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在常规半连续离心纺丝机上,生产66.7dtex/18F有光细旦粘胶长丝,可纺性良好,丝条物理染化指标优良。介绍了66.7dtex/18F有光细旦粘胶长丝的生产工艺条件、生产情况、产品指标及存在的问题。  相似文献   

粘胶长丝是以棉短绒或木纤维作为基本原料生产而成的中高档纺织纤维 ,是源于天然而优于天然的再生纤维素纤维 ,是纺织工业原料的重要材料之一。我国粘胶长丝行业已经形成了自己的技术 ,产能在世界上也已首屈一指。它的产生与发展在纺织工业发展历程中有着重要的意义。国内外粘胶长丝的发展粘胶长丝于 2 0世纪初在欧洲实现工业化生产 ,到 1 970年达到年产 5 7 4万吨。 6 0年代末至80年代中期 ,由于合成纤维的出现 ,粘胶长丝产业受到激烈的市场竞争 ,各生产企业纷纷通过技术创新 ,提高粘胶长丝的产品质量以适应织造高档服装面料等纺织品的需要…  相似文献   

介绍了111.1dtex/20f三叶粘胶长丝研制的工艺条件、喷丝头设计、物化指标及三叶丝的特点。研制试验结果表明:111.1dtex/20f三叶粘胶长丝可纺性良好,成品丝截面三枝叶形态完整,异形度高,其物化指标达到GB/T13758—2008一等品水平。  相似文献   

9月中旬,粘胶短纤价格止步不前,其中粘胶短纤1.5D/38mm(白)内盘中心价格从9月上旬至9月中旬稳定在16600元/吨;吉化短纤价格维持在16800元/吨;吉化差别化短纤2.0D/51mm(黑色)价格停留在22200元/吨。总体而言,粘胶短纤主流品种价格9月中旬呈现较为平淡的态势。此外,粘胶长丝价格保持清淡,其中粘胶有光长丝133.3dtex/30f价格从9月上旬至9月中旬运行在33750元/吨;粘胶有光长丝166.7dtex/30f价格静止在33000元/吨;粘胶有光长丝500dtex/100f价格粘附在28000元/吨;总体而言,粘胶长丝价  相似文献   

化纤市场表现: 产品价格下降 化纤库存增长 产品销售率下降 经济效益和运行质量: 化纤分行业经济效益下降 国有及国有控股化纤企业经济效益下降 化纤工业运行指标变化明显 外部因素: 纺织行业经济效益平稳增长 纺织品和服装出口速度放缓 内部因素: 化纤生产高速增长 化纤进口存在问题 化纤生产能力增长过快 化纤原料进口依赖度过大  相似文献   

本文分别采用改性纳米银抗菌剂和改性季铵盐抗菌剂对口罩面料进行了抑菌处理,采用吸收法对抑菌处理后样品及抑菌处理后的洗涤样品进行了抗菌效果检测,结果表明改性纳米银抗菌剂对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的抑菌率均达到99%以上,改性季铵盐抗菌剂的抗菌效果不如改性纳米银抗菌剂更为稳定,而在抑菌处理后经过洗涤的样品,只有改性季铵盐抗菌剂处理样品的抑菌率达到99%。  相似文献   

3月份,吉林化纤集团公司共销售粘胶长丝2228吨,其中出口1007吨,国内销售1221吨,创造了近年来该产品月销量最高纪录。进入3月份,吉林化纤在产品销售上仍面临重重压力。全球经济复苏前景尚不明朗,人民币兑美元汇率持续走高,纺织行业市场  相似文献   

易芳 《中国纺织》2014,(7):36-37
后金融危机效应在全球经济范围内迟迟不退以来,转型升级的重要性从来没有在纺织行业里显得这样迫切过。而要实现真正意义上的转型升级,修旧如旧并不是一个好的选择。不破不立,在开发中创新,在创新中转型,也许才是最终实现行业升级的必由之路。2014年6月13日,全国化纤长丝面料产品开发年会暨粘胶长丝专题研讨会在浙江王江泾镇召开。听取行业领导地方产业集群领导报告,表彰行业新产品开名优精品,听取专家学者讲座,专题研讨粘胶长丝面料的开发与应用。  相似文献   

抗菌防臭纺织品及其开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛少林  彭剑 《陕西纺织》2000,(3):55-56,51

本文选用自制的抗菌、自清洁整理剂,采用"两浴法"对冬季保暖针织面料进行了抗菌、自清洁复合功能整理。通过改变整理剂浓度、焙烘温度、焙烘时间三项整理工艺参数,探讨该复合功能整理对针织物保暖性的影响;根据正交实验,确定抗菌、自清洁试剂的最优化整理工艺为:(1)抗菌整理:整理剂浓度5%(owf)、浴比1:10、水浴恒温60℃浸渍45min,在常温下晾干;(2)自清洁整理:整理剂浓度35g/L、预烘温度120℃(2min)、焙烘温度170℃、焙烘时间0.5min。经该工艺整理后的保暖针织物具有抗菌、自清洁复合功能,且保暖性损失较小,透湿性保持较好,透气性略有下降。  相似文献   

