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Rolf Soiron生于1945年1月31日,瑞士人。现为Holcim集团董事会主席兼Ho1cim可持续建筑基金会主席。曾经就读于巴塞尔大学历史和艺术史系,1972年取得博士学位,后于1980年取得哈佛商学院学位。1993年加入巴塞尔Jungunz lauer集团,后于2002年成为该集团执行董事。其问于1996年兼任巴塞尔大学理事会会长。2003年,出任诺贝尔生物制品公司董事会主席。1994年被选入Holcim集团董事会,2003年6月被推选为董事会主席。  相似文献   

Capital spending of local governments has shown large disparities for many years. This holds despite economic growth and various forms of federal financial assistance. In 2015, the federal government set up special transfers substituting local investments targeting a group of financially weak communities. This programme might be described as a landmark of German fiscal federalism, strengthening the path of growing interdependencies. What stood out about this programme was that it would explicitly address financially weak communities for the first time. Despite using federal funds, each state was allowed to make the decision on its own. In the end, 13 states came up with a large variety of definitions of financially weak communities, motivated by both factual and political reasons. This article presents and analyses the range of definitions of in-between states.  相似文献   

H   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Wirtschaftsdienst - The explosive increase of the price of natural gas is a key driver of inflation in Germany. At the same time, physical gas shortages in the fall or winter are a plausible...  相似文献   

The economic and fi nancial crisis in 2009 triggered a stronger collapse in German exports compared to imports, with the high external surplus falling considerably. By now, global trade has recovered. The authors have calculated trends in German foreign trade, using a gravitation model. Based on IMF forecasts of global economic performance, the projections show that Germany’s export surplus looks set to reach new highs in the medium term.  相似文献   

- 《Heilberufe》2008,60(1):70-70
Interview mit Oliver Thei?en, Hamburg — Das Gesundheitswesen ist im Umbruch. Pflegekr?fte und Pflegeeinrichtungen müssen sich st?ndig auf Neuerungen einstellen. Unterstützung erhalten sie dabei von der Standard Systeme GmbH, die Prozesse begleitet und L?sungen für den Pflegealltag entwickelt.  相似文献   

Ute Burtke 《Heilberufe》2014,66(9):58-59

Recent economic literature criticises the size and mandate of public broadcasting in Germany. Technological progress has changed the methods of producing and distributing broadcasting content. Traditional broadcasting and print media have converged in a digital environment. Some of the classical arguments for publicly funded broadcasting have become invalid. This article argues that the converging media markets are nonetheless characterised by ongoing market failures, mostly because of positive external effects created by public value content. Markets will underprovide such content, which is why they should be publicly funded. We discuss the scope and form of public broadcasting and conclude that there are still economic reasons for dedicated public service broadcasters to exist.  相似文献   

Die ?konomische Theorie erh?lt durch die empirischen Methoden der Neurowissenschaft neue M?glichkeiten der Erkenntnisgewinnung. Wie unterscheiden sich die Denkmuster der Neurowissenschaft und der ?konomie? Bei welchen ?konomischen Fragestellungen kann die Neurowissenschaft einen Beitrag leisten? Prof. Dr. Birger P. Priddat, 57, ist Pr?sident der Universit?t Witten-Herdecke, Alihan Kabalak, 32, Dipl.-?konom, ist Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Politische ?konomie der Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen.  相似文献   

Is the rise in populism driven by economic issues, e.g. inequality and stagnating incomes, or by social issues, e.g. illiberal views on gender, race and migration? This paper argues that it is impossible to distinguish between the two factors, as social issues have a profound impact on economic issues. Populists make use of this tight link and exploit the inability of mainstream policymakers to address the negative economic impact that open borders for goods, capital and labour have on a large number of people within their countries. The result is the return of economic nationalism, as it seems to provide policymakers with an opportunity to dismantle the policy constraints set by a globalised economy.  相似文献   

尚言  王勇 《三联竞争力》2004,(2):22-22,23-27
2003年A股市场的相对疲弱更加反衬出H股的“牛”,一年之内上涨150%。有人说着价值回归,有人却在提醒泡沫再现,各路资金在这一轮财富神话中角逐  相似文献   

Lenk  Thomas  Glinka  Philipp  Hesse  Mario 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2019,99(3):196-202
Wirtschaftsdienst - The German education system is under enormous pressure to change. In order to prepare the schools for the future and to enable large investment programmes, the federal...  相似文献   

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