这不是现实,是宅急送的总裁陈平的理想和追求。所以曾经学过一点美术的陈平把公司的LOG0设计成一只中国老百姓喜欢和熟悉的猴子。如今带着一只绿色猴子和“宅急送”三个大字标识的厢式货车在中国城市的大街小巷随处可见。  相似文献   

能值分析理论与方法应用于森林生态效益外部性计量的基本思路是,通过对森林生态系统的能流分析,将森林生态效益生态因子量经由能值转换率转化为同一标准的太阳能值,再结合本地区的能值/货币比得到森林生态效益及外部性价值。对江苏连云港墟沟林场的案例研究显示,该林场2003年的森林生态效益能值主要体现在保土、涵养水源和防风效益。  相似文献   

中国城市群将成为未来中国城镇化的主要空间载体,也是未来中国经济增长的重要引擎,而城市网络外部性是挖掘城市群经济增长潜力的关键途径。本文基于城市网络外部性的理论构建城市群城市经济增长的模型,运用空间计量的实证方法,利用2003—2019年中国12个城市群178个地级及以上城市平衡面板数据,实证检验中国城市群城市经济增长的网络外部性及其作用机制。实证结果表明,相比城市群外的城市网络外部性,城市群内的劳动力和技术产生更强的正向城市网络外部性,且城市群内部的高铁可达性可以强化劳动力的正向城市网络外部性,城市群内部的产业关联度可以强化技术的正向城市网络外部性。根据本文结论,加强城市群内城市间联系,完善城市群内交通基础设施,促进城市群内城市间产业关联,是中国城市群未来实现城市经济协同增长的主要途径。  相似文献   

具有网络外部性的创新产品的兼容策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼容性是影响创新产品选择的重要特性之一,尤其对于具有网络外部性的创新产品。本文讨论了具有网络外部性的创新产品的兼容问题,建立了反映创新产品之间兼容特性的数学模型,以此分析创新产品的兼容策略。结果表明,在存在网络外部性的条件下,采用兼容策略可以把创新产品的竞争关系转化为互惠共生或共栖的关系,从而影响创新产品的成败。同时,采用双向兼容的创新厂商将比单向兼容厂商获得更多的收益。  相似文献   

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