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This paper examines the relationships among radio station listenership, the number of program formats, and the number of stations. These relationships are statistically significant and consistent with theory, but the interrelationships are numerically small. The results imply that proposals by the federal Communications Commission and Congress to relax ownership restrictions must induce substantial changes in station numbers in order to noticeably increase programming diversity. Merely modest changes in these numbers will have only small diversity effects. The paper's results also imply that merely mandating the number of formats in a market may not be in the interests of listeners.  相似文献   

We analyse the decision of firms about when to launch their products on the market when they produce differentiated goods and compete on prices. We find two subgame perfect equilibria: one in which the high‐quality firm holds its leadership in quality, and another in which the low‐quality firm leapfrogs its rival. When the initial level of differentiation is high enough, the low‐quality firm always launches first. Finally, we extend this model to analyse commercial piracy. We obtain that pirates are highly unlikely to launch the illegal copy first because they would bear a higher penalty and a higher risk of being detected.  相似文献   

The inequities inherent in conventional zoning-based policies leave urban-fringe jurisdictions unable to meet the growing demand for permanently preserved open space. Allocating marketable development rights (MDR) among all landowners treats this problem directly. It also leaves open the option of allowing the market to allocate land to undeveloped uses. This paper uses a simple market model to develop a framework that describes the mechanics of such a program and allows comparison with other commonly considered policies. The paper then addresses several concerns policy makers have raised about a market in development rights. Finally, the paper looks at alternative regulatory responses to perceived market failures. The analysis suggests that an MDR program offers significant advantages over existing preservation efforts. ( JEL Q2, Rl, R5)  相似文献   

The developing country debt crisis brought attention to the type of lending behavior that predominated while the commercial bank market developed. This article presents the major characterizations of bank behavior, particularly regarding predictions that can be tested empirically. Critically comparing existing empirical studies with these predictions shows that the magnitude of default risk and deposit insurance were incorporated into the lending behavior. However, these alone do not explain the evolution of the market. One can understand this evolution in terms of information imperfections in the market, but this evaluation contradicts a major role for agency problems in the banking firm.  相似文献   

Given the socio‐economic importance of cooperative firms and in the light of evidence that they are an effective option for competing in complex environments, an intensive examination of their organizational model is required. It is significant that some of the most consolidated worker cooperative organizations have focused on Market Orientation. The central purpose of this research is therefore to examine the influence of a set of internal antecedents of market orientation found in cooperatives. We shall then verify the possible benefits of market orientation on their business performance. The subject of this analysis will be the worker‐owned businesses that make up the Mondragon cooperative group, a global pioneer in democratic business practice.  相似文献   

This paper provides a survey of the research in matching and market design. We discuss both basic theories and recent advances. Emphasis is placed on applications of the theory to practical problems.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the consequences of future policy uncertainty on the allocation of effort in an economy undergoing reforms. We demonstrate that uncertainty regarding future tax policies may reduce present effort, and will also reduce the responsiveness of output to productivity shocks and other market signals. The discussion has relevance for cases in which privatization will make present managers of firms the future owners and residual claimants to future output. An expectation that the purchasing price of the firm will have a positive relationship to present output will induce the manager to reduce contemporaneous effort, and uncertainty regarding the relationship will also depress present managerial effort.  相似文献   

Banning unfair trade practices stands alongside private monopolization and the unjust restraint of trade as a key theme in competition policy. However, it poses much greater difficulties to deal with the matter than either private monopolization or unjust restraint of trade. In recent years, ongoing economic globalization, advances in information communication technology and other factors have wrought major changes in the traditional supply chain: for example, in subcontracting structure. Given the role of small and medium enterprises in underpinning economic growth, lifting the basic quality and performance level of these firms and improving business conditions for them have emerged as key policy themes. New efforts are needed to establish fair trade as a business practice and to create a new business culture in corporation with competition policy, small and medium enterprise policy and business ethics, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares the communication strategies of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, and their effectiveness. First, we find that the surprise components of both monetary policy actions and statements have important but differing effects on asset prices, with unexpected communication having a much greater impact on longer‐term interest rates. Second, both the ECB and the Fed have proven to be equally successful in moving their domestic asset prices using either monetary policy or news shocks. However, the response of the American yield curve to the surprise component of Fed's statements is larger than the reaction of the European term structure to ECB's announcements. This result is intimately related to the amplitude of the policy rate cycle that is much larger in the US than in the euro area combined with the bounded support of the news shock. Third, we analyze the cross‐effects and show that the Fed has been more able to move the European interest rates of all maturities than the ECB to move American rates. This finding is tied to the predominance of dollar fixed income assets rather than to an attempt of the ECB to mimic the Fed.  相似文献   

