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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue:
  • Beyond the Core: Expand Your Market without Abandoning Your Roots


Book Reviews     
《R&D Management》1986,16(1):67-76
Strategic Management of Human Resources A Portfolio Approach . George S. Odione. Jossey Bass Ltd, 1985. £30.75 Hdbk., D. YEO
The Philosophy of Leadership . Christopher Hodgkinson. Basil Blackwell, Publisher, Oxford 1983. pp. 247, £12.50, S. R. EPTON
Current Research in Management . Edited by Valerie Hammond. Published by Frances Pinter, London and Dover, 1985, pp. 265, DOUG LOVEDAY
Foresight in Science—Picking The Winners . J. Irvine and B. R. Martin. Francis Pinter, London, 1984. £12.50, S. R. POSTLE
Capital Investment Selection . Johan G. Wissema. Francis Pinter, London. 1985. £17.50, T. W. McRAE
The Environment for Entrepreneurship . Calvin A. Kent. Lexington Books, Gower Publishing Company Limited. 1984. Hardback £22.00. 190 pages, GEORGE HAYWARD
R&D, Patents, and Productivity . Edited by Zvi Griliches. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. 1984. Hardback £46.00. 512 pages, GEORGE HAYWARD
Innovation and Technology Transfer for the Growing Firm: Text and Cases . Julian Lowe and Nick Crawford, School of Management, University of Bath. Pergamon Press. 1984. Hardback £11.50. 226 pages, GEORGE HAYWARD
Aspects of Japanese Commercial Innovation . Rodney Clark. Technical Change Centre, London, 1984., S. A. BERGEN
The Marketing of Technology , This is an addition to the IEE Management of Technology Series published by Peter Peregrinus Ltd. 1984. The Series Editor is G. A. Montgomerie, an earnest of informed and workmanlike texts. Price £15 UK, $38 Americas, £19 elsewhere., S. A. BERGEN
Improving leadership effectiveness: the leader match concept . Fred E. Fiedler and Martin M. Chemers, 2nd edition. J, Wiley, New York. 1984. £10.60, ROY PAYNE
The Trouble with Technology: Explorations in the Process of Technological Change . S. MacDonald, D. McL. Lamberton, T. D. Mandeville, (eds.). 1983. London: Frances Pinter, P. P. SAVIOTTI  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《R&D Management》1983,13(4):265-267

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Keith Grint and Steve Woolgarr, The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Organization Paul Stewart (ed), Beyond Japanese Management: The End of Modern Times? R. Katz (ed), The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation D. Archibugi and J. Michie (eds), Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance P. Bloomfield, R. Coombs, D. Knights and D. Littler (eds), Information Technology and Organisations: Strategies, Network and Integration Bryn Jones, Forcing the Factory of the Future  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Gallie, Duncan, White, Michael, Cheng, Yan and Tomlinson, Mark Restructuring the Employment Relationship Tilly, Chris and Tilly, Charles Work under Capitalism Rees, Teresa Mainstreaming Equality in the European Union: Education, Training and Labour Market Policies Wajcman, Judy Managing Like a Man: Women and Men in Corporate Management Perrson, Inga and Jonung, Christina (eds) Women’s Work and Wages Brewster, Chris and Harris, Hilary (eds) International HRM: Contemporary Issues in Europe Heller, Frank, Pusic, Eugene, Strauss, George and Wilpert, Bernhard Organizational Participation: Myth and Reality Neumann, Jean, Kellner, Kamil and Dawson‐Shepherd, Andraea (eds) Developing Organisational Consultancy Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT) Australia at Work: Just Managing?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Mark Cully, Stephen Woodland, Andrew O’Reilly, and Gill Dix, Britain at Work, as Depicted by the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey Neil Millward, Alex Bryson, and John Forth, All Change at Work? British Employment Relations 1980–1998, as portrayed by the Workplace Industrial Relations Survey Series  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Jared Bernstein Contingent Work: American Employment Relations in Transition Michael Rose Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy Jonathan Winterton Heroic Defeats: The Politics of Job Loss John Saville A Life on the Left Catherine Hakim Part-Time Prospects: An International Comparison of Part-Time Work in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim Andreas Wittel The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism John Benson HRM, Technical Workers and the Multinational Corporation Marco C. de Witte New Forms of Work Organisation: Can Europe Realise its Potential?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Bernhard Ebbinghaus Changing Industial Relations in Europe
Philip Hanson Structural Adjustment without Mass Unemployment
Howard Glennerster Just Institutions Matter: The Moral and Political Logic of the Universal Welfare State
Teresa Rees Social Change and Innovation in the Labour Market
Marek Korczynski The Cultural Crisis of the Firm
Ian Miles Forcing the Factory of the Future, Cybernation and Societal Institutions
John Tomaney The MacDonaldization Thesis
Michael Power The Quest for Responsibility: Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organizations
