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Summary The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of consumer preferences and changes in preferences over time. Consumer preferences are represented by an indirect translog utility function with time-varying preferences that is quadratic in the logarithms of its arguments. We consider a system of demand functions associated with parameter restrictions consistent with the theory. We characterize groupwise separability and groupwise homotheticity of preferences and derive for each set of restrictions on preferences parametric restrictions on the corresponding system of demand functions. Empirical results of the tests, based on time series data for FRG consumption expenditures on three commodity groups — durables, non-durables, and energy — are presented.  相似文献   

Summary. We show the existence of a competitive equilibrium in an economy with many consumers whose preferences may change over time. The demand correspondence of an individual consumer is determined by the set of subgame-perfect equilibrium outcomes in his intrapersonal game. For additively separable preferences with concave period utility functions that are unbounded above, this demand correspondence will satisfy the usual boundary conditions. Whenever consumers can recall their own mixed actions, this correspondence is convex-valued. This ensures the existence of a symmetric competitive equilibrium.Received: 29 July 2004, Revised: 17 November 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D51, D91, C73. Correspondence to: Thomas MariottiWe thank Michele Piccione for useful comments and suggestions. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis or the Federal Reserve System.  相似文献   

Jan Werner 《Economic Theory》2009,41(2):231-246
When uncertainty is associated with some intrinsically relevant states of nature, there is no reason for an agent to base his or her preferences only on probability distribution of claims. We propose a new concept of risk for state-contingent claims that, unlike the standard concept of Rothschild–Stiglitz, does not identify state-contingent claims with their probability distribution. This concept is called mean-independent risk, and we provide a simple characterization in terms of marginal utilities of (non-expected) utility functions that exhibit aversion to mean-independent risk. We study implications of aversion to mean-independent risk on agents’ choices under uncertainty. This research has been supported by the NSF under Grant SES-0099206. I have benefited from numerous conversations with Rose-Anne Dana and illuminating discussions with Tadeusz Miłosz about the theory of subgradients.  相似文献   

The paper studies the two period incomplete markets model where assets are claims on state contingent commodity bundles and there are no bounds on portfolio trading. The important results on the existence of equilibrium in this model assume that there is a finite number of commodities traded in each spot market and that preferences are given by smooth utility functions. With these assumptions an equilibrium exists outside an “exceptional” set of assets structures and initial endowments. The present paper extends these results by allowing for general infinite dimensional commodity spaces in each spot market. These include all the important commodity spaces studied in the literature on the existence of Walrasian equilibrium—in each spot market the consumption sets are the positive cone of an arbitrary locally solid Riesz space or of an ordered topological vector space with order unit or of a locally solid Riesz space with quasi-interior point. The paper establishes that even with our very general commodity spaces there exists an equilibrium for a “very” dense set of assets structures. Our approach is in the main convex analytic and the results do not require that preferences be smooth or complete or transitive. The concepts and techniques studied in this paper have important finite as well as infinite dimensional applications. This paper has benefited from the comments of Martine Quinzii, Wayne Shafer, Manuel Santos and Yeneng Sun. The research of C. D. Aliprantis is supported by the NSF Grants SES-0128039, DMS-0437210, and ACI-0325846. The research of R. Tourky is funded by the Australian Research Council Grant A00103450.  相似文献   

This paper extends the analytical and empirical application of the basic indirect utility function of Houthakker–Hanoch—called the CDES specification (constant differences of elasticities of substitution). The non-homothetic CDES preferences are the natural parametric extension on the global domain of the homothetic CES preferences with many commodities, and CDES can conveniently be used in specifying CGE multisector models with a demand side satisfying observable Engel curve patterns. Moreover, all Marshallian own-price elasticities are no longer restricted to exceed one, and positive and negative cross-price effects are allowed for in empirical demand analyses. Explicit calculations of the Allen elasticities of substitution are instrumental in demonstrating the economic implications of the parameters of indirect utility functions with global regularity properties and flexibility of the derived demand systems.  相似文献   

