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张和平 《价值工程》2011,30(4):258-259
近一些年我国职业教育规模发展迅速,但是各院校发展参差不齐。高职院校大部分学生英语基础不好,学习目不明确,对英语学习不感兴趣,学习也没有动力,因此在英语教学中多数教师觉得不是很得心应手,教学效果也不十分满意。学生所掌握的英语知识、技能也肯定不如人意。那么就针对高职院校的英语教学状况加以分析思考,提出有效的教学建议,采取可行的英语教学措施,提高职院校的英语教学。  相似文献   

在当今创业大潮中,他们很特殊。与毫无经验和资源的学生创业不同,也与自以为有经验和资源的经理人创业不同,他们已拥有未必圆满的创业体验,如今他们又在进行新的创业。他们很重要,因为他们已深知在创业中什么是对的或是错的,但这笔财富却又未必能在新创业中复制。看他们,我们能更有浓度地体悟创业管理的真谛。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the common stock price reaction at the announcement of the issuance of high-yield straight debt. The two-day announcement period abnormal returns are not different from zero for the 164 bond issues in the sample. No difference is found between announcement period abnormal returns of firms with bonds that default and firms with bonds that do not default. Results from statistical tests indicate that the announcement period abnormal returns are not explained by issuance year, bond-rate class, underwriter, issuance size, takeover activity or prior high-yield debt issuance experience. The findings are not consistent with the models by Miller and Rock (1985), Jensen (1986), Myers and Majluf (1984) and Krasker (1986). However, results indicate that existing stockholders are not harmed or helped by the issuance of the high-yield straight debt.  相似文献   

新人教版教材在实施过程中,中学教师多数对其内容、形式等持肯定态度,但也提出不少异议,如新教材内容编排不合理,例题习题匹配不理想,不适合农村教学,考试与课改不配套,不利于学生巩固知识等。教材实施存在考试评价制约,教师业务水平等原因。  相似文献   

赖剑波 《价值工程》2011,30(30):194-195
新编会计从业资格考试辅导教材"《会计基础》一书,在几个章节中,一些辅导内容与现行的《企业会计准则》不相符合,有的例子无数据填充,说理性不强,有的会计科目错误和账务处理不对,有的文字表述内容欠妥和阐述不清,利润分配计算错误等,直接影响从业资格考试人员对教材的理解和操作,值得商榷与更正。  相似文献   

文章根据长株潭地区低碳物流发展现状,分析了长株潭地区低碳物流发展的障碍,主要表现为:对低碳物流的思想意识薄弱、配套政策不到位、低碳物流技术水平落后、物流企业粗放式经营、对第三方物流的重视程度不够以及区域内物流企业融资困难等,并以此提出了促进长株潭地区低碳物流发展的相关对策。  相似文献   

试论大学生文明礼仪与心理素质的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨勇  周岩 《价值工程》2009,28(9):52-53
在大学校园有许多不知礼、不守礼、不文明的行为,还有许多与大学生的礼仪素养、与精神文明建设极不和谐的现象。通常情况下,这部分人和行为都被视为没有素质、没修养。殊不知有些情况是与大学生不健全的心理素质息息相关的。文中以这部分学生为例,来探讨一下大学生文明礼仪与心理素质之间的关系。  相似文献   

The betting market for the NHL is investigated using actual betting percentages on favorites and underdogs from real sportsbooks. Sportsbooks do not appear to attempt to price to balance the book as betting percentages are not proportional to set odds. As in the NFL and NBA, bettors are shown to have a strong preference for favorites and road favorites in particular. Simple strategies of betting against significant imbalances toward the favorite are shown to generate positive returns. Although not pricing to balance the book, sportsbooks do not appear to price to exploit known bettor biases in all cases. Clear bettor behavioral biases for road favorites are not priced into the odds as the prices set in these cases appear to be a forecast of game outcomes. Pricing as a forecast may ensure long-run viability for the sportsbook as it discourages entry into this market by informed traders and still allows the sportsbook to capture its commission on losing bets over time.  相似文献   

我国的工伤保险制度曾在我国社会保障体系的建立和完善中发挥了重要作用,但经过几年的实践,逐渐显露出一些问题,主要体现在社会保障作用发挥得不够,工伤范围、工伤认定申请程序不合理,工伤赔偿责任与民事侵权责任的关系不明确等方面。  相似文献   