Patrick McGovern New Directions for Organization Theory: Problems and Prospects
Cliff Oswick Research in Organizational Behavior
Chris Rees Managing with Total Quality Management: Theory and Practice  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Case for Worker Co-ops, R. Oakeshott, Routledge and Kegan Paul
Socialism and Shop Floor Power, by A. Fox
Industrial Relations in the Coal Industry, by B. J. McCormick
Independent Collier: The Coal Miner as Archetypal Proletarian Reconsidered, edited by Royden Harrison
The Sweated Trades: Outwork in Nineteenth Century Britain, by Duncan Bythell
Domination, Legitimation and Resistance: The Incorporation of the Nineteenth Century Working Class, by Francis Hearn
The Future with Microelectronics, by lann Barron and Ray Curnow
European Labour and Multinationals, by Paul J. Weinberg
The Politics of Information: Problems of Policy in Modern Media, by Anthony Smith
The Psychoanalysis of Organisations, by Robert de Board
The Politics of the Firm, by Leonard Tivey, Martin Robertson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Sabotage: A Study in Industrial Conflict , by Geoff Brown
Industry and Labour: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism , by Andrew L. Friedman
Work, Culture and Society in Industrializing America. Essays in American Working-Class and Social history , by Hubert G. Gutman
In Search of the New Working Class: Automation and Social Integration within the Capitalist Enterprise , by D. Gallic
Class, Race, and Worker Insurgency: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers , by James A. Geschwender
The Personnel Managers: a study in the sociology of work and employment , by Tony J. Watson
* K. Legge (1978) Power, Innovation and Problem-Solving in Personnel Management. McGraw-Hill
Developing Teams and Organizations: A Practical Handbook for Managers and Consultants , by Uri Merry and Melvin E. Allerhand
Wage-Price Controls and Labour Market Distortions , by Daniel J. B. Mitchell and Ross E. Azevedo
Labour Shortages and Economic Analysis , by Barry Thomas and David Deaton
South African Trade Unions — History, Legislation, Policy , by M. A. Du Toit  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Marshall, Marx and Modern Times by Clark Kerr
The Afluent Worker in the Class Structure by John H
Work and Community: The Scott Bader Commonwealth and the Quest for a New Social Order by Fred H. Blum
Stevedores and Dockers: a Study of Trade Unionism in the Port of London, 1870–1914 by John Lovell
Coalition Bargaining: A Study of Union Tactics and Public Policy by William N. Chernish
Employment Grievances and Disputes Procedures in Britain by K. W. Wedderburn and P. L. Davies
Labour Law by J. B. Cronin and R. P. Grime
Planning in Eat Eurobe by M. C. Kaser and Janusz G. Zielinski
Corporate Long Range Planning edited by Basil Denning
Organisational Development. Case Studies in the Printing Industry by P. J. Sadler and B. A. Barry
Communication in an Expanding Organisation. A Case Study in Action Research by Eric Moonman
Human Resources Administration: Problems of Growth and Change by William
Leadership Change and Work-Group Dynamics: an Experiment by Ned A. Rosen
The Practice of Personnel Management by David Barber  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889 by H. A. Clegg
The Fawley Productivity Agreements by Allan Flanders
White-Collar Redundancy: A Case Study by Dorothy Wedderburn
Standards for Morale – Cause and Effect in Hospitals by R. W. Revans
Training within the Organization. A Study of Company Policy & Procedures for the Systematic Training of Operators and Supervisors by David King
Performance Appraisal, Research and Practice by Thomas L. Whisler and Shirley F. Harper (eds.)
Industrial Sociology: The Sociology of Work Organizations by Delbert C. Miller and William H. Form
Human Elements of Administration by Harry R. Knudson, Jr. Holt
The Management of Ineffective Performance by J. B. Miner. McGraw-Hill
Man, Industry and Society by Rodger Charles
The Economics of the Colour Bar by W. H. Hutt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
New Horizons For American Labor by Joseph A. Beirne
The Use and Abuse of Trade Unions by Arthur Bottomley
The Quest for Industrial Peace by David L. Cole. McGraw-Hill
The Economics of Labor by E. H. Phelps Brown
The Practice of Collective Bargaining by E. F. Beal and E. D. Wickersham. Richard D
Collective Bargaining, Principles, Practices, Cases by Maurice S. Trotta
Labor and Industrial Society by Abraham L. Gitlow. Richard D
Labor Relations in the Lithographic Industry of North America by F. C. Munson.
Readings in Organization and Management , H. Madeheim, E. M. Mazze, C. S. Stein (eds.)
A History of British Trade Unionism by Henry Pelling
National Labor Movements in the Postwar World , Everett M. Kassalow (ed.)
The Irish in Britain by J. A. Jackson
Die Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer an der öffentlichen Gewalt by Raymund Krisam
Work Study and Payment by Results , published by the TUC  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Geographical and Occupational Mobility of Workers in the Aircraft and Electronics Industries -Regional Trade Union Seminar, (i) Final Report and (ii) Supplement to Final Report O.E.C.D.