设施管理研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前设施管理行业巨大的发展潜力以及国内设施管理研究相对滞后的现状,在分析大量国外资料的基础上,回顾了设施管理的发展历程,介绍了设施管理的范围、内容、涉及的主要问题及其绩效评估的研究进展,探讨了设施管理的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

银纤维因其除臭、抗菌、抗静电、防辐射、医疗保健等功能,被作为新型纤维得到广泛关注和应用。银纤维的功能来自于银,银在纤维上的微形貌直接影响其功能。本文利用扫描电子显微镜观察了银纤维的微形貌,并对具有代表性的形貌进行了分类和分析。  相似文献   

H. Thomas 《R&D Management》1971,1(3):119-123
Abstract . A possible way to improve the accuracy of forecasts is to estimate (and subsequently remove) any systematic bias by reference to the bias found in similar forecasts in the past. This paper discusses the applicability to industrial R & D of a method proposed by Summers for debiasing estimates of the costs of military projects by means of a regression equation derived from past experience, and gives the results of applying a similar method to estimates of costs, sales, product prices, and return factors for ten industrial development projects.  相似文献   

沈智慧 《中国包装工业》2002,(5):140-141,137
通过对国内软件产业的现状、发展趋势和所存在的问题进行研究、分析,发现今后的发展是挑战与机遇并存。在对国外软件产业在世界市场中所处的地位及其生存环境分析的基础上,本文提出了中国软件产业今后的发展策略。  相似文献   

A major reason for carrying out a merger and acquisition (M&A) is to gain access to technological knowledge and to increase new product development (NPD) capabilities. To achieve the desired effect of improving a firm's capacity for innovation, this knowledge must be combined with the acquiring firm's existing resources. Previous research, however, has made it clear that M&A transactions tend to disrupt a company's innovation processes, resulting in reduced investment in research and development (R&D) activities as well as a lower innovative output in terms of patents and new products introduced to the market. In this regard, a successful postmerger integration of the firms' R&D units plays a decisive role. Conceptually, this exploratory article distinguishes between the strategic approach to integration and the integration instruments or measures to be employed within the approach. Whereas the former sets the general strategic direction of the integration or, in other words, establishes some kind of acquisition posture, the latter describe the relevant fields or dimensions to be addressed during integration. These integration strategies and instruments are subsequently investigated in a sample of 35 M&A transactions. It is shown that companies typically revert to three distinct integration strategies, depending on the need for strategic interdependence and organizational autonomy: symbiosis, absorption, and adjustment. Together with the integration instruments that relate to structural linking, process redesign, systems standardization, and culture building, the integration strategies are analyzed using seemingly unrelated regression models. It turns out that technological success and, hence, NPD capabilities benefit most from a symbiosis and an absorption strategy. Apparently, only wide‐ranging reorganization efforts in R&D focussing on common structures, processes, and systems can fully realize the benefits from a combination of resources. To achieve economic success or high integration quality, an adjustment strategy appears to be the best choice as reorganization efforts are rather limited. With respect to the integration instruments, the research shows that the structural linking exhibits a great impact on technological and economic success but no effect on integration quality. Obviously, common structural patterns and interlinked structures within the R&D units have a positive effect in that they facilitate better collaboration and research outcomes. A common organizational structure hence serves as a basis for realizing innovative resource combinations and streamlining the NPD process. A standardization of systems exhibits strong positive links with all success variables. Apparently, a consistent unification, offering orientation and comparability, is of high importance to achieve the best possible implementation of the integration and to foster innovative capabilities. Significant effects of culture building can be substantiated for economic success. Moreover, there tends to be a positive effect on integration quality. This underpins the importance of measures to encourage the build‐up of a common corporate culture. To sum up, the research provides a couple of insights on how to strengthen NPD capabilities following a merger.  相似文献   

归纳梳理了国内外对全球经济失衡问题的研究成果。其中美国经常账户赤字最先引起广泛的关注,实体经济和金融制度层面均存在导致本轮全球经济失衡的因素。美国经济的调整将对世界经济产生重要影响,多国协调行动有利于失衡的有序调整。进一步的研究方向包括亚洲地区盈余的可持续性、失衡政策原因的考察等等。  相似文献   

立足于兵团经济社会发展实际,基于兵团经济发展方式转变的内涵,构建兵团经济发展方式转变测评指标体系,运用指标体系测评兵团经济发展方式转变的程度,最后基于测算结果提出加快兵团经济发展方式转变的路径。  相似文献   

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