This paper extends Savage′s subjective expected utility theory to include state-dependent preferences. The dependence of the decision maker′s preferences over consequences on the states of nature is represented by state-specific mappings of the set of consequences onto itself. Within this framework Savage′s postulates are reformulated and it is shown that there exist subjective expected utility representations of the preference relation over acts with unique, nonatomic, probability measure on the algebra of all events, and a state-dependent utility function over the set of consequences. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: D81.  相似文献   

In this note, we demonstrate that the problem of “many-to-one matching with (strict) preferences over colleagues” is actually more difficult than the classical many-to-one matching problem, “matching without preferences over colleagues.” We give an explicit reduction of any problem of the latter type to a problem of the former type. This construction leads to the first algorithm which finds all stable matchings in the setting of “matching without preferences over colleagues,” for any set of preferences. Our construction directly extends to generalized matching settings.  相似文献   

Summary. A fundamental problem in public finance is that of allocating a␣given budget to financing the provision of public goods (education, transportation, police, etc.). In this paper it is established that when␣admissible preferences are those representable by continuous and increasing utility functions, then strategy-proof allocation mechanisms whose (undominated) range contains three or more outcomes are dictatorial on the set of profiles of strictly increasing utility functions, a dense subset of the domain in the topologies commonly used in this context. If admissible utility functions are further restricted to be strictly increasing, or if mechanisms are required to be non-wasteful, then strategy-profness leads to (full) dictatorship. Received: August 14, 1995; revised version: September 25, 1997  相似文献   

This paper deals with an OLG model with production and a single commodity, in which agents are assumed altruistic and the aggregate production function contains external effects. I prove that, if the technology satisfies a minor assumption, which encompasses positive and negative externalities, some curvature conditions on the utility function ensure local determinacy of stationary and period 2 equilibria. I prove that non-separable, strictly concave preferences are a fundamental ingredient for the occurrence of indeterminate equilibria. Finally, considering the case of unbounded growth, I establish that for any utility and production functions a unique balanced growth path is globally determinate.
JEL Classification Numbers: C62, E32  相似文献   

Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides two axiomatic derivations of a case-based decision rule. Each axiomatization shows that, if preference orders over available acts in various contexts satisfy certain consistency requirements, then these orders can be numerically represented by maximization of a similarity-weighted utility function. In each axiomatization, both the similarity function and the utility function are simultaneously derived from preferences, and the axiomatic derivation also suggests a way to elicit these theoretical concepts from in-principle observable preferences. The two axiomatizations differ in the type of decisions that they assume as data. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: D80.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease that affects deer, elk and other cervid wildlife species. Although there is no known link between the consumption of CWD affected meat and human health, hunters are advised to have animals from CWD affected areas tested and are advised against consuming meat from CWD infected animals (Government of Alberta 2010). We model hunter response to the knowledge that deer in a wildlife management unit have been found to have CWD in Alberta, Canada. We examine hunter site choice over two hunting seasons using revealed and stated preference data in models that incorporate preferences, choice set formation, and scale. We compare a fully endogenous choice set model using the independent availability logit model (Swait in Probabilistic choice set formation in transportation demand models. Dissertation, MIT, 1984) with the availability function approach (Cascetta and Papola in Transp Res C 9(4):249–263, 2001) that approximates choice set formation. We find that CWD incidence affects choice set formation and preferences and that ignoring choice set formation would result in biased estimates of impact and welfare measures. This study contributes to the broader recreation demand literature by incorporating choice set formation, scale and temporal impacts into a random utility model of recreation demand.  相似文献   

A government wishes to choose an optimal set of wage rates, but it is uncertain of individual characteristics. All it knows for certain is that each utility function is strictly quasi-concave and that the production function is linear. We assume that it can determine probability distributions, for each individual. of possible utility functions and ability levels. If each of these probability distributions is the same for every individual, expected social welfare is maximised by equalisation of wage rates. But since actual utility functions, and therefore labour supplies, will generally be unequal, incomes will then be unequal.  相似文献   