It has become increasingly apparent that the conventional piloting, or pre-testing, of survey questions does not ensure that questions are understood by respondents as researchers intend them to be understood. This has led survey methodologists to advocate the use of indepth testing procedures. While some of the procedures used to identify comprehension problems appear to be reasonably effective, almost all of the procedures used to identify other kinds of problems have not proved to be very useful. Two reasons stand out as explanations for this general lack of success. First, the probes used are themselves not likely to be interpreted in the same way by different respondents. Second, the cognitive psychological assumptions that have suggested many of the procedures may not adequately reflect the processes that underlie the way questions are answered. A number of suggestions are made with the view to making the in-depth testing of survey questions a more profitable exercise.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in allocative efficiency over the period 1960–1961 to 1986–1987 in seven Indian industries, namely refining and manufacture of sugar; petroleum refining; manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides locomotives and parts, locomotives, and cotton textiles. We discover that allocative inefficiency has been non zero in each industry for every year. Allocative inefficiency has not declined over time in those industries where prices are administered, whereas in industries where prices are not administered it has. Industries that are predominantly in the public sector are not necessarily characterized by greater allocative inefficiency than those that are predominantly in the private sector.  相似文献   

现代数字逻辑电路教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨帆 《企业技术开发》2009,28(6):157-158
随着现代数字电子技术的发展,数字逻辑这门课程的教学目标和教学方法也在不断的更新。数字逻辑是一门理论性和实践性都很强的课程,学生在理论课上没有学懂,就不能很好的去指导实践;在实践课上没有弄清硬件结构,就不能去理解理论知识。所以,理论课程和实践课程是相互促进的过程,应从两个方面去教好这门课程。  相似文献   

N. Singh 《Metrika》1970,15(1):149-163
Summary The problem of determining an estimate which may throw some light on the accuracy of a weapon system directed against an attacking aircraft has long been recognized. Although efficient methods are well known to the mathematicians, the personnal assigned to the execution may not know and therefore, may not utilize the raw data to form an efficient estimate. Particularly, its importance is to be realized when the data are not complete. This lead the author to suggest the concept of “Spherical Probable Error” (SPE) [Singh, 1962]. This is the three-dimensional analogue of the probable error of a single variate. In this paper the derivation of SPE is given and various methods of its estimation are discussed from comparison point of view. Also results are obtained when the data are not complete but censored either on one or both tails an account of certain reasons. Various tables are given to obtain easily the unbiasing factors, variance of estimates and relative efficiencies of different estimates, etc.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts assignments to punitive tasks and terminations as alternative incentive devices. The basic question we ask here is: does the threat of assigning employees to a punitive task allow one to attain higher effort levels than termination threats? The answer critically depends on whether employers are able or not to commit themselves not to fire. We show that in the no-commitment case the only relevant incentive device is termination threats. In contrast, when employers commit themselves not to fire, by threatening punitive task reassignments there obtain effort levels that are not implementable by termination. The implementation results are then applied to the study of incentive problems arising when investment infirm-specific human capital is unverifiable.  相似文献   

The best guesses of unknown coefficients specified in Theil's model of introspection are like predictions and not like de Finetti's prevision and therefore not the values taken by random variables. Constrained least squares procedures can be formulated which are free of these difficulties. The ridge estimator is a simple version of a constrained least squares estimator which can be made operational even when little prior information is available. Our operational ridge estimators are nearly minimax and are not less stable than least squares in the presence of high multicollinearity. Finally, we have presented the ridge estimates for the Rotterdam demand model.  相似文献   

高圣新 《价值工程》2012,31(23):26-28
对油田钻机断裂吊钩的宏观形貌、吊钩材质、金相组织和吊钩强度校核几方面进行了研究。其断裂的原因是实际起重载荷与铭牌标注的额定起重载荷不符,吊钩起重量达不到3.2吨;操作者在操作使用过程中使用不当,未完全依照操作规程,出现冲击载荷,导致产生脆断。  相似文献   

This article examines the use of various research designs in the social sciences as well as the choices that are made when a quasi-experimental design is used. A content analysis was carried out on articles published in 18 social science journals with various impact factors. The presence of quasi-experimental studies was investigated as well as choices in the design and analysis stage. It was found that quasi-experimental designs are not very often used in the inspected journals, and when they are applied they are not very well designed and analyzed. These findings suggest that the literature on how to deal with selection bias has not yet found its way to the practice of the applied researcher.  相似文献   

Facility location/allocation problems are encountered in many different areas of management science. The methods presented in the literature are complex and are not easily understood by practitioners who are not trained in the techniques of optimization. Simple heuristic methods are presented in this article. The methods are developed for three different types of uncapacitated problems: (1) unlimited facility capacity with no fixed cost; (2) unlimited facility capacity with a fixed cost for assignment; (3) multiperiod problems. Examples are included to illustrate the basic methods.  相似文献   

We study corporate spinoffs with changes in CEO compensation to examine how spinoffs affect managerial incentive compensation and whether the changes in managerial compensation can explain the value enhancement and operating performance improvements that occur following spinoffs. Analyzing a sample of 124 non-taxable spinoffs during 1990–1997, we find that changes in incentive compensation are a significant motive for spinoffs. Changes in managerial incentives alone are consistent with the post-spinoff changes in operating performance, while changes in business focus are not. Spinoffs that are not accompanied by enhanced pay-performance relationship do not improve operating performance even with increased business focus. (JELG34, J33)  相似文献   

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