Urban Worker Mobility by Lawrence C. Hunter and Graham L. Reid
Wage Drift, Fringe Benefits and Manpower Distribution by Derek Robinson
White and Blue Collars in a Mill Shutdown , by F. F. Foltman.
The Police: a study in manpower by J. P. Martin and Gail Wilson.
Varieties of Police Behaviour: the management of law and order in eight communities by James Q. Wilson.
The Other Workn by Arthur M. Whitehall, Jr. and Shinichi Takezawa.
The Recruitment Function by Roger H. Hawk.
Recruitment and Selection in a Full Employment Economy by R. A. Denerley and P. R. Plumbley.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
David Holman, Toby D. Wall, Chris W. Clegg, Paul Sparrow and Ann Howard. The New Workplace: A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices.
Andy Danford, Mike Richardson and Martin Upchurch. New Unions, New Workplaces: A Study of Union Resilience in the Restructured Workplace.
Gregor Murray, Jacques Bélanger, Anthony Giles and Paul-André Lapointe. Work and Employment Relations in the High-Performance Workplace.
Deborah M. Figart, Ellen Mutari and Marilyn Power. Living Wages, Equal Wages: Gender and Labor Market Policies in the United States.
Pete Alcock, Christina Beatty, Stephen Fothergill, Rob Macmillan and Sue Yeandle. Work to Welfare: How Men Become Detached from the Labour Market.
Steve Jefferys. Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité at Work. Changing French Employment Relations and Management.
Gregor Gall. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Union Organizing: Campaigning for Trade Union Recognition.
Mateo Alaluf and Carlos Prieto. Collective Bargaining and the Social Construction of Employment.
Peter Boxall and John Purcell. Strategy and Human Resource Management.
Lawrence R. James and Michelle D. Mazerolle. Personality in Work Organizations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
New Collective Forms of Work Organization in Eastern Europe edited by L. Hethy, M. Lado and J. E. M. Thirkell
Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Co-operation in Italy edited by F. Pyke, G. Becattini and W. Sengenberger
The Re-emergence of Small Enterprises: Industrial Restructuring in Industrialized Countries edited by W. Sengenberger, G. W. Loveman and M. J. Piore
Women Assemble: Women Workers and the New Industries in Inter-war Britain , by Miriam Glucksmann
British Social Attitudes: The 7th Report edited by Roger Jowell, Sharon Witherspoon and Lindsay Brook
The Attlee and Churchill Administrations and Industrial Unrest, 1945–1955: A Study in Consensus by Justin Davis. Smith Pinter
US Hegemony under Siege: Class, Politics and Development in Latin America by James Petras and Morris Morley
Butterworth's Employment Law Handbook, 5th edn. , edited by Peter Wallington
European Industrial Relations: The Challenge of Flexibility edited by Guido Baglioni and Colin Crouch
Trade Unions and their Members: Studies in Union Democracy and Organization edited by Patricia Fosh and Edmund Heery
A History of the National Graphical Association by John Gennard
Changing Job Structures. Techniques for the Design of New Jobs and Organizations by Michael Cross
The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation edited by Ray Loveridge and Martyn Pitt
Industrial Training and Technological Innovation: A Comparative and Historical Study edited by Howard Gospel
Improving Incentives for the Low Paid edited by Alex Bowen and Ken Mayhew
The Economics of Human Resource Management edited by Daniel J. B. Mitchell and Mahmood A. Zaidi
Macroeconomics and The Wage Bargain: A Modern Approach to Employment, Inflation and the Exchange Rate by Wendy Carlin and David Soskice
Inflation and Unemployment: Macroeconomics with a Range of Equilibria by Ian M. MacDonald  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Japan's Reshaping of American Labor Law, by William B. Gould Women and Employment: A Lifetime Perspective (The report of the 1980 DE/OPCS Women and Employment Survey) by Jean Martin and Ceridwen Roberts Sex Discrimination and Equal Opportunity: The Labour Market and Employment Policy, edited by Gunther Schmid and Renate Weitzel White-Collar Proletariat, Deskilling and Gender in Clerical Work by R. Crompton and G. Jones The Management Implications of New Information Technology, edited by Nigel Piercy Order and Conflict in Contemporary Capitalism, edited by John H. Goldthorpe Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies: a study of Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan and the USA, edited by T. Hanami and R. Blanpain International Yearbook of Organisational Democracy. Vol 2, International Perspectives on Organisational Democracy, edited by Berhard Wilpert and Arndt Sorge Cooperation at Work: The Mondragon Experience by Keith Bradley and Alan Gelb The View from Cowley: The Impact of Industrialization upon Oxford 1919-39 by R. C. Whiting Unions and politics in Mexico: The case of the automobile industry by Ian Roxborough Labour and Leisure in the Soviety Union by William Moskoff What Do Unions Do? by Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff  相似文献   

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