《Journal of Economic Theory》2001,96(1-2):230-255
We study the determinacy of perfect foresight equilibrium near a steady state in an overlapping generations model with production and both altruistic and non-altruistic agents having distinct utility functions. The proportion of each type of consumer is exogenously given. Our main results show that when there are positive stationary bequests, some standard assumptions on preferences and technology rule out local indeterminacy for any positive value of the proportions. In the particular case of a separable utility function for altruistic agents, we prove that the determinacy property does not depend on the size of the “infinite lived” altruistic dynasties. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C62, D91, O21, O41.  相似文献   

If a decision maker whose behavior conforms to the max-min expected utility model is faced with a scoring rule for a subjective expected utility decision maker, she will always announce a probability belonging to her set of priors; moreover, for any prior in the set, there is a scoring rule inducing the agent to announce that prior. We also show that on the domain of Choquet expected utility preferences with risk neutral lottery evaluation and totally monotone capacities, proper scoring rules do not exist. This implies the non-existence of proper scoring rules for any larger class of preferences (CEU with convex capacities, multiple priors).  相似文献   

We characterize preferences over acts that can be represented by a utility function and a multiple-prior, such that an act f is preferred to act g if there is a prior under which the expected utility induced by f is higher than that induced by g. These preferences are referred to as justifiable preferences. We further introduce a generalized model of ambiguity that involves a collection of multiple-priors, namely, multiple multiple-priors and incorporate Bewley?s Knightian model in justifiability: f is preferred to g if, according to at least one set of priors, f is unanimously preferred to g.  相似文献   

We develop an alternative approach to the general equilibrium analysis of a stochastic production economy when firms’ choices of investment influence the probability distributions of their output. Using a normative approach we derive the criterion that a firm should maximize to obtain a Pareto optimal equilibrium: the criterion expresses the firm’s contribution to the expected social utility of output, and is not the linear criterion of market value. If firms do not know agents utility functions, and are restricted to using the information conveyed by prices then they can construct an approximate criterion which leads to a second-best choice of investment which, in examples, is found to be close to the first best. We are grateful to participants in the 2006 Public Economic Theory Conference, Hanoi, the 2007 CARESS/COWLES workshop on General Equilibrium at Yale University, the 2007 SAET Conference at Kos, Greece, the NSF/NBER 2007 Conference on General Equilibrium at Northwestern University, and seminars at Rice University, the University of Southern California, Indiana University, and U.C. Davis for helpful comments. We particularly thank Jacques Drèze and David Cass for stimulating discussions, and a referee for helpful suggestions for improving the paper.  相似文献   

Systems of Benevolent Utility Functions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies systems of utility functions in which each person's utility depends on his or her own consumption as well as on the utilities of others. We consider the question of when a system of interdependent utility functions induces unique utility functions over allocations and identifies the class of transformations on interdependent utility functions that are equivalent in the sense of inducing the same preferences over allocations. We show that well-behaved systems of this kind can be studied by means of the theory of dominant-diagonal matrices and that the theory of dominant-diagonal matrices with finitely many elements extends in a satisfactory way to denumerable matrices. The theory of denumerable dominant diagonal matrices allows an elegant analysis of systems of intergenerational benevolence. We also revisit and extend the theory of two-sided altruism as formulated by Kimball and by Hori and Kanaya.  相似文献   

We show that every binary and Paretian method for passing from preference profiles to lotteries over preferences is associated with a subadditive function on the set of coalitions of individuals. This function gives the power of each coalition to secure its preference for any x over any y.  相似文献   

The Dynamic Evolution of Preferences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper develops a general methodology for characterizing the dynamic evolution of preferences in a wide class of strategic interactions. We give simple conditions characterizing the limiting distribution of preferences in general games, and apply our results to study the evolutionary emergence of overconfidence and interdependent preferences. We also show that this methodology can be adapted to cases where preferences are only imperfectly observed. Earlier drafts of this paper were circulated under the title: “The Evolution of Perception Biases” and some of these results appeared in the earlier working paper Heifetz, Shannon and Spiegel (2003). We thank three anonymous referees for their helpful comments. Shannon thanks the NSF for research support under grant SES-0351346.  相似文献   

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