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The macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy are analyzed using a Keynesian growth model. Comparative static analysis shows that the long‐run effects of an increase in public spending and a decrease in taxation on economic growth and government budget balance depend on the relative size of marginal propensity to consume and invest and could be positive under certain conditions. Empirical estimates show that consumption and production structure have changed significantly from 1930s to 2007; both positive and negative effects on growth and budget balance of the same fiscal policy are found in different time periods.  相似文献   

Using a simple overlapping generations model with the growth engine of public capital by incorporating the union wage setting, we examine the effects of fiscal policies on unemployment, economic growth and welfare in the imperfect labor market. We demonstrate that the growth‐maximizing tax in the imperfect labor market is larger than that of the perfect labor market. However, as the allocation ratio of public capital increases, the growth‐maximizing tax in the imperfect labor market approaches that of the perfect labor market, thus reducing the unemployment rate. The policy implications of the intergenerational welfare aspects are also mentioned.  相似文献   

通货紧缩 ,内需不足是我国经济目前面临的最大威胁 ,为改变这种现状 ,我国政府已经实施积极的财政政策和货币政策。作者对我国已实施的财政政策和货币政策的理论依据、过程及效应进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

I analyze optimal fiscal policy choices in a continuous time endogenous growth model similar to Barro’s. The government uses income taxes from representative ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ households to finance purchases of productive goods and to make transfer payments to poor households. Increases in government purchases can increase the growth rate, while increases in transfers reduce growth. I examine the socially optimal allocation of government resources to purchases and transfer payments and describe conditions under which both the rich and poor would benefit from cuts in entitlements if the savings are used to finance increased government purchases of productive goods.  相似文献   

张雪峰 《大经贸》2011,(4):95-95
大清海关隶属总理衙门,也就是外交部.海关归外交部管辖,这在世界历史上绝无仅有的,其对晚清政府外交活动的影响和支配,恐怕也是空前绝后. 自汉唐至清初"康乾盛世",中国一直是东亚强国,加上疆域封闭,交通落后,在与外界交往中,素以天朝上国自居,根本无需设置专门的外交机构.鸦片战争后,列强相继侵入,清朝门户顿开,1860年<...  相似文献   

This paper clarifies key differences between Harrodian and Keynesian theories and policies, and develops a classical alternative to both. The stability of the Harrodian warranted path is proved, and the Keynesian paradox of thrift is shown to be transient. Distinct Harrodian fiscal policies are derived, and Post‐Keynesian debates about Harrodian dynamics are addressed. Finally, it is argued that business and household savings are fundamentally different, and it is shown that if the business savings rate responds at all to the investment–savings gap, it becomes possible to have both profit‐driven accumulation as in Keynes and normal capacity growth as in Harrod.  相似文献   

朱三英 《北方经贸》2005,(11):36-38
目前制约民营企业进一步发展的因素是多方面的,其中,政策导向与相关法律制度的不协调成为诸多制约因素中最根本的因素。为更好地促进我国民营企业的发展,政策导向与相关法律必须在制度设计、理论指导和政府角色的定位等方面进行协调。  相似文献   

己丑早春二月,料峭春寒让人明显感到,2009这一年的困难绝不寻常。 然而,在朱炳明的办公室里,水仙花却开得格外欢畅。与这盆水仙花相似的是朱炳明的心情。国际金融危机爆发以来,多少人谈“危”色变,但是,朱炳明却一直保持着他的淡定和自信。  相似文献   

互信、互利、平等、协商,尊重多样文明,谋求共同发展的“上海精神”,越来越具普遍国际意义 2006年6月15日.世界的目光再次聚焦中国上海。在上海合作组织五周年和“上海五国”机制十周年的时刻,黄浦江两岸再次迎来了上海合作组织峰会。这次峰会是一次继往升来、团结合作、富有成果的会议,标志着上海合作组织已进入新的发展时期。  相似文献   