政府与市场秩序的形成   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
市场秩序主要是一种内生和演化的秩序,大力发展市场经济是市场秩序形成的前提条件。政府在市场秩序形成和完善方面可以发挥应有的作用。政府与市场边界的恰当划分是构建市场秩序的一项重要内容,政府应当是宪制政府、服务政府和有限政府。治理整顿市场秩序的同时也要治理整顿政府自身。  相似文献   

We exploit information on the joint dynamics of household labor income, consumption, and wealth in the Italian Survey of Household Income and Wealth to structurally estimate a buffer-stock saving model. We compare the degree of consumption smoothing implied by the model to the corresponding empirical estimates based on the same data set. We estimate that Italian households smooth 12% of permanent income shocks in the data that is comparable to the model counterpart of 11% . This result contrasts with existing evidence, and our own findings in this article, of substantially more consumption smoothing in U.S. data.  相似文献   

本文利用农户的面板数据评价京津风沙源治理工程的实施对当地农户收入的短期影响。分析了退耕还林强度、工程参与程度、村参与工程的时间对样本农户人均年收入的影响程度。分析结果表明:(1)工程参与对农户收入的影响为正向关系;(2)如果在村级早一年实施工程,则人均年收入提高17.37%;(3)实施退耕还林工程对消除贫困的影响尚考虑不足。本文利用农户的面板数据评价京津风沙源治理工程的实施对当地农户收入的短期影响。分析了退耕还林强度、工程参与程度、村参与工程的时间对样本农户人均年收入的影响程度。分析结果表明:(1)工程参与对农户收入的影响为正向关系;(2)如果在村级早一年实施工程,则人均年收入提高17.37%;(3)实施退耕还林工程对消除贫困的影响尚考虑不足。  相似文献   

The World Bank has responded to what it has perceived as two debt crises. The first is the highly publicized crisis in the middle-income, heavily indebted countries–mainly those in Latin America. The second has affected a set of about 20 much poorer African countries. The World Bank's responses to the two crises have been dissimilar as well. In the case of the heavily indebted, middle-income countries, whose debt is mainly to private creditors, the World Bank first responded with its Special Program of Action, beginning in 1983. Under the October 1985 Baker Plan, the World Bank was to increase its gross disbursements to these countries by 50 percent–a goal it has nearly met. Unfortunately, other creditors have not met Baker Plan goals, and so investment and growth in debtor countries has stagnated. The World Bank cannot continue providing a disproportionate share of financing needs. The World Bank has responded to the problems of the poorest debtor countries through its Special Program of Action for debt-distressed countries in Africa, and has coordinated its own concessional International Development Agency–soft loan window–lending with aid from other official creditors and donors.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible non‐linear monetary policy rule for the United Kingdom to examine the response of policymakers to the real exchange rate. We have three main findings. First, policymakers respond to real exchange rate misalignment rather than to the real exchange rate itself. Second, policymakers ignore small deviations of the exchange rate; they only respond to real exchange under‐valuations of more than 4% and over‐valuations of more than 5%. Third, the response of policymakers to inflation is smaller when the exchange rate is over‐valued and larger when it is under‐valued. None of these responses is allowed for in the widely used linear Taylor‐type rules, suggesting that monetary policy is better analysed using a more sophisticated model, such as the one suggested in this paper.  相似文献   

The productivity‐driven Mortensen–Pissarides model predicts that labor productivity is strongly correlated with labor market variables whereas these correlations were argued to be much weaker in the data, especially since the 1980s. We first document that the size of these discrepancies between the data and the model becomes substantially smaller if employment data from the Current Population Survey is used in measuring productivity instead of the commonly used employment data from the Current Employment Statistics. Second, we show that incorporating time to build and a stochastic value of home production helps reconcile the quantitative performance of the model with the data.  相似文献   

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