Harry Bloch 《Metroeconomica》2006,57(3):286-302
Josef Steindl offers an innovative dynamic analysis of competition in Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism, with a key role for technical change. However, in his later writings he suggests that he had not gone far enough and that his account was not ‘sufficiently dynamic’, noting particularly his neglect of fundamental issues in technological development. Here, we critically examine the nature of technical change in Steindl’s analysis, pointing to ambiguities and contradictions that arise. Standard characterizations of the nature of technical change are then introduced and used to further integrate technical change into Steindl’s analysis of competition.  相似文献   

此文发稿时,恰逢五一国际劳动节。这天上午,中国2010年上海世博会倒计时一周年暨计时牌启动仪式正在北京天安门广场隆重举行。上海走进了“世博时间”。  相似文献   

王嗣彤 《北方经贸》2005,(7):116-117
股利分配是指公司制企业向股东分派利润,是企业利润分派的一部分,换一个角度也就是企业的内部筹资决策,所以股利决策并非一项独立的财务管理内容。对于企业筹资来讲,最经济的筹资方式就是利用留存收益。在保持目标资本结构的前提下,尽可能利用留存收益来满足投资所需要的权益资本,这将有助于企业选择资本成本最低的筹资方式,从而实现企业价值最大化的目标。  相似文献   

WTO绿箱政策与农业经济结构调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国加入WTO要实行绿箱政策。应充分利用WTO的农业政策与规则,加大政府对农业的支持力度,从根本上增强中国农业与世界同行的竞争力。中国农业应对入世需要解决的主要问题:一是农业体制创新;二是调整农村产业结构;三是加强农业服务;四是农业生产资料的生产和销售;五是减轻农民负担,扩大农民就业。  相似文献   

Marc Lavoie 《Metroeconomica》1995,46(2):146-177
The goal of this article is to make a heuristic and comparative presentation of how the major post-Keynesian models of growth and distribution integrate money, more specifically interest rates, into their framework. Five variants will be considered, all constructed on the basis of the newer Kaleckian model. It will be shown that increases in real interest rates may have surprising effects on effective demand. It will also be shown that accumulation rates and leverage ratios need not move together. The latter finding reinforces a major hypothesis of the analysis, that is, real interest rates are an exogenous distributive variable.  相似文献   

随着我国经济结构的优化和比较优势的逐步转变,许多学者开始质疑加工贸易在我国经济中的积极作用。文章运用可变参数模型、协整分析和Granger因果检验考察了加工贸易在我国经济中的动态影响,加工贸易顺差与我国GDP之间的关系。结果显示加工贸易对我国经济的推动作用不断增强;加工贸易顺差与我国GDP之间存在着稳定的均衡关系,加工贸易顺差每增长1%将会拉动GDP增长0.43%,而且二者互为因果关系,相互推动。因此,加工贸易在我国经济中的积极作用仍然不容忽视,我国应该继续发展加工贸易。  相似文献   

推动服务贸易发展的政策选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈文玲 《国际贸易》2008,(10):14-18
服务贸易发展水平是衡量一个国家经济发展水平和阶段的重要标志,是一个国家国民经济实力和国际竞争力的重要体现,是提高我国对外贸易水平、参与国际分工能力的重要举措。当前,全球服务贸易迅速发展,在全球贸易总量中的比重不断扩大,在世界经济竞争中的作用日益提高,发展服务贸易成为各国关注和竞争的焦点。加快服务贸易发展,进一步发挥服务贸易在转变外贸增长方式、调整产业结构、  相似文献   

王勇 《国际贸易》2009,(3):7-10
编者按:受全球金融危机的影响,2008年中国跨境资本双向流动出现了一些"生物钟"紊乱现象.在这种形势下,中国外商直接投资也呈现出诸如投资连创新高、开始升级换代、流入趋缓以及存在部分撤资等特点.所以,在全球金融危机下,还必须加强对外商直接投资的外汇管理力度.  相似文